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-0.1875,0.1875 -0.445313,0.335937 -0.765625,0.4375 C 3.320312,-0.0351562 3,0 2.59375,0 H 0.546875 Z m 1.09375,0.921875 v 3.578125 h 0.8125 c 0.300781,0 0.519531,-0.019531 0.65625,-0.0625 0.175781,-0.039062 0.320313,-0.113281 0.4375,-0.21875 0.113281,-0.101562 0.207031,-0.273438 0.28125,-0.515625 0.082031,-0.25 0.125,-0.582031 0.125,-1 0,-0.414063 -0.042969,-0.734375 -0.125,-0.953125 -0.074219,-0.226562 -0.179687,-0.40625 -0.3125,-0.53125 -0.125,-0.125 -0.292969,-0.207031 -0.5,-0.25 C 2.867188,-4.46875 2.570312,-4.484375 2.125,-4.484375 Z m 0,0" + id="path66" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-21"> + <path + d="M -0.015625,0.09375 1.328125,-5.5 h 0.78125 L 0.75,0.09375 Z m 0,0" + id="path69" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-22"> + <path + d="M 0.25,1.59375 C 0.457031,1.15625 0.601562,0.816406 0.6875,0.578125 0.769531,0.347656 0.847656,0.0820312 0.921875,-0.21875 c 0.070313,-0.3125 0.125,-0.601562 0.15625,-0.875 C 1.109375,-1.363281 1.125,-1.644531 1.125,-1.9375 1.125,-2.519531 1.0625,-3.070312 0.9375,-3.59375 0.8125,-4.113281 0.582031,-4.75 0.25,-5.5 h 0.703125 c 0.363281,0.53125 0.648437,1.09375 0.859375,1.6875 0.207031,0.59375 0.3125,1.195312 0.3125,1.796875 0,0.523437 -0.085938,1.074219 -0.25,1.65625 C 1.695312,0.296875 1.394531,0.945312 0.96875,1.59375 Z m 0,0" + id="path72" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-23"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.90625 h 0.5625 v -0.296875 c 0,-0.332031 0.035156,-0.578125 0.109375,-0.734375 C 0.835938,-5.101562 0.96875,-5.238281 1.15625,-5.34375 1.34375,-5.445312 1.582031,-5.5 1.875,-5.5 c 0.289062,0 0.578125,0.046875 0.859375,0.140625 l -0.140625,0.71875 c -0.167969,-0.039063 -0.324219,-0.0625 -0.46875,-0.0625 -0.15625,0 -0.265625,0.039063 -0.328125,0.109375 -0.0625,0.074219 -0.09375,0.210938 -0.09375,0.40625 v 0.28125 H 2.46875 v 0.8125 H 1.703125 V 0 H 0.65625 v -3.09375 h -0.5625 z m 0,0" + id="path75" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-24"> + <path + d="M 1.265625,0 0.03125,-3.90625 h 1.015625 l 0.71875,2.5625 0.6875,-2.5625 h 1 l 0.640625,2.5625 0.75,-2.5625 H 5.859375 L 4.609375,0 h -1 L 2.9375,-2.515625 2.28125,0 Z m 0,0" + id="path78" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-25"> + <path + d="m 0.546875,0 v -5.40625 h 1.75 c 0.664063,0 1.097656,0.027344 1.296875,0.078125 0.3125,0.085937 0.570312,0.261719 0.78125,0.53125 0.207031,0.273437 0.3125,0.625 0.3125,1.0625 0,0.324219 -0.0625,0.601563 -0.1875,0.828125 -0.117188,0.230469 -0.265625,0.414062 -0.453125,0.546875 -0.1875,0.125 -0.375,0.210937 -0.5625,0.25 C 3.222656,-2.054688 2.84375,-2.03125 2.34375,-2.03125 H 1.640625 V 0 Z m 1.09375,-4.484375 v 1.53125 h 0.59375 c 0.425781,0 0.710937,-0.023437 0.859375,-0.078125 0.144531,-0.0625 0.257812,-0.148438 0.34375,-0.265625 0.082031,-0.125 0.125,-0.265625 0.125,-0.421875 0,-0.195312 -0.058594,-0.359375 -0.171875,-0.484375 -0.117187,-0.132813 -0.261719,-0.21875 -0.4375,-0.25 -0.136719,-0.019531 -0.398437,-0.03125 -0.78125,-0.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path81" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-26"> + <path + d="M 0.171875,-1.109375 1.21875,-1.28125 c 0.039062,0.210938 0.128906,0.367188 0.265625,0.46875 0.132813,0.105469 0.320313,0.15625 0.5625,0.15625 0.269531,0 0.472656,-0.050781 0.609375,-0.15625 C 2.75,-0.875 2.796875,-0.960938 2.796875,-1.078125 2.796875,-1.160156 2.769531,-1.226562 2.71875,-1.28125 2.664062,-1.332031 2.550781,-1.378906 2.375,-1.421875 c -0.835938,-0.175781 -1.367188,-0.34375 -1.59375,-0.5 -0.304688,-0.207031 -0.453125,-0.5 -0.453125,-0.875 0,-0.34375 0.128906,-0.628906 0.390625,-0.859375 C 0.988281,-3.882812 1.40625,-4 1.96875,-4 2.5,-4 2.894531,-3.910156 3.15625,-3.734375 3.414062,-3.566406 3.597656,-3.3125 3.703125,-2.96875 L 2.71875,-2.78125 C 2.675781,-2.9375 2.597656,-3.050781 2.484375,-3.125 c -0.117187,-0.082031 -0.28125,-0.125 -0.5,-0.125 -0.273437,0 -0.464844,0.039062 -0.578125,0.109375 -0.085938,0.054687 -0.125,0.121094 -0.125,0.203125 0,0.074219 0.035156,0.136719 0.109375,0.1875 0.09375,0.074219 0.414063,0.171875 0.96875,0.296875 0.550781,0.125 0.9375,0.277344 1.15625,0.453125 0.207031,0.1875 0.3125,0.449219 0.3125,0.78125 0,0.355469 -0.152344,0.664062 -0.453125,0.921875 -0.292969,0.2617188 -0.734375,0.390625 -1.328125,0.390625 -0.53125,0 -0.953125,-0.109375 -1.265625,-0.328125 -0.304688,-0.21875 -0.507812,-0.507813 -0.609375,-0.875 z m 0,0" + id="path84" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-27"> + <path + d="M 4.09375,0 H 3.0625 V -2 C 3.0625,-2.414062 3.039062,-2.6875 3,-2.8125 2.957031,-2.9375 2.882812,-3.03125 2.78125,-3.09375 2.6875,-3.164062 2.566406,-3.203125 2.421875,-3.203125 2.242188,-3.203125 2.082031,-3.15625 1.9375,-3.0625 1.800781,-2.96875 1.703125,-2.835938 1.640625,-2.671875 1.585938,-2.503906 1.5625,-2.203125 1.5625,-1.765625 V 0 H 0.53125 V -3.90625 H 1.5 v 0.5625 C 1.84375,-3.78125 2.269531,-4 2.78125,-4 c 0.226562,0 0.4375,0.042969 0.625,0.125 0.195312,0.085938 0.34375,0.1875 0.4375,0.3125 0.09375,0.125 0.15625,0.273438 0.1875,0.4375 0.039062,0.15625 0.0625,0.386719 0.0625,0.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path87" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-0-28"> + <path + d="M 0.453125,0.265625 1.625,0.40625 c 0.019531,0.132812 0.066406,0.226562 0.140625,0.28125 0.09375,0.070312 0.25,0.109375 0.46875,0.109375 0.269531,0 0.472656,-0.042969 0.609375,-0.125 C 2.925781,0.617188 2.992188,0.53125 3.046875,0.40625 3.078125,0.320312 3.09375,0.164062 3.09375,-0.0625 V -0.640625 C 2.78125,-0.210938 2.390625,0 1.921875,0 1.390625,0 0.972656,-0.222656 0.671875,-0.671875 0.429688,-1.015625 0.3125,-1.453125 0.3125,-1.984375 c 0,-0.65625 0.15625,-1.15625 0.46875,-1.5 C 1.09375,-3.828125 1.484375,-4 1.953125,-4 2.441406,-4 2.84375,-3.785156 3.15625,-3.359375 V -3.90625 H 4.125 v 3.5 C 4.125,0.0625 4.085938,0.40625 4.015625,0.625 3.941406,0.851562 3.832031,1.03125 3.6875,1.15625 3.550781,1.289062 3.367188,1.394531 3.140625,1.46875 c -0.230469,0.082031 -0.523437,0.125 -0.875,0.125 -0.65625,0 -1.125,-0.117188 -1.40625,-0.34375 C 0.578125,1.019531 0.4375,0.734375 0.4375,0.390625 c 0,-0.042969 0.003906,-0.085937 0.015625,-0.125 z M 1.375,-2.03125 c 0,0.40625 0.078125,0.710938 0.234375,0.90625 0.164063,0.1875 0.363281,0.28125 0.59375,0.28125 0.257813,0 0.472656,-0.097656 0.640625,-0.296875 0.175781,-0.195313 0.265625,-0.488281 0.265625,-0.875 0,-0.40625 -0.085937,-0.703125 -0.25,-0.890625 -0.167969,-0.195312 -0.382813,-0.296875 -0.640625,-0.296875 -0.242188,0 -0.445312,0.101563 -0.609375,0.296875 -0.15625,0.1875 -0.234375,0.480469 -0.234375,0.875 z m 0,0" + id="path90" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-0"> + <path + d="M 0.75,0 V -3.765625 H 3.765625 V 0 Z M 0.84375,-0.09375 H 3.671875 V -3.671875 H 0.84375 Z m 0,0" + id="path93" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-1"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,0 v -4.3125 h 1.84375 c 0.457031,0 0.789062,0.042969 1,0.125 0.207031,0.074219 0.375,0.210938 0.5,0.40625 0.125,0.199219 0.1875,0.421875 0.1875,0.671875 0,0.324219 -0.09375,0.59375 -0.28125,0.8125 -0.1875,0.210937 -0.476562,0.339844 -0.859375,0.390625 0.1875,0.117188 0.34375,0.242188 0.46875,0.375 0.125,0.125 0.289063,0.355469 0.5,0.6875 L 4.328125,0 H 3.28125 l -0.625,-0.9375 C 2.425781,-1.269531 2.269531,-1.476562 2.1875,-1.5625 2.101562,-1.65625 2.015625,-1.71875 1.921875,-1.75 1.835938,-1.78125 1.691406,-1.796875 1.484375,-1.796875 H 1.3125 V 0 Z m 0.875,-2.484375 h 0.640625 c 0.414063,0 0.675781,-0.015625 0.78125,-0.046875 0.101563,-0.039062 0.1875,-0.101562 0.25,-0.1875 0.0625,-0.09375 0.09375,-0.203125 0.09375,-0.328125 0,-0.144531 -0.042969,-0.257813 -0.125,-0.34375 C 2.878906,-3.484375 2.769531,-3.546875 2.625,-3.578125 2.5625,-3.585938 2.351562,-3.59375 2,-3.59375 H 1.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path96" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-2"> + <path + d="m 2.25,-1 0.8125,0.140625 C 2.957031,-0.554688 2.789062,-0.320312 2.5625,-0.15625 2.332031,0 2.046875,0.078125 1.703125,0.078125 1.160156,0.078125 0.757812,-0.101562 0.5,-0.46875 0.289062,-0.75 0.1875,-1.109375 0.1875,-1.546875 0.1875,-2.054688 0.320312,-2.457031 0.59375,-2.75 0.863281,-3.050781 1.207031,-3.203125 1.625,-3.203125 c 0.46875,0 0.832031,0.15625 1.09375,0.46875 0.269531,0.304687 0.398438,0.773437 0.390625,1.40625 h -2.0625 c 0,0.25 0.0625,0.445313 0.1875,0.578125 0.132813,0.136719 0.296875,0.203125 0.484375,0.203125 0.125,0 0.226562,-0.035156 0.3125,-0.109375 C 2.125,-0.726562 2.195312,-0.84375 2.25,-1 Z M 2.296875,-1.828125 C 2.285156,-2.066406 2.21875,-2.25 2.09375,-2.375 1.976562,-2.5 1.835938,-2.5625 1.671875,-2.5625 c -0.179687,0 -0.324219,0.0625 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.125,0.136719 -0.1875,0.320312 -0.1875,0.546875 z m 0,0" + id="path99" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-3"> + <path + d="m 0.359375,0.203125 0.9375,0.125 c 0.019531,0.101563 0.054687,0.175781 0.109375,0.21875 0.082031,0.0625 0.207031,0.09375 0.375,0.09375 C 2,0.640625 2.160156,0.601562 2.265625,0.53125 2.335938,0.488281 2.394531,0.421875 2.4375,0.328125 c 0.019531,-0.0625 0.03125,-0.1875 0.03125,-0.375 V -0.5 c -0.25,0.335938 -0.5625,0.5 -0.9375,0.5 -0.417969,0 -0.75,-0.175781 -1,-0.53125 C 0.34375,-0.8125 0.25,-1.160156 0.25,-1.578125 c 0,-0.53125 0.125,-0.929687 0.375,-1.203125 0.25,-0.28125 0.5625,-0.421875 0.9375,-0.421875 0.382812,0 0.707031,0.171875 0.96875,0.515625 V -3.125 h 0.765625 v 2.796875 c 0,0.375 -0.03125,0.648437 -0.09375,0.828125 C 3.140625,0.6875 3.050781,0.832031 2.9375,0.9375 2.832031,1.039062 2.6875,1.117188 2.5,1.171875 c -0.179688,0.0625 -0.40625,0.09375 -0.6875,0.09375 -0.53125,0 -0.90625,-0.09375 -1.125,-0.28125 C 0.46875,0.804688 0.359375,0.582031 0.359375,0.3125 c 0,-0.03125 0,-0.070312 0,-0.109375 z M 1.09375,-1.625 c 0,0.335938 0.0625,0.578125 0.1875,0.734375 0.132812,0.148437 0.296875,0.21875 0.484375,0.21875 0.195313,0 0.363281,-0.078125 0.5,-0.234375 0.144531,-0.15625 0.21875,-0.390625 0.21875,-0.703125 0,-0.320313 -0.070313,-0.5625 -0.203125,-0.71875 -0.136719,-0.15625 -0.304688,-0.234375 -0.5,-0.234375 -0.199219,0 -0.367188,0.078125 -0.5,0.234375 -0.125,0.148437 -0.1875,0.382813 -0.1875,0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path102" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-4"> + <path + d="M 0.4375,-3.546875 V -4.3125 h 0.828125 v 0.765625 z M 0.4375,0 V -3.125 H 1.265625 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path105" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-5"> + <path + d="m 0.140625,-0.890625 0.828125,-0.125 c 0.039062,0.15625 0.113281,0.277344 0.21875,0.359375 0.101562,0.085938 0.253906,0.125 0.453125,0.125 0.21875,0 0.378906,-0.035156 0.484375,-0.109375 0.070312,-0.0625 0.109375,-0.132813 0.109375,-0.21875 0,-0.0625 -0.023437,-0.113281 -0.0625,-0.15625 C 2.128906,-1.054688 2.035156,-1.09375 1.890625,-1.125 1.222656,-1.28125 0.800781,-1.414062 0.625,-1.53125 0.375,-1.695312 0.25,-1.929688 0.25,-2.234375 c 0,-0.269531 0.101562,-0.5 0.3125,-0.6875 0.21875,-0.1875 0.554688,-0.28125 1.015625,-0.28125 0.425781,0 0.742187,0.074219 0.953125,0.21875 0.207031,0.136719 0.347656,0.339844 0.421875,0.609375 l -0.78125,0.15625 C 2.140625,-2.34375 2.078125,-2.4375 1.984375,-2.5 1.890625,-2.570312 1.757812,-2.609375 1.59375,-2.609375 c -0.21875,0 -0.375,0.03125 -0.46875,0.09375 -0.0625,0.042969 -0.09375,0.101563 -0.09375,0.171875 0,0.0625 0.023438,0.117188 0.078125,0.15625 0.070313,0.054688 0.328125,0.132812 0.765625,0.234375 0.445312,0.09375 0.753906,0.214844 0.921875,0.359375 0.175781,0.148438 0.265625,0.351562 0.265625,0.609375 0,0.292969 -0.121094,0.542969 -0.359375,0.75 -0.242187,0.2109375 -0.59375,0.3125 -1.0625,0.3125 C 1.210938,0.078125 0.875,-0.0078125 0.625,-0.1875 0.375,-0.363281 0.210938,-0.597656 0.140625,-0.890625 Z m 0,0" + id="path108" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-6"> + <path + d="m 1.859375,-3.125 v 0.65625 h -0.5625 v 1.265625 c 0,0.25 0.00391,0.398437 0.015625,0.4375 0.00781,0.042969 0.035156,0.078125 0.078125,0.109375 0.039063,0.03125 0.085937,0.046875 0.140625,0.046875 0.070312,0 0.179688,-0.023437 0.328125,-0.078125 L 1.9375,-0.046875 c -0.199219,0.0820312 -0.417969,0.125 -0.65625,0.125 C 1.132812,0.078125 1,0.0507812 0.875,0 0.757812,-0.0507812 0.671875,-0.113281 0.609375,-0.1875 0.554688,-0.269531 0.519531,-0.378906 0.5,-0.515625 0.476562,-0.617188 0.46875,-0.816406 0.46875,-1.109375 V -2.46875 h -0.375 V -3.125 h 0.375 V -3.75 L 1.296875,-4.234375 V -3.125 Z m 0,0" + id="path111" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-7"> + <path + d="M 1.21875,0 H 0.390625 v -3.125 h 0.78125 v 0.4375 c 0.125,-0.207031 0.238281,-0.34375 0.34375,-0.40625 0.101563,-0.070312 0.222656,-0.109375 0.359375,-0.109375 0.1875,0 0.367188,0.054687 0.546875,0.15625 l -0.25,0.71875 c -0.148437,-0.082031 -0.277344,-0.125 -0.390625,-0.125 -0.117188,0 -0.214844,0.03125 -0.296875,0.09375 -0.085937,0.0625 -0.152344,0.179687 -0.203125,0.34375 C 1.238281,-1.847656 1.21875,-1.5 1.21875,-0.96875 Z m 0,0" + id="path114" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-8" /> + <g + id="glyph-1-9"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,0 v -4.3125 h 2.96875 v 0.71875 H 1.3125 V -2.5625 H 3.125 v 0.734375 H 1.3125 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path118" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-10"> + <path + d="M 0.4375,0 V -4.3125 H 1.265625 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path121" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-11"> + <path + d="m 0.421875,0 v -4.3125 h 1.3125 l 0.78125,2.9375 0.78125,-2.9375 H 4.59375 V 0 H 3.78125 V -3.40625 L 2.9375,0 H 2.09375 L 1.234375,-3.40625 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path124" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-12"> + <path + d="m 0.375,-3.125 h 0.765625 v 0.421875 c 0.269531,-0.332031 0.59375,-0.5 0.96875,-0.5 0.195313,0 0.367187,0.042969 0.515625,0.125 0.144531,0.085937 0.265625,0.210937 0.359375,0.375 0.144531,-0.164063 0.296875,-0.289063 0.453125,-0.375 0.15625,-0.082031 0.328125,-0.125 0.515625,-0.125 0.226563,0 0.421875,0.046875 0.578125,0.140625 0.15625,0.09375 0.273438,0.234375 0.359375,0.421875 C 4.941406,-2.515625 4.96875,-2.300781 4.96875,-2 V 0 H 4.140625 v -1.78125 c 0,-0.3125 -0.027344,-0.515625 -0.078125,-0.609375 C 3.976562,-2.503906 3.859375,-2.5625 3.703125,-2.5625 c -0.117187,0 -0.226563,0.039062 -0.328125,0.109375 -0.105469,0.0625 -0.179688,0.167969 -0.21875,0.3125 C 3.113281,-2.003906 3.09375,-1.789062 3.09375,-1.5 V 0 H 2.265625 V -1.71875 C 2.265625,-2.019531 2.25,-2.210938 2.21875,-2.296875 2.1875,-2.390625 2.140625,-2.457031 2.078125,-2.5 c -0.0625,-0.039062 -0.148437,-0.0625 -0.25,-0.0625 -0.125,0 -0.242187,0.039062 -0.34375,0.109375 -0.105469,0.0625 -0.179687,0.164063 -0.21875,0.296875 -0.042969,0.125 -0.0625,0.339844 -0.0625,0.640625 V 0 H 0.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path127" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-13"> + <path + d="m 0.234375,-1.609375 c 0,-0.269531 0.066406,-0.535156 0.203125,-0.796875 C 0.570312,-2.664062 0.765625,-2.863281 1.015625,-3 c 0.25,-0.132812 0.53125,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.203125 0.46875,0 0.851563,0.15625 1.15625,0.46875 0.300781,0.304687 0.453125,0.6875 0.453125,1.15625 0,0.480469 -0.15625,0.875 -0.46875,1.1875 -0.304688,0.3125 -0.683594,0.46875 -1.140625,0.46875 -0.292969,0 -0.570313,-0.0625 -0.828125,-0.1875 C 0.769531,-0.242188 0.570312,-0.4375 0.4375,-0.6875 0.300781,-0.9375 0.234375,-1.242188 0.234375,-1.609375 Z M 1.09375,-1.5625 c 0,0.3125 0.070312,0.554688 0.21875,0.71875 0.144531,0.15625 0.328125,0.234375 0.546875,0.234375 0.207031,0 0.382813,-0.078125 0.53125,-0.234375 C 2.546875,-1.007812 2.625,-1.25 2.625,-1.5625 c 0,-0.3125 -0.078125,-0.550781 -0.234375,-0.71875 -0.148437,-0.164062 -0.324219,-0.25 -0.53125,-0.25 -0.21875,0 -0.402344,0.085938 -0.546875,0.25 C 1.164062,-2.113281 1.09375,-1.875 1.09375,-1.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path130" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-14"> + <path + d="m 0.046875,-3.125 h 0.875 l 0.75,2.21875 L 2.40625,-3.125 H 3.25 l -1.09375,3 -0.203125,0.546875 C 1.878906,0.609375 1.8125,0.75 1.75,0.84375 1.6875,0.9375 1.609375,1.015625 1.515625,1.078125 1.429688,1.140625 1.328125,1.1875 1.203125,1.21875 1.078125,1.25 0.9375,1.265625 0.78125,1.265625 0.625,1.265625 0.46875,1.25 0.3125,1.21875 L 0.234375,0.578125 c 0.132813,0.019531 0.253906,0.03125 0.359375,0.03125 0.1875,0 0.328125,-0.058594 0.421875,-0.171875 0.09375,-0.117188 0.164063,-0.257812 0.21875,-0.421875 z m 0,0" + id="path133" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-15"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,0 v -4.3125 h 0.875 v 1.6875 h 1.703125 v -1.6875 h 0.875 V 0 h -0.875 V -1.890625 H 1.3125 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path136" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-16"> + <path + d="m 1.046875,-2.171875 -0.75,-0.140625 c 0.082031,-0.300781 0.226563,-0.523438 0.4375,-0.671875 0.207031,-0.144531 0.515625,-0.21875 0.921875,-0.21875 0.363281,0 0.632812,0.046875 0.8125,0.140625 0.1875,0.085938 0.316406,0.195312 0.390625,0.328125 C 2.929688,-2.597656 2.96875,-2.351562 2.96875,-2 v 0.96875 c 0,0.28125 0.00781,0.492188 0.03125,0.625 C 3.03125,-0.28125 3.082031,-0.144531 3.15625,0 H 2.328125 C 2.304688,-0.0507812 2.28125,-0.132812 2.25,-0.25 2.238281,-0.289062 2.226562,-0.320312 2.21875,-0.34375 2.082031,-0.207031 1.929688,-0.101562 1.765625,-0.03125 1.609375,0.0390625 1.4375,0.078125 1.25,0.078125 0.925781,0.078125 0.671875,-0.0078125 0.484375,-0.1875 0.304688,-0.363281 0.21875,-0.585938 0.21875,-0.859375 c 0,-0.175781 0.039062,-0.332031 0.125,-0.46875 0.082031,-0.132813 0.195312,-0.238281 0.34375,-0.3125 C 0.84375,-1.710938 1.066406,-1.78125 1.359375,-1.84375 1.742188,-1.914062 2.007812,-1.984375 2.15625,-2.046875 V -2.125 c 0,-0.15625 -0.042969,-0.265625 -0.125,-0.328125 C 1.957031,-2.523438 1.8125,-2.5625 1.59375,-2.5625 1.445312,-2.5625 1.332031,-2.53125 1.25,-2.46875 1.164062,-2.414062 1.097656,-2.316406 1.046875,-2.171875 Z M 2.15625,-1.5 c -0.105469,0.03125 -0.273438,0.074219 -0.5,0.125 -0.230469,0.054688 -0.382812,0.101562 -0.453125,0.140625 -0.105469,0.085937 -0.15625,0.183594 -0.15625,0.296875 0,0.117188 0.039063,0.214844 0.125,0.296875 0.082031,0.085937 0.191406,0.125 0.328125,0.125 0.144531,0 0.285156,-0.046875 0.421875,-0.140625 C 2.023438,-0.726562 2.09375,-0.820312 2.125,-0.9375 2.144531,-1.007812 2.15625,-1.144531 2.15625,-1.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path139" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-17"> + <path + d="M 3.15625,-2.203125 2.34375,-2.0625 C 2.3125,-2.21875 2.25,-2.335938 2.15625,-2.421875 c -0.09375,-0.082031 -0.21875,-0.125 -0.375,-0.125 -0.210938,0 -0.375,0.074219 -0.5,0.21875 -0.125,0.136719 -0.1875,0.371094 -0.1875,0.703125 0,0.375 0.0625,0.640625 0.1875,0.796875 0.125,0.148437 0.296875,0.21875 0.515625,0.21875 0.15625,0 0.28125,-0.039063 0.375,-0.125 0.101563,-0.09375 0.175781,-0.25 0.21875,-0.46875 l 0.8125,0.140625 c -0.085937,0.375 -0.246094,0.664062 -0.484375,0.859375 -0.242188,0.1875 -0.5625,0.28125 -0.96875,0.28125 -0.460938,0 -0.824219,-0.1445312 -1.09375,-0.4375 C 0.382812,-0.648438 0.25,-1.050781 0.25,-1.5625 c 0,-0.507812 0.132812,-0.910156 0.40625,-1.203125 0.269531,-0.289063 0.640625,-0.4375 1.109375,-0.4375 0.382813,0 0.6875,0.085937 0.90625,0.25 0.226563,0.167969 0.390625,0.417969 0.484375,0.75 z m 0,0" + id="path142" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-18"> + <path + d="m 1.25,-4.3125 v 1.578125 c 0.269531,-0.3125 0.59375,-0.46875 0.96875,-0.46875 0.1875,0 0.351562,0.039063 0.5,0.109375 0.15625,0.074219 0.269531,0.167969 0.34375,0.28125 0.082031,0.105469 0.140625,0.226562 0.171875,0.359375 0.03125,0.136719 0.046875,0.34375 0.046875,0.625 V 0 H 2.453125 V -1.65625 C 2.453125,-1.976562 2.4375,-2.179688 2.40625,-2.265625 2.375,-2.359375 2.316406,-2.429688 2.234375,-2.484375 2.160156,-2.535156 2.0625,-2.5625 1.9375,-2.5625 c -0.136719,0 -0.261719,0.039062 -0.375,0.109375 -0.105469,0.0625 -0.183594,0.164063 -0.234375,0.296875 C 1.273438,-2.03125 1.25,-1.832031 1.25,-1.5625 V 0 H 0.4375 v -4.3125 z m 0,0" + id="path145" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-19"> + <path + d="m 3.203125,-1.59375 0.84375,0.28125 C 3.921875,-0.84375 3.707031,-0.492188 3.40625,-0.265625 3.101562,-0.0351562 2.71875,0.078125 2.25,0.078125 1.675781,0.078125 1.203125,-0.113281 0.828125,-0.5 0.460938,-0.894531 0.28125,-1.4375 0.28125,-2.125 c 0,-0.71875 0.1875,-1.273438 0.5625,-1.671875 0.375,-0.394531 0.863281,-0.59375 1.46875,-0.59375 0.519531,0 0.945312,0.15625 1.28125,0.46875 0.195312,0.1875 0.34375,0.453125 0.4375,0.796875 L 3.171875,-2.921875 C 3.117188,-3.140625 3.007812,-3.3125 2.84375,-3.4375 2.6875,-3.570312 2.492188,-3.640625 2.265625,-3.640625 c -0.324219,0 -0.585937,0.117187 -0.78125,0.34375 C 1.285156,-3.066406 1.1875,-2.695312 1.1875,-2.1875 c 0,0.554688 0.09375,0.945312 0.28125,1.171875 0.195312,0.230469 0.457031,0.34375 0.78125,0.34375 0.226562,0 0.425781,-0.070313 0.59375,-0.21875 0.164062,-0.144531 0.285156,-0.378906 0.359375,-0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path148" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-1-20"> + <path + d="M 3.28125,0 H 2.453125 v -1.59375 c 0,-0.34375 -0.023437,-0.5625 -0.0625,-0.65625 C 2.359375,-2.351562 2.300781,-2.429688 2.21875,-2.484375 2.144531,-2.535156 2.050781,-2.5625 1.9375,-2.5625 c -0.148438,0 -0.277344,0.042969 -0.390625,0.125 C 1.429688,-2.363281 1.351562,-2.257812 1.3125,-2.125 1.269531,-2 1.25,-1.765625 1.25,-1.421875 V 0 H 0.421875 v -3.125 h 0.78125 v 0.453125 c 0.269531,-0.351563 0.609375,-0.53125 1.015625,-0.53125 0.1875,0 0.351562,0.039063 0.5,0.109375 0.15625,0.0625 0.269531,0.148438 0.34375,0.25 0.082031,0.105469 0.140625,0.21875 0.171875,0.34375 0.03125,0.125 0.046875,0.3125 0.046875,0.5625 z m 0,0" + id="path151" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-2-0"> + <path + d="M 0.65625,0 V -3.296875 H 3.296875 V 0 Z M 0.75,-0.078125 H 3.21875 V -3.21875 H 0.75 Z m 0,0" + id="path154" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-2-1"> + <path + d="M 3.796875,0 H 2.96875 L 2.640625,-0.859375 H 1.125 L 0.8125,0 H 0 l 1.46875,-3.78125 h 0.8125 z m -1.40625,-1.5 -0.53125,-1.40625 -0.5,1.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path157" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-2-2"> + <path + d="m 0.40625,0 v -3.75 h 0.765625 v 3.109375 H 3.0625 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path160" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-2-3"> + <path + d="m 0.375,-3.78125 h 0.765625 v 2.046875 c 0,0.324219 0.00781,0.539063 0.03125,0.640625 0.03125,0.148438 0.109375,0.265625 0.234375,0.359375 0.125,0.09375 0.289062,0.140625 0.5,0.140625 0.21875,0 0.378906,-0.039062 0.484375,-0.125 C 2.503906,-0.8125 2.570312,-0.921875 2.59375,-1.046875 2.613281,-1.171875 2.625,-1.382812 2.625,-1.6875 v -2.09375 h 0.765625 v 1.984375 c 0,0.460937 -0.023437,0.78125 -0.0625,0.96875 -0.042969,0.1875 -0.121094,0.34375 -0.234375,0.46875 -0.105469,0.125 -0.25,0.230469 -0.4375,0.3125 C 2.46875,0.0234375 2.226562,0.0625 1.9375,0.0625 1.570312,0.0625 1.296875,0.0195312 1.109375,-0.0625 0.921875,-0.144531 0.769531,-0.25 0.65625,-0.375 0.550781,-0.507812 0.484375,-0.648438 0.453125,-0.796875 0.398438,-1.015625 0.375,-1.335938 0.375,-1.765625 Z m 0,0" + id="path163" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-2-4" /> + <g + id="glyph-3-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-3-1"> + <path + d="M 3.8125,-1.84375 V -3.6875 H 3.640625 c -0.109375,0.640625 -0.25,0.75 -0.890625,0.75 H 1.609375 v -1.765625 c 0,-0.21875 0.03125,-0.265625 0.25,-0.265625 H 2.9375 c 0.90625,0 1.078125,0.109375 1.21875,0.828125 h 0.1875 L 4.328125,-5.28125 H 0.09375 V -5.125 c 0.59375,0.046875 0.6875,0.15625 0.6875,0.71875 v 3.453125 c 0,0.65625 -0.078125,0.765625 -0.6875,0.796875 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.71875,-0.1875 1.609375,-0.296875 1.609375,-0.875 V -2.609375 H 2.75 c 0.65625,0 0.78125,0.125 0.890625,0.765625 z m 0,0" + id="path168" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-2"> + <path + d="m 1.390625,-3.671875 -1.234375,0.4375 v 0.125 h 0.0625 C 0.3125,-3.125 0.421875,-3.140625 0.5,-3.140625 c 0.1875,0 0.25,0.125 0.25,0.484375 v 1.84375 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.625,0.6875 V 0 H 2.015625 V -0.125 C 1.484375,-0.15625 1.421875,-0.234375 1.421875,-0.8125 V -3.640625 Z M 1.015625,-5.4375 C 0.8125,-5.4375 0.625,-5.265625 0.625,-5.03125 0.625,-4.8125 0.796875,-4.625 1.015625,-4.625 1.25,-4.625 1.4375,-4.8125 1.4375,-5.03125 1.4375,-5.265625 1.25,-5.4375 1.015625,-5.4375 Z m 0,0" + id="path171" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-3"> + <path + d="m 3.75,-3.09375 v -0.3125 H 3.125 c -0.15625,0 -0.265625,-0.015625 -0.4375,-0.078125 l -0.171875,-0.0625 C 2.296875,-3.625 2.09375,-3.671875 1.875,-3.671875 c -0.734375,0 -1.328125,0.578125 -1.328125,1.3125 0,0.5 0.21875,0.796875 0.75,1.0625 C 1.140625,-1.15625 1,-1.015625 0.953125,-0.984375 0.6875,-0.75 0.578125,-0.59375 0.578125,-0.4375 c 0,0.171875 0.09375,0.265625 0.421875,0.421875 -0.5625,0.421875 -0.78125,0.6875 -0.78125,0.984375 0,0.421875 0.625,0.765625 1.390625,0.765625 0.59375,0 1.21875,-0.203125 1.625,-0.546875 0.296875,-0.234375 0.4375,-0.5 0.4375,-0.796875 0,-0.5 -0.375,-0.828125 -0.96875,-0.859375 L 1.6875,-0.515625 C 1.265625,-0.53125 1.0625,-0.59375 1.0625,-0.71875 c 0,-0.171875 0.265625,-0.4375 0.46875,-0.515625 0.078125,0.015625 0.140625,0.015625 0.15625,0.015625 0.15625,0.03125 0.25,0.03125 0.296875,0.03125 0.296875,0 0.625,-0.125 0.875,-0.328125 0.25,-0.234375 0.375,-0.515625 0.375,-0.90625 0,-0.234375 -0.03125,-0.421875 -0.15625,-0.671875 z M 1.171875,0.015625 C 1.4375,0.078125 2.078125,0.125 2.46875,0.125 c 0.71875,0 0.984375,0.09375 0.984375,0.390625 0,0.453125 -0.609375,0.765625 -1.515625,0.765625 -0.6875,0 -1.15625,-0.234375 -1.15625,-0.578125 0,-0.1875 0.0625,-0.28125 0.390625,-0.6875 z M 1.21875,-2.6875 c 0,-0.46875 0.21875,-0.75 0.578125,-0.75 0.25,0 0.453125,0.125 0.578125,0.375 0.15625,0.28125 0.25,0.640625 0.25,0.953125 0,0.4375 -0.234375,0.71875 -0.59375,0.71875 -0.484375,0 -0.8125,-0.515625 -0.8125,-1.28125 z m 0,0" + id="path174" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-4"> + <path + d="m 1,-0.796875 c -0.25,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.453125 0,0.234375 0.1875,0.4375 0.421875,0.4375 0.25,0 0.453125,-0.203125 0.453125,-0.4375 0,-0.25 -0.203125,-0.453125 -0.4375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path177" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-5"> + <path + d="M 3.546875,-5.453125 C 2.640625,-5.375 2.1875,-5.21875 1.609375,-4.8125 c -0.875,0.609375 -1.34375,1.515625 -1.34375,2.59375 0,0.6875 0.21875,1.390625 0.5625,1.78125 C 1.125,-0.078125 1.5625,0.109375 2.0625,0.109375 c 0.984375,0 1.671875,-0.75 1.671875,-1.859375 0,-1.015625 -0.59375,-1.65625 -1.5,-1.65625 -0.359375,0 -0.515625,0.046875 -1.015625,0.359375 C 1.421875,-4.25 2.3125,-5.109375 3.5625,-5.328125 Z m -1.625,2.40625 c 0.6875,0 1.09375,0.578125 1.09375,1.578125 0,0.875 -0.3125,1.359375 -0.875,1.359375 -0.703125,0 -1.125,-0.75 -1.125,-1.984375 0,-0.40625 0.0625,-0.625 0.21875,-0.75 0.171875,-0.125 0.421875,-0.203125 0.6875,-0.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path180" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-6"> + <path + d="M 1.671875,-2.859375 V -4.40625 c 0,-0.578125 0.078125,-0.65625 0.6875,-0.71875 V -5.28125 H 0.15625 V -5.125 c 0.609375,0.0625 0.703125,0.140625 0.703125,0.71875 v 3.453125 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.765625 -0.703125,0.796875 V 0 h 2.203125 v -0.15625 c -0.59375,-0.046875 -0.6875,-0.140625 -0.6875,-0.71875 v -1.640625 h 2.40625 v 1.5625 C 4.078125,-0.28125 4,-0.1875 3.375,-0.15625 V 0 H 5.59375 V -0.15625 C 5,-0.203125 4.890625,-0.296875 4.890625,-0.875 v -3.53125 c 0,-0.578125 0.09375,-0.65625 0.703125,-0.71875 V -5.28125 H 3.375 V -5.125 C 4,-5.0625 4.078125,-4.984375 4.078125,-4.40625 v 1.546875 z m 0,0" + id="path183" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-7"> + <path + d="m 1.25,-2.734375 c 0.328125,-0.359375 0.578125,-0.5 0.890625,-0.5 0.390625,0 0.59375,0.28125 0.59375,0.84375 V -0.8125 c 0,0.546875 -0.078125,0.640625 -0.546875,0.6875 V 0 H 3.875 V -0.125 C 3.453125,-0.203125 3.40625,-0.265625 3.40625,-0.8125 v -1.59375 c 0,-0.828125 -0.34375,-1.265625 -0.984375,-1.265625 C 1.953125,-3.671875 1.625,-3.46875 1.25,-3 V -5.421875 L 1.21875,-5.4375 C 0.9375,-5.34375 0.734375,-5.28125 0.296875,-5.15625 l -0.21875,0.0625 v 0.125 c 0.03125,0 0.0625,0 0.09375,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.0625 0.40625,0.40625 v 3.75 c 0,0.5625 -0.046875,0.625 -0.5,0.6875 V 0 h 1.71875 V -0.125 C 1.328125,-0.171875 1.25,-0.265625 1.25,-0.8125 Z m 0,0" + id="path186" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-8"> + <path + d="m 0.15625,-4.96875 h 0.046875 c 0.078125,0 0.171875,-0.015625 0.25,-0.015625 0.25,0 0.328125,0.109375 0.328125,0.484375 v 3.8125 c 0,0.421875 -0.109375,0.53125 -0.609375,0.5625 V 0 h 1.875 v -0.125 c -0.5,-0.03125 -0.59375,-0.109375 -0.59375,-0.546875 v -4.75 L 1.421875,-5.4375 C 1,-5.3125 0.703125,-5.234375 0.15625,-5.09375 Z m 0,0" + id="path189" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-9"> + <path + d="M 3.78125,-3.578125 H 2.703125 v 0.109375 c 0.265625,0 0.390625,0.078125 0.390625,0.203125 0,0.03125 -0.015625,0.078125 -0.03125,0.140625 L 2.28125,-0.9375 1.375,-2.953125 C 1.328125,-3.0625 1.296875,-3.15625 1.296875,-3.25 1.296875,-3.390625 1.40625,-3.453125 1.75,-3.46875 V -3.578125 H 0.109375 v 0.109375 c 0.203125,0.03125 0.34375,0.109375 0.40625,0.25 l 0.90625,1.953125 0.03125,0.078125 0.109375,0.234375 c 0.234375,0.390625 0.359375,0.6875 0.359375,0.796875 0,0.125 -0.1875,0.625 -0.3125,0.859375 C 1.484375,0.921875 1.3125,1.0625 1.203125,1.0625 1.15625,1.0625 1.078125,1.046875 1,1.015625 0.859375,0.953125 0.71875,0.921875 0.578125,0.921875 c -0.1875,0 -0.34375,0.15625 -0.34375,0.359375 0,0.25 0.265625,0.453125 0.59375,0.453125 0.53125,0 0.921875,-0.4375 1.34375,-1.59375 l 1.234375,-3.25 c 0.09375,-0.25 0.1875,-0.328125 0.375,-0.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path192" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-10"> + <path + d="m 0.3125,-2.046875 v 0.5 h 1.953125 v -0.5 z m 0,0" + id="path195" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-11"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.125 c 0.0625,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.28125,0 0.328125,0.078125 0.328125,0.453125 v 3.734375 c 0,0.40625 -0.078125,0.5 -0.546875,0.546875 V 1.734375 H 1.96875 v -0.15625 c -0.59375,0 -0.703125,-0.09375 -0.703125,-0.59375 v -1.25 C 1.546875,0 1.734375,0.078125 2.078125,0.078125 3.015625,0.078125 3.75,-0.8125 3.75,-1.96875 c 0,-0.984375 -0.5625,-1.703125 -1.328125,-1.703125 -0.453125,0 -0.796875,0.203125 -1.15625,0.640625 v -0.625 L 1.21875,-3.671875 C 0.78125,-3.5 0.515625,-3.390625 0.078125,-3.265625 Z m 1.1875,0.46875 c 0,-0.25 0.453125,-0.53125 0.8125,-0.53125 0.59375,0 0.984375,0.609375 0.984375,1.53125 0,0.890625 -0.390625,1.484375 -0.96875,1.484375 -0.375,0 -0.828125,-0.296875 -0.828125,-0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path198" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-12"> + <path + d="m 3.515625,-0.53125 c -0.125,0.109375 -0.21875,0.15625 -0.34375,0.15625 -0.1875,0 -0.234375,-0.109375 -0.234375,-0.46875 V -2.390625 C 2.9375,-2.8125 2.890625,-3.03125 2.765625,-3.234375 2.59375,-3.515625 2.25,-3.671875 1.78125,-3.671875 c -0.75,0 -1.328125,0.390625 -1.328125,0.90625 0,0.171875 0.15625,0.328125 0.328125,0.328125 0.203125,0 0.359375,-0.15625 0.359375,-0.328125 0,-0.03125 0,-0.078125 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.015625,-0.078125 -0.015625,-0.140625 -0.015625,-0.1875 0,-0.21875 0.25,-0.390625 0.578125,-0.390625 0.390625,0 0.59375,0.21875 0.59375,0.65625 v 0.484375 c -1.21875,0.5 -1.359375,0.5625 -1.703125,0.859375 -0.171875,0.15625 -0.28125,0.4375 -0.28125,0.703125 0,0.5 0.34375,0.84375 0.828125,0.84375 0.359375,0 0.6875,-0.171875 1.171875,-0.578125 0.03125,0.40625 0.1875,0.578125 0.515625,0.578125 0.265625,0 0.4375,-0.09375 0.703125,-0.390625 z M 2.28125,-0.984375 c 0,0.25 -0.03125,0.328125 -0.203125,0.421875 C 1.890625,-0.453125 1.671875,-0.375 1.5,-0.375 1.21875,-0.375 1,-0.65625 1,-1 V -1.03125 C 1,-1.5 1.328125,-1.78125 2.28125,-2.