path: root/.idea
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-021200: rename everything to AdvancedPrivacyGuillaume Jacquart
2022-12-205538 notifications for fake loc ipscramblingGuillaume Jacquart
2022-05-06Add support for auto adapt text color in light mode for widgetNishith Khanna
2021-05-12Add script to build, sign and install apk as system appAmit Kumar
2021-05-10Add API integrationSeweryn Fornalik
2021-05-07Reformat codeAmit Kumar
2021-05-07Remove misc.xmlAmit Kumar
2021-05-07Add mapview to pick location from mapAmit Kumar
2021-05-05Add google-java-format config xml into gitignoreAmit Kumar
2021-04-29Add Home featureAmit Kumar
2021-04-28Initialize kotlin flow based mvi libraryAmit Kumar
2021-04-27Make pre-commit executableAmit Kumar
2021-04-27Initial setupAmit Kumar