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path201" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-13"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.109375 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.171875,-0.03125 0.265625,-0.03125 0.203125,0 0.28125,0.125 0.28125,0.484375 v 1.984375 c 0,0.40625 -0.0625,0.453125 -0.5625,0.546875 V 0 h 1.90625 V -0.125 C 1.40625,-0.140625 1.28125,-0.265625 1.28125,-0.71875 v -1.796875 c 0,-0.25 0.34375,-0.640625 0.546875,-0.640625 0.046875,0 0.125,0.03125 0.21875,0.109375 0.125,0.109375 0.203125,0.15625 0.3125,0.15625 0.1875,0 0.3125,-0.125 0.3125,-0.359375 0,-0.25 -0.171875,-0.421875 -0.4375,-0.421875 -0.34375,0 -0.5625,0.1875 -0.953125,0.75 V -3.65625 L 1.234375,-3.671875 c -0.421875,0.1875 -0.703125,0.28125 -1.171875,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path204" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-14"> + <path + d="m 3.25,-1.3125 c -0.375,0.609375 -0.71875,0.84375 -1.234375,0.84375 -0.453125,0 -0.796875,-0.234375 -1.03125,-0.6875 C 0.84375,-1.453125 0.78125,-1.71875 0.765625,-2.203125 h 2.46875 C 3.15625,-2.71875 3.078125,-2.953125 2.890625,-3.21875 2.640625,-3.5 2.28125,-3.671875 1.859375,-3.671875 c -0.390625,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.078125,0.421875 -0.359375,0.328125 -0.578125,0.890625 -0.578125,1.546875 0,1.09375 0.5625,1.78125 1.484375,1.78125 0.765625,0 1.359375,-0.46875 1.6875,-1.328125 z M 0.78125,-2.46875 C 0.875,-3.078125 1.140625,-3.375 1.640625,-3.375 c 0.484375,0 0.671875,0.21875 0.78125,0.90625 z m 0,0" + id="path207" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-15"> + <path + d="M 3.171875,-1.25 C 2.78125,-0.6875 2.5,-0.5 2.046875,-0.5 1.328125,-0.5 0.8125,-1.125 0.8125,-2.046875 0.8125,-2.875 1.25,-3.4375 1.890625,-3.4375 c 0.296875,0 0.390625,0.09375 0.46875,0.390625 l 0.0625,0.171875 c 0.0625,0.21875 0.203125,0.359375 0.359375,0.359375 0.21875,0 0.390625,-0.140625 0.390625,-0.328125 0,-0.453125 -0.5625,-0.828125 -1.234375,-0.828125 -0.390625,0 -0.796875,0.171875 -1.109375,0.453125 -0.40625,0.34375 -0.625,0.890625 -0.625,1.515625 0,1.046875 0.625,1.78125 1.515625,1.78125 0.359375,0 0.671875,-0.125 0.953125,-0.375 0.21875,-0.1875 0.375,-0.40625 0.609375,-0.875 z m 0,0" + id="path210" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-16"> + <path + d="m 1.984375,-3.671875 c -1.03125,0 -1.75,0.765625 -1.75,1.875 0,1.078125 0.734375,1.875 1.734375,1.875 1.015625,0 1.78125,-0.84375 1.78125,-1.9375 0,-1.046875 -0.734375,-1.8125 -1.765625,-1.8125 z M 1.890625,-3.4375 c 0.671875,0 1.140625,0.765625 1.140625,1.859375 0,0.890625 -0.359375,1.4375 -0.953125,1.4375 -0.3125,0 -0.609375,-0.1875 -0.78125,-0.515625 -0.21875,-0.40625 -0.34375,-0.96875 -0.34375,-1.53125 0,-0.765625 0.375,-1.25 0.9375,-1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path213" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-17"> + <path + d="m 0.15625,-3.171875 c 0.09375,-0.03125 0.15625,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.203125,0 0.28125,0.125 0.28125,0.515625 v 2.015625 C 0.6875,-0.25 0.578125,-0.125 0.125,-0.125 V 0 H 1.890625 V -0.125 C 1.46875,-0.140625 1.359375,-0.21875 1.359375,-0.53125 v -2.25 c 0,-0.015625 0.0625,-0.09375 0.109375,-0.15625 0.203125,-0.171875 0.546875,-0.3125 0.828125,-0.3125 0.34375,0 0.53125,0.28125 0.53125,0.828125 V -0.6875 c 0,0.453125 -0.09375,0.53125 -0.546875,0.5625 V 0 H 4.0625 v -0.125 c -0.453125,0 -0.578125,-0.140625 -0.578125,-0.625 V -2.765625 C 3.734375,-3.109375 4,-3.25 4.359375,-3.25 c 0.453125,0 0.59375,0.21875 0.59375,0.875 v 1.6875 c 0,0.453125 -0.0625,0.515625 -0.515625,0.5625 V 0 H 6.171875 V -0.125 L 5.96875,-0.140625 C 5.734375,-0.15625 5.625,-0.296875 5.625,-0.609375 V -2.25 c 0,-0.9375 -0.3125,-1.421875 -0.921875,-1.421875 -0.46875,0 -0.875,0.21875 -1.296875,0.671875 -0.140625,-0.453125 -0.421875,-0.671875 -0.84375,-0.671875 -0.359375,0 -0.578125,0.125 -1.234375,0.625 V -3.65625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.40625,0.15625 -0.671875,0.25 -1.109375,0.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path216" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-18"> + <path + d="M 3.8125,-0.390625 H 3.78125 c -0.375,0 -0.453125,-0.09375 -0.453125,-0.46875 v -2.71875 H 2.0625 v 0.125 c 0.5,0.03125 0.59375,0.109375 0.59375,0.5 v 1.875 c 0,0.21875 -0.046875,0.34375 -0.15625,0.421875 -0.21875,0.171875 -0.453125,0.28125 -0.703125,0.28125 -0.3125,0 -0.5625,-0.28125 -0.5625,-0.609375 v -2.59375 h -1.15625 v 0.109375 c 0.375,0.015625 0.484375,0.140625 0.484375,0.5 v 2.015625 c 0,0.625 0.390625,1.03125 0.96875,1.03125 0.296875,0 0.609375,-0.125 0.8125,-0.34375 L 2.6875,-0.609375 V 0.0625 l 0.03125,0.015625 c 0.40625,-0.171875 0.6875,-0.25 1.09375,-0.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path219" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-19"> + <path + d="M 2.03125,-3.578125 H 1.234375 v -0.9375 c 0,-0.078125 -0.015625,-0.09375 -0.0625,-0.09375 -0.0625,0.0625 -0.109375,0.140625 -0.15625,0.21875 -0.3125,0.4375 -0.65625,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 -0.078125,0.046875 -0.125,0.109375 -0.125,0.140625 0,0.03125 0,0.046875 0.03125,0.0625 H 0.5625 V -0.9375 c 0,0.671875 0.234375,1.015625 0.703125,1.015625 0.390625,0 0.6875,-0.1875 0.953125,-0.609375 L 2.125,-0.609375 c -0.171875,0.1875 -0.3125,0.28125 -0.484375,0.28125 -0.296875,0 -0.40625,-0.21875 -0.40625,-0.71875 v -2.28125 H 2.03125 Z m 0,0" + id="path222" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-20"> + <path + d="M 2.734375,0.078125 3.90625,-0.328125 V -0.46875 C 3.765625,-0.453125 3.75,-0.453125 3.734375,-0.453125 3.4375,-0.453125 3.375,-0.546875 3.375,-0.90625 V -5.421875 L 3.34375,-5.4375 c -0.390625,0.125 -0.671875,0.203125 -1.171875,0.34375 v 0.125 c 0.0625,0 0.109375,0 0.171875,0 0.296875,0 0.359375,0.078125 0.359375,0.40625 v 1.234375 C 2.40625,-3.578125 2.1875,-3.671875 1.875,-3.671875 c -0.921875,0 -1.65625,0.90625 -1.65625,2.03125 0,1.03125 0.59375,1.71875 1.46875,1.71875 0.453125,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.015625,-0.53125 V 0.0625 Z M 2.703125,-0.8125 c 0,0.0625 -0.046875,0.15625 -0.125,0.234375 -0.140625,0.15625 -0.34375,0.25 -0.578125,0.25 -0.65625,0 -1.09375,-0.640625 -1.09375,-1.625 0,-0.90625 0.390625,-1.484375 0.984375,-1.484375 0.421875,0 0.8125,0.375 0.8125,0.796875 z m 0,0" + id="path225" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-21"> + <path + d="M 2.515625,-2.5 2.484375,-3.578125 H 2.390625 L 2.375,-3.5625 C 2.296875,-3.515625 2.296875,-3.5 2.265625,-3.5 2.21875,-3.5 2.140625,-3.515625 2.046875,-3.5625 1.875,-3.625 1.703125,-3.65625 1.484375,-3.65625 c -0.625,0 -1.078125,0.40625 -1.078125,0.984375 0,0.4375 0.25,0.765625 0.9375,1.140625 l 0.453125,0.265625 c 0.28125,0.15625 0.421875,0.34375 0.421875,0.59375 0,0.359375 -0.265625,0.578125 -0.671875,0.578125 -0.265625,0 -0.515625,-0.109375 -0.65625,-0.28125 -0.171875,-0.203125 -0.25,-0.375 -0.34375,-0.84375 h -0.125 v 1.25 h 0.09375 c 0.0625,-0.078125 0.09375,-0.09375 0.1875,-0.09375 0.0625,0 0.1875,0.015625 0.359375,0.0625 0.234375,0.046875 0.4375,0.078125 0.59375,0.078125 0.609375,0 1.109375,-0.453125 1.109375,-1.015625 0,-0.40625 -0.1875,-0.671875 -0.65625,-0.953125 L 1.25,-2.40625 c -0.234375,-0.125 -0.34375,-0.3125 -0.34375,-0.53125 0,-0.328125 0.234375,-0.546875 0.609375,-0.546875 0.453125,0 0.6875,0.265625 0.875,0.984375 z m 0,0" + id="path228" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-22"> + <path + d="m 1.609375,-2.3125 c 0.203125,0.015625 0.34375,0.015625 0.546875,0.015625 0.625,0 1.0625,-0.078125 1.390625,-0.265625 C 4.03125,-2.828125 4.3125,-3.3125 4.3125,-3.828125 4.3125,-4.171875 4.203125,-4.46875 4,-4.703125 3.671875,-5.046875 2.984375,-5.28125 2.234375,-5.28125 H 0.125 V -5.125 c 0.59375,0.0625 0.671875,0.140625 0.671875,0.71875 v 3.453125 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,0.75 -0.671875,0.796875 V 0 h 2.234375 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.015625 -0.75,-0.125 -0.75,-0.71875 z m 0,-2.390625 c 0,-0.21875 0.0625,-0.28125 0.265625,-0.28125 1.078125,0 1.578125,0.375 1.578125,1.203125 0,0.765625 -0.46875,1.171875 -1.390625,1.171875 -0.15625,0 -0.265625,-0.015625 -0.453125,-0.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path231" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-23"> + <path + d="m 2.875,-5.390625 c -1.515625,0 -2.609375,1.15625 -2.609375,2.75 0,0.75 0.265625,1.484375 0.6875,1.9375 0.46875,0.5 1.171875,0.8125 1.875,0.8125 1.578125,0 2.65625,-1.109375 2.65625,-2.71875 0,-0.78125 -0.234375,-1.46875 -0.671875,-1.9375 -0.5,-0.546875 -1.171875,-0.84375 -1.9375,-0.84375 z m 0,0.296875 c 0.375,0 0.734375,0.140625 1.015625,0.390625 0.4375,0.390625 0.6875,1.140625 0.6875,2.09375 0,0.46875 -0.109375,1.015625 -0.265625,1.4375 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.203125,0.390625 -0.390625,0.578125 -0.28125,0.28125 -0.640625,0.421875 -1.0625,0.421875 -0.359375,0 -0.71875,-0.140625 -1,-0.390625 -0.421875,-0.375 -0.6875,-1.171875 -0.6875,-2.0625 0,-0.8125 0.234375,-1.578125 0.5625,-1.953125 C 2.046875,-4.921875 2.4375,-5.09375 2.875,-5.09375 Z m 0,0" + id="path234" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-24"> + <path + d="M 5.25,-0.15625 C 4.953125,-0.171875 4.796875,-0.25 4.5625,-0.53125 L 2.921875,-2.546875 c 0.53125,-0.09375 0.765625,-0.1875 1.03125,-0.40625 C 4.203125,-3.15625 4.359375,-3.5 4.359375,-3.875 4.359375,-4.21875 4.25,-4.515625 4.046875,-4.734375 3.75,-5.0625 3.078125,-5.28125 2.328125,-5.28125 h -2.1875 V -5.125 c 0.59375,0.0625 0.671875,0.15625 0.671875,0.71875 v 3.453125 c 0,0.65625 -0.078125,0.75 -0.671875,0.796875 V 0 H 2.34375 V -0.15625 C 1.734375,-0.1875 1.625,-0.296875 1.625,-0.875 V -2.4375 L 2.078125,-2.453125 3.96875,0 H 5.25 Z M 1.625,-4.6875 c 0,-0.234375 0.09375,-0.296875 0.40625,-0.296875 1,0 1.453125,0.34375 1.453125,1.09375 0,0.40625 -0.15625,0.734375 -0.453125,0.890625 -0.359375,0.203125 -0.640625,0.25 -1.40625,0.265625 z m 0,0" + id="path237" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-25"> + <path + d="m 2.03125,-4.9375 v 3.984375 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.765625 -0.75,0.796875 V 0 H 3.609375 V -0.15625 C 2.953125,-0.1875 2.84375,-0.28125 2.84375,-0.875 v -4.0625 h 0.421875 c 0.90625,0 1.078125,0.140625 1.265625,1.015625 h 0.1875 L 4.671875,-5.28125 H 0.1875 l -0.046875,1.359375 h 0.1875 c 0.1875,-0.875 0.375,-1.015625 1.265625,-1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path240" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-26"> + <path + d="m 4.875,-4.109375 c 0,-0.8125 0.09375,-0.9375 0.75,-1.015625 V -5.28125 H 3.765625 V -5.125 c 0.625,0.046875 0.75,0.21875 0.75,1.015625 v 2.15625 c 0,0.546875 -0.046875,0.84375 -0.1875,1.078125 -0.203125,0.390625 -0.71875,0.640625 -1.3125,0.640625 -0.5625,0 -0.953125,-0.203125 -1.171875,-0.578125 -0.140625,-0.25 -0.203125,-0.546875 -0.203125,-1.046875 V -4.40625 c 0,-0.578125 0.09375,-0.65625 0.71875,-0.71875 v -0.15625 h -2.25 V -5.125 c 0.625,0.046875 0.71875,0.140625 0.71875,0.71875 v 2.484375 c 0,1.375 0.640625,2.03125 2,2.03125 0.875,0 1.46875,-0.28125 1.78125,-0.8125 C 4.796875,-1.046875 4.875,-1.40625 4.875,-2.03125 Z m 0,0" + id="path243" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-27"> + <path + d="m 4.875,0.09375 v -4.203125 c 0,-0.46875 0.078125,-0.765625 0.234375,-0.875 C 5.21875,-5.0625 5.328125,-5.09375 5.640625,-5.125 v -0.15625 h -1.875 V -5.125 c 0.296875,0.03125 0.40625,0.0625 0.53125,0.125 0.15625,0.109375 0.234375,0.40625 0.234375,0.890625 v 2.6875 L 1.453125,-5.28125 H 0.09375 V -5.125 c 0.34375,0 0.453125,0.0625 0.78125,0.4375 v 3.515625 c 0,0.828125 -0.125,0.96875 -0.78125,1.015625 V 0 h 1.875 v -0.15625 c -0.609375,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.203125 -0.75,-1.015625 v -3.125 L 4.734375,0.09375 Z m 0,0" + id="path246" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-28"> + <path + d="m 0.921875,-0.875 c 0,0.609375 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 h 2.375 v -0.15625 c -0.65625,-0.015625 -0.78125,-0.125 -0.78125,-0.71875 v -3.53125 c 0,-0.578125 0.109375,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.71875 v -0.15625 h -2.375 V -5.125 c 0.6875,0.046875 0.78125,0.125 0.78125,0.71875 z m 0,0" + id="path249" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-29"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-1.34375 H 4.53125 c -0.390625,0.859375 -0.734375,1.046875 -1.875,1.046875 H 2.4375 c -0.390625,0 -0.71875,-0.03125 -0.78125,-0.09375 C 1.625,-0.421875 1.609375,-0.5 1.609375,-0.640625 v -1.96875 h 1.21875 c 0.65625,0 0.78125,0.109375 0.875,0.765625 h 0.1875 V -3.6875 h -0.1875 C 3.65625,-3.359375 3.625,-3.25 3.53125,-3.125 3.421875,-3 3.203125,-2.9375 2.828125,-2.9375 h -1.21875 v -1.765625 c 0,-0.21875 0.046875,-0.265625 0.25,-0.265625 H 2.9375 c 0.90625,0 1.078125,0.109375 1.21875,0.828125 h 0.1875 L 4.328125,-5.28125 H 0.09375 V -5.125 c 0.59375,0.046875 0.6875,0.15625 0.6875,0.71875 V -0.875 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.6875 -0.6875,0.71875 V 0 h 4.3125 z m 0,0" + id="path252" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-30"> + <path + d="M 3.5625,-5.390625 H 3.390625 c -0.03125,0.1875 -0.109375,0.28125 -0.25,0.28125 -0.078125,0 -0.21875,-0.03125 -0.359375,-0.109375 C 2.5,-5.328125 2.203125,-5.390625 1.9375,-5.390625 c -0.328125,0 -0.6875,0.140625 -0.953125,0.375 -0.28125,0.25 -0.421875,0.578125 -0.421875,0.984375 0,0.640625 0.359375,1.09375 1.25,1.5625 0.5625,0.296875 0.984375,0.625 1.1875,0.9375 0.0625,0.09375 0.109375,0.265625 0.109375,0.453125 0,0.53125 -0.40625,0.90625 -0.984375,0.90625 -0.703125,0 -1.203125,-0.4375 -1.609375,-1.40625 h -0.1875 l 0.25,1.6875 H 0.75 c 0,-0.15625 0.109375,-0.265625 0.21875,-0.265625 0.09375,0 0.21875,0.03125 0.375,0.078125 0.3125,0.125 0.625,0.1875 0.9375,0.1875 0.921875,0 1.625,-0.625 1.625,-1.453125 0,-0.640625 -0.4375,-1.171875 -1.484375,-1.734375 C 1.578125,-3.53125 1.25,-3.890625 1.25,-4.3125 c 0,-0.4375 0.328125,-0.75 0.828125,-0.75 0.359375,0 0.6875,0.15625 0.96875,0.4375 0.25,0.265625 0.359375,0.46875 0.484375,0.9375 h 0.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path255" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-31"> + <path + d="M 4.9375,-3.578125 4.875,-5.390625 H 4.703125 C 4.65625,-5.21875 4.53125,-5.125 4.359375,-5.125 c -0.0625,0 -0.1875,-0.015625 -0.296875,-0.078125 -0.390625,-0.125 -0.796875,-0.1875 -1.171875,-0.1875 -0.65625,0 -1.3125,0.25 -1.8125,0.6875 -0.546875,0.5 -0.859375,1.234375 -0.859375,2.109375 0,0.75 0.25,1.4375 0.65625,1.890625 0.46875,0.515625 1.203125,0.8125 2,0.8125 0.890625,0 1.6875,-0.359375 2.171875,-1.015625 L 4.90625,-1.046875 c -0.59375,0.5625 -1.125,0.8125 -1.78125,0.8125 -0.5,0 -0.953125,-0.15625 -1.296875,-0.46875 -0.4375,-0.390625 -0.6875,-1.109375 -0.6875,-1.984375 0,-1.453125 0.75,-2.375 1.90625,-2.375 0.453125,0 0.859375,0.15625 1.1875,0.484375 0.25,0.25 0.375,0.46875 0.515625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path258" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-32"> + <path + d="M 3.578125,-5.28125 H 0.625 l -0.46875,1.171875 0.140625,0.0625 C 0.640625,-4.578125 0.78125,-4.6875 1.21875,-4.6875 H 2.953125 L 1.375,0.0625 h 0.515625 l 1.6875,-5.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path261" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-33"> + <path + d="m 5.375,-4.5625 v 3.609375 c 0,0.65625 -0.09375,0.765625 -0.734375,0.796875 V 0 H 6.875 V -0.15625 C 6.296875,-0.1875 6.1875,-0.296875 6.1875,-0.875 v -3.53125 c 0,-0.5625 0.09375,-0.671875 0.6875,-0.71875 V -5.28125 H 5.296875 L 3.53125,-1.25 1.6875,-5.28125 H 0.109375 V -5.125 C 0.765625,-5.078125 0.875,-4.984375 0.875,-4.40625 v 3.234375 c 0,0.828125 -0.125,0.96875 -0.78125,1.015625 V 0 h 1.875 v -0.15625 c -0.609375,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.203125 -0.75,-1.015625 V -4.375 l 2,4.375 h 0.109375 z m 0,0" + id="path264" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-34"> + <path + d="m 0.125,-3.171875 c 0.046875,-0.03125 0.125,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.21875,0 0.296875,0.125 0.296875,0.515625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.453125 -0.09375,0.5625 -0.5,0.59375 V 0 h 1.6875 V -0.125 C 1.421875,-0.15625 1.3125,-0.25 1.3125,-0.53125 v -2.234375 c 0.375,-0.359375 0.546875,-0.46875 0.8125,-0.46875 0.390625,0 0.578125,0.25 0.578125,0.78125 v 1.671875 c 0,0.5 -0.09375,0.625 -0.5,0.65625 V 0 h 1.65625 V -0.125 C 3.46875,-0.15625 3.375,-0.25 3.375,-0.640625 V -2.46875 c 0,-0.75 -0.34375,-1.203125 -0.9375,-1.203125 -0.359375,0 -0.609375,0.140625 -1.15625,0.65625 V -3.65625 L 1.234375,-3.671875 C 0.84375,-3.515625 0.5625,-3.4375 0.125,-3.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path267" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-35"> + <path + d="M 3.796875,-3.578125 H 2.6875 v 0.109375 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.375,0.109375 0.375,0.25 0,0.09375 -0.015625,0.171875 -0.046875,0.25 l -0.78125,2.0625 -0.8125,-2.046875 C 1.375,-3.0625 1.34375,-3.171875 1.34375,-3.25 c 0,-0.140625 0.09375,-0.1875 0.375,-0.21875 V -3.578125 H 0.15625 V -3.46875 C 0.453125,-3.453125 0.515625,-3.375 0.875,-2.546875 l 0.953125,2.28125 c 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.109375 0.0625,0.171875 0.046875,0.140625 0.09375,0.203125 0.15625,0.203125 0.046875,0 0.09375,-0.09375 0.21875,-0.390625 l 1.015625,-2.5625 c 0.234375,-0.546875 0.28125,-0.59375 0.515625,-0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path270" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-36"> + <path + d="M 2.375,1.046875 H 1.703125 C 1.4375,1.046875 1.3125,0.90625 1.3125,0.625 v -5.34375 c 0,-0.25 0.09375,-0.359375 0.359375,-0.359375 H 2.375 V -5.28125 H 0.703125 V 1.25 H 2.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path273" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-37"> + <path + d="m 1.21875,-2.625 c 0.46875,0 0.65625,0.015625 0.84375,0.078125 0.5,0.1875 0.8125,0.640625 0.8125,1.1875 0,0.671875 -0.453125,1.1875 -1.046875,1.1875 -0.21875,0 -0.375,-0.0625 -0.671875,-0.25 C 0.921875,-0.5625 0.78125,-0.625 0.640625,-0.625 c -0.171875,0 -0.296875,0.109375 -0.296875,0.28125 0,0.28125 0.34375,0.453125 0.90625,0.453125 0.609375,0 1.234375,-0.203125 1.609375,-0.53125 C 3.234375,-0.75 3.4375,-1.21875 3.4375,-1.75 c 0,-0.40625 -0.125,-0.78125 -0.359375,-1.015625 -0.15625,-0.1875 -0.3125,-0.28125 -0.65625,-0.4375 0.546875,-0.359375 0.75,-0.65625 0.75,-1.09375 0,-0.640625 -0.515625,-1.09375 -1.25,-1.09375 -0.390625,0 -0.75,0.140625 -1.03125,0.390625 -0.234375,0.21875 -0.359375,0.421875 -0.53125,0.90625 l 0.125,0.03125 c 0.328125,-0.578125 0.671875,-0.84375 1.1875,-0.84375 0.515625,0 0.875,0.34375 0.875,0.84375 0,0.296875 -0.125,0.578125 -0.328125,0.78125 -0.234375,0.234375 -0.453125,0.359375 -1,0.546875 z m 0,0" + id="path276" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-38"> + <path + d="m 3.765625,-1.84375 h -0.8125 V -5.390625 H 2.59375 l -2.5,3.546875 v 0.515625 H 2.328125 V 0 h 0.625 v -1.328125 h 0.8125 z m -1.4375,0 h -1.90625 l 1.90625,-2.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path279" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-3-39"> + <path + d="M 0.265625,1.046875 V 1.25 h 1.6875 v -6.53125 h -1.6875 v 0.203125 h 0.6875 c 0.265625,0 0.390625,0.140625 0.390625,0.421875 V 0.6875 c 0,0.25 -0.109375,0.359375 -0.359375,0.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path282" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-4-1"> + <path + d="m 4.671875,-2.296875 v -2.3125 H 4.453125 C 4.34375,-3.8125 4.15625,-3.671875 3.375,-3.671875 H 1.96875 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.34375 h 1.328125 c 1.09375,0 1.3125,0.140625 1.484375,1.046875 H 5.328125 L 5.296875,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.0625 0.84375,0.203125 0.84375,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.828125 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.84375,1.015625 V 0 H 2.859375 V -0.1875 C 2.09375,-0.234375 1.96875,-0.375 1.96875,-1.09375 V -3.265625 H 3.375 c 0.796875,0 0.96875,0.15625 1.078125,0.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path286" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-2"> + <path + d="m 1.703125,-4.578125 -1.5,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.3125,0.15625 0.3125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.765625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.3125 V -0.15625 C 1.828125,-0.203125 1.75,-0.296875 1.75,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.25,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.484375,0.234375 -0.484375,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.484375,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 C 1.765625,-6.578125 1.53125,-6.8125 1.25,-6.8125 Z m 0,0" + id="path289" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-3"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 0.6875,-4 0.78125,-3.859375 0.78125,-3.375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.75,-0.1875 1.609375,-0.3125 1.609375,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.671875,-0.5625 1,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.71875,0.296875 0.71875,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 h 2.03125 V -0.15625 C 4.265625,-0.203125 4.140625,-0.3125 4.140625,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.484375 -1.15625,-1.484375 -0.4375,0 -0.75,0.15625 -1.40625,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.5,-4.578125 c -0.46875,0.171875 -0.8125,0.28125 -1.34375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path292" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-4"> + <path + d="m 4.3125,-0.65625 c -0.15625,0.140625 -0.28125,0.1875 -0.421875,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.1875,-1.046875 C 3.1875,-4.390625 2.765625,-4.578125 2.1875,-4.578125 c -0.921875,0 -1.640625,0.484375 -1.640625,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.4375,-0.1875 0.4375,-0.40625 C 1.40625,-3.5 1.390625,-3.546875 1.390625,-3.625 1.375,-3.703125 1.359375,-3.78125 1.359375,-3.859375 c 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.703125,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.28125 0.734375,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.5,0.609375 -1.65625,0.6875 -2.078125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.03125,1.0625 0.421875,0 0.828125,-0.203125 1.421875,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.625,0.71875 0.328125,0 0.53125,-0.109375 0.875,-0.5 z m -1.515625,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 -0.234375,0.140625 -0.5,0.21875 -0.703125,0.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.625,-0.328125 -0.625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.578125,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path295" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-5"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.03125 0.296875,-0.03125 0.3125,0 0.40625,0.140625 0.40625,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.125,0.671875 -0.75,0.71875 V 0 h 2.3125 V -0.15625 C 1.890625,-0.1875 1.78125,-0.296875 1.78125,-0.84375 v -5.9375 L 1.734375,-6.8125 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.875,0.265625 -1.546875,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path298" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-6"> + <path + d="m 4.640625,-4.484375 h -1.3125 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.953125,2.75 L 1.6875,-3.6875 C 1.625,-3.828125 1.578125,-3.953125 1.578125,-4.0625 c 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.140625 v 0.140625 c 0.25,0.03125 0.421875,0.140625 0.5,0.3125 L 1.75,-1.578125 1.78125,-1.5 1.921875,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.390625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.046875,0 -0.140625,-0.015625 -0.234375,-0.0625 C 1.046875,1.203125 0.875,1.15625 0.71875,1.15625 c -0.234375,0 -0.421875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.3125,0.578125 0.71875,0.578125 0.65625,0 1.125,-0.5625 1.65625,-2 l 1.5,-4.0625 c 0.125,-0.3125 0.234375,-0.421875 0.46875,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path301" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-7"> + <path + d="M 0.8125,1.40625 C 1.46875,1.078125 1.90625,0.46875 1.90625,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.78125,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.234375 -0.578125,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.21875,0.515625 0.578125,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.0625,-0.03125 0.0625,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.8125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path304" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-8"> + <path + d="M 2.484375,-4.484375 H 1.5 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.375,-5.6875 1.3125,-5.59375 1.234375,-5.5 0.875,-4.9375 0.453125,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 H 0.6875 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.859375,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.171875,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.359375,0.34375 -0.578125,0.34375 C 1.65625,-0.421875 1.5,-0.6875 1.5,-1.3125 v -2.859375 h 0.984375 z m 0,0" + id="path307" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-9"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 h 2.34375 V -0.15625 C 1.734375,-0.171875 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.421875,-0.8125 0.6875,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.140625,0.046875 0.25,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.375,-0.171875 0.375,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 -0.40625,0 -0.6875,0.21875 -1.171875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.515625,-4.578125 C 1,-4.359375 0.640625,-4.234375 0.0625,-4.046875 Z m 0,0" + id="path310" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-10"> + <path + d="M 4.59375,-3.875 V -4.25 h -0.75 C 3.640625,-4.25 3.5,-4.28125 3.296875,-4.359375 L 3.09375,-4.4375 C 2.828125,-4.53125 2.5625,-4.578125 2.3125,-4.578125 c -0.921875,0 -1.640625,0.703125 -1.640625,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.90625,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.359375,0.34375 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.3125,0.28125 -0.4375,0.484375 -0.4375,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.109375,0.328125 0.515625,0.515625 C 0.53125,0.515625 0.28125,0.84375 0.28125,1.203125 c 0,0.53125 0.75,0.96875 1.6875,0.96875 0.734375,0 1.484375,-0.265625 2,-0.671875 C 4.34375,1.1875 4.5,0.875 4.5,0.484375 4.5,-0.125 4.046875,-0.546875 3.328125,-0.578125 L 2.0625,-0.640625 C 1.546875,-0.65625 1.296875,-0.75 1.296875,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.078125,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.171875,0.015625 0.3125,0.03125 0.359375,0.03125 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.0625,-0.421875 0.3125,-0.28125 0.46875,-0.625 0.46875,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.4375,0.015625 C 1.765625,0.09375 2.546875,0.15625 3.015625,0.15625 c 0.890625,0 1.21875,0.125 1.21875,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.84375,0.96875 -0.859375,0 -1.4375,-0.296875 -1.4375,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.078125,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.484375,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.71875,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.5625,0.171875 0.71875,0.46875 0.171875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.28125,0.90625 -0.734375,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1,-0.640625 -1,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path313" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-11"> + <path + d="M 3.984375,-1.640625 C 3.515625,-0.875 3.09375,-0.59375 2.46875,-0.59375 c -0.546875,0 -0.96875,-0.28125 -1.25,-0.859375 -0.1875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 h 3 C 3.875,-3.40625 3.78125,-3.703125 3.53125,-4.015625 3.25,-4.375 2.796875,-4.578125 2.28125,-4.578125 c -0.484375,0 -0.9375,0.171875 -1.3125,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.078125,0.09375 3,0.09375 3.734375,-0.484375 4.140625,-1.5625 Z m -3.015625,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.4375,-1.15625 1.03125,-1.15625 0.59375,0 0.828125,0.28125 0.953125,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path316" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-12"> + <path + d="M 3.515625,-4.234375 C 3.0625,-4.5 2.78125,-4.59375 2.390625,-4.59375 c -1.21875,0 -2.15625,1.109375 -2.15625,2.546875 0,1.265625 0.640625,2.140625 1.5625,2.140625 0.5625,0 1.109375,-0.25 1.53125,-0.734375 v 1.875 C 3.328125,1.796875 3.15625,1.9375 2.46875,2 v 0.15625 h 2.296875 v -0.125 C 4.234375,1.90625 4.15625,1.828125 4.15625,1.40625 V -4.5625 H 4.046875 Z m -0.1875,2.96875 c 0,0.234375 -0.03125,0.375 -0.140625,0.453125 -0.203125,0.1875 -0.53125,0.296875 -0.828125,0.296875 -0.3125,0 -0.578125,-0.09375 -0.765625,-0.296875 -0.3125,-0.28125 -0.515625,-0.9375 -0.515625,-1.59375 0,-1.171875 0.515625,-1.90625 1.34375,-1.90625 0.609375,0 0.90625,0.328125 0.90625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path319" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-13"> + <path + d="M 4.671875,-0.5 H 4.625 C 4.1875,-0.5 4.078125,-0.609375 4.078125,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.53125 V -4.3125 C 3.140625,-4.28125 3.25,-4.1875 3.25,-3.6875 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.5625,0.328125 -0.859375,0.328125 -0.375,0 -0.6875,-0.328125 -0.6875,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 V -4.34375 C 0.5625,-4.3125 0.6875,-4.171875 0.6875,-3.703125 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.46875,1.296875 1.1875,1.296875 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1,-0.421875 L 3.296875,-0.75 V 0.0625 L 3.34375,0.09375 c 0.484375,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.3125 1.328125,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path322" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-14"> + <path + d="M 3.078125,-3.125 3.03125,-4.484375 H 2.9375 L 2.90625,-4.46875 c -0.078125,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.125,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.140625,1.4375 l 0.5625,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.8125,0.71875 -0.328125,0 -0.640625,-0.125 -0.828125,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.28125,-0.484375 -0.40625,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.21875,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.21875,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.265625,0.0625 0.53125,0.09375 0.703125,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.390625,-0.578125 1.390625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.53125,-3 C 1.25,-3.15625 1.109375,-3.40625 1.109375,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.296875,-0.6875 0.75,-0.6875 0.546875,0 0.84375,0.34375 1.078125,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path325" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-15"> + <path + d="M 0.296875,-4.15625 H 0.96875 v 3.21875 c 0,0.640625 -0.109375,0.765625 -0.65625,0.78125 V 0 H 2.46875 V -0.15625 C 1.921875,-0.1875 1.78125,-0.328125 1.78125,-0.875 V -4.15625 H 2.625 c 0.9375,0 0.984375,0.03125 0.984375,0.5625 v 2.625 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,0.765625 -0.671875,0.8125 V 0 H 5.09375 V -0.15625 C 4.546875,-0.203125 4.4375,-0.328125 4.4375,-0.96875 v -2.609375 c 0,-0.21875 0,-0.453125 0.015625,-0.984375 l -0.03125,-0.015625 c -0.4375,0.0625 -0.71875,0.09375 -1.109375,0.09375 H 1.78125 v -0.4375 c 0,-0.4375 0.03125,-0.734375 0.078125,-0.90625 C 2,-6.265625 2.375,-6.5625 2.8125,-6.5625 c 0.28125,0 0.453125,0.125 0.6875,0.46875 0.1875,0.265625 0.3125,0.375 0.484375,0.375 0.203125,0 0.359375,-0.171875 0.359375,-0.390625 0,-0.421875 -0.5,-0.703125 -1.25,-0.703125 -0.734375,0 -1.3125,0.265625 -1.65625,0.75 -0.296875,0.40625 -0.40625,0.78125 -0.453125,1.578125 h -0.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path328" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-16"> + <path + d="M 3.890625,-1.5625 C 3.421875,-0.859375 3.0625,-0.625 2.515625,-0.625 1.625,-0.625 1,-1.421875 1,-2.5625 c 0,-1.03125 0.53125,-1.734375 1.328125,-1.734375 0.34375,0 0.46875,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 l 0.046875,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.5,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -0.984375,0.1875 -1.390625,0.546875 -0.484375,0.4375 -0.75,1.125 -0.75,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.765625,2.21875 1.84375,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.1875,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path331" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-17"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.390625,-4 0.5,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.6875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.171875 1.65625,-0.28125 1.65625,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.234375,-0.21875 0.65625,-0.390625 1,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.640625,0.34375 0.640625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.65625,0.703125 V 0 h 2.1875 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.703125,-0.171875 -0.703125,-0.796875 v -2.5 c 0.296875,-0.4375 0.609375,-0.609375 1.0625,-0.609375 0.5625,0 0.734375,0.265625 0.734375,1.09375 V -0.875 C 6.078125,-0.296875 6,-0.21875 5.4375,-0.15625 V 0 h 2.125 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.015625,-0.1875 6.890625,-0.375 6.890625,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.375,-1.765625 -1.125,-1.765625 -0.5625,0 -1.0625,0.25 -1.59375,0.828125 C 4,-4.3125 3.65625,-4.578125 3.140625,-4.578125 c -0.4375,0 -0.703125,0.125 -1.515625,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.546875,-4.578125 C 1.0625,-4.390625 0.71875,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path334" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-18"> + <path + d="m 2.4375,-4.578125 c -1.265625,0 -2.15625,0.953125 -2.15625,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.90625,2.34375 2.140625,2.34375 1.234375,0 2.171875,-1.046875 2.171875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.15625,-2.25 z M 2.3125,-4.3125 c 0.828125,0 1.40625,0.96875 1.40625,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.171875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.953125,-0.640625 C 1.3125,-1.328125 1.15625,-2.03125 1.15625,-2.734375 1.15625,-3.6875 1.625,-4.3125 2.3125,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path337" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-19"> + <path + d="M 3.015625,-4.484375 H 1.8125 v -1.15625 C 1.8125,-6.21875 2,-6.53125 2.375,-6.53125 c 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.515625,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.4375,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.40625,-0.1875 0.40625,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.421875,-0.625 -1.015625,-0.625 -0.59375,0 -1.109375,0.265625 -1.375,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.328125,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.203125 v 0.3125 H 1 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.84375 -0.796875,0.875 V 0 h 2.53125 V -0.15625 C 1.9375,-0.171875 1.828125,-0.296875 1.828125,-1.03125 v -3.140625 h 1.1875 z m 0,0" + id="path340" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-20"> + <path + d="M 1.5,-6.78125 1.453125,-6.8125 C 1.03125,-6.65625 0.765625,-6.578125 0.3125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.390625,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.828125,0.625 1.609375,0.625 1.296875,0 2.296875,-1.09375 2.296875,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.75,-2.15625 -1.71875,-2.15625 -0.609375,0 -1.171875,0.34375 -1.359375,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.453125,-0.75 0.96875,-0.75 0.75,0 1.25,0.765625 1.25,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.46875,1.75 -1.28125,1.75 -0.5,0 -0.9375,-0.234375 -0.9375,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path343" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-21"> + <path + d="m 3.359375,0.09375 1.4375,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.625,-0.5625 4.59375,-0.5625 4.578125,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.09375,-6.8125 C 3.625,-6.640625 3.28125,-6.546875 2.65625,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.734375,-6.21875 2.796875,-6.21875 2.875,-6.21875 c 0.359375,0 0.453125,0.09375 0.453125,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.375,-0.3125 -0.640625,-0.421875 -1.03125,-0.421875 -1.125,0 -2.03125,1.125 -2.03125,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.734375,2.140625 1.8125,2.140625 0.546875,0 0.90625,-0.1875 1.25,-0.65625 v 0.625 z m -0.03125,-1.109375 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.171875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.296875 -0.703125,0.296875 -0.8125,0 -1.34375,-0.796875 -1.34375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.46875,-1.875 1.21875,-1.875 0.515625,0 1,0.46875 1,1 z m 0,0" + id="path346" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-22"> + <path + d="m 6.0625,-4.484375 -0.09375,-2.25 H 5.765625 C 5.703125,-6.53125 5.546875,-6.40625 5.359375,-6.40625 5.265625,-6.40625 5.125,-6.4375 4.96875,-6.5 4.5,-6.65625 4,-6.734375 3.546875,-6.734375 2.75,-6.734375 1.9375,-6.4375 1.328125,-5.875 c -0.6875,0.609375 -1.046875,1.53125 -1.046875,2.640625 0,0.921875 0.28125,1.78125 0.78125,2.34375 0.59375,0.65625 1.484375,1.03125 2.453125,1.03125 C 4.625,0.140625 5.59375,-0.3125 6.1875,-1.125 L 6,-1.3125 C 5.28125,-0.59375 4.640625,-0.296875 3.828125,-0.296875 3.21875,-0.296875 2.671875,-0.5 2.25,-0.875 1.703125,-1.359375 1.40625,-2.265625 1.40625,-3.375 c 0,-1.796875 0.90625,-2.96875 2.328125,-2.96875 0.546875,0 1.0625,0.21875 1.453125,0.609375 0.3125,0.328125 0.453125,0.59375 0.640625,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path349" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-23"> + <path + d="M 1.96875,-2.90625 C 2.234375,-2.875 2.390625,-2.875 2.640625,-2.875 c 0.765625,0 1.296875,-0.09375 1.71875,-0.328125 0.578125,-0.328125 0.9375,-0.9375 0.9375,-1.59375 C 5.296875,-5.21875 5.15625,-5.59375 4.890625,-5.875 4.5,-6.3125 3.65625,-6.59375 2.734375,-6.59375 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.078125 0.828125,0.171875 0.828125,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.84375 -0.078125,0.9375 -0.828125,1.015625 V 0 H 2.890625 V -0.1875 C 2.125,-0.21875 1.96875,-0.359375 1.96875,-1.09375 Z m 0,-2.984375 c 0,-0.265625 0.078125,-0.34375 0.34375,-0.34375 1.3125,0 1.921875,0.46875 1.921875,1.5 0,0.96875 -0.578125,1.46875 -1.703125,1.46875 -0.203125,0 -0.328125,-0.015625 -0.5625,-0.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path352" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-24"> + <path + d="m 5.96875,-5.140625 c 0,-1.015625 0.109375,-1.171875 0.921875,-1.265625 v -0.1875 H 4.625 v 0.1875 c 0.75,0.0625 0.90625,0.28125 0.90625,1.265625 V -2.4375 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,1.046875 -0.21875,1.34375 -0.265625,0.484375 -0.890625,0.796875 -1.625,0.796875 C 3,-0.296875 2.515625,-0.53125 2.25,-1 2.078125,-1.328125 2.015625,-1.6875 2.015625,-2.328125 v -3.1875 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.890625,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.140625 v 0.1875 c 0.765625,0.0625 0.875,0.171875 0.875,0.890625 v 3.109375 c 0,1.734375 0.796875,2.546875 2.453125,2.546875 1.0625,0 1.796875,-0.34375 2.171875,-1.03125 C 5.875,-1.3125 5.96875,-1.765625 5.96875,-2.53125 Z m 0,0" + id="path355" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-25"> + <path + d="M 6.921875,-3.53125 H 4.4375 v 0.1875 c 0.421875,0.03125 0.53125,0.046875 0.65625,0.140625 0.140625,0.078125 0.203125,0.3125 0.203125,0.734375 v 1.625 c 0,0.3125 -0.59375,0.578125 -1.296875,0.578125 -1.59375,0 -2.578125,-1.125 -2.578125,-2.984375 0,-0.9375 0.28125,-1.84375 0.703125,-2.328125 0.4375,-0.5 1.046875,-0.765625 1.703125,-0.765625 0.546875,0 1.03125,0.1875 1.40625,0.546875 0.296875,0.28125 0.453125,0.546875 0.6875,1.15625 H 6.15625 l -0.078125,-2.09375 h -0.21875 c -0.0625,0.1875 -0.234375,0.328125 -0.4375,0.328125 -0.09375,0 -0.25,-0.03125 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.140625 -0.875,-0.21875 -1.328125,-0.21875 -1.953125,0 -3.34375,1.453125 -3.34375,3.5 0,0.96875 0.265625,1.71875 0.8125,2.3125 0.65625,0.6875 1.59375,1.0625 2.671875,1.0625 0.828125,0 2.046875,-0.34375 2.4375,-0.703125 v -2.015625 c 0,-0.59375 0.125,-0.71875 0.6875,-0.765625 z m 0,0" + id="path358" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-26"> + <path + d="m 6.890625,-0.1875 c -0.4375,-0.03125 -0.53125,-0.125 -0.875,-0.875 l -2.4375,-5.65625 h -0.1875 l -2.03125,4.890625 c -0.625,1.453125 -0.75,1.625 -1.21875,1.640625 V 0 h 1.9375 v -0.1875 c -0.46875,0 -0.65625,-0.125 -0.65625,-0.40625 0,-0.125 0.03125,-0.265625 0.078125,-0.390625 L 1.9375,-2.15625 H 4.5 l 0.40625,0.953125 c 0.109375,0.28125 0.1875,0.53125 0.1875,0.671875 0,0.25 -0.171875,0.328125 -0.6875,0.34375 V 0 h 2.484375 z m -4.78125,-2.375 1.125,-2.734375 1.125,2.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path361" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-27"> + <path + d="M 4.359375,-6.734375 H 4.15625 C 4.125,-6.515625 4.015625,-6.40625 3.84375,-6.40625 3.75,-6.40625 3.578125,-6.4375 3.421875,-6.515625 3.0625,-6.65625 2.703125,-6.734375 2.390625,-6.734375 c -0.421875,0 -0.859375,0.171875 -1.171875,0.453125 -0.34375,0.3125 -0.53125,0.734375 -0.53125,1.25 0,0.796875 0.4375,1.359375 1.53125,1.9375 0.703125,0.375 1.203125,0.796875 1.453125,1.171875 0.09375,0.125 0.140625,0.34375 0.140625,0.578125 0,0.671875 -0.484375,1.125 -1.203125,1.125 -0.875,0 -1.484375,-0.546875 -1.96875,-1.765625 H 0.40625 L 0.703125,0.125 h 0.21875 c 0,-0.1875 0.125,-0.328125 0.265625,-0.328125 0.109375,0 0.28125,0.046875 0.46875,0.109375 0.359375,0.15625 0.75,0.234375 1.140625,0.234375 1.125,0 2,-0.78125 2,-1.8125 0,-0.828125 -0.53125,-1.46875 -1.828125,-2.171875 -1.03125,-0.578125 -1.4375,-1.015625 -1.4375,-1.5625 0,-0.546875 0.40625,-0.921875 1.015625,-0.921875 0.4375,0 0.859375,0.1875 1.1875,0.546875 0.3125,0.3125 0.453125,0.578125 0.609375,1.171875 h 0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path364" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-28"> + <path + d="m 1.125,-1.09375 c 0,0.75 -0.125,0.875 -0.953125,0.90625 V 0 h 2.90625 V -0.1875 C 2.28125,-0.21875 2.125,-0.359375 2.125,-1.09375 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.71875 0.125,-0.859375 0.953125,-0.890625 v -0.1875 h -2.90625 v 0.1875 C 1,-6.359375 1.125,-6.25 1.125,-5.515625 Z m 0,0" + id="path367" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-29"> + <path + d="m 1.21875,-1 c -0.296875,0 -0.53125,0.265625 -0.53125,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.234375,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.296875,0 0.546875,-0.25 0.546875,-0.53125 C 1.765625,-0.734375 1.515625,-1 1.21875,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path370" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-30"> + <path + d="m 2.046875,-3.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.859375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.1875 v 0.1875 c 0.75,0.0625 0.859375,0.171875 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.84375 -0.09375,0.96875 -0.859375,1.015625 V 0 H 2.90625 V -0.1875 C 2.171875,-0.25 2.046875,-0.375 2.046875,-1.09375 V -3.140625 H 5 v 1.9375 c 0,0.84375 -0.09375,0.96875 -0.859375,1.015625 V 0 h 2.71875 V -0.1875 C 6.125,-0.25 6,-0.375 6,-1.09375 V -5.515625 C 6,-6.234375 6.109375,-6.34375 6.859375,-6.40625 v -0.1875 h -2.71875 v 0.1875 C 4.890625,-6.34375 5,-6.234375 5,-5.515625 v 1.9375 z m 0,0" + id="path373" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-31"> + <path + d="M 5.578125,-4.484375 V -4.34375 C 5.90625,-4.265625 6,-4.203125 6,-4.03125 6,-3.875 5.953125,-3.640625 5.84375,-3.375 l -0.875,2.21875 -0.828125,-2.234375 C 3.96875,-3.84375 3.96875,-3.84375 3.96875,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.5625 v 0.140625 c 0.359375,0.046875 0.46875,0.15625 0.671875,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.1875,0.5625 l -0.875,1.984375 -0.96875,-2.59375 C 1.53125,-3.8125 1.515625,-3.90625 1.515625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.203125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.515625,0.640625 l 1.328125,3.40625 c 0.109375,0.296875 0.1875,0.4375 0.25,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.09375,-2.390625 0.875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.1875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.078125,0 0.125,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.375,-3.796875 C 6.546875,-4.21875 6.578125,-4.265625 6.78125,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path376" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-32"> + <path + d="M 4.65625,-4.484375 H 3.296875 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.03125,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 l -0.96875,2.578125 -1,-2.546875 C 1.6875,-3.828125 1.65625,-3.96875 1.65625,-4.0625 c 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.4375,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.03125 0.4375,0.125 0.890625,1.15625 L 2.25,-0.328125 c 0.015625,0.0625 0.046875,0.125 0.078125,0.203125 C 2.390625,0.0625 2.4375,0.140625 2.5,0.140625 c 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 l 1.25,-3.203125 c 0.28125,-0.671875 0.328125,-0.75 0.625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path379" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-33"> + <path + d="m 1.53125,-3.421875 c 0.40625,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.625 1.09375,-0.625 0.484375,0 0.71875,0.359375 0.71875,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.65625,0.859375 V 0 H 4.75 V -0.15625 C 4.234375,-0.25 4.171875,-0.328125 4.171875,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.40625,-1.578125 -1.203125,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -0.984375,0.234375 -1.4375,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.484375,-6.8125 c -0.328125,0.125 -0.578125,0.203125 -1.125,0.359375 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.5,0.078125 0.5,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.203125 V -0.15625 C 1.625,-0.203125 1.53125,-0.328125 1.53125,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path382" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-34"> + <path + d="M 0.375,1.765625 C 1.09375,1.28125 1.390625,1.03125 1.75,0.5625 c 0.6875,-0.859375 1.03125,-1.859375 1.03125,-3.03125 0,-1.265625 -0.359375,-2.234375 -1.21875,-3.25 C 1.15625,-6.203125 0.90625,-6.421875 0.40625,-6.734375 l -0.125,0.15625 c 0.78125,0.625 1.046875,0.96875 1.328125,1.71875 0.234375,0.671875 0.328125,1.4375 0.328125,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.125,1.875 -0.390625,2.484375 -0.265625,0.625 -0.5625,0.984375 -1.265625,1.5625 z m 0,0" + id="path385" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-35"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.078125,0 0.15625,0 0.234375,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.734375,1.828125 0.625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.40625 V 1.984375 C 1.6875,1.96875 1.546875,1.859375 1.546875,1.234375 v -1.5625 C 1.890625,0 2.125,0.09375 2.546875,0.09375 c 1.140625,0 2.046875,-1.109375 2.046875,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.6875,-2.109375 -1.640625,-2.109375 -0.546875,0 -0.96875,0.234375 -1.40625,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.5,-4.578125 C 0.96875,-4.375 0.625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.453125,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.546875,-0.65625 1,-0.65625 0.71875,0 1.203125,0.75 1.203125,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.1875,1.859375 -0.453125,0 -1.015625,-0.359375 -1.015625,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path388" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-36"> + <path + d="M 4.078125,-1.34375 3.90625,-1.390625 C 3.8125,-0.890625 3.75,-0.734375 3.625,-0.5625 3.484375,-0.390625 3.15625,-0.296875 2.65625,-0.296875 H 1.3125 L 3.9375,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.546875 L 0.515625,-3.3125 H 0.6875 c 0.09375,-0.71875 0.234375,-0.875 0.828125,-0.875 h 1.34375 l -2.59375,4.03125 V 0 h 3.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path391" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-37"> + <path + d="m 2.484375,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.921875,1.015625 V 0 h 2.859375 v -0.1875 c -0.8125,-0.046875 -0.9375,-0.171875 -0.9375,-0.90625 V -6.1875 H 4 c 1.125,0 1.328125,0.1875 1.5625,1.28125 h 0.234375 l -0.0625,-1.6875 H 0.21875 l -0.046875,1.6875 H 0.40625 C 0.640625,-5.984375 0.859375,-6.1875 1.953125,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path394" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-38"> + <path + d="m 0.375,-2.5625 v 0.625 h 2.40625 v -0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path397" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-39"> + <path + d="m 6.578125,-5.71875 v 4.515625 c 0,0.828125 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.890625,1.015625 V 0 H 8.421875 V -0.1875 C 7.71875,-0.234375 7.578125,-0.375 7.578125,-1.09375 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.703125 0.125,-0.828125 0.84375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 h -1.9375 l -2.15625,5.03125 -2.25,-5.03125 h -1.9375 v 0.1875 C 0.9375,-6.359375 1.0625,-6.234375 1.0625,-5.515625 V -1.46875 C 1.0625,-0.4375 0.921875,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.40625 V -0.1875 C 1.65625,-0.234375 1.5,-0.453125 1.5,-1.46875 V -5.484375 L 3.953125,0 h 0.125 z m 0,0" + id="path400" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-40"> + <path + d="m 1.015625,-1.09375 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.859375 -0.859375,0.90625 V 0 H 2.9375 c 1.125,0 2.15625,-0.328125 2.75,-0.890625 0.640625,-0.578125 1,-1.46875 1,-2.4375 C 6.6875,-4.234375 6.390625,-5 5.859375,-5.546875 5.203125,-6.234375 4.125,-6.59375 2.796875,-6.59375 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.765625,0.0625 0.859375,0.15625 0.859375,0.890625 z m 1,-4.75 c 0,-0.3125 0.109375,-0.390625 0.5,-0.390625 0.84375,0 1.484375,0.15625 1.953125,0.5 0.75,0.546875 1.15625,1.390625 1.15625,2.46875 0,1.1875 -0.40625,2.015625 -1.1875,2.484375 -0.5,0.296875 -1.0625,0.40625 -1.921875,0.40625 -0.390625,0 -0.5,-0.078125 -0.5,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path403" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-41"> + <path + d="m 5.59375,-1.734375 c -0.15625,0.375 -0.296875,0.609375 -0.453125,0.78125 -0.328125,0.390625 -0.875,0.5625 -1.6875,0.5625 h -0.65625 c -0.703125,0 -0.828125,-0.0625 -0.828125,-0.40625 v -4.71875 c 0,-0.703125 0.125,-0.84375 0.90625,-0.890625 v -0.1875 h -2.75 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.0625 0.84375,0.203125 0.84375,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.703125 -0.140625,0.859375 -0.84375,0.90625 V 0 h 5.25 l 0.46875,-1.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path406" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-42"> + <path + d="M 2.875,-6.734375 C 2.15625,-6.265625 1.859375,-6 1.5,-5.546875 c -0.6875,0.875 -1.03125,1.875 -1.03125,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.359375,2.25 1.21875,3.265625 0.40625,0.46875 0.65625,0.703125 1.171875,1.015625 L 2.96875,1.609375 C 2.1875,0.984375 1.921875,0.625 1.65625,-0.125 1.421875,-0.78125 1.3125,-1.546875 1.3125,-2.546875 1.3125,-3.59375 1.4375,-4.40625 1.703125,-5.03125 1.96875,-5.640625 2.265625,-6 2.96875,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path409" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-43"> + <path + d="m 0.171875,-6.59375 v 0.1875 c 0.8125,0.046875 0.9375,0.15625 0.9375,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.75 -0.125,0.875 -0.9375,0.90625 V 0 h 3.25 C 4.1875,0 4.890625,-0.203125 5.25,-0.546875 5.59375,-0.875 5.796875,-1.3125 5.796875,-1.796875 c 0,-0.4375 -0.1875,-0.828125 -0.484375,-1.125 C 5.015625,-3.1875 4.75,-3.3125 4.125,-3.46875 c 0.5,-0.125 0.703125,-0.234375 0.9375,-0.4375 0.25,-0.21875 0.390625,-0.59375 0.390625,-1 0,-1.109375 -0.859375,-1.6875 -2.546875,-1.6875 z M 2.09375,-3.25 c 0.953125,0 1.40625,0.046875 1.75,0.203125 0.5625,0.234375 0.828125,0.640625 0.828125,1.265625 0,0.53125 -0.203125,0.921875 -0.59375,1.15625 -0.3125,0.171875 -0.71875,0.25 -1.359375,0.25 -0.484375,0 -0.625,-0.078125 -0.625,-0.40625 z m 0,-0.40625 V -5.9375 c 0,-0.203125 0.078125,-0.296875 0.21875,-0.296875 H 2.75 c 1.125,0 1.71875,0.484375 1.71875,1.375 0,0.765625 -0.515625,1.203125 -1.4375,1.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path412" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-44"> + <path + d="m 5.984375,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.09375,-0.953125 0.28125,-1.09375 0.125,-0.09375 0.265625,-0.140625 0.640625,-0.171875 v -0.1875 H 4.609375 v 0.1875 c 0.375,0.03125 0.515625,0.0625 0.65625,0.15625 0.1875,0.140625 0.28125,0.5 0.28125,1.109375 V -1.78125 L 1.78125,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.40625,0 0.546875,0.078125 0.9375,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.0625,-0.4375 0.921875,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.40625 V -0.1875 C 1.65625,-0.234375 1.5,-0.453125 1.5,-1.46875 V -5.375 l 4.3125,5.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path415" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-45"> + <path + d="M 2.71875,0 H 4.671875 V -0.15625 C 4.375,-0.15625 4.1875,-0.3125 3.875,-0.75 l -1.25,-1.953125 0.8125,-1.1875 c 0.1875,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.4375 0.796875,-0.453125 V -4.484375 H 2.6875 v 0.140625 c 0.296875,0.03125 0.390625,0.09375 0.390625,0.234375 0,0.109375 -0.125,0.328125 -0.359375,0.640625 -0.046875,0.0625 -0.171875,0.234375 -0.296875,0.4375 L 2.28125,-3.234375 c -0.265625,-0.421875 -0.4375,-0.75 -0.4375,-0.875 0,-0.140625 0.125,-0.21875 0.40625,-0.234375 V -4.484375 H 0.234375 v 0.140625 h 0.09375 c 0.28125,0 0.4375,0.140625 0.75,0.609375 L 2,-2.296875 0.875,-0.65625 c -0.28125,0.40625 -0.390625,0.484375 -0.703125,0.5 V 0 h 1.40625 v -0.15625 c -0.265625,0 -0.390625,-0.046875 -0.390625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.078125,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 L 2.15625,-1.96875 3.046875,-0.5625 c 0.046875,0.046875 0.0625,0.109375 0.0625,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.078125,0.21875 -0.390625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path418" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-46"> + <path + d="M 1.046875,1.40625 C 1.71875,1.0625 2.140625,0.46875 2.140625,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.78125,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.21875 -0.578125,0.5625 C 0.78125,-0.125 1,0.0625 1.359375,0.0625 c 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.0625,-0.03125 0.0625,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.8125,1.0625 z m 0.28125,-5.984375 c -0.296875,0 -0.53125,0.265625 -0.53125,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.234375,0.53125 0.515625,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.5625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.53125 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.578125 -0.546875,-0.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path421" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-47"> + <path + d="m 3.53125,-6.734375 c -1.875,0 -3.203125,1.4375 -3.203125,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.3125,1.84375 0.84375,2.421875 0.5625,0.625 1.4375,1.015625 2.296875,1.015625 1.921875,0 3.25,-1.390625 3.25,-3.40625 0,-0.984375 -0.28125,-1.828125 -0.8125,-2.421875 -0.625,-0.6875 -1.4375,-1.046875 -2.375,-1.046875 z m 0,0.359375 c 0.4375,0 0.890625,0.171875 1.25,0.5 0.515625,0.484375 0.828125,1.421875 0.828125,2.609375 0,0.578125 -0.125,1.265625 -0.328125,1.796875 -0.078125,0.25 -0.25,0.484375 -0.46875,0.71875 -0.34375,0.34375 -0.78125,0.53125 -1.3125,0.53125 -0.4375,0 -0.875,-0.1875 -1.21875,-0.484375 -0.515625,-0.46875 -0.828125,-1.46875 -0.828125,-2.578125 0,-1.015625 0.265625,-1.984375 0.671875,-2.453125 C 2.515625,-6.15625 2.984375,-6.375 3.53125,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path424" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-48"> + <path + d="m 4.640625,-1.359375 -0.125,-0.0625 C 4.15625,-0.84375 4.03125,-0.75 3.578125,-0.75 H 1.25 l 1.640625,-1.765625 c 0.875,-0.921875 1.25,-1.6875 1.25,-2.453125 0,-1 -0.796875,-1.765625 -1.8125,-1.765625 -0.53125,0 -1.03125,0.21875 -1.40625,0.609375 -0.3125,0.34375 -0.453125,0.65625 -0.625,1.375 l 0.21875,0.046875 C 0.90625,-5.6875 1.25,-6 1.921875,-6 c 0.828125,0 1.375,0.5625 1.375,1.40625 0,0.78125 -0.4375,1.703125 -1.265625,2.59375 L 0.296875,-0.125 V 0 h 3.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path427" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-49"> + <path + d="M 1.765625,-5.8125 H 3.6875 c 0.15625,0 0.1875,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.09375 l 0.375,-0.875 L 4.1875,-6.859375 C 4.046875,-6.65625 3.953125,-6.59375 3.734375,-6.59375 h -2.03125 l -1.0625,2.359375 C 0.625,-4.21875 0.625,-4.203125 0.625,-4.1875 c 0,0.046875 0.046875,0.078125 0.125,0.078125 0.3125,0 0.703125,0.078125 1.09375,0.203125 1.125,0.375 1.640625,0.984375 1.640625,1.96875 0,0.953125 -0.59375,1.703125 -1.359375,1.703125 -0.1875,0 -0.359375,-0.0625 -0.65625,-0.28125 C 1.15625,-0.75 0.9375,-0.84375 0.734375,-0.84375 c -0.28125,0 -0.421875,0.109375 -0.421875,0.359375 0,0.390625 0.453125,0.625 1.1875,0.625 0.828125,0 1.53125,-0.265625 2.015625,-0.78125 C 3.96875,-1.09375 4.171875,-1.65625 4.171875,-2.40625 4.171875,-3.125 3.984375,-3.59375 3.5,-4.09375 3.0625,-4.53125 2.515625,-4.75 1.359375,-4.96875 Z m 0,0" + id="path430" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-50"> + <path + d="m 4.390625,-6.59375 h -3.625 l -0.5625,1.453125 0.15625,0.09375 c 0.421875,-0.6875 0.59375,-0.8125 1.140625,-0.8125 H 3.609375 L 1.6875,0.078125 h 0.625 L 4.390625,-6.4375 Z m 0,0" + id="path433" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-51"> + <path + d="m 9.109375,-6.59375 h -1.9375 v 0.1875 c 0.5,0.046875 0.671875,0.15625 0.671875,0.421875 0,0.21875 -0.0625,0.46875 -0.15625,0.75 l -1.21875,3.375 L 5.171875,-5.25 C 5.15625,-5.296875 5.0625,-5.515625 5.0625,-5.546875 4.96875,-5.765625 4.90625,-5.953125 4.90625,-6.0625 c 0,-0.234375 0.234375,-0.34375 0.765625,-0.34375 v -0.1875 H 3.0625 v 0.1875 c 0.546875,0 0.65625,0.09375 0.984375,0.890625 L 4.359375,-4.6875 3.328125,-1.890625 1.921875,-5.625 C 1.84375,-5.8125 1.8125,-5.984375 1.8125,-6.09375 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.28125 0.625,-0.3125 v -0.1875 H 0.046875 v 0.1875 c 0.5,0.046875 0.640625,0.21875 1.015625,1.15625 l 1.875,5.359375 h 0.15625 l 1.5,-4.21875 1.5625,4.21875 h 0.140625 c 0.828125,-2.609375 0.9375,-2.875 2,-5.8125 0.1875,-0.515625 0.28125,-0.609375 0.8125,-0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path436" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-52"> + <path + d="m 2.484375,-6.734375 c -0.546875,0 -0.953125,0.171875 -1.3125,0.515625 -0.5625,0.5625 -0.9375,1.703125 -0.9375,2.875 0,1.078125 0.328125,2.25 0.78125,2.8125 C 1.375,-0.09375 1.875,0.140625 2.4375,0.140625 c 0.5,0 0.921875,-0.171875 1.28125,-0.515625 0.5625,-0.546875 0.9375,-1.703125 0.9375,-2.921875 0,-2.03125 -0.890625,-3.4375 -2.171875,-3.4375 z m -0.03125,0.25 c 0.8125,0 1.265625,1.125 1.265625,3.21875 0,2.078125 -0.4375,3.140625 -1.28125,3.140625 -0.828125,0 -1.265625,-1.0625 -1.265625,-3.140625 0,-2.109375 0.4375,-3.21875 1.28125,-3.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path439" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-53"> + <path + d="M 0,-2.5 V -2 h 4.890625 v -0.5 z m 0,0" + id="path442" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-54"> + <path + d="m 2.84375,-6.734375 -1.765625,0.90625 V -5.6875 C 1.203125,-5.734375 1.3125,-5.78125 1.34375,-5.796875 1.53125,-5.875 1.6875,-5.90625 1.78125,-5.90625 c 0.21875,0 0.296875,0.140625 0.296875,0.46875 v 4.515625 C 2.078125,-0.59375 2,-0.375 1.84375,-0.28125 c -0.140625,0.09375 -0.28125,0.125 -0.6875,0.125 V 0 h 2.6875 v -0.15625 c -0.765625,0 -0.921875,-0.109375 -0.921875,-0.578125 V -6.71875 Z m 0,0" + id="path445" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-55"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-6.203125 c 0.140625,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.328125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.8125 c 0,0.515625 -0.03125,0.546875 -0.734375,0.65625 V 0 H 2.359375 V -0.15625 H 2.15625 C 1.765625,-0.171875 1.625,-0.3125 1.625,-0.671875 V -2.5 l 1.359375,1.859375 0.03125,0.046875 c 0.015625,0.03125 0.046875,0.0625 0.078125,0.078125 0.078125,0.109375 0.09375,0.171875 0.09375,0.21875 0,0.09375 -0.078125,0.140625 -0.203125,0.140625 h -0.1875 V 0 H 4.9375 V -0.15625 C 4.5,-0.171875 4.203125,-0.375 3.796875,-0.875 l -1.5,-1.9375 0.28125,-0.265625 C 3.265625,-3.734375 3.875,-4.203125 4.15625,-4.28125 4.3125,-4.3125 4.4375,-4.34375 4.609375,-4.34375 H 4.6875 V -4.484375 H 2.703125 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0 0.484375,0.046875 0.484375,0.1875 0,0.078125 -0.09375,0.21875 -0.234375,0.34375 L 1.625,-2.609375 V -6.78125 L 1.578125,-6.8125 c -0.359375,0.125 -0.65625,0.203125 -1.21875,0.359375 L 0.0625,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path448" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-56"> + <path + d="M 5.828125,-1.6875 H 5.5625 C 5.0625,-0.609375 4.65625,-0.375 3.25,-0.375 H 2.984375 c -0.46875,0 -0.890625,-0.046875 -0.953125,-0.109375 -0.046875,-0.03125 -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.0625,-0.3125 v -2.46875 h 1.5 c 0.796875,0 0.953125,0.140625 1.078125,0.96875 h 0.21875 v -2.3125 h -0.21875 c -0.078125,0.40625 -0.109375,0.546875 -0.21875,0.6875 -0.125,0.171875 -0.40625,0.25 -0.859375,0.25 h -1.5 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.34375 h 1.328125 c 1.09375,0 1.3125,0.140625 1.484375,1.046875 H 5.328125 L 5.296875,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.0625 0.84375,0.203125 0.84375,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.703125 -0.140625,0.859375 -0.84375,0.90625 V 0 h 5.265625 z m 0,0" + id="path451" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-57"> + <path + d="m 2.71875,-5.515625 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.890625,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.8125 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.90625,0.171875 0.90625,0.890625 v 4.625 c 0,0.4375 -0.109375,0.65625 -0.375,0.65625 -0.125,0 -0.1875,-0.078125 -0.265625,-0.328125 -0.09375,-0.359375 -0.25,-0.515625 -0.5,-0.515625 -0.265625,0 -0.484375,0.234375 -0.484375,0.5 0,0.421875 0.40625,0.71875 0.96875,0.71875 1.0625,0 1.65625,-0.71875 1.65625,-1.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path454" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-4-58"> + <path + d="M 2.796875,-6.734375 H 2.15625 l -2.25,6.875 h 0.671875 z m 0,0" + id="path457" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-5-1"> + <path + d="M 3,-6.734375 C 2.25,-6.265625 1.9375,-6 1.5625,-5.546875 c -0.71875,0.875 -1.078125,1.875 -1.078125,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.375,2.25 1.265625,3.265625 0.421875,0.46875 0.6875,0.703125 1.21875,1.015625 l 0.125,-0.15625 C 2.28125,0.984375 1.984375,0.625 1.71875,-0.125 1.46875,-0.78125 1.359375,-1.546875 1.359375,-2.546875 1.359375,-3.59375 1.5,-4.40625 1.765625,-5.03125 2.046875,-5.640625 2.359375,-6 3.09375,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path461" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-2"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.421875,0.09375 0.421875,0.5625 V 1.3125 c 0,0.515625 -0.109375,0.625 -0.71875,0.6875 v 0.15625 h 2.46875 V 1.984375 C 1.75,1.96875 1.609375,1.859375 1.609375,1.234375 v -1.5625 C 1.96875,0 2.21875,0.09375 2.640625,0.09375 c 1.203125,0 2.125,-1.109375 2.125,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.6875,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.46875,0.78125 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1,-4.375 0.65625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.515625,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.578125,-0.65625 1.046875,-0.65625 0.75,0 1.25,0.75 1.25,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.5,1.859375 -1.234375,1.859375 -0.484375,0 -1.0625,-0.359375 -1.0625,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path464" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-3"> + <path + d="m 4.484375,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.3125,-0.140625 -0.3125,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.96875,0 -1.71875,0.484375 -1.71875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.40625 C 1.46875,-3.5 1.453125,-3.546875 1.4375,-3.625 1.421875,-3.703125 1.40625,-3.78125 1.40625,-3.859375 c 0,-0.265625 0.328125,-0.484375 0.734375,-0.484375 0.5,0 0.78125,0.28125 0.78125,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.578125,0.609375 -1.75,0.6875 -2.1875,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.453125,1.0625 1.0625,1.0625 0.453125,0 0.875,-0.203125 1.484375,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.65625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.5625,-0.109375 0.90625,-0.5 z m -1.5625,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.75,0.21875 -0.359375,0 -0.640625,-0.328125 -0.640625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.421875,-0.953125 1.65625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path467" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-4"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.265625,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.4375 V -0.15625 C 1.796875,-0.171875 1.625,-0.328125 1.625,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 C 2.765625,-3.671875 2.875,-3.609375 3,-3.609375 c 0.25,0 0.40625,-0.171875 0.40625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.5625,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.21875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.578125,-4.578125 c -0.546875,0.21875 -0.90625,0.34375 -1.5,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path470" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-5"> + <path + d="M 2.59375,-4.484375 H 1.5625 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.421875,-5.6875 1.359375,-5.59375 1.296875,-5.5 c -0.390625,0.5625 -0.828125,1.03125 -1,1.078125 C 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.3125,1.265625 0.90625,1.265625 0.5,0 0.890625,-0.234375 1.21875,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.21875,0.25 -0.390625,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 -0.375,0 -0.53125,-0.265625 -0.53125,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path473" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-6"> + <path + d="M 1.78125,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.8125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.5625 v -0.15625 c -0.65625,-0.046875 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.296875,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.296875,0 0.53125,-0.21875 0.53125,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path476" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-7"> + <path + d="m 4.046875,-1.5625 c -0.5,0.703125 -0.859375,0.9375 -1.4375,0.9375 -0.921875,0 -1.578125,-0.796875 -1.578125,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.5625,-1.734375 1.390625,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.5,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.5,-0.1875 0.5,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.71875,-1.015625 -1.5625,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1.015625,0.1875 -1.4375,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.8125,2.21875 1.9375,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.15625 1.21875,-0.46875 0.28125,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.78125,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path479" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-8"> + <path + d="M 4.859375,-0.5 H 4.8125 C 4.34375,-0.5 4.234375,-0.609375 4.234375,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.625 V -4.3125 c 0.640625,0.03125 0.75,0.125 0.75,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.59375,0.328125 -0.890625,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.71875,-0.328125 -0.71875,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.484375,0.03125 0.625,0.171875 0.625,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.234375,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.046875,-0.421875 L 3.4375,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.03125,0.03125 c 0.515625,-0.203125 0.875,-0.3125 1.390625,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path482" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-9"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 C 0.359375,-6.21875 0.484375,-6.234375 0.5625,-6.234375 0.890625,-6.234375 1,-6.09375 1,-5.625 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 H 2.609375 V -0.15625 C 1.96875,-0.1875 1.84375,-0.296875 1.84375,-0.84375 v -5.9375 L 1.8125,-6.8125 c -0.53125,0.171875 -0.921875,0.265625 -1.625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path485" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-10"> + <path + d="m 4.828125,-4.484375 h -1.375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 0,0.109375 -0.03125,0.171875 l -0.984375,2.75 L 1.75,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.109375,-0.265625 -0.109375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.59375,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.4375,0.140625 0.515625,0.3125 L 1.8125,-1.578125 1.84375,-1.5 2,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.453125,0.859375 0.453125,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.375,0.4375 -0.515625,0.4375 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 -0.1875,-0.0625 -0.375,-0.109375 -0.546875,-0.109375 -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.765625,0.578125 0.671875,0 1.15625,-0.5625 1.703125,-2 l 1.578125,-4.0625 c 0.125,-0.3125 0.234375,-0.421875 0.484375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path488" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-11"> + <path + d="m 3.140625,-4.484375 h -1.25 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.578125,-0.890625 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.171875,0.265625 0.296875,0.359375 0.46875,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.453125,-0.625 -1.0625,-0.625 -0.625,0 -1.15625,0.265625 -1.421875,0.734375 -0.265625,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.359375,1.59375 H 0.21875 v 0.3125 h 0.828125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.84375,0.875 V 0 H 2.84375 v -0.15625 c -0.828125,-0.015625 -0.9375,-0.140625 -0.9375,-0.875 v -3.140625 h 1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path491" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-12"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-4.578125 c -1.3125,0 -2.234375,0.953125 -2.234375,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.9375,2.34375 2.21875,2.34375 1.28125,0 2.25,-1.046875 2.25,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.234375,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.859375,0 1.453125,0.96875 1.453125,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.21875,1.8125 C 2.25,-0.171875 1.875,-0.421875 1.65625,-0.8125 1.375,-1.328125 1.203125,-2.03125 1.203125,-2.734375 1.203125,-3.6875 1.6875,-4.3125 2.40625,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path494" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-13"> + <path + d="m 1.0625,-1.09375 c 0,0.71875 -0.125,0.859375 -0.90625,0.90625 V 0 h 2.890625 c 1.171875,0 2.25,-0.328125 2.875,-0.890625 0.65625,-0.578125 1.03125,-1.46875 1.03125,-2.4375 C 6.953125,-4.234375 6.65625,-5 6.09375,-5.546875 5.40625,-6.234375 4.296875,-6.59375 2.90625,-6.59375 h -2.75 v 0.1875 c 0.8125,0.0625 0.90625,0.15625 0.90625,0.890625 z m 1.03125,-4.75 c 0,-0.3125 0.109375,-0.390625 0.53125,-0.390625 0.875,0 1.53125,0.15625 2.015625,0.5 C 5.4375,-5.1875 5.84375,-4.34375 5.84375,-3.265625 5.84375,-2.078125 5.4375,-1.25 4.609375,-0.78125 4.09375,-0.484375 3.5,-0.375 2.625,-0.375 c -0.40625,0 -0.53125,-0.078125 -0.53125,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path497" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-14"> + <path + d="m 6.21875,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.09375,-0.953125 0.296875,-1.09375 C 6.65625,-6.328125 6.796875,-6.375 7.1875,-6.40625 v -0.1875 H 4.796875 v 0.1875 c 0.375,0.03125 0.53125,0.0625 0.671875,0.15625 0.203125,0.140625 0.296875,0.5 0.296875,1.109375 v 3.359375 l -3.90625,-4.8125 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.4375,0 0.578125,0.078125 0.984375,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.109375,-0.4375 0.96875,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.515625 V -0.1875 C 1.71875,-0.234375 1.546875,-0.453125 1.546875,-1.46875 V -5.375 l 4.5,5.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path500" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-15"> + <path + d="M 3.203125,-3.125 3.15625,-4.484375 H 3.046875 L 3.03125,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.171875,-0.015625 -0.28125,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.453125,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.8125,0 -1.390625,0.515625 -1.390625,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.1875,1.4375 l 0.59375,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.640625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.125,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.828125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.53125 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.078125,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.5625,0.09375 0.75,0.09375 0.78125,0 1.421875,-0.578125 1.421875,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.578125,-3 c -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.4375,-0.40625 -0.4375,-0.671875 0,-0.40625 0.328125,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.6875 0.59375,0 0.890625,0.34375 1.125,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path503" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-16"> + <path + d="M 0.390625,1.765625 C 1.140625,1.28125 1.4375,1.03125 1.8125,0.5625 c 0.71875,-0.859375 1.078125,-1.859375 1.078125,-3.03125 0,-1.265625 -0.375,-2.234375 -1.265625,-3.25 C 1.203125,-6.203125 0.9375,-6.421875 0.421875,-6.734375 l -0.125,0.15625 c 0.8125,0.625 1.078125,0.96875 1.375,1.71875 0.234375,0.671875 0.34375,1.4375 0.34375,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.125,1.875 -0.40625,2.484375 -0.28125,0.625 -0.578125,0.984375 -1.3125,1.5625 z m 0,0" + id="path506" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-17"> + <path + d="M 5.796875,-4.484375 V -4.34375 C 6.140625,-4.265625 6.25,-4.203125 6.25,-4.03125 6.25,-3.875 6.1875,-3.640625 6.078125,-3.375 L 5.15625,-1.15625 4.3125,-3.390625 C 4.140625,-3.84375 4.140625,-3.84375 4.140625,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 v -0.140625 h -2.0625 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.5,0.15625 0.703125,0.6875 C 3.4375,-3.453125 3.5,-3.265625 3.5625,-3.09375 l -0.921875,1.984375 -1,-2.59375 C 1.59375,-3.8125 1.578125,-3.90625 1.578125,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.46875,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.21875 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.375,3.40625 C 2.25,0 2.328125,0.140625 2.390625,0.140625 c 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.140625,-2.390625 0.921875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.1875,0.4375 0.25,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.625,-3.796875 C 6.8125,-4.21875 6.84375,-4.265625 7.046875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path509" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-18"> + <path + d="M 4.140625,-1.640625 C 3.65625,-0.875 3.21875,-0.59375 2.5625,-0.59375 1.984375,-0.59375 1.546875,-0.875 1.265625,-1.453125 1.078125,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.984375,-2.765625 h 3.125 C 4.03125,-3.40625 3.9375,-3.703125 3.671875,-4.015625 3.375,-4.375 2.90625,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 1.875,-4.578125 1.390625,-4.40625 1,-4.0625 0.53125,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.984375,0.09375 2.15625,0.09375 3.125,0.09375 3.875,-0.484375 4.3125,-1.5625 Z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.46875,-1.15625 1.078125,-1.15625 0.625,0 0.859375,0.28125 1,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path512" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-19"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.328125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 0.78125,-4 0.875,-3.84375 0.875,-3.375 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.421875 V -0.15625 C 1.875,-0.171875 1.71875,-0.28125 1.71875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 C 1.71875,-3.5 1.8125,-3.59375 1.875,-3.671875 2.125,-3.890625 2.5625,-4.0625 2.921875,-4.0625 c 0.453125,0 0.671875,0.34375 0.671875,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.265625 v -0.15625 c -0.578125,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.75,-3.890625 5.09375,-4.0625 5.5625,-4.0625 c 0.578125,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.671875,0.71875 V 0 H 7.875 V -0.15625 L 7.609375,-0.171875 C 7.296875,-0.1875 7.171875,-0.375 7.171875,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.1875,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.640625,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.53125,-0.828125 -1.078125,-0.828125 -0.453125,0 -0.734375,0.125 -1.578125,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.609375,-4.578125 C 1.09375,-4.390625 0.75,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path515" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-20"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.1875 1.671875,-0.3125 1.671875,-0.671875 V -3.46875 C 2.15625,-3.921875 2.375,-4.03125 2.71875,-4.03125 c 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.921875 V -0.15625 C 4.421875,-0.203125 4.3125,-0.3125 4.3125,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.203125,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.46875,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.84375,0.28125 -1.40625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path518" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-21"> + <path + d="M 1.546875,-6.78125 1.5,-6.8125 C 1.078125,-6.65625 0.796875,-6.578125 0.328125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.40625,0 0.5,0.09375 0.5,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.859375,0.625 1.671875,0.625 1.34375,0 2.375,-1.09375 2.375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.78125,-2.15625 -0.625,0 -1.21875,0.34375 -1.421875,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.484375,-0.75 1.015625,-0.75 0.78125,0 1.296875,0.765625 1.296875,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.328125,1.75 -0.515625,0 -0.984375,-0.234375 -0.984375,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path521" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-22"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-6.203125 c 0.125,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.34375,0 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.609375 v 4.8125 c 0,0.515625 -0.03125,0.546875 -0.75,0.65625 V 0 h 2.375 V -0.15625 H 2.25 C 1.84375,-0.171875 1.6875,-0.3125 1.6875,-0.671875 V -2.5 l 1.421875,1.859375 0.03125,0.046875 c 0.015625,0.03125 0.03125,0.0625 0.0625,0.078125 0.09375,0.109375 0.125,0.171875 0.125,0.21875 0,0.09375 -0.09375,0.140625 -0.21875,0.140625 h -0.1875 V 0 H 5.125 V -0.15625 C 4.6875,-0.171875 4.359375,-0.375 3.9375,-0.875 L 2.390625,-2.8125 2.6875,-3.078125 c 0.71875,-0.65625 1.34375,-1.125 1.640625,-1.203125 0.15625,-0.03125 0.296875,-0.0625 0.46875,-0.0625 H 4.875 V -4.484375 H 2.796875 v 0.140625 c 0.40625,0 0.515625,0.046875 0.515625,0.1875 0,0.078125 -0.09375,0.21875 -0.234375,0.34375 L 1.6875,-2.609375 V -6.78125 L 1.640625,-6.8125 C 1.265625,-6.6875 0.96875,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.078125,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path524" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-23"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-2.5625 v 0.625 h 2.5 v -0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path527" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-24"> + <path + d="M 4.765625,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.984375 C 3.78125,-4.25 3.640625,-4.28125 3.4375,-4.359375 L 3.203125,-4.4375 C 2.9375,-4.53125 2.65625,-4.578125 2.390625,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.703125 -1.6875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.46875,0.484375 -0.46875,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.546875,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -1,0.859375 -1,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.796875,0.96875 1.765625,0.96875 0.75,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.078125,-0.671875 0.390625,-0.3125 0.5625,-0.625 0.5625,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.484375,-1.03125 -1.234375,-1.0625 l -1.3125,-0.0625 C 1.609375,-0.65625 1.34375,-0.75 1.34375,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.34375,-0.546875 0.609375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.171875,0.015625 0.203125,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.328125,0.03125 0.375,0.03125 0.390625,0 0.796875,-0.15625 1.109375,-0.421875 C 3.96875,-2.1875 4.125,-2.53125 4.125,-3.03125 4.125,-3.3125 4.078125,-3.546875 3.9375,-3.875 Z M 1.5,0.015625 C 1.828125,0.09375 2.640625,0.15625 3.140625,0.15625 c 0.921875,0 1.25,0.125 1.25,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.765625,0.96875 -1.90625,0.96875 C 1.578125,1.609375 1,1.3125 1,0.875 1,0.640625 1.0625,0.515625 1.5,0.015625 Z M 1.546875,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.75,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.765625,0.90625 -0.609375,0 -1.03125,-0.640625 -1.03125,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path530" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-25"> + <path + d="m 3.5,0.09375 1.484375,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.796875,-0.5625 4.78125,-0.5625 4.75,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.25,-6.8125 C 3.765625,-6.640625 3.40625,-6.546875 2.765625,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.84375,-6.21875 2.90625,-6.21875 2.984375,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.390625,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.0625,-0.421875 -1.171875,0 -2.109375,1.125 -2.109375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.75,2.140625 1.875,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.453125,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.734375,0.296875 -0.84375,0 -1.40625,-0.796875 -1.40625,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.5,-1.875 1.28125,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path533" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-26"> + <path + d="m 1.59375,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.734375,-0.625 1.125,-0.625 0.515625,0 0.765625,0.359375 0.765625,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.15625 V -0.15625 C 4.390625,-0.25 4.34375,-0.328125 4.34375,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.4375,-1.578125 -1.25,-1.578125 -0.609375,0 -1.03125,0.234375 -1.5,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.546875,-6.8125 C 1.203125,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.046875,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.1875 V -0.15625 C 1.703125,-0.203125 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path536" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-27"> + <path + d="M 4.84375,-4.484375 H 3.4375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.015625,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 l -1,2.578125 L 1.8125,-3.6875 C 1.75,-3.828125 1.71875,-3.96875 1.71875,-4.0625 c 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.46875,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2 v 0.140625 c 0.390625,0.03125 0.46875,0.125 0.921875,1.15625 l 1.21875,2.859375 c 0.03125,0.0625 0.0625,0.125 0.09375,0.203125 0.0625,0.1875 0.109375,0.265625 0.171875,0.265625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.125 0.296875,-0.5 L 4.1875,-3.5625 c 0.296875,-0.671875 0.359375,-0.75 0.65625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path539" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-28"> + <path + d="m 1.265625,-1 c -0.296875,0 -0.5625,0.265625 -0.5625,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.265625,0.53125 0.5625,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.578125,-0.25 0.578125,-0.53125 C 1.84375,-0.734375 1.578125,-1 1.265625,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path542" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-29"> + <path + d="m 2.578125,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.953125,1.015625 V 0 H 4.59375 V -0.1875 C 3.75,-0.234375 3.609375,-0.359375 3.609375,-1.09375 V -6.1875 H 4.15625 c 1.171875,0 1.390625,0.1875 1.625,1.28125 H 6.015625 L 5.96875,-6.59375 H 0.234375 l -0.0625,1.6875 h 0.25 C 0.65625,-5.984375 0.890625,-6.1875 2.03125,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path545" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-30"> + <path + d="M 0.84375,1.40625 C 1.515625,1.078125 1.984375,0.46875 1.984375,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.359375,-0.890625 -0.8125,-0.890625 -0.359375,0 -0.609375,0.234375 -0.609375,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.234375,0.515625 0.609375,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 C 1.4375,0.015625 1.4375,0.015625 1.4375,0.015625 c 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.828125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path548" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-31"> + <path + d="M 9.46875,-6.59375 H 7.453125 v 0.1875 C 7.96875,-6.359375 8.15625,-6.25 8.15625,-5.984375 c 0,0.21875 -0.0625,0.46875 -0.15625,0.75 l -1.28125,3.375 L 5.375,-5.25 C 5.359375,-5.296875 5.265625,-5.515625 5.265625,-5.546875 c -0.09375,-0.21875 -0.15625,-0.40625 -0.15625,-0.515625 0,-0.234375 0.234375,-0.34375 0.78125,-0.34375 v -0.1875 h -2.71875 v 0.1875 c 0.578125,0 0.6875,0.09375 1.03125,0.890625 L 4.546875,-4.6875 3.453125,-1.890625 1.984375,-5.625 C 1.921875,-5.8125 1.875,-5.984375 1.875,-6.09375 c 0,-0.21875 0.140625,-0.28125 0.65625,-0.3125 v -0.1875 H 0.046875 v 0.1875 C 0.5625,-6.359375 0.71875,-6.1875 1.09375,-5.25 L 3.0625,0.109375 h 0.140625 l 1.5625,-4.21875 1.625,4.21875 h 0.15625 C 7.40625,-2.5 7.515625,-2.765625 8.625,-5.703125 8.8125,-6.21875 8.921875,-6.3125 9.46875,-6.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path551" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-32"> + <path + d="m 2.828125,0 h 2.03125 v -0.15625 c -0.3125,0 -0.515625,-0.15625 -0.828125,-0.59375 l -1.296875,-1.953125 0.84375,-1.1875 c 0.1875,-0.28125 0.5,-0.4375 0.8125,-0.453125 v -0.140625 h -1.59375 v 0.140625 c 0.296875,0.03125 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.234375 0,0.109375 -0.125,0.328125 -0.375,0.640625 -0.0625,0.0625 -0.171875,0.234375 -0.3125,0.4375 L 2.375,-3.234375 c -0.28125,-0.421875 -0.46875,-0.75 -0.46875,-0.875 0,-0.140625 0.140625,-0.21875 0.4375,-0.234375 V -4.484375 H 0.25 v 0.140625 h 0.078125 c 0.3125,0 0.46875,0.140625 0.78125,0.609375 l 0.96875,1.4375 L 0.90625,-0.65625 C 0.609375,-0.25 0.5,-0.171875 0.171875,-0.15625 V 0 h 1.46875 v -0.15625 c -0.28125,0 -0.40625,-0.046875 -0.40625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.078125,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 L 2.25,-1.96875 3.171875,-0.5625 c 0.03125,0.046875 0.0625,0.109375 0.0625,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.078125,0.21875 -0.40625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path554" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-33"> + <path + d="M 0.3125,-4.15625 H 1 v 3.21875 c 0,0.640625 -0.109375,0.765625 -0.671875,0.78125 V 0 H 2.5625 V -0.15625 C 1.984375,-0.1875 1.859375,-0.328125 1.859375,-0.875 v -3.28125 h 0.875 c 0.96875,0 1.015625,0.03125 1.015625,0.5625 v 2.625 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,0.765625 -0.6875,0.8125 V 0 h 2.234375 v -0.15625 c -0.578125,-0.046875 -0.6875,-0.171875 -0.6875,-0.8125 v -2.609375 c 0,-0.21875 0,-0.453125 0.015625,-0.984375 L 4.59375,-4.578125 c -0.453125,0.0625 -0.75,0.09375 -1.15625,0.09375 H 1.84375 v -0.4375 c 0,-0.4375 0.03125,-0.734375 0.078125,-0.90625 0.15625,-0.4375 0.546875,-0.734375 1,-0.734375 0.28125,0 0.484375,0.125 0.71875,0.46875 0.203125,0.265625 0.328125,0.375 0.5,0.375 0.21875,0 0.375,-0.171875 0.375,-0.390625 C 4.515625,-6.53125 4,-6.8125 3.21875,-6.8125 c -0.765625,0 -1.359375,0.265625 -1.71875,0.75 -0.3125,0.40625 -0.421875,0.78125 -0.484375,1.578125 H 0.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path557" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-34"> + <path + d="M 4.25,-1.34375 4.0625,-1.390625 c -0.109375,0.5 -0.15625,0.65625 -0.296875,0.828125 -0.140625,0.171875 -0.484375,0.265625 -1,0.265625 H 1.359375 L 4.09375,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.5625 L 0.53125,-3.3125 h 0.1875 c 0.09375,-0.71875 0.25,-0.875 0.859375,-0.875 H 2.96875 l -2.6875,4.03125 V 0 h 3.828125 z m 0,0" + id="path560" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-35"> + <path + d="m 6.296875,-4.484375 -0.09375,-2.25 H 5.984375 C 5.9375,-6.53125 5.765625,-6.40625 5.5625,-6.40625 5.46875,-6.40625 5.328125,-6.4375 5.171875,-6.5 4.671875,-6.65625 4.15625,-6.734375 3.6875,-6.734375 c -0.828125,0 -1.671875,0.296875 -2.3125,0.859375 -0.703125,0.609375 -1.09375,1.53125 -1.09375,2.640625 0,0.921875 0.3125,1.78125 0.828125,2.34375 0.609375,0.65625 1.546875,1.03125 2.546875,1.03125 1.140625,0 2.15625,-0.453125 2.765625,-1.265625 L 6.25,-1.3125 C 5.5,-0.59375 4.828125,-0.296875 3.984375,-0.296875 3.34375,-0.296875 2.765625,-0.5 2.328125,-0.875 1.78125,-1.359375 1.46875,-2.265625 1.46875,-3.375 c 0,-1.796875 0.9375,-2.96875 2.40625,-2.96875 0.578125,0 1.109375,0.21875 1.515625,0.609375 0.328125,0.328125 0.484375,0.59375 0.671875,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path563" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-36"> + <path + d="M 2.046875,-2.90625 C 2.3125,-2.875 2.484375,-2.875 2.75,-2.875 c 0.796875,0 1.34375,-0.09375 1.78125,-0.328125 C 5.140625,-3.53125 5.5,-4.140625 5.5,-4.796875 5.5,-5.21875 5.359375,-5.59375 5.09375,-5.875 4.6875,-6.3125 3.796875,-6.59375 2.84375,-6.59375 h -2.6875 v 0.1875 c 0.75,0.078125 0.859375,0.171875 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.84375 -0.078125,0.9375 -0.859375,1.015625 V 0 H 3 V -0.1875 C 2.203125,-0.21875 2.046875,-0.359375 2.046875,-1.09375 Z m 0,-2.984375 c 0,-0.265625 0.078125,-0.34375 0.34375,-0.34375 1.375,0 2,0.46875 2,1.5 0,0.96875 -0.59375,1.46875 -1.765625,1.46875 -0.203125,0 -0.34375,-0.015625 -0.578125,-0.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path566" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-37"> + <path + d="m 6.203125,-5.140625 c 0,-1.015625 0.125,-1.171875 0.953125,-1.265625 v -0.1875 H 4.796875 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.96875,0.28125 0.96875,1.265625 V -2.4375 c 0,0.671875 -0.078125,1.046875 -0.234375,1.34375 -0.28125,0.484375 -0.9375,0.796875 -1.6875,0.796875 -0.71875,0 -1.21875,-0.234375 -1.5,-0.703125 -0.1875,-0.328125 -0.25,-0.6875 -0.25,-1.328125 v -3.1875 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.921875,-0.890625 v -0.1875 h -2.875 v 0.1875 C 0.9375,-6.34375 1.0625,-6.234375 1.0625,-5.515625 v 3.109375 c 0,1.734375 0.8125,2.546875 2.546875,2.546875 1.109375,0 1.859375,-0.34375 2.265625,-1.03125 0.234375,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.875 0.328125,-1.640625 z m 0,0" + id="path569" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-38"> + <path + d="m 3.671875,-6.734375 c -1.953125,0 -3.328125,1.4375 -3.328125,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.328125,1.84375 0.875,2.421875 0.59375,0.625 1.5,1.015625 2.390625,1.015625 2,0 3.375,-1.390625 3.375,-3.40625 C 6.984375,-4.25 6.6875,-5.09375 6.140625,-5.6875 5.5,-6.375 4.640625,-6.734375 3.671875,-6.734375 Z m 0,0.359375 c 0.46875,0 0.921875,0.171875 1.296875,0.5 0.546875,0.484375 0.859375,1.421875 0.859375,2.609375 C 5.828125,-2.6875 5.703125,-2 5.5,-1.46875 5.40625,-1.21875 5.234375,-0.984375 5,-0.75 c -0.359375,0.34375 -0.8125,0.53125 -1.359375,0.53125 -0.46875,0 -0.921875,-0.1875 -1.28125,-0.484375 C 1.84375,-1.171875 1.5,-2.171875 1.5,-3.28125 1.5,-4.296875 1.78125,-5.265625 2.21875,-5.734375 2.609375,-6.15625 3.109375,-6.375 3.671875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path572" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-39"> + <path + d="m 0.171875,-6.59375 v 0.1875 c 0.859375,0.046875 0.96875,0.15625 0.96875,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.75 -0.125,0.875 -0.96875,0.90625 V 0 H 3.5625 c 0.796875,0 1.515625,-0.203125 1.890625,-0.546875 0.359375,-0.328125 0.5625,-0.765625 0.5625,-1.25 0,-0.4375 -0.171875,-0.828125 -0.484375,-1.125 -0.3125,-0.265625 -0.578125,-0.390625 -1.25,-0.546875 0.53125,-0.125 0.75,-0.234375 0.984375,-0.4375 0.265625,-0.21875 0.40625,-0.59375 0.40625,-1 0,-1.109375 -0.90625,-1.6875 -2.65625,-1.6875 z M 2.1875,-3.25 c 0.984375,0 1.453125,0.046875 1.8125,0.203125 0.578125,0.234375 0.859375,0.640625 0.859375,1.265625 0,0.53125 -0.21875,0.921875 -0.625,1.15625 -0.328125,0.171875 -0.734375,0.25 -1.40625,0.25 -0.5,0 -0.640625,-0.078125 -0.640625,-0.40625 z m 0,-0.40625 V -5.9375 c 0,-0.203125 0.0625,-0.296875 0.21875,-0.296875 h 0.453125 c 1.15625,0 1.78125,0.484375 1.78125,1.375 0,0.765625 -0.53125,1.203125 -1.5,1.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path575" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-40"> + <path + d="M 5.8125,-1.734375 C 5.640625,-1.359375 5.5,-1.125 5.359375,-0.953125 5,-0.5625 4.4375,-0.390625 3.59375,-0.390625 H 2.921875 c -0.75,0 -0.875,-0.0625 -0.875,-0.40625 v -4.71875 c 0,-0.703125 0.140625,-0.84375 0.9375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.125 v 0.1875 C 0.875,-6.34375 1,-6.203125 1,-5.515625 V -1.09375 C 1,-0.390625 0.859375,-0.234375 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 h 5.453125 l 0.5,-1.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path578" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-41"> + <path + d="M 7.171875,-0.1875 C 6.71875,-0.21875 6.609375,-0.3125 6.25,-1.0625 L 3.734375,-6.71875 H 3.53125 l -2.125,4.890625 c -0.640625,1.453125 -0.765625,1.625 -1.25,1.640625 V 0 h 2 v -0.1875 c -0.484375,0 -0.6875,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.40625 0,-0.125 0.03125,-0.265625 0.078125,-0.390625 L 2.015625,-2.15625 H 4.6875 l 0.40625,0.953125 c 0.125,0.28125 0.203125,0.53125 0.203125,0.671875 0,0.25 -0.171875,0.328125 -0.71875,0.34375 V 0 h 2.59375 z M 2.1875,-2.5625 3.359375,-5.296875 4.546875,-2.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path581" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-42"> + <path + d="M 4.546875,-6.734375 H 4.328125 C 4.28125,-6.515625 4.171875,-6.40625 4,-6.40625 c -0.09375,0 -0.265625,-0.03125 -0.453125,-0.109375 -0.375,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.21875 -1.0625,-0.21875 -0.4375,0 -0.890625,0.171875 -1.21875,0.453125 -0.359375,0.3125 -0.546875,0.734375 -0.546875,1.25 0,0.796875 0.453125,1.359375 1.59375,1.9375 0.71875,0.375 1.25,0.796875 1.5,1.171875 0.09375,0.125 0.140625,0.34375 0.140625,0.578125 0,0.671875 -0.5,1.125 -1.234375,1.125 -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.546875 -2.0625,-1.765625 H 0.421875 L 0.734375,0.125 h 0.21875 c 0.015625,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.328125 0.28125,-0.328125 0.109375,0 0.28125,0.046875 0.484375,0.109375 0.390625,0.15625 0.796875,0.234375 1.203125,0.234375 1.15625,0 2.0625,-0.78125 2.0625,-1.8125 0,-0.828125 -0.5625,-1.46875 -1.890625,-2.171875 -1.078125,-0.578125 -1.5,-1.015625 -1.5,-1.5625 0,-0.546875 0.421875,-0.921875 1.0625,-0.921875 0.453125,0 0.875,0.1875 1.234375,0.546875 0.3125,0.3125 0.453125,0.578125 0.625,1.171875 h 0.25 z m 0,0" + id="path584" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-43"> + <path + d="m 1.171875,-1.09375 c 0,0.75 -0.140625,0.875 -0.984375,0.90625 V 0 h 3.015625 v -0.1875 c -0.84375,-0.03125 -1,-0.171875 -1,-0.90625 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.71875 0.140625,-0.859375 1,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.1875 v 0.1875 c 0.859375,0.046875 0.984375,0.15625 0.984375,0.890625 z m 0,0" + id="path587" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-44"> + <path + d="m 6.84375,-5.71875 v 4.515625 c 0,0.828125 -0.125,0.96875 -0.921875,1.015625 V 0 h 2.84375 V -0.1875 C 8.015625,-0.234375 7.875,-0.375 7.875,-1.09375 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.703125 0.140625,-0.828125 0.890625,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 6.75 L 4.5,-1.5625 2.15625,-6.59375 H 0.140625 v 0.1875 c 0.828125,0.046875 0.96875,0.171875 0.96875,0.890625 V -1.46875 C 1.109375,-0.4375 0.96875,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.515625 V -0.1875 C 1.71875,-0.234375 1.546875,-0.453125 1.546875,-1.46875 V -5.484375 L 4.109375,0 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" + id="path590" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-45"> + <path + d="m 4.1875,-6.40625 c 0.125,0 0.234375,0 0.265625,0 0.3125,0.03125 0.4375,0.109375 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.21875 -0.234375,0.515625 -0.796875,1.015625 L 2.296875,-3.46875 v -2.046875 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.9375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.34375 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.921875,0.1875 0.921875,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.828125 -0.125,0.96875 -0.921875,1.015625 V 0 H 3.203125 V -0.1875 C 2.421875,-0.234375 2.296875,-0.359375 2.296875,-1.09375 V -2.953125 L 2.5625,-3.15625 3.640625,-2.109375 c 0.765625,0.75 1.3125,1.453125 1.3125,1.6875 0,0.140625 -0.140625,0.21875 -0.421875,0.21875 -0.046875,0 -0.171875,0 -0.28125,0.015625 V 0 H 7.34375 V -0.1875 C 6.8125,-0.203125 6.671875,-0.296875 5.75,-1.265625 l -2.375,-2.5 L 5.3125,-5.625 C 6,-6.28125 6.171875,-6.359375 6.859375,-6.40625 v -0.1875 H 4.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path593" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-46"> + <path + d="m 0.34375,1.3125 v 0.25 H 2.484375 V -6.59375 H 0.34375 v 0.25 h 0.875 c 0.328125,0 0.5,0.15625 0.5,0.515625 V 0.875 c 0,0.296875 -0.140625,0.4375 -0.453125,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path596" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-47"> + <path + d="M 6.0625,-1.6875 H 5.78125 C 5.265625,-0.609375 4.828125,-0.375 3.375,-0.375 H 3.109375 c -0.5,0 -0.921875,-0.046875 -1,-0.109375 -0.046875,-0.03125 -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.0625,-0.3125 v -2.46875 h 1.5625 c 0.828125,0 0.984375,0.140625 1.109375,0.96875 h 0.234375 v -2.3125 H 4.71875 c -0.0625,0.40625 -0.109375,0.546875 -0.21875,0.6875 -0.140625,0.171875 -0.421875,0.25 -0.890625,0.25 h -1.5625 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.0625,-0.34375 0.328125,-0.34375 H 3.75 c 1.140625,0 1.375,0.140625 1.546875,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.515625,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 C 0.875,-6.34375 1,-6.203125 1,-5.515625 V -1.09375 C 1,-0.390625 0.859375,-0.234375 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 h 5.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path599" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-48"> + <path + d="M 2.953125,-6.734375 1.125,-5.828125 V -5.6875 C 1.25,-5.734375 1.359375,-5.78125 1.40625,-5.796875 1.578125,-5.875 1.75,-5.90625 1.859375,-5.90625 c 0.21875,0 0.296875,0.140625 0.296875,0.46875 v 4.515625 c 0,0.328125 -0.078125,0.546875 -0.234375,0.640625 -0.15625,0.09375 -0.296875,0.125 -0.71875,0.125 V 0 H 4 v -0.15625 c -0.796875,0 -0.96875,-0.109375 -0.96875,-0.578125 V -6.71875 Z m 0,0" + id="path602" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-49"> + <path + d="m 2.578125,-6.734375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,0.171875 -1.359375,0.515625 C 0.625,-5.65625 0.25,-4.515625 0.25,-3.34375 c 0,1.078125 0.328125,2.25 0.8125,2.8125 0.375,0.4375 0.890625,0.671875 1.46875,0.671875 0.53125,0 0.96875,-0.171875 1.328125,-0.515625 0.59375,-0.546875 0.96875,-1.703125 0.96875,-2.921875 0,-2.03125 -0.921875,-3.4375 -2.25,-3.4375 z m -0.03125,0.25 c 0.859375,0 1.3125,1.125 1.3125,3.21875 0,2.078125 -0.453125,3.140625 -1.328125,3.140625 -0.859375,0 -1.3125,-1.0625 -1.3125,-3.140625 0,-2.109375 0.453125,-3.21875 1.328125,-3.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path605" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-50"> + <path + d="M 0,-2.5 V -2 h 5.078125 v -0.5 z m 0,0" + id="path608" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-51"> + <path + d="m 1.84375,-5.8125 h 1.984375 c 0.15625,0 0.203125,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.09375 l 0.390625,-0.875 -0.09375,-0.078125 c -0.15625,0.203125 -0.25,0.265625 -0.46875,0.265625 h -2.125 L 0.65625,-4.234375 c 0,0.015625 0,0.03125 0,0.046875 0,0.046875 0.03125,0.078125 0.109375,0.078125 0.328125,0 0.734375,0.078125 1.15625,0.203125 1.171875,0.375 1.703125,0.984375 1.703125,1.96875 0,0.953125 -0.625,1.703125 -1.40625,1.703125 -0.203125,0 -0.375,-0.0625 -0.6875,-0.28125 C 1.203125,-0.75 0.96875,-0.84375 0.765625,-0.84375 c -0.296875,0 -0.4375,0.109375 -0.4375,0.359375 0,0.390625 0.46875,0.625 1.234375,0.625 0.859375,0 1.578125,-0.265625 2.09375,-0.78125 0.46875,-0.453125 0.6875,-1.015625 0.6875,-1.765625 0,-0.71875 -0.203125,-1.1875 -0.703125,-1.6875 C 3.1875,-4.53125 2.609375,-4.75 1.40625,-4.96875 Z m 0,0" + id="path611" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-52"> + <path + d="M 6.6875,-0.1875 C 6.3125,-0.21875 6.109375,-0.3125 5.8125,-0.65625 L 3.71875,-3.1875 c 0.671875,-0.125 0.984375,-0.234375 1.3125,-0.515625 0.328125,-0.25 0.53125,-0.671875 0.53125,-1.140625 0,-0.4375 -0.140625,-0.796875 -0.40625,-1.09375 C 4.765625,-6.34375 3.9375,-6.59375 2.96875,-6.59375 H 0.171875 v 0.1875 c 0.765625,0.078125 0.859375,0.1875 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.3125 C 1.03125,-0.375 0.9375,-0.25 0.171875,-0.1875 V 0 h 2.8125 V -0.1875 C 2.203125,-0.234375 2.078125,-0.375 2.078125,-1.09375 v -1.953125 l 0.5625,-0.03125 L 5.0625,0 h 1.625 z M 2.078125,-5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.109375,-0.359375 0.515625,-0.359375 1.265625,0 1.859375,0.4375 1.859375,1.375 0,0.5 -0.21875,0.90625 -0.578125,1.09375 C 3.40625,-3.5 3.046875,-3.4375 2.078125,-3.421875 Z m 0,0" + id="path614" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-53"> + <path + d="m 3.03125,1.3125 h -0.875 c -0.328125,0 -0.484375,-0.171875 -0.484375,-0.53125 v -6.6875 c 0,-0.3125 0.125,-0.4375 0.453125,-0.4375 h 0.90625 v -0.25 H 0.890625 V 1.5625 H 3.03125 Z m 0,0" + id="path617" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-54"> + <path + d="m 4.859375,-2.296875 v -2.3125 H 4.625 c -0.109375,0.796875 -0.296875,0.9375 -1.109375,0.9375 H 2.046875 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.34375 H 3.75 c 1.140625,0 1.375,0.140625 1.546875,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.515625,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 C 0.875,-6.34375 1,-6.203125 1,-5.515625 v 4.3125 C 1,-0.375 0.890625,-0.234375 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.96875 V -0.1875 C 2.1875,-0.234375 2.046875,-0.375 2.046875,-1.09375 v -2.171875 h 1.46875 c 0.828125,0 1,0.15625 1.109375,0.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path620" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-55"> + <path + d="m 2.9375,-3.703125 c 1.015625,-0.53125 1.375,-0.9375 1.375,-1.625 0,-0.8125 -0.734375,-1.40625 -1.75,-1.40625 -1.109375,0 -1.9375,0.65625 -1.9375,1.578125 0,0.640625 0.203125,0.921875 1.265625,1.84375 C 0.796875,-2.5 0.5625,-2.1875 0.5625,-1.5 c 0,0.96875 0.8125,1.640625 1.953125,1.640625 1.21875,0 2,-0.65625 2,-1.6875 0,-0.765625 -0.34375,-1.25 -1.578125,-2.15625 z m -0.171875,1.03125 C 3.5,-2.15625 3.75,-1.796875 3.75,-1.234375 c 0,0.640625 -0.453125,1.09375 -1.125,1.09375 -0.765625,0 -1.28125,-0.578125 -1.28125,-1.4375 0,-0.640625 0.21875,-1.0625 0.8125,-1.53125 z M 2.65625,-3.875 C 1.75,-4.453125 1.375,-4.921875 1.375,-5.46875 c 0,-0.578125 0.46875,-0.984375 1.109375,-0.984375 0.6875,0 1.125,0.4375 1.125,1.125 0,0.5625 -0.28125,1.015625 -0.875,1.390625 C 2.6875,-3.90625 2.6875,-3.90625 2.65625,-3.875 Z m 0,0" + id="path623" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-56"> + <path + d="M 0.328125,-4.171875 H 1.03125 v 3.125 c 0,0.453125 -0.0625,0.703125 -0.203125,0.78125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.203125,0.09375 -0.5,0.109375 V 0 H 2.59375 V -0.15625 C 2.015625,-0.203125 1.875,-0.328125 1.875,-0.78125 v -3.390625 h 1.90625 v 3.328125 c 0,0.5 -0.140625,0.65625 -0.671875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.1875 V -0.15625 C 4.75,-0.1875 4.640625,-0.296875 4.640625,-0.8125 V -6.78125 L 4.59375,-6.8125 C 4.515625,-6.796875 4.390625,-6.765625 4.28125,-6.703125 4.078125,-6.609375 3.9375,-6.5625 3.84375,-6.5625 3.796875,-6.5625 3.703125,-6.59375 3.546875,-6.640625 3.265625,-6.75 2.96875,-6.8125 2.71875,-6.8125 2.25,-6.8125 1.78125,-6.5625 1.5,-6.1875 1.1875,-5.75 1.09375,-5.359375 1.046875,-4.484375 h -0.71875 z m 3.453125,-0.3125 H 1.875 V -5 c 0,-1.046875 0.21875,-1.546875 0.65625,-1.546875 0.234375,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.53125,0.359375 0.203125,0.28125 0.328125,0.359375 0.5625,0.359375 0.078125,0 0.109375,-0.015625 0.15625,-0.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path626" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-5-57"> + <path + d="m 2.921875,-6.734375 h -0.6875 l -2.328125,6.875 h 0.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path629" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-6-1"> + <path + d="M 2.546875,-4.484375 H 1.53125 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.390625,-5.6875 1.328125,-5.59375 1.265625,-5.5 c -0.375,0.5625 -0.8125,1.03125 -0.96875,1.078125 C 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.875,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.203125,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.21875,0.25 -0.390625,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 C 1.6875,-0.421875 1.53125,-0.6875 1.53125,-1.3125 v -2.859375 h 1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path633" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-2"> + <path + d="m 1.5625,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.109375,-0.625 0.5,0 0.75,0.359375 0.75,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 4.3125,-0.25 4.25,-0.328125 4.25,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.40625,-1.578125 -1.21875,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1,0.234375 -1.46875,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.515625,-6.8125 C 1.171875,-6.6875 0.921875,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.671875,-0.203125 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path636" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-3"> + <path + d="M 4.0625,-1.640625 C 3.59375,-0.875 3.15625,-0.59375 2.515625,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,-0.28125 -1.28125,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 h 3.0625 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.171875,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.765625,-0.5625 -1.28125,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.34375,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.109375,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.703125,-0.578125 2.125,-1.65625 z m -3.078125,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path639" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-4"> + <path + d="M 3.140625,-3.125 3.09375,-4.484375 H 2.984375 L 2.96875,-4.46875 C 2.875,-4.390625 2.875,-4.390625 2.828125,-4.390625 c -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.78125,0 -1.34375,0.515625 -1.34375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 L 2.25,-1.578125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.828125,0.71875 -0.328125,0 -0.640625,-0.125 -0.828125,-0.34375 -0.21875,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.4375,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 C 0.71875,-0.0625 0.75,-0.078125 0.875,-0.078125 c 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.5625,0.09375 0.734375,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.40625,-0.578125 1.40625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.09375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path642" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-5"> + <path + d="M 3.96875,-1.5625 C 3.484375,-0.859375 3.125,-0.625 2.5625,-0.625 c -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.796875 -1.546875,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.359375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.484375,-0.1875 0.484375,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.703125,-1.015625 -1.53125,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1,0.1875 -1.40625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.78125,1.125 -0.78125,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.890625,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.203125,-0.46875 0.28125,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.765625,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path645" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-6"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-4.578125 c -1.296875,0 -2.203125,0.953125 -2.203125,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.171875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.21875,-1.046875 2.21875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.1875,-2.25 z M 2.359375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.421875,0.96875 1.421875,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.4375,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 C 1.34375,-1.328125 1.1875,-2.03125 1.1875,-2.734375 1.1875,-3.6875 1.65625,-4.3125 2.359375,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path648" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-7"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.078125,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.328125,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.75,1.828125 0.640625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.46875 V 1.984375 c -0.75,-0.015625 -0.890625,-0.125 -0.890625,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.9375,0 2.171875,0.09375 2.59375,0.09375 c 1.171875,0 2.09375,-1.109375 2.09375,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.671875,-2.109375 -0.546875,0 -0.984375,0.234375 -1.4375,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 C 0.984375,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.484375,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.03125,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.21875,0.75 1.21875,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.203125,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.046875,-0.359375 -1.046875,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path651" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-8"> + <path + d="m 3.078125,-4.484375 h -1.21875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.453125,0.359375 0.21875,0 0.40625,-0.1875 0.40625,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.03125,-0.625 -0.625,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.40625,0.734375 -0.265625,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.203125 v 0.3125 H 1.03125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.828125,0.875 V 0 h 2.59375 v -0.15625 c -0.828125,-0.015625 -0.9375,-0.140625 -0.9375,-0.875 v -3.140625 h 1.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path654" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-9"> + <path + d="M 1.75,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 H 2.515625 V -0.15625 C 1.859375,-0.203125 1.78125,-0.296875 1.78125,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path657" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-10"> + <path + d="m 4.40625,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 C 3.25,-4.390625 2.828125,-4.578125 2.234375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.484375 -1.671875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.1875,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 -0.015625,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.03125,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.53125,0.609375 -1.703125,0.6875 -2.125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.453125,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.328125,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.546875,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.734375,0.21875 C 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.609375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path660" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-11"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 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0.3125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 H 2.5625 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.78125,-6.8125 C 1.25,-6.640625 0.875,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path669" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-14"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.1875 1.640625,-0.3125 1.640625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.6875,-0.5625 1.015625,-0.5625 0.5,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 h 2.0625 V -0.15625 C 4.34375,-0.203125 4.234375,-0.3125 4.234375,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.4375,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.828125,0.28125 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path672" /> + 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4,-3.546875 3.859375,-3.875 Z M 1.46875,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.609375,0.140625 0.90625,0 1.234375,0.125 1.234375,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.875,0.96875 -0.875,0 -1.453125,-0.296875 -1.453125,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.515625,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.171875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.75,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path675" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-16"> + <path + d="m 3.421875,0.09375 1.46875,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.71875,-0.5625 4.6875,-0.5625 4.671875,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.171875,-6.8125 C 3.703125,-6.640625 3.34375,-6.546875 2.71875,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.015625 0.359375,0 0.453125,0.09375 0.453125,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.375,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.046875,-0.421875 -1.140625,0 -2.078125,1.125 -2.078125,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.75,2.140625 1.84375,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.9375,-0.1875 1.28125,-0.65625 v 0.625 z m -0.03125,-1.109375 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.171875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.296875 -0.71875,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.375,-0.796875 -1.375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.25,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.015625,0.46875 1.015625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path678" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-17"> + <path + d="m 4.734375,-4.484375 h -1.34375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.96875,2.75 L 1.71875,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.109375,-0.265625 -0.109375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.140625 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.421875,0.140625 0.5,0.3125 L 1.78125,-1.578125 1.8125,-1.5 1.96875,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.046875,0 -0.140625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 C 1.0625,1.203125 0.890625,1.15625 0.734375,1.15625 c -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.734375,0.578125 0.671875,0 1.15625,-0.5625 1.6875,-2 L 4.25,-3.890625 C 4.390625,-4.203125 4.5,-4.3125 4.734375,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path681" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-18"> + <path + d="M 6.953125,-6.59375 H 4.90625 v 0.1875 C 5.453125,-6.375 5.625,-6.265625 5.625,-5.984375 c 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.421875 -0.1875,0.71875 L 3.984375,-1.609375 2.46875,-4.96875 C 2.140625,-5.703125 2.0625,-5.9375 2.0625,-6.078125 c 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.3125 0.046875,0 0.15625,-0.015625 0.296875,-0.015625 v -0.1875 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.484375,0.015625 0.625,0.15625 1.0625,1.046875 l 2.453125,5.46875 H 3.8125 l 2.21875,-5.59375 C 6.359375,-6.265625 6.46875,-6.375 6.953125,-6.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path684" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-19"> + <path + d="m 3.59375,-6.734375 c -1.90625,0 -3.25,1.4375 -3.25,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.3125,1.84375 0.859375,2.421875 C 1.78125,-0.25 2.65625,0.140625 3.53125,0.140625 5.5,0.140625 6.859375,-1.25 6.859375,-3.265625 6.859375,-4.25 6.5625,-5.09375 6.015625,-5.6875 5.390625,-6.375 4.5625,-6.734375 3.59375,-6.734375 Z m 0,0.359375 c 0.46875,0 0.921875,0.171875 1.28125,0.5 0.53125,0.484375 0.84375,1.421875 0.84375,2.609375 0,0.578125 -0.125,1.265625 -0.328125,1.796875 -0.09375,0.25 -0.25,0.484375 -0.484375,0.71875 -0.34375,0.34375 -0.796875,0.53125 -1.328125,0.53125 -0.453125,0 -0.90625,-0.1875 -1.25,-0.484375 C 1.796875,-1.171875 1.46875,-2.171875 1.46875,-3.28125 1.46875,-4.296875 1.75,-5.265625 2.171875,-5.734375 2.5625,-6.15625 3.046875,-6.375 3.59375,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path687" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-20"> + <path + d="M 7.03125,-0.1875 C 6.59375,-0.21875 6.484375,-0.3125 6.140625,-1.0625 L 3.65625,-6.71875 H 3.453125 l -2.0625,4.890625 C 0.75,-0.375 0.625,-0.203125 0.15625,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.125 v -0.1875 c -0.484375,0 -0.671875,-0.125 -0.671875,-0.40625 0,-0.125 0.015625,-0.265625 0.078125,-0.390625 L 1.984375,-2.15625 H 4.59375 L 5,-1.203125 c 0.125,0.28125 0.1875,0.53125 0.1875,0.671875 0,0.25 -0.15625,0.328125 -0.6875,0.34375 V 0 h 2.53125 z m -4.875,-2.375 1.140625,-2.734375 1.15625,2.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path690" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-21"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.171875 1.6875,-0.28125 1.6875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.09375,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.671875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.65625,0.34375 0.65625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.234375 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.671875,-3.890625 5,-4.0625 5.453125,-4.0625 c 0.5625,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 H 7.71875 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.171875,-0.1875 7.03125,-0.375 7.03125,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.375,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.625,0.828125 -0.171875,-0.5625 -0.515625,-0.828125 -1.046875,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.578125,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.1875 -0.84375,0.296875 -1.390625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path693" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-22"> + <path + d="m 4.78125,-0.5 h -0.0625 c -0.453125,0 -0.5625,-0.109375 -0.5625,-0.5625 V -4.484375 H 2.578125 V -4.3125 c 0.625,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.875,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.203125,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.03125,-0.421875 L 3.375,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.03125,0.03125 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path696" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-23"> + <path + d="M 2.9375,-6.734375 C 2.203125,-6.265625 1.90625,-6 1.53125,-5.546875 c -0.703125,0.875 -1.046875,1.875 -1.046875,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.359375,2.25 1.234375,3.265625 0.421875,0.46875 0.671875,0.703125 1.1875,1.015625 l 0.125,-0.15625 C 2.234375,0.984375 1.953125,0.625 1.6875,-0.125 1.453125,-0.78125 1.328125,-1.546875 1.328125,-2.546875 1.328125,-3.59375 1.46875,-4.40625 1.734375,-5.03125 2.015625,-5.640625 2.3125,-6 3.03125,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path699" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-24"> + <path + d="m 5.71875,-1.734375 c -0.171875,0.375 -0.3125,0.609375 -0.46875,0.78125 -0.34375,0.390625 -0.890625,0.5625 -1.71875,0.5625 H 2.859375 C 2.140625,-0.390625 2,-0.453125 2,-0.796875 v -4.71875 C 2,-6.21875 2.140625,-6.359375 2.9375,-6.40625 v -0.1875 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.734375,0.0625 0.859375,0.203125 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.703125 -0.140625,0.859375 -0.859375,0.90625 V 0 H 5.484375 L 5.96875,-1.734375 Z m 0,0" + id="path702" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-25"> + <path + d="m 6.09375,-5.140625 c 0,-1.015625 0.109375,-1.171875 0.9375,-1.265625 v -0.1875 h -2.3125 v 0.1875 C 5.5,-6.34375 5.65625,-6.125 5.65625,-5.140625 V -2.4375 c 0,0.671875 -0.078125,1.046875 -0.234375,1.34375 -0.265625,0.484375 -0.90625,0.796875 -1.65625,0.796875 -0.703125,0 -1.1875,-0.234375 -1.46875,-0.703125 -0.171875,-0.328125 -0.25,-0.6875 -0.25,-1.328125 v -3.1875 c 0,-0.71875 0.109375,-0.828125 0.90625,-0.890625 v -0.1875 h -2.8125 v 0.1875 c 0.78125,0.0625 0.890625,0.171875 0.890625,0.890625 v 3.109375 c 0,1.734375 0.8125,2.546875 2.5,2.546875 1.09375,0 1.84375,-0.34375 2.234375,-1.03125 C 6,-1.3125 6.09375,-1.765625 6.09375,-2.53125 Z m 0,0" + id="path705" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-26"> + <path + d="M 0.375,1.765625 C 1.109375,1.28125 1.421875,1.03125 1.78125,0.5625 2.5,-0.296875 2.84375,-1.296875 2.84375,-2.46875 c 0,-1.265625 -0.375,-2.234375 -1.25,-3.25 C 1.1875,-6.203125 0.921875,-6.421875 0.40625,-6.734375 l -0.109375,0.15625 c 0.796875,0.625 1.0625,0.96875 1.34375,1.71875 0.234375,0.671875 0.34375,1.4375 0.34375,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.125,1.875 -0.40625,2.484375 C 1.3125,0.671875 1,1.03125 0.296875,1.609375 Z m 0,0" + id="path708" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-27"> + <path + d="m 5.6875,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.15625,0.65625 L 5.0625,-1.15625 4.234375,-3.390625 C 4.0625,-3.84375 4.0625,-3.84375 4.0625,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 v -0.140625 h -2.03125 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.484375,0.15625 0.6875,0.6875 C 3.375,-3.453125 3.4375,-3.265625 3.5,-3.09375 L 2.59375,-1.109375 1.609375,-3.703125 C 1.5625,-3.8125 1.546875,-3.90625 1.546875,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.203125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.34375,3.40625 c 0.125,0.296875 0.203125,0.4375 0.265625,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.109375,-2.390625 0.90625,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.1875,0.4375 0.25,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 l 1.375,-3.453125 C 6.6875,-4.21875 6.71875,-4.265625 6.921875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path711" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-28"> + <path + d="M 1.53125,-6.78125 1.46875,-6.8125 C 1.0625,-6.65625 0.78125,-6.578125 0.3125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.390625,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.84375,0.625 1.640625,0.625 1.328125,0 2.34375,-1.09375 2.34375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.765625,-2.15625 -0.609375,0 -1.1875,0.34375 -1.375,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.46875,-0.75 0.984375,-0.75 0.78125,0 1.265625,0.765625 1.265625,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.46875,1.75 -1.28125,1.75 -0.53125,0 -0.96875,-0.234375 -0.96875,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path714" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-29"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-4.484375 H 3.375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.03125,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 L 2.796875,-1.140625 1.78125,-3.6875 C 1.71875,-3.828125 1.6875,-3.96875 1.6875,-4.0625 c 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.453125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.03125 0.453125,0.125 0.90625,1.15625 l 1.203125,2.859375 C 2.3125,-0.265625 2.34375,-0.203125 2.375,-0.125 2.4375,0.0625 2.5,0.140625 2.546875,0.140625 c 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 L 4.109375,-3.5625 c 0.28125,-0.671875 0.34375,-0.75 0.640625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path717" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-30"> + <path + d="m 4.78125,-2.296875 v -2.3125 H 4.546875 c -0.125,0.796875 -0.296875,0.9375 -1.09375,0.9375 H 2 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.328125,-0.34375 h 1.34375 c 1.140625,0 1.359375,0.140625 1.515625,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.40625,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.734375,0.0625 0.859375,0.203125 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.3125 C 0.984375,-0.375 0.875,-0.234375 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.90625 V -0.1875 C 2.140625,-0.234375 2,-0.375 2,-1.09375 v -2.171875 h 1.453125 c 0.796875,0 0.96875,0.15625 1.09375,0.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path720" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-31"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.9375,1.015625 V 0 H 4.5 V -0.1875 C 3.6875,-0.234375 3.546875,-0.359375 3.546875,-1.09375 V -6.1875 H 4.09375 c 1.125,0 1.34375,0.1875 1.578125,1.28125 H 5.90625 l -0.046875,-1.6875 h -5.625 l -0.0625,1.6875 H 0.40625 C 0.640625,-5.984375 0.875,-6.1875 2,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path723" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-32"> + <path + d="M 2.984375,1.3125 H 2.125 c -0.328125,0 -0.484375,-0.171875 -0.484375,-0.53125 v -6.6875 c 0,-0.3125 0.125,-0.4375 0.4375,-0.4375 h 0.90625 v -0.25 H 0.875 V 1.5625 h 2.109375 z m 0,0" + id="path726" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-33"> + <path + d="m 1.53125,-3.296875 c 0.578125,0 0.8125,0.03125 1.046875,0.109375 0.625,0.234375 1.015625,0.796875 1.015625,1.484375 0,0.828125 -0.578125,1.484375 -1.3125,1.484375 -0.265625,0 -0.46875,-0.078125 -0.828125,-0.3125 -0.3125,-0.171875 -0.46875,-0.25 -0.640625,-0.25 -0.234375,0 -0.390625,0.140625 -0.390625,0.359375 0,0.34375 0.4375,0.5625 1.140625,0.5625 0.765625,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.015625,-0.671875 C 4.046875,-0.9375 4.3125,-1.515625 4.3125,-2.1875 c 0,-0.5 -0.171875,-0.96875 -0.453125,-1.28125 C 3.65625,-3.6875 3.46875,-3.8125 3.03125,-4 c 0.6875,-0.46875 0.9375,-0.828125 0.9375,-1.375 0,-0.8125 -0.640625,-1.359375 -1.5625,-1.359375 -0.5,0 -0.9375,0.171875 -1.296875,0.484375 -0.296875,0.265625 -0.4375,0.53125 -0.65625,1.125 L 0.59375,-5.078125 C 1,-5.8125 1.453125,-6.140625 2.078125,-6.140625 c 0.65625,0 1.109375,0.4375 1.109375,1.0625 0,0.359375 -0.15625,0.71875 -0.40625,0.96875 -0.296875,0.296875 -0.578125,0.453125 -1.25,0.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path729" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-34"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-6.734375 c -0.546875,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.328125,0.515625 -0.578125,0.5625 -0.96875,1.703125 -0.96875,2.875 0,1.078125 0.328125,2.25 0.796875,2.8125 0.375,0.4375 0.875,0.671875 1.46875,0.671875 0.5,0 0.921875,-0.171875 1.28125,-0.515625 C 4.359375,-0.921875 4.75,-2.078125 4.75,-3.296875 c 0,-2.03125 -0.90625,-3.4375 -2.21875,-3.4375 z m -0.03125,0.25 c 0.84375,0 1.28125,1.125 1.28125,3.21875 0,2.078125 -0.4375,3.140625 -1.28125,3.140625 -0.859375,0 -1.296875,-1.0625 -1.296875,-3.140625 0,-2.109375 0.4375,-3.21875 1.296875,-3.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path732" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-35"> + <path + d="M 0.828125,1.40625 C 1.5,1.078125 1.9375,0.46875 1.9375,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.796875,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.234375 -0.578125,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.21875,0.515625 0.578125,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.09375,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.828125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path735" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-36"> + <path + d="m 2.90625,-6.734375 -1.796875,0.90625 V -5.6875 C 1.21875,-5.734375 1.328125,-5.78125 1.375,-5.796875 1.5625,-5.875 1.71875,-5.90625 1.828125,-5.90625 2.03125,-5.90625 2.125,-5.765625 2.125,-5.4375 v 4.515625 c 0,0.328125 -0.078125,0.546875 -0.234375,0.640625 -0.15625,0.09375 -0.296875,0.125 -0.71875,0.125 V 0 h 2.75 v -0.15625 c -0.78125,0 -0.9375,-0.109375 -0.9375,-0.578125 V -6.71875 Z m 0,0" + id="path738" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-37"> + <path + d="m 4.734375,-1.359375 -0.125,-0.0625 C 4.234375,-0.84375 4.109375,-0.75 3.65625,-0.75 h -2.375 l 1.671875,-1.765625 c 0.890625,-0.921875 1.28125,-1.6875 1.28125,-2.453125 0,-1 -0.8125,-1.765625 -1.859375,-1.765625 -0.546875,0 -1.0625,0.21875 -1.421875,0.609375 C 0.625,-5.78125 0.484375,-5.46875 0.3125,-4.75 l 0.203125,0.046875 C 0.921875,-5.6875 1.28125,-6 1.96875,-6 2.796875,-6 3.375,-5.4375 3.375,-4.59375 3.375,-3.8125 2.90625,-2.890625 2.078125,-2 l -1.78125,1.875 V 0 H 4.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path741" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-38"> + <path + d="m 0.3125,-4.15625 h 0.671875 v 3.21875 c 0,0.640625 -0.109375,0.765625 -0.671875,0.78125 V 0 H 2.515625 V -0.15625 C 1.953125,-0.1875 1.828125,-0.328125 1.828125,-0.875 V -4.15625 H 2.6875 c 0.953125,0 1,0.03125 1,0.5625 v 2.625 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,0.765625 -0.6875,0.8125 V 0 H 5.1875 V -0.15625 C 4.640625,-0.203125 4.53125,-0.328125 4.53125,-0.96875 v -2.609375 c 0,-0.21875 0,-0.453125 0.015625,-0.984375 L 4.5,-4.578125 c -0.4375,0.0625 -0.71875,0.09375 -1.125,0.09375 H 1.8125 v -0.4375 c 0,-0.4375 0.03125,-0.734375 0.078125,-0.90625 C 2.03125,-6.265625 2.421875,-6.5625 2.875,-6.5625 c 0.28125,0 0.46875,0.125 0.703125,0.46875 0.1875,0.265625 0.3125,0.375 0.484375,0.375 0.21875,0 0.359375,-0.171875 0.359375,-0.390625 0,-0.421875 -0.5,-0.703125 -1.265625,-0.703125 -0.75,0 -1.328125,0.265625 -1.6875,0.75 C 1.171875,-5.65625 1.0625,-5.28125 1,-4.484375 H 0.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path744" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-39"> + <path + d="m 1.796875,-5.8125 h 1.96875 c 0.15625,0 0.1875,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.09375 l 0.375,-0.875 L 4.28125,-6.859375 C 4.125,-6.65625 4.03125,-6.59375 3.8125,-6.59375 H 1.734375 l -1.09375,2.359375 c 0,0.015625 0,0.03125 0,0.046875 0,0.046875 0.03125,0.078125 0.109375,0.078125 0.328125,0 0.71875,0.078125 1.140625,0.203125 1.140625,0.375 1.671875,0.984375 1.671875,1.96875 0,0.953125 -0.609375,1.703125 -1.390625,1.703125 -0.203125,0 -0.375,-0.0625 -0.671875,-0.28125 C 1.1875,-0.75 0.953125,-0.84375 0.75,-0.84375 c -0.296875,0 -0.4375,0.109375 -0.4375,0.359375 0,0.390625 0.46875,0.625 1.21875,0.625 0.84375,0 1.5625,-0.265625 2.0625,-0.78125 C 4.046875,-1.09375 4.25,-1.65625 4.25,-2.40625 c 0,-0.71875 -0.1875,-1.1875 -0.6875,-1.6875 -0.4375,-0.4375 -1,-0.65625 -2.171875,-0.875 z m 0,0" + id="path747" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-40"> + <path + d="M 4.703125,-2.296875 H 3.6875 v -4.4375 H 3.25 l -3.125,4.4375 v 0.625 H 2.921875 V 0 H 3.6875 v -1.671875 h 1.015625 z m -1.796875,0 H 0.515625 L 2.90625,-5.71875 Z m 0,0" + id="path750" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-41"> + <path + d="M 4.453125,-6.8125 C 3.3125,-6.71875 2.734375,-6.53125 2,-6.015625 0.921875,-5.25 0.34375,-4.109375 0.34375,-2.78125 c 0,0.875 0.265625,1.75 0.6875,2.25 0.390625,0.4375 0.921875,0.671875 1.546875,0.671875 1.234375,0 2.09375,-0.953125 2.09375,-2.328125 0,-1.265625 -0.734375,-2.078125 -1.875,-2.078125 -0.4375,0 -0.65625,0.0625 -1.28125,0.453125 C 1.78125,-5.328125 2.90625,-6.40625 4.46875,-6.65625 Z m -2.046875,3 c 0.859375,0 1.359375,0.71875 1.359375,1.96875 0,1.09375 -0.390625,1.703125 -1.078125,1.703125 -0.890625,0 -1.421875,-0.9375 -1.421875,-2.484375 0,-0.5 0.078125,-0.78125 0.28125,-0.9375 C 1.75,-3.71875 2.0625,-3.8125 2.40625,-3.8125 Z m 0,0" + id="path753" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-42"> + <path + d="m 0.34375,1.3125 v 0.25 H 2.4375 V -6.59375 H 0.34375 v 0.25 h 0.859375 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.15625 0.484375,0.515625 V 0.875 c 0,0.296875 -0.140625,0.4375 -0.453125,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path756" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-43"> + <path + d="M 1.359375,-4.578125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.8125,-4.3125 0.8125,-4 c 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.5625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.53125 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.578125 -0.546875,-0.578125 z m 0,3.578125 C 1.0625,-1 0.8125,-0.734375 0.8125,-0.421875 c 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.5625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.53125 C 1.90625,-0.734375 1.65625,-1 1.359375,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path759" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-44"> + <path + d="M 5.953125,-1.6875 H 5.671875 C 5.171875,-0.609375 4.75,-0.375 3.3125,-0.375 H 3.046875 C 2.5625,-0.375 2.140625,-0.421875 2.078125,-0.484375 2.03125,-0.515625 2,-0.625 2,-0.796875 v -2.46875 h 1.53125 c 0.828125,0 0.96875,0.140625 1.109375,0.96875 h 0.21875 v -2.3125 H 4.640625 C 4.5625,-4.203125 4.53125,-4.0625 4.421875,-3.921875 4.28125,-3.75 4,-3.671875 3.53125,-3.671875 H 2 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.0625,-0.34375 0.328125,-0.34375 h 1.34375 c 1.140625,0 1.359375,0.140625 1.515625,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.40625,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.734375,0.0625 0.859375,0.203125 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.421875 c 0,0.703125 -0.140625,0.859375 -0.859375,0.90625 V 0 H 5.5 Z m 0,0" + id="path762" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-45"> + <path + d="M 2.765625,0 H 4.78125 v -0.15625 c -0.3125,0 -0.515625,-0.15625 -0.828125,-0.59375 L 2.6875,-2.703125 3.515625,-3.890625 C 3.703125,-4.171875 4,-4.328125 4.3125,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 2.734375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.234375 0,0.109375 -0.125,0.328125 -0.375,0.640625 -0.046875,0.0625 -0.15625,0.234375 -0.296875,0.4375 L 2.328125,-3.234375 C 2.046875,-3.65625 1.875,-3.984375 1.875,-4.109375 1.875,-4.25 2,-4.328125 2.296875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 h -2.0625 v 0.140625 h 0.09375 c 0.296875,0 0.453125,0.140625 0.765625,0.609375 l 0.9375,1.4375 -1.140625,1.640625 C 0.59375,-0.25 0.5,-0.171875 0.171875,-0.15625 V 0 h 1.4375 v -0.15625 c -0.28125,0 -0.390625,-0.046875 -0.390625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.0625,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 l 0.78125,-1.234375 0.90625,1.40625 c 0.046875,0.046875 0.0625,0.109375 0.0625,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.078125,0.21875 -0.40625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path765" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-6-46"> + <path + d="M 0,-2.5 V -2 h 4.984375 v -0.5 z m 0,0" + id="path768" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-7-1"> + <path + d="m 6.1875,-4.484375 -0.09375,-2.25 H 5.875 C 5.828125,-6.53125 5.65625,-6.40625 5.46875,-6.40625 5.375,-6.40625 5.21875,-6.4375 5.078125,-6.5 4.578125,-6.65625 4.09375,-6.734375 3.625,-6.734375 2.796875,-6.734375 1.96875,-6.4375 1.359375,-5.875 0.65625,-5.265625 0.28125,-4.34375 0.28125,-3.234375 c 0,0.921875 0.296875,1.78125 0.8125,2.34375 0.59375,0.65625 1.515625,1.03125 2.5,1.03125 1.125,0 2.109375,-0.453125 2.71875,-1.265625 L 6.125,-1.3125 C 5.390625,-0.59375 4.734375,-0.296875 3.90625,-0.296875 3.28125,-0.296875 2.71875,-0.5 2.296875,-0.875 1.75,-1.359375 1.4375,-2.265625 1.4375,-3.375 c 0,-1.796875 0.921875,-2.96875 2.375,-2.96875 0.5625,0 1.078125,0.21875 1.484375,0.609375 0.3125,0.328125 0.46875,0.59375 0.65625,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path772" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-2"> + <path + d="m 4.78125,-0.5 h -0.0625 c -0.453125,0 -0.5625,-0.109375 -0.5625,-0.5625 V -4.484375 H 2.578125 V -4.3125 c 0.625,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.875,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.203125,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.03125,-0.421875 L 3.375,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.03125,0.03125 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path775" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-3"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.4375 V -0.15625 C 1.765625,-0.171875 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.140625,0.046875 0.25,0.140625 0.171875,0.140625 0.28125,0.203125 0.40625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.890625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path778" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-4"> + <path + d="M 4.0625,-1.640625 C 3.59375,-0.875 3.15625,-0.59375 2.515625,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,-0.28125 -1.28125,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 h 3.0625 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.171875,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.765625,-0.5625 -1.28125,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.34375,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.109375,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.703125,-0.578125 2.125,-1.65625 z m -3.078125,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path781" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-5"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.1875 1.640625,-0.3125 1.640625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.6875,-0.5625 1.015625,-0.5625 0.5,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 h 2.0625 V -0.15625 C 4.34375,-0.203125 4.234375,-0.3125 4.234375,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.4375,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.828125,0.28125 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path784" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-6"> + <path + d="M 2.546875,-4.484375 H 1.53125 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.390625,-5.6875 1.328125,-5.59375 1.265625,-5.5 c -0.375,0.5625 -0.8125,1.03125 -0.96875,1.078125 C 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.875,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.203125,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.21875,0.25 -0.390625,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 C 1.6875,-0.421875 1.53125,-0.6875 1.53125,-1.3125 v -2.859375 h 1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path787" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-7"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.3125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 H 2.5625 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.78125,-6.8125 C 1.25,-6.640625 0.875,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path790" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-8"> + <path + d="m 4.734375,-4.484375 h -1.34375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.96875,2.75 L 1.71875,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.109375,-0.265625 -0.109375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.140625 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.421875,0.140625 0.5,0.3125 L 1.78125,-1.578125 1.8125,-1.5 1.96875,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.046875,0 -0.140625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 C 1.0625,1.203125 0.890625,1.15625 0.734375,1.15625 c -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.734375,0.578125 0.671875,0 1.15625,-0.5625 1.6875,-2 L 4.25,-3.890625 C 4.390625,-4.203125 4.5,-4.3125 4.734375,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path793" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-9"> + <path + d="M 0.828125,1.40625 C 1.5,1.078125 1.9375,0.46875 1.9375,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.796875,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.234375 -0.578125,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.21875,0.515625 0.578125,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.09375,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.828125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path796" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-10"> + <path + d="M 3.140625,-3.125 3.09375,-4.484375 H 2.984375 L 2.96875,-4.46875 C 2.875,-4.390625 2.875,-4.390625 2.828125,-4.390625 c -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.78125,0 -1.34375,0.515625 -1.34375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 L 2.25,-1.578125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.828125,0.71875 -0.328125,0 -0.640625,-0.125 -0.828125,-0.34375 -0.21875,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.4375,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 C 0.71875,-0.0625 0.75,-0.078125 0.875,-0.078125 c 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.5625,0.09375 0.734375,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.40625,-0.578125 1.40625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.09375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path799" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-11"> + <path + d="m 4.40625,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 C 3.25,-4.390625 2.828125,-4.578125 2.234375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.484375 -1.671875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.1875,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 -0.015625,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.03125,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.53125,0.609375 -1.703125,0.6875 -2.125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.453125,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.328125,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.546875,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.734375,0.21875 C 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.609375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path802" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-12"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-2.5625 v 0.625 H 2.84375 v -0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path805" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-13"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-4.578125 c -1.296875,0 -2.203125,0.953125 -2.203125,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.171875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.21875,-1.046875 2.21875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.1875,-2.25 z M 2.359375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.421875,0.96875 1.421875,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.4375,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 C 1.34375,-1.328125 1.1875,-2.03125 1.1875,-2.734375 1.1875,-3.6875 1.65625,-4.3125 2.359375,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path808" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-14"> + <path + d="m 3.078125,-4.484375 h -1.21875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.453125,0.359375 0.21875,0 0.40625,-0.1875 0.40625,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.03125,-0.625 -0.625,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.40625,0.734375 -0.265625,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.203125 v 0.3125 H 1.03125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.828125,0.875 V 0 h 2.59375 v -0.15625 c -0.828125,-0.015625 -0.9375,-0.140625 -0.9375,-0.875 v -3.140625 h 1.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path811" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-15"> + <path + d="m 1.5625,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.109375,-0.625 0.5,0 0.75,0.359375 0.75,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 4.3125,-0.25 4.25,-0.328125 4.25,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.40625,-1.578125 -1.21875,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1,0.234375 -1.46875,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.515625,-6.8125 C 1.171875,-6.6875 0.921875,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.671875,-0.203125 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path814" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-16"> + <path + d="m 1.03125,-1.09375 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.859375 -0.875,0.90625 V 0 H 2.984375 C 4.140625,0 5.1875,-0.328125 5.8125,-0.890625 6.453125,-1.46875 6.828125,-2.359375 6.828125,-3.328125 6.828125,-4.234375 6.53125,-5 5.984375,-5.546875 5.296875,-6.234375 4.21875,-6.59375 2.84375,-6.59375 h -2.6875 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.875,0.15625 0.875,0.890625 z m 1.015625,-4.75 c 0,-0.3125 0.109375,-0.390625 0.53125,-0.390625 0.84375,0 1.5,0.15625 1.984375,0.5 0.765625,0.546875 1.171875,1.390625 1.171875,2.46875 0,1.1875 -0.40625,2.015625 -1.203125,2.484375 C 4.015625,-0.484375 3.4375,-0.375 2.578125,-0.375 c -0.40625,0 -0.53125,-0.078125 -0.53125,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path817" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-17"> + <path + d="m 6.09375,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.109375,-0.953125 0.296875,-1.09375 0.140625,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.140625 0.65625,-0.171875 v -0.1875 h -2.34375 v 0.1875 c 0.375,0.03125 0.515625,0.0625 0.671875,0.15625 0.203125,0.140625 0.28125,0.5 0.28125,1.109375 V -1.78125 L 1.828125,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.421875,0 0.5625,0.078125 0.96875,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.09375,-0.4375 0.953125,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.46875 V -0.1875 C 1.6875,-0.234375 1.53125,-0.453125 1.53125,-1.46875 V -5.375 L 5.9375,0.109375 Z m 0,0" + id="path820" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-18"> + <path + d="M 3.96875,-1.5625 C 3.484375,-0.859375 3.125,-0.625 2.5625,-0.625 c -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.796875 -1.546875,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.359375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.484375,-0.1875 0.484375,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.703125,-1.015625 -1.53125,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1,0.1875 -1.40625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.78125,1.125 -0.78125,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.890625,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.203125,-0.46875 0.28125,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.765625,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path823" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-19"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.171875 1.6875,-0.28125 1.6875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.09375,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.671875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.65625,0.34375 0.65625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.234375 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.671875,-3.890625 5,-4.0625 5.453125,-4.0625 c 0.5625,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 H 7.71875 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.171875,-0.1875 7.03125,-0.375 7.03125,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.375,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.625,0.828125 -0.171875,-0.5625 -0.515625,-0.828125 -1.046875,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.578125,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.1875 -0.84375,0.296875 -1.390625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path826" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-20"> + <path + d="m 3.421875,0.09375 1.46875,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.71875,-0.5625 4.6875,-0.5625 4.671875,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.171875,-6.8125 C 3.703125,-6.640625 3.34375,-6.546875 2.71875,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.015625 0.359375,0 0.453125,0.09375 0.453125,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.375,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.046875,-0.421875 -1.140625,0 -2.078125,1.125 -2.078125,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.75,2.140625 1.84375,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.9375,-0.1875 1.28125,-0.65625 v 0.625 z m -0.03125,-1.109375 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.171875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.296875 -0.71875,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.375,-0.796875 -1.375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.25,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.015625,0.46875 1.015625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path829" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-21"> + <path + d="M 4.6875,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.921875 C 3.71875,-4.25 3.5625,-4.28125 3.375,-4.359375 L 3.15625,-4.4375 C 2.875,-4.53125 2.609375,-4.578125 2.359375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.703125 -1.671875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.921875,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.359375,0.34375 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.453125,0.484375 -0.453125,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.109375,0.328125 0.515625,0.515625 -0.703125,0.53125 -0.96875,0.859375 -0.96875,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.71875,0.96875 0.75,0 1.53125,-0.265625 2.046875,-0.671875 0.375,-0.3125 0.546875,-0.625 0.546875,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.203125,-1.0625 l -1.28125,-0.0625 C 1.578125,-0.65625 1.328125,-0.75 1.328125,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 C 2.296875,-1.5 2.4375,-1.484375 2.5,-1.484375 c 0.359375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.0625,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.625 0.484375,-1.125 C 4.046875,-3.3125 4,-3.546875 3.859375,-3.875 Z M 1.46875,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.609375,0.140625 0.90625,0 1.234375,0.125 1.234375,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.875,0.96875 -0.875,0 -1.453125,-0.296875 -1.453125,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.515625,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.171875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.75,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path832" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-7-22"> + <path + d="M 1.75,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 H 2.515625 V -0.15625 C 1.859375,-0.203125 1.78125,-0.296875 1.78125,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path835" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-8-1"> + <path + d="m 2.546875,-4.484375 h -1 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.078125,-0.125 C 1.40625,-5.6875 1.34375,-5.59375 1.265625,-5.5 c -0.375,0.5625 -0.8125,1.03125 -0.96875,1.078125 C 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.203125,-0.75 L 2.65625,-0.765625 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1 z m 0,0" + id="path839" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-2"> + <path + d="m 4.796875,-0.5 h -0.0625 c -0.453125,0 -0.5625,-0.109375 -0.5625,-0.5625 V -4.484375 H 2.59375 V -4.3125 c 0.609375,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.875,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.71875,-0.328125 -0.71875,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.21875,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.03125,-0.421875 L 3.375,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.046875,0.03125 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path842" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-3"> + <path + d="m 3.4375,0.09375 1.46875,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.734375,-0.5625 4.703125,-0.5625 4.6875,-0.5625 c -0.375,0 -0.453125,-0.109375 -0.453125,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.1875,-6.8125 C 3.703125,-6.640625 3.359375,-6.546875 2.71875,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.796875,-6.21875 2.859375,-6.21875 2.9375,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 C 3.015625,-4.46875 2.75,-4.578125 2.34375,-4.578125 c -1.140625,0 -2.078125,1.125 -2.078125,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.75,2.140625 1.859375,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.9375,-0.1875 1.28125,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.40625,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.71875,0.296875 C 1.6875,-0.421875 1.125,-1.21875 1.125,-2.4375 c 0,-1.125 0.5,-1.875 1.25,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path845" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-4"> + <path + d="M 4.078125,-1.640625 C 3.59375,-0.875 3.171875,-0.59375 2.53125,-0.59375 c -0.578125,0 -1,-0.28125 -1.296875,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 H 4.046875 C 3.96875,-3.40625 3.875,-3.703125 3.625,-4.015625 3.3125,-4.375 2.859375,-4.578125 2.34375,-4.578125 c -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.359375,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.125,0.09375 c 0.9375,0 1.6875,-0.578125 2.109375,-1.65625 z m -3.09375,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.859375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path848" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-5"> + <path + d="m 1.5625,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.734375,-0.625 1.125,-0.625 0.5,0 0.75,0.359375 0.75,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.875 V -0.15625 C 4.328125,-0.25 4.265625,-0.328125 4.265625,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.21875,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.484375,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.515625,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.671875,-0.203125 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path851" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-6"> + <path + d="M 1.75,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.875,-0.203125 1.796875,-0.296875 1.796875,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path854" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-7"> + <path + d="M 4.703125,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.9375 C 3.734375,-4.25 3.578125,-4.28125 3.375,-4.359375 L 3.15625,-4.4375 C 2.890625,-4.53125 2.625,-4.578125 2.359375,-4.578125 c -0.921875,0 -1.671875,0.703125 -1.671875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.453125,0.484375 -0.453125,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.109375,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -0.984375,0.859375 -0.984375,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.734375,0.96875 0.75,0 1.53125,-0.265625 2.046875,-0.671875 0.375,-0.3125 0.546875,-0.625 0.546875,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.203125,-1.0625 l -1.296875,-0.0625 C 1.578125,-0.65625 1.328125,-0.75 1.328125,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.609375,-0.625 0.078125,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.3125,0.03125 0.375,0.03125 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.078125,-0.421875 C 3.90625,-2.1875 4.0625,-2.53125 4.0625,-3.03125 4.0625,-3.3125 4.015625,-3.546875 3.875,-3.875 Z M 1.46875,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.625,0.140625 0.90625,0 1.234375,0.125 1.234375,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.765625,0.96875 -1.890625,0.96875 -0.875,0 -1.453125,-0.296875 -1.453125,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.515625,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.75,-0.9375 0.296875,0 0.5625,0.171875 0.71875,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.75,0.90625 -0.609375,0 -1.03125,-0.640625 -1.03125,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path857" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-8"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.40625 V -0.15625 C 1.765625,-0.171875 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.25,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.890625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path860" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-9"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.265625,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 h 2.109375 v -0.15625 c -0.5,-0.03125 -0.65625,-0.15625 -0.65625,-0.515625 V -3.46875 c 0.484375,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.5625 1.03125,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.84375 V -0.15625 C 4.359375,-0.203125 4.234375,-0.3125 4.234375,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.171875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.453125,0.796875 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.84375,0.28125 -1.390625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path863" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-10"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-4.484375 H 3.40625 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.25 0,0.046875 0,0.109375 -0.03125,0.171875 L 2.875,-1.171875 1.71875,-3.6875 C 1.65625,-3.828125 1.625,-3.953125 1.625,-4.0625 c 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2.0625 V -4.34375 C 0.40625,-4.3125 0.5625,-4.203125 0.65625,-4.03125 L 1.796875,-1.578125 1.8125,-1.5 1.96875,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.21875,0.78125 -0.390625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 C 1.0625,1.203125 0.90625,1.15625 0.734375,1.15625 c -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.75,0.578125 0.65625,0 1.140625,-0.5625 1.6875,-2 l 1.53125,-4.0625 C 4.40625,-4.203125 4.515625,-4.3125 4.75,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path866" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-11"> + <path + d="M 4.421875,-0.65625 C 4.25,-0.515625 4.125,-0.46875 3.984375,-0.46875 3.75,-0.46875 3.6875,-0.609375 3.6875,-1.046875 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.0625,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.484375 -1.671875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.25,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.015625,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.765625,0.28125 0.765625,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.546875,0.609375 -1.71875,0.6875 -2.140625,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.453125,-0.71875 0.0625,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.90625,-0.5 z M 2.875,-1.21875 c 0,0.296875 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 C 2.375,-0.5625 2.09375,-0.484375 1.875,-0.484375 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path869" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-12"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-4.578125 c -1.296875,0 -2.203125,0.953125 -2.203125,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.1875,2.34375 1.25,0 2.21875,-1.046875 2.21875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.203125,-2.25 z M 2.375,-4.3125 c 0.828125,0 1.421875,0.96875 1.421875,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.203125,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 C 1.34375,-1.328125 1.1875,-2.03125 1.1875,-2.734375 1.1875,-3.6875 1.65625,-4.3125 2.375,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path872" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-13"> + <path + d="M 3.09375,-4.484375 H 1.859375 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.578125,-0.890625 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.515625,0.390625 C 3.125,-5.875 3.234375,-5.78125 3.40625,-5.78125 c 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.03125,-0.625 -0.625,0 -1.15625,0.265625 -1.421875,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.328125,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.203125 v 0.3125 H 1.03125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.828125,0.875 V 0 h 2.59375 V -0.15625 C 1.984375,-0.171875 1.875,-0.296875 1.875,-1.03125 v -3.140625 h 1.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path875" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-14"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.171875 1.703125,-0.28125 1.703125,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.140625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.6875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.671875,0.34375 0.671875,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 H 5.09375 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 c 0.3125,-0.4375 0.640625,-0.609375 1.09375,-0.609375 0.578125,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 H 7.75 V -0.15625 L 7.484375,-0.171875 C 7.1875,-0.1875 7.0625,-0.375 7.0625,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.59375,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.640625,0.828125 C 4.09375,-4.3125 3.75,-4.578125 3.203125,-4.578125 c -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.515625,0.1875 -0.859375,0.296875 -1.40625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path878" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-15"> + <path + d="M 3.15625,-3.125 3.109375,-4.484375 H 3 L 2.984375,-4.46875 C 2.890625,-4.390625 2.875,-4.390625 2.84375,-4.390625 c -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.28125,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.359375,0.515625 -1.359375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.171875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.828125,0.71875 -0.34375,0 -0.65625,-0.125 -0.84375,-0.34375 C 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.515625 v 1.5625 H 0.65625 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.21875,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.71875,0.09375 0.78125,0 1.421875,-0.578125 1.421875,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.6875 0.5625,0 0.859375,0.34375 1.09375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path881" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-16"> + <path + d="M 1.53125,-6.78125 1.484375,-6.8125 C 1.0625,-6.65625 0.796875,-6.578125 0.3125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.390625,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.859375,0.625 1.65625,0.625 1.3125,0 2.34375,-1.09375 2.34375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.765625,-2.15625 -0.609375,0 -1.1875,0.34375 -1.390625,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.46875,-0.75 0.984375,-0.75 0.78125,0 1.28125,0.765625 1.28125,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.296875,1.75 -0.515625,0 -0.96875,-0.234375 -0.96875,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path884" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-17"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.75,1.828125 0.640625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.46875 V 1.984375 c -0.75,-0.015625 -0.875,-0.125 -0.875,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.9375,0 2.1875,0.09375 2.59375,0.09375 c 1.1875,0 2.109375,-1.109375 2.109375,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.671875,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1,0.234375 -1.4375,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 C 0.984375,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.5,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.015625,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.234375,0.75 1.234375,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.5,1.859375 -1.21875,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.03125,-0.359375 -1.03125,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path887" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-8-18"> + <path + d="M 3.984375,-1.5625 C 3.5,-0.859375 3.140625,-0.625 2.5625,-0.625 c -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.796875 -1.546875,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.359375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.5,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.484375,-0.1875 0.484375,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.703125,-1.015625 -1.546875,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -1,0.1875 -1.40625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.78125,1.125 -0.78125,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.796875,2.21875 1.90625,2.21875 C 2.59375,0.09375 3,-0.0625 3.359375,-0.375 3.625,-0.609375 3.8125,-0.875 4.125,-1.46875 Z m 0,0" + id="path890" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-9-1"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.921875,1.015625 V 0 h 2.875 v -0.1875 c -0.8125,-0.046875 -0.9375,-0.171875 -0.9375,-0.90625 V -6.1875 h 0.53125 c 1.125,0 1.34375,0.1875 1.5625,1.28125 H 5.84375 l -0.0625,-1.6875 H 0.234375 l -0.0625,1.6875 H 0.40625 C 0.640625,-5.984375 0.875,-6.1875 1.96875,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path894" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-2"> + <path + d="m 1.546875,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.625 1.09375,-0.625 0.5,0 0.734375,0.359375 0.734375,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.65625,0.859375 V 0 H 4.796875 V -0.15625 C 4.265625,-0.25 4.203125,-0.328125 4.203125,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.40625,-1.578125 -1.203125,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -1,0.234375 -1.453125,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.5,-6.8125 c -0.34375,0.125 -0.578125,0.203125 -1.140625,0.359375 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.5,0.078125 0.5,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.640625,-0.203125 1.546875,-0.328125 1.546875,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path897" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-3"> + <path + d="M 4.015625,-1.640625 C 3.546875,-0.875 3.125,-0.59375 2.5,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,-0.28125 -1.28125,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 H 4 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.1875,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.75,-0.5625 -1.25,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.34375,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.09375,0.09375 c 0.9375,0 1.671875,-0.578125 2.09375,-1.65625 z m -3.046875,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.046875,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path900" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-4"> + <path + d="m 6.640625,-5.71875 v 4.515625 C 6.640625,-0.375 6.53125,-0.234375 5.75,-0.1875 V 0 H 8.515625 V -0.1875 C 7.78125,-0.234375 7.65625,-0.375 7.65625,-1.09375 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.703125 0.125,-0.828125 0.859375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 6.546875 L 4.375,-1.5625 2.09375,-6.59375 H 0.140625 v 0.1875 c 0.8125,0.046875 0.9375,0.171875 0.9375,0.890625 V -1.46875 C 1.078125,-0.4375 0.9375,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.4375 V -0.1875 C 1.671875,-0.234375 1.515625,-0.453125 1.515625,-1.46875 V -5.484375 L 3.984375,0 H 4.125 Z m 0,0" + id="path903" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-5"> + <path + d="m 6.953125,-0.1875 c -0.4375,-0.03125 -0.53125,-0.125 -0.875,-0.875 L 3.625,-6.71875 H 3.421875 L 1.375,-1.828125 C 0.734375,-0.375 0.625,-0.203125 0.140625,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.09375 v -0.1875 c -0.46875,0 -0.671875,-0.125 -0.671875,-0.40625 0,-0.125 0.03125,-0.265625 0.09375,-0.390625 L 1.96875,-2.15625 h 2.578125 l 0.40625,0.953125 c 0.109375,0.28125 0.1875,0.53125 0.1875,0.671875 0,0.25 -0.171875,0.328125 -0.6875,0.34375 V 0 h 2.5 z M 2.125,-2.5625 3.265625,-5.296875 4.40625,-2.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path906" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-6"> + <path + d="m 6.109375,-4.484375 -0.078125,-2.25 H 5.8125 C 5.765625,-6.53125 5.59375,-6.40625 5.40625,-6.40625 5.3125,-6.40625 5.171875,-6.4375 5.015625,-6.5 4.53125,-6.65625 4.046875,-6.734375 3.578125,-6.734375 c -0.8125,0 -1.625,0.296875 -2.234375,0.859375 -0.6875,0.609375 -1.0625,1.53125 -1.0625,2.640625 0,0.921875 0.296875,1.78125 0.796875,2.34375 0.59375,0.65625 1.5,1.03125 2.46875,1.03125 1.109375,0 2.09375,-0.453125 2.6875,-1.265625 L 6.0625,-1.3125 C 5.328125,-0.59375 4.6875,-0.296875 3.859375,-0.296875 3.25,-0.296875 2.6875,-0.5 2.265625,-0.875 c -0.546875,-0.484375 -0.84375,-1.390625 -0.84375,-2.5 0,-1.796875 0.921875,-2.96875 2.34375,-2.96875 0.5625,0 1.078125,0.21875 1.46875,0.609375 0.3125,0.328125 0.46875,0.59375 0.65625,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path909" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-7"> + <path + d="m 2.46875,-4.578125 c -1.28125,0 -2.1875,0.953125 -2.1875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.15625,2.34375 1.25,0 2.203125,-1.046875 2.203125,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.171875,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.828125,0 1.40625,0.96875 1.40625,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.953125,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.171875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path912" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-8"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.078125,0 0.15625,0 0.234375,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.734375,1.828125 0.625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.4375 V 1.984375 c -0.734375,-0.015625 -0.875,-0.125 -0.875,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.90625,0 2.15625,0.09375 2.5625,0.09375 c 1.171875,0 2.078125,-1.109375 2.078125,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.65625,-2.109375 C 2.4375,-4.578125 2,-4.34375 1.5625,-3.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.515625,-4.578125 C 0.96875,-4.375 0.625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.46875,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.015625,-0.65625 0.71875,0 1.203125,0.75 1.203125,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.1875,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.03125,-0.359375 -1.03125,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path915" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-9"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 h 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.75,-0.171875 1.578125,-0.328125 1.578125,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.421875,-0.8125 0.6875,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.375,-0.171875 0.375,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.1875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 C 1,-4.359375 0.65625,-4.234375 0.0625,-4.046875 Z m 0,0" + id="path918" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-10"> + <path + d="m 4.359375,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.28125,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.21875,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.1875,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.640625,-0.546875 -1.234375,-0.546875 -0.921875,0 -1.65625,0.484375 -1.65625,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.25,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 C 1.421875,-3.5 1.40625,-3.546875 1.40625,-3.625 1.375,-3.703125 1.375,-3.78125 1.375,-3.859375 1.375,-4.125 1.6875,-4.34375 2.078125,-4.34375 c 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.515625,0.609375 -1.6875,0.6875 -2.109375,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.421875,0 0.828125,-0.203125 1.4375,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.53125,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 -0.234375,0.140625 -0.515625,0.21875 -0.71875,0.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.625,-0.328125 -0.625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.59375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path921" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-11"> + <path + d="m 2.515625,-4.484375 h -1 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.375,-5.6875 1.328125,-5.59375 1.25,-5.5 0.875,-4.9375 0.453125,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 H 0.6875 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.875,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.1875,-0.75 L 2.625,-0.765625 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.359375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1 z m 0,0" + id="path924" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-12"> + <path + d="M 1.71875,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.203125 1.765625,-0.296875 1.765625,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.265625,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path927" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-13"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.09375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 h 2.09375 v -0.15625 c -0.5,-0.03125 -0.65625,-0.15625 -0.65625,-0.515625 V -3.46875 C 2.09375,-3.921875 2.3125,-4.03125 2.625,-4.03125 c 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.78125 V -0.15625 C 4.296875,-0.203125 4.1875,-0.3125 4.1875,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.171875,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.421875,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.515625,-4.578125 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.8125,0.28125 -1.359375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path930" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-14"> + <path + d="M 3.109375,-3.125 3.0625,-4.484375 H 2.953125 L 2.9375,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.5,0.4375 0.5,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.8125,0.71875 -0.328125,0 -0.640625,-0.125 -0.828125,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.421875,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 0.078125,0 0.21875,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.265625,0.0625 0.53125,0.09375 0.71875,0.09375 0.75,0 1.390625,-0.578125 1.390625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.53125,-3 C 1.265625,-3.15625 1.109375,-3.40625 1.109375,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.5625,0 0.859375,0.34375 1.078125,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path933" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-15"> + <path + d="M 1.515625,-6.78125 1.453125,-6.8125 C 1.046875,-6.65625 0.78125,-6.578125 0.3125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.390625,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.828125,0.625 1.625,0.625 1.296875,0 2.296875,-1.09375 2.296875,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.75,-2.15625 -1.734375,-2.15625 -0.59375,0 -1.171875,0.34375 -1.359375,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.453125,-0.75 0.96875,-0.75 C 3.25,-3.953125 3.75,-3.1875 3.75,-1.96875 c 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.28125,1.75 -0.515625,0 -0.953125,-0.234375 -0.953125,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path936" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-16"> + <path + d="m 3.046875,-4.484375 h -1.21875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.21875,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.265625,0.359375 0.4375,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.03125,-0.625 -0.609375,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.390625,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.328125,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 h -0.8125 v 0.3125 h 0.8125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.8125,0.875 V 0 h 2.5625 V -0.15625 C 1.953125,-0.171875 1.84375,-0.296875 1.84375,-1.03125 v -3.140625 h 1.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path939" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-17"> + <path + d="M 4.71875,-0.5 H 4.671875 c -0.453125,0 -0.5625,-0.109375 -0.5625,-0.5625 v -3.421875 h -1.5625 V -4.3125 c 0.625,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.5625,0.328125 -0.859375,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 h -1.4375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.46875,1.296875 1.1875,1.296875 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.015625,-0.421875 L 3.328125,-0.75 V 0.0625 L 3.375,0.09375 c 0.484375,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.3125 1.34375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path942" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-18"> + <path + d="M 2.734375,0 H 4.71875 v -0.15625 c -0.296875,0 -0.5,-0.15625 -0.796875,-0.59375 l -1.265625,-1.953125 0.8125,-1.1875 c 0.1875,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.4375 0.796875,-0.453125 V -4.484375 H 2.71875 V -4.34375 C 3,-4.3125 3.109375,-4.25 3.109375,-4.109375 c 0,0.109375 -0.125,0.328125 -0.375,0.640625 -0.046875,0.0625 -0.15625,0.234375 -0.296875,0.4375 l -0.125,-0.203125 c -0.28125,-0.421875 -0.453125,-0.75 -0.453125,-0.875 0,-0.140625 0.125,-0.21875 0.421875,-0.234375 V -4.484375 H 0.234375 v 0.140625 h 0.09375 c 0.296875,0 0.453125,0.140625 0.75,0.609375 l 0.9375,1.4375 -1.125,1.640625 C 0.59375,-0.25 0.5,-0.171875 0.171875,-0.15625 V 0 H 1.59375 v -0.15625 c -0.265625,0 -0.390625,-0.046875 -0.390625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.0625,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 l 0.765625,-1.234375 0.90625,1.40625 c 0.03125,0.046875 0.0625,0.109375 0.0625,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.078125,0.21875 -0.40625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path945" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-19"> + <path + d="M 3.921875,-1.5625 C 3.453125,-0.859375 3.09375,-0.625 2.53125,-0.625 1.640625,-0.625 1,-1.421875 1,-2.5625 c 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.34375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 C 3.0625,-3.3125 3.25,-3.140625 3.453125,-3.140625 c 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.515625,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -0.984375,0.1875 -1.390625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.765625,1.125 -0.765625,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.875,2.21875 0.4375,0 0.828125,-0.15625 1.1875,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path948" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-20"> + <path + d="M 2.90625,-6.734375 C 2.171875,-6.265625 1.890625,-6 1.515625,-5.546875 c -0.703125,0.875 -1.046875,1.875 -1.046875,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.375,2.25 1.234375,3.265625 0.40625,0.46875 0.65625,0.703125 1.171875,1.015625 L 3,1.609375 C 2.203125,0.984375 1.9375,0.625 1.671875,-0.125 c -0.25,-0.65625 -0.34375,-1.421875 -0.34375,-2.421875 0,-1.046875 0.125,-1.859375 0.390625,-2.484375 C 1.984375,-5.640625 2.28125,-6 3,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path951" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-21"> + <path + d="m 3.5625,-6.734375 c -1.890625,0 -3.234375,1.4375 -3.234375,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.328125,1.84375 0.859375,2.421875 C 1.75,-0.25 2.625,0.140625 3.5,0.140625 5.4375,0.140625 6.78125,-1.25 6.78125,-3.265625 6.78125,-4.25 6.5,-5.09375 5.953125,-5.6875 5.328125,-6.375 4.5,-6.734375 3.5625,-6.734375 Z m 0,0.359375 c 0.453125,0 0.90625,0.171875 1.265625,0.5 0.53125,0.484375 0.828125,1.421875 0.828125,2.609375 C 5.65625,-2.6875 5.53125,-2 5.328125,-1.46875 5.25,-1.21875 5.078125,-0.984375 4.84375,-0.75 4.5,-0.40625 4.0625,-0.21875 3.546875,-0.21875 c -0.453125,0 -0.90625,-0.1875 -1.25,-0.484375 -0.515625,-0.46875 -0.84375,-1.46875 -0.84375,-2.578125 0,-1.015625 0.28125,-1.984375 0.703125,-2.453125 C 2.53125,-6.15625 3.015625,-6.375 3.5625,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path954" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-22"> + <path + d="m 6.03125,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.09375,-0.953125 0.28125,-1.09375 C 6.453125,-6.328125 6.59375,-6.375 6.96875,-6.40625 v -0.1875 h -2.3125 v 0.1875 c 0.375,0.03125 0.515625,0.0625 0.65625,0.15625 0.203125,0.140625 0.28125,0.5 0.28125,1.109375 V -1.78125 L 1.796875,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.421875,0 0.5625,0.078125 0.953125,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.078125,-0.4375 0.9375,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.4375 V -0.1875 C 1.671875,-0.234375 1.515625,-0.453125 1.515625,-1.46875 V -5.375 l 4.34375,5.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path957" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-9-23"> + <path + d="M 6.875,-6.59375 H 4.84375 v 0.1875 c 0.546875,0.03125 0.734375,0.140625 0.734375,0.421875 0,0.15625 -0.078125,0.421875 -0.1875,0.71875 L 3.9375,-1.609375 2.4375,-4.96875 C 2.125,-5.703125 2.046875,-5.9375 2.046875,-6.078125 c 0,-0.1875 0.125,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.3125 0.03125,0 0.140625,-0.015625 0.28125,-0.015625 v -0.1875 h -2.625 v 0.1875 c 0.484375,0.015625 0.625,0.15625 1.046875,1.046875 L 3.625,0.109375 h 0.15625 l 2.1875,-5.59375 C 6.296875,-6.265625 6.40625,-6.375 6.875,-6.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path960" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-10-1"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.328125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.765625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.375 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.796875,-6.8125 C 1.28125,-6.640625 0.890625,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path964" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-2"> + <path + d="m 4.46875,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.3125,-0.140625 -0.3125,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.953125,0 -1.703125,0.484375 -1.703125,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.25,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.015625,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.328125,-0.484375 0.734375,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.765625,0.28125 0.765625,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.5625,0.609375 -1.734375,0.6875 -2.171875,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.0625,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.859375,-0.203125 1.46875,-0.71875 0.0625,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.65625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.90625,-0.5 z m -1.5625,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.734375,0.21875 -0.359375,0 -0.640625,-0.328125 -0.640625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.640625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path967" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-3"> + <path + d="M 4.796875,-4.484375 H 3.4375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.96875,2.75 L 1.734375,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.265625 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.140625 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.4375,0.140625 0.515625,0.3125 L 1.8125,-1.578125 1.84375,-1.5 1.984375,-1.203125 c 0.296875,0.5 0.453125,0.859375 0.453125,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 -0.203125,-0.0625 -0.375,-0.109375 -0.546875,-0.109375 -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.75,0.578125 0.6875,0 1.171875,-0.5625 1.71875,-2 l 1.546875,-4.0625 c 0.140625,-0.3125 0.25,-0.421875 0.484375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path970" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-4"> + <path + d="M 4.125,-1.640625 C 3.640625,-0.875 3.203125,-0.59375 2.5625,-0.59375 1.984375,-0.59375 1.546875,-0.875 1.25,-1.453125 1.078125,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.984375,-2.765625 H 4.09375 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.1875,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.765625,-0.5625 -1.296875,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.359375,0.515625 -0.46875,0.40625 -0.75,1.109375 -0.75,1.921875 0,1.390625 0.734375,2.234375 1.890625,2.234375 0.96875,0 1.71875,-0.578125 2.140625,-1.65625 z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.078125,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.859375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path973" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-5"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.4375 V -0.15625 C 1.796875,-0.171875 1.625,-0.328125 1.625,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.421875,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 C 2.75,-3.671875 2.859375,-3.609375 3,-3.609375 c 0.234375,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.5625,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.890625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path976" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-6"> + <path + d="m 1.765625,-4.578125 -1.5625,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 H 2.5625 v -0.15625 c -0.671875,-0.046875 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.296875,-6.8125 c -0.28125,0 -0.515625,0.234375 -0.515625,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.234375,0.5 0.515625,0.5 0.296875,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path979" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-7"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.1875 1.65625,-0.3125 1.65625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.484375,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.5625 1.046875,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.90625 v -0.15625 c -0.5,-0.046875 -0.625,-0.15625 -0.625,-0.65625 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.46875,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.84375,0.28125 -1.40625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path982" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-8"> + <path + d="m 1.046875,-1.09375 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.859375 -0.890625,0.90625 V 0 h 2.875 c 1.171875,0 2.234375,-0.328125 2.859375,-0.890625 0.65625,-0.578125 1.03125,-1.46875 1.03125,-2.4375 C 6.921875,-4.234375 6.625,-5 6.0625,-5.546875 5.375,-6.234375 4.28125,-6.59375 2.890625,-6.59375 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.890625,0.15625 0.890625,0.890625 z m 1.03125,-4.75 c 0,-0.3125 0.109375,-0.390625 0.53125,-0.390625 0.875,0 1.53125,0.15625 2.015625,0.5 0.78125,0.546875 1.203125,1.390625 1.203125,2.46875 0,1.1875 -0.421875,2.015625 -1.234375,2.484375 -0.515625,0.296875 -1.109375,0.40625 -1.984375,0.40625 -0.40625,0 -0.53125,-0.078125 -0.53125,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path985" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-9"> + <path + d="m 6.1875,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.09375,-0.953125 0.296875,-1.09375 C 6.625,-6.328125 6.765625,-6.375 7.140625,-6.40625 v -0.1875 h -2.375 v 0.1875 c 0.390625,0.03125 0.53125,0.0625 0.6875,0.15625 0.203125,0.140625 0.28125,0.5 0.28125,1.109375 V -1.78125 L 1.84375,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.4375,0 0.578125,0.078125 0.984375,0.546875 v 4.390625 c 0,1.03125 -0.15625,1.21875 -0.984375,1.28125 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.1875 C 1.71875,-0.234375 1.546875,-0.453125 1.546875,-1.46875 V -5.375 l 4.46875,5.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path988" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-10"> + <path + d="M 0.390625,1.765625 C 1.125,1.28125 1.4375,1.03125 1.8125,0.5625 2.53125,-0.296875 2.875,-1.296875 2.875,-2.46875 2.875,-3.734375 2.5,-4.703125 1.625,-5.71875 1.203125,-6.203125 0.9375,-6.421875 0.421875,-6.734375 l -0.125,0.15625 c 0.8125,0.625 1.078125,0.96875 1.359375,1.71875 0.25,0.671875 0.359375,1.4375 0.359375,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.140625,1.875 -0.40625,2.484375 -0.28125,0.625 -0.59375,0.984375 -1.3125,1.5625 z m 0,0" + id="path991" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-11"> + <path + d="M 3.484375,0.09375 4.96875,-0.421875 v -0.15625 C 4.78125,-0.5625 4.765625,-0.5625 4.734375,-0.5625 4.375,-0.5625 4.28125,-0.671875 4.28125,-1.140625 V -6.78125 L 4.234375,-6.8125 C 3.75,-6.640625 3.390625,-6.546875 2.75,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.828125,-6.21875 2.890625,-6.21875 2.96875,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 C 3.046875,-4.46875 2.78125,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 c -1.15625,0 -2.109375,1.125 -2.109375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.765625,2.140625 1.875,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.4375,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.734375,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.390625,-0.796875 -1.390625,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.5,-1.875 1.265625,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path994" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-12"> + <path + d="m 4.03125,-1.5625 c -0.5,0.703125 -0.859375,0.9375 -1.4375,0.9375 -0.921875,0 -1.5625,-0.796875 -1.5625,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.5625,-1.734375 1.375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.5,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.5,-0.1875 0.5,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.71875,-1.015625 -1.5625,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1.015625,0.1875 -1.421875,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.796875,2.21875 1.921875,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.15625 1.21875,-0.46875 0.28125,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.78125,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path997" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-13"> + <path + d="M 3.1875,-3.125 3.140625,-4.484375 H 3.03125 L 3.015625,-4.46875 C 2.921875,-4.390625 2.90625,-4.390625 2.875,-4.390625 c -0.0625,0 -0.171875,-0.015625 -0.28125,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.375,0.515625 -1.375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.1875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.125,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.53125 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.078125,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.734375,0.09375 0.78125,0 1.421875,-0.578125 1.421875,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.578125,-3 c -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.4375,-0.40625 -0.4375,-0.671875 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1000" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-14"> + <path + d="M 0.3125,-4.15625 H 1 v 3.21875 c 0,0.640625 -0.109375,0.765625 -0.671875,0.78125 V 0 h 2.21875 V -0.15625 C 1.984375,-0.1875 1.84375,-0.328125 1.84375,-0.875 v -3.28125 h 0.875 c 0.96875,0 1.015625,0.03125 1.015625,0.5625 v 2.625 c 0,0.671875 -0.0625,0.765625 -0.6875,0.8125 V 0 h 2.21875 V -0.15625 C 4.703125,-0.203125 4.59375,-0.328125 4.59375,-0.96875 v -2.609375 c 0,-0.21875 0,-0.453125 0.015625,-0.984375 L 4.5625,-4.578125 c -0.4375,0.0625 -0.734375,0.09375 -1.140625,0.09375 H 1.84375 v -0.4375 c 0,-0.4375 0.03125,-0.734375 0.078125,-0.90625 0.140625,-0.4375 0.53125,-0.734375 0.984375,-0.734375 0.28125,0 0.484375,0.125 0.71875,0.46875 0.203125,0.265625 0.328125,0.375 0.5,0.375 0.21875,0 0.359375,-0.171875 0.359375,-0.390625 0,-0.421875 -0.5,-0.703125 -1.28125,-0.703125 -0.765625,0 -1.359375,0.265625 -1.71875,0.75 -0.296875,0.40625 -0.40625,0.78125 -0.46875,1.578125 H 0.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1003" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-15"> + <path + d="M 2.578125,-4.484375 H 1.5625 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.078125,-0.125 C 1.421875,-5.6875 1.359375,-5.59375 1.28125,-5.5 0.90625,-4.9375 0.46875,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.3125,1.265625 0.90625,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.21875,-0.75 L 2.6875,-0.765625 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 -0.375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path1006" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-16"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-4.578125 c -1.3125,0 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d="m 3.125,-4.484375 h -1.25 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.203125,-0.890625 0.578125,-0.890625 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.546875,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.453125,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.453125,-0.625 -1.046875,-0.625 -0.640625,0 -1.171875,0.265625 -1.4375,0.734375 -0.265625,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.21875 v 0.3125 h 0.828125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.84375,0.875 V 0 h 2.625 V -0.15625 C 2,-0.171875 1.890625,-0.296875 1.890625,-1.03125 V -4.171875 H 3.125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1015" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-19"> + <path + d="M 1.546875,-6.78125 1.5,-6.8125 C 1.078125,-6.65625 0.796875,-6.578125 0.328125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.40625,0 0.5,0.09375 0.5,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.859375,0.625 1.65625,0.625 1.34375,0 2.375,-1.09375 2.375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.78125,-2.15625 -0.625,0 -1.203125,0.34375 -1.40625,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.46875,-0.75 1,-0.75 0.796875,0 1.296875,0.765625 1.296875,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.3125,1.75 -0.53125,0 -0.984375,-0.234375 -0.984375,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1018" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-20"> + <path + d="m 1.59375,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.109375,-0.625 0.515625,0 0.765625,0.359375 0.765625,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.921875 V -0.15625 C 4.375,-0.25 4.3125,-0.328125 4.3125,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.234375,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1.03125,0.234375 -1.484375,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.53125,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.1875 V -0.15625 C 1.6875,-0.203125 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1021" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-21"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-2.5625 v 0.625 H 2.875 v -0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path1024" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-22"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.328125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 0.78125,-4 0.875,-3.84375 0.875,-3.375 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.875,-0.171875 1.71875,-0.28125 1.71875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.6875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.453125,0 0.671875,0.34375 0.671875,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 H 5.15625 v -0.15625 c -0.578125,0 -0.734375,-0.171875 -0.734375,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.734375,-3.890625 5.0625,-4.0625 5.53125,-4.0625 c 0.578125,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.203125 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.265625,-0.1875 7.140625,-0.375 7.140625,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.171875,-1.765625 -0.59375,0 -1.109375,0.25 -1.65625,0.828125 C 4.140625,-4.3125 3.796875,-4.578125 3.25,-4.578125 c -0.453125,0 -0.734375,0.125 -1.578125,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1.09375,-4.390625 0.75,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1027" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-23"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.96875 C 3.765625,-4.25 3.625,-4.28125 3.421875,-4.359375 L 3.1875,-4.4375 C 2.921875,-4.53125 2.65625,-4.578125 2.390625,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.703125 -1.6875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.46875,0.484375 -0.46875,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.546875,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -1,0.859375 -1,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.796875,0.96875 1.75,0.96875 0.765625,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.078125,-0.671875 0.375,-0.3125 0.546875,-0.625 0.546875,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.21875,-1.0625 l -1.296875,-0.0625 C 1.59375,-0.65625 1.34375,-0.75 1.34375,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.609375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.328125,0.03125 0.390625,0.03125 0.375,0 0.78125,-0.15625 1.09375,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.625 0.484375,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.0625,-0.515625 -0.203125,-0.84375 z M 1.484375,0.015625 C 1.8125,0.09375 2.625,0.15625 3.125,0.15625 c 0.921875,0 1.25,0.125 1.25,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.765625,0.96875 -1.90625,0.96875 -0.890625,0 -1.484375,-0.296875 -1.484375,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.078125,-0.359375 0.5,-0.859375 z M 1.53125,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.75,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.765625,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.03125,-0.640625 -1.03125,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1030" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-24"> + <path + d="m 1.265625,-1 c -0.3125,0 -0.5625,0.265625 -0.5625,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.546875,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.578125,-0.25 0.578125,-0.53125 C 1.828125,-0.734375 1.5625,-1 1.265625,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1033" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-25"> + <path + d="m 3.65625,-6.734375 c -1.9375,0 -3.3125,1.4375 -3.3125,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.328125,1.84375 0.875,2.421875 0.578125,0.625 1.484375,1.015625 2.375,1.015625 1.984375,0 3.359375,-1.390625 3.359375,-3.40625 C 6.953125,-4.25 6.65625,-5.09375 6.109375,-5.6875 5.46875,-6.375 4.625,-6.734375 3.65625,-6.734375 Z m 0,0.359375 c 0.453125,0 0.921875,0.171875 1.28125,0.5 0.546875,0.484375 0.859375,1.421875 0.859375,2.609375 0,0.578125 -0.125,1.265625 -0.328125,1.796875 -0.09375,0.25 -0.265625,0.484375 -0.5,0.71875 -0.34375,0.34375 -0.796875,0.53125 -1.34375,0.53125 -0.453125,0 -0.921875,-0.1875 -1.265625,-0.484375 C 1.828125,-1.171875 1.5,-2.171875 1.5,-3.28125 1.5,-4.296875 1.78125,-5.265625 2.203125,-5.734375 2.59375,-6.15625 3.09375,-6.375 3.65625,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1036" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-26"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.421875,0.09375 0.421875,0.5625 V 1.3125 c 0,0.515625 -0.125,0.625 -0.71875,0.6875 V 2.15625 H 2.5 V 1.984375 c -0.765625,-0.015625 -0.890625,-0.125 -0.890625,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.96875,0 2.203125,0.09375 2.625,0.09375 c 1.203125,0 2.125,-1.109375 2.125,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.6875,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.453125,0.78125 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.515625,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.03125,-0.65625 0.75,0 1.234375,0.75 1.234375,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.21875,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.046875,-0.359375 -1.046875,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1039" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-27"> + <path + d="m 0.84375,1.40625 c 0.671875,-0.328125 1.125,-0.9375 1.125,-1.53125 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.8125,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.59375,0.234375 -0.59375,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.234375,0.515625 0.59375,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.015625 0.203125,-0.015625 0.0625,-0.03125 0.0625,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.828125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1042" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-28"> + <path + d="M 4.84375,-0.5 H 4.796875 C 4.328125,-0.5 4.21875,-0.609375 4.21875,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.625 V -4.3125 c 0.625,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.890625,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.71875,-0.328125 -0.71875,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.484375,0.03125 0.625,0.171875 0.625,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.21875,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.046875,-0.421875 L 3.421875,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.03125,0.03125 c 0.515625,-0.203125 0.875,-0.3125 1.390625,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1045" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-29"> + <path + d="m 5.765625,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.453125,0.140625 0.453125,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.171875,0.65625 L 5.140625,-1.15625 4.28125,-3.390625 C 4.109375,-3.84375 4.109375,-3.84375 4.109375,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.59375,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.65625 v 0.140625 c 0.359375,0.046875 0.484375,0.15625 0.6875,0.6875 0.078125,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.203125,0.5625 L 2.625,-1.109375 l -1,-2.59375 C 1.59375,-3.8125 1.5625,-3.90625 1.5625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.46875,-0.34375 v -0.140625 h -1.8125 v 0.140625 c 0.21875,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.359375,3.40625 C 2.234375,0 2.3125,0.140625 2.375,0.140625 c 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.140625,-2.390625 0.921875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.078125,0 0.125,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.59375,-3.796875 C 6.78125,-4.21875 6.8125,-4.265625 7.015625,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1048" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-10-30"> + <path + d="m 4.828125,-4.484375 h -1.40625 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.015625,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 l -1,2.578125 -1.03125,-2.546875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.28125 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.46875,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.390625,0.03125 0.453125,0.125 0.921875,1.15625 l 1.21875,2.859375 c 0.015625,0.0625 0.046875,0.125 0.078125,0.203125 0.0625,0.1875 0.125,0.265625 0.1875,0.265625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 L 4.171875,-3.5625 c 0.28125,-0.671875 0.34375,-0.75 0.65625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path1051" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-11-1"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.078125,0 0.15625,0 0.234375,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 c 0,0.515625 -0.109375,0.625 -0.6875,0.6875 v 0.15625 h 2.375 V 1.984375 C 1.6875,1.96875 1.5625,1.859375 1.5625,1.234375 v -1.5625 C 1.90625,0 2.140625,0.09375 2.546875,0.09375 c 1.15625,0 2.0625,-1.109375 2.0625,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.6875,-2.109375 -1.640625,-2.109375 -0.546875,0 -0.984375,0.234375 -1.40625,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.5,-4.578125 C 0.96875,-4.375 0.625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.46875,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.546875,-0.65625 1,-0.65625 0.71875,0 1.203125,0.75 1.203125,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.1875,1.859375 C 2.125,-0.21875 1.5625,-0.578125 1.5625,-0.875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1055" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-2"> + <path + d="m 4.34375,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.21875,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.1875,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.640625,-0.546875 -1.21875,-0.546875 -0.921875,0 -1.65625,0.484375 -1.65625,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.4375,-0.1875 0.4375,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.015625,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.46875,0 0.734375,0.28125 0.734375,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.5,0.609375 -1.671875,0.6875 -2.09375,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.03125,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.4375,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.625,0.71875 0.328125,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z M 2.8125,-1.21875 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 C 2.328125,-0.5625 2.046875,-0.484375 1.84375,-0.484375 1.5,-0.484375 1.234375,-0.8125 1.234375,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.390625,-0.953125 1.578125,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1058" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-3"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.40625 V -0.15625 C 1.734375,-0.171875 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.421875,-0.8125 0.6875,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.375,-0.171875 0.375,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.1875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.515625,-4.578125 C 1,-4.359375 0.640625,-4.234375 0.0625,-4.046875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1061" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-4"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.03125 0.296875,-0.03125 0.3125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.765625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.3125 V -0.15625 C 1.90625,-0.1875 1.78125,-0.296875 1.78125,-0.84375 v -5.9375 L 1.75,-6.8125 C 1.234375,-6.640625 0.859375,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1064" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-5"> + <path + d="M 4,-1.640625 C 3.53125,-0.875 3.109375,-0.59375 2.484375,-0.59375 1.921875,-0.59375 1.5,-0.875 1.21875,-1.453125 c -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 H 3.96875 C 3.890625,-3.40625 3.796875,-3.703125 3.546875,-4.015625 3.25,-4.375 2.8125,-4.578125 2.296875,-4.578125 1.8125,-4.578125 1.34375,-4.40625 0.96875,-4.0625 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.078125,0.09375 c 0.9375,0 1.671875,-0.578125 2.078125,-1.65625 z m -3.03125,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.4375,-1.15625 1.046875,-1.15625 0.59375,0 0.828125,0.28125 0.953125,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1067" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-6"> + <path + d="M 3.90625,-1.5625 C 3.4375,-0.859375 3.078125,-0.625 2.515625,-0.625 1.625,-0.625 1,-1.421875 1,-2.5625 c 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.328125,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.046875,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.515625,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -0.984375,0.1875 -1.375,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.765625,1.125 -0.765625,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.765625,2.21875 1.859375,2.21875 0.4375,0 0.828125,-0.15625 1.1875,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1070" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-7"> + <path + d="m 2.453125,-4.578125 c -1.28125,0 -2.171875,0.953125 -2.171875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.15625,2.34375 1.234375,0 2.171875,-1.046875 2.171875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.15625,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.828125,0 1.40625,0.96875 1.40625,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.375,0 -0.734375,-0.25 -0.953125,-0.640625 C 1.328125,-1.328125 1.171875,-2.03125 1.171875,-2.734375 1.171875,-3.6875 1.625,-4.3125 2.328125,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1073" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-8"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.390625,-4 0.5,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.6875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.171875 1.671875,-0.28125 1.671875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 C 1.671875,-3.5 1.75,-3.59375 1.8125,-3.671875 2.0625,-3.890625 2.484375,-4.0625 2.828125,-4.0625 c 0.421875,0 0.640625,0.34375 0.640625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.65625,0.703125 V 0 H 5 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.703125,-0.171875 -0.703125,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.59375,-3.890625 4.921875,-4.0625 5.375,-4.0625 c 0.546875,0 0.734375,0.265625 0.734375,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.15625 V -0.15625 L 7.34375,-0.171875 C 7.0625,-0.1875 6.921875,-0.375 6.921875,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.375,-1.765625 -1.125,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.609375,0.828125 -0.171875,-0.5625 -0.5,-0.828125 -1.03125,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.53125,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.1875 -0.84375,0.296875 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1076" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-9"> + <path + d="M 4.703125,-0.5 H 4.65625 c -0.453125,0 -0.5625,-0.109375 -0.5625,-0.5625 V -4.484375 H 2.546875 V -4.3125 c 0.609375,0.03125 0.71875,0.125 0.71875,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.5625,0.328125 -0.859375,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.46875,1.296875 1.1875,1.296875 0.359375,0 0.734375,-0.15625 1,-0.421875 L 3.3125,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.046875,0.03125 c 0.484375,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.3125 1.34375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1079" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-10"> + <path + d="M 2.5,-4.484375 H 1.515625 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.078125,-0.125 C 1.375,-5.6875 1.3125,-5.59375 1.25,-5.5 0.875,-4.9375 0.453125,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 H 0.6875 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.875,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.84375,-0.234375 1.171875,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.359375,0 -0.5,-0.265625 -0.5,-0.890625 V -4.171875 H 2.5 Z m 0,0" + id="path1082" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-11"> + <path + d="m 3.375,0.09375 1.4375,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.640625,-0.5625 4.625,-0.5625 4.59375,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.109375,-6.8125 c -0.46875,0.171875 -0.8125,0.265625 -1.4375,0.4375 v 0.171875 C 2.75,-6.21875 2.8125,-6.21875 2.890625,-6.21875 c 0.359375,0 0.453125,0.09375 0.453125,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.375,-0.3125 -0.640625,-0.421875 -1.03125,-0.421875 -1.140625,0 -2.046875,1.125 -2.046875,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.734375,2.140625 1.8125,2.140625 C 2.625,0.09375 3,-0.09375 3.34375,-0.5625 v 0.625 z M 3.34375,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 C 3,-0.515625 2.75,-0.421875 2.46875,-0.421875 c -0.8125,0 -1.359375,-0.796875 -1.359375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.21875,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.015625,0.46875 1.015625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1085" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-12"> + <path + d="M 1.71875,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.484375 V -0.15625 C 1.828125,-0.203125 1.75,-0.296875 1.75,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.25,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.484375,0.234375 -0.484375,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.484375,0.5 0.296875,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1088" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-13"> + <path + d="M 4.609375,-3.875 V -4.25 h -0.75 C 3.65625,-4.25 3.515625,-4.28125 3.3125,-4.359375 L 3.09375,-4.4375 C 2.828125,-4.53125 2.578125,-4.578125 2.3125,-4.578125 c -0.90625,0 -1.640625,0.703125 -1.640625,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.921875,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.359375,0.34375 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.453125,0.484375 -0.453125,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.109375,0.328125 0.515625,0.515625 -0.6875,0.53125 -0.953125,0.859375 -0.953125,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.765625,0.96875 1.6875,0.96875 0.734375,0 1.5,-0.265625 2.015625,-0.671875 0.375,-0.3125 0.546875,-0.625 0.546875,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.1875,-1.0625 l -1.265625,-0.0625 C 1.546875,-0.65625 1.3125,-0.75 1.3125,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.3125,-0.546875 0.578125,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.3125,0.03125 0.375,0.03125 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.0625,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.46875,-0.625 0.46875,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.4375,0.015625 C 1.765625,0.09375 2.546875,0.15625 3.03125,0.15625 3.921875,0.15625 4.25,0.28125 4.25,0.640625 4.25,1.21875 3.5,1.609375 2.390625,1.609375 1.53125,1.609375 0.96875,1.3125 0.96875,0.875 c 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.46875,-0.859375 z M 1.484375,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.296875,0 0.5625,0.171875 0.71875,0.46875 0.171875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.734375,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1091" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-14"> + <path + d="M 3.09375,-3.125 3.046875,-4.484375 H 2.9375 L 2.921875,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.046875,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.203125,-0.078125 -0.421875,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 l 0.5625,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.828125,0.71875 -0.328125,0 -0.625,-0.125 -0.8125,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.421875,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.21875,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.71875,0.09375 0.75,0 1.390625,-0.578125 1.390625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.53125,-3 C 1.25,-3.15625 1.109375,-3.40625 1.109375,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.296875,-0.6875 0.75,-0.6875 0.5625,0 0.859375,0.34375 1.078125,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1094" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-15"> + <path + d="M 1.546875,-3.421875 C 1.953125,-3.875 2.25,-4.046875 2.625,-4.046875 c 0.5,0 0.734375,0.359375 0.734375,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.65625,0.859375 V 0 H 4.78125 V -0.15625 C 4.25,-0.25 4.1875,-0.328125 4.1875,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.40625,-1.578125 -1.203125,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -1,0.234375 -1.4375,0.828125 v -3.03125 l -0.0625,-0.03125 c -0.328125,0.125 -0.578125,0.203125 -1.125,0.359375 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.5,0.078125 0.5,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.109375 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,-0.046875 -0.65625,-0.171875 -0.65625,-0.859375 z m 0,0" + id="path1097" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-16"> + <path + d="m 5.609375,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0.078125 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.15625,0.65625 L 4.984375,-1.15625 4.15625,-3.390625 C 4,-3.84375 4,-3.84375 4,-3.984375 4,-4.203125 4.109375,-4.265625 4.5625,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 2.578125 v 0.140625 c 0.359375,0.046875 0.46875,0.15625 0.671875,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.1875,0.5625 l -0.890625,1.984375 -0.96875,-2.59375 C 1.546875,-3.8125 1.515625,-3.90625 1.515625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.203125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.515625,0.640625 l 1.328125,3.40625 C 2.171875,0 2.25,0.140625 2.3125,0.140625 c 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.234375,-0.390625 l 1.109375,-2.390625 0.890625,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.265625,-0.484375 L 6.40625,-3.796875 C 6.578125,-4.21875 6.609375,-4.265625 6.8125,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1100" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-17"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.75,-0.1875 1.609375,-0.3125 1.609375,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.6875,-0.5625 1.015625,-0.5625 0.46875,0 0.71875,0.296875 0.71875,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.765625 V -0.15625 C 4.28125,-0.203125 4.15625,-0.3125 4.15625,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.484375 -1.15625,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.75,0.15625 -1.421875,0.796875 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.8125,0.28125 -1.359375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1103" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-18"> + <path + d="m 4.703125,-2.296875 v -2.3125 H 4.46875 c -0.109375,0.796875 -0.28125,0.9375 -1.078125,0.9375 H 1.96875 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.34375 H 3.625 c 1.109375,0 1.328125,0.140625 1.484375,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.328125,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.0625 0.84375,0.203125 0.84375,0.890625 v 4.3125 c 0,0.828125 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.84375,1.015625 V 0 H 2.859375 V -0.1875 C 2.109375,-0.234375 1.96875,-0.375 1.96875,-1.09375 v -2.171875 h 1.421875 c 0.796875,0 0.96875,0.15625 1.078125,0.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path1106" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-19"> + <path + d="M 1.234375,-1 C 0.9375,-1 0.6875,-0.734375 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-0.328125,0.328125 -0.09375,0 -0.265625,-0.03125 -0.421875,-0.109375 -0.359375,-0.140625 -0.734375,-0.21875 -1.046875,-0.21875 -0.421875,0 -0.84375,0.171875 -1.171875,0.453125 -0.34375,0.3125 -0.515625,0.734375 -0.515625,1.25 0,0.796875 0.421875,1.359375 1.53125,1.9375 0.703125,0.375 1.203125,0.796875 1.453125,1.171875 0.09375,0.125 0.140625,0.34375 0.140625,0.578125 0,0.671875 -0.484375,1.125 -1.203125,1.125 -0.875,0 -1.5,-0.546875 -1.984375,-1.765625 H 0.40625 L 0.703125,0.125 h 0.21875 c 0.015625,-0.1875 0.125,-0.328125 0.28125,-0.328125 0.109375,0 0.265625,0.046875 0.453125,0.109375 0.375,0.15625 0.765625,0.234375 1.15625,0.234375 1.125,0 2,-0.78125 2,-1.8125 0,-0.828125 -0.53125,-1.46875 -1.828125,-2.171875 -1.03125,-0.578125 -1.4375,-1.015625 -1.4375,-1.5625 0,-0.546875 0.40625,-0.921875 1.015625,-0.921875 0.4375,0 0.859375,0.1875 1.203125,0.546875 0.296875,0.3125 0.4375,0.578125 0.59375,1.171875 h 0.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1115" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-22"> + <path + d="M 2.9375,1.3125 H 2.09375 c -0.328125,0 -0.484375,-0.171875 -0.484375,-0.53125 v -6.6875 c 0,-0.3125 0.125,-0.4375 0.4375,-0.4375 H 2.9375 v -0.25 H 0.859375 V 1.5625 H 2.9375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1118" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-23"> + <path + d="m 0.328125,1.3125 v 0.25 H 2.40625 V -6.59375 H 0.328125 v 0.25 h 0.84375 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.15625 0.484375,0.515625 V 0.875 c 0,0.296875 -0.140625,0.4375 -0.4375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1121" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-24"> + <path + d="m 9.140625,-6.59375 h -1.9375 v 0.1875 c 0.5,0.046875 0.671875,0.15625 0.671875,0.421875 0,0.21875 -0.046875,0.46875 -0.15625,0.75 L 6.5,-1.859375 5.203125,-5.25 C 5.1875,-5.296875 5.09375,-5.515625 5.078125,-5.546875 5,-5.765625 4.9375,-5.953125 4.9375,-6.0625 c 0,-0.234375 0.21875,-0.34375 0.75,-0.34375 v -0.1875 H 3.078125 v 0.1875 c 0.546875,0 0.65625,0.09375 0.984375,0.890625 L 4.390625,-4.6875 3.34375,-1.890625 1.921875,-5.625 C 1.859375,-5.8125 1.8125,-5.984375 1.8125,-6.09375 c 0,-0.21875 0.140625,-0.28125 0.640625,-0.3125 v -0.1875 h -2.40625 v 0.1875 c 0.5,0.046875 0.65625,0.21875 1.015625,1.15625 L 2.953125,0.109375 H 3.09375 l 1.515625,-4.21875 1.578125,4.21875 h 0.140625 c 0.828125,-2.609375 0.9375,-2.875 2,-5.8125 C 8.515625,-6.21875 8.625,-6.3125 9.140625,-6.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1124" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-11-25"> + <path + d="M 0.8125,1.40625 C 1.46875,1.078125 1.90625,0.46875 1.90625,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.78125,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.234375 -0.578125,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.234375,0.515625 0.578125,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.8125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1127" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-12-1"> + <path + d="M 5.625,-0.15625 C 5.046875,-0.203125 5,-0.296875 4.859375,-1.015625 l -0.9375,-5.640625 h -0.25 L 0.78125,-1.671875 c -0.796875,1.328125 -0.890625,1.4375 -1.296875,1.515625 V 0 h 1.875 v -0.15625 c -0.515625,-0.046875 -0.59375,-0.109375 -0.59375,-0.359375 0,-0.1875 0.03125,-0.265625 0.203125,-0.609375 l 0.5625,-1.125 h 2.203125 l 0.1875,1.296875 c 0.015625,0.09375 0.03125,0.1875 0.03125,0.265625 0,0.375 -0.140625,0.46875 -0.78125,0.53125 V 0 H 5.625 Z m -3.875,-2.453125 1.484375,-2.59375 0.4375,2.59375 z m 0,0" + id="path1131" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-2"> + <path + d="m 0.8125,-1 c -0.296875,0 -0.546875,0.265625 -0.546875,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.578125,-0.234375 0.578125,-0.53125 C 1.375,-0.734375 1.109375,-1 0.8125,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1134" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-3"> + <path + d="M 6.5,-4.640625 6.875,-6.625 H 6.65625 c -0.078125,0.171875 -0.171875,0.21875 -0.375,0.21875 -0.078125,0 -0.203125,-0.015625 -0.40625,-0.0625 -0.453125,-0.109375 -0.84375,-0.171875 -1.171875,-0.171875 -2.125,0 -4.046875,2 -4.046875,4.21875 0,1.53125 1.078125,2.59375 2.609375,2.59375 1.015625,0 1.8125,-0.4375 2.71875,-1.484375 L 5.8125,-1.453125 c -0.890625,0.890625 -1.46875,1.1875 -2.296875,1.1875 -1.109375,0 -1.734375,-0.765625 -1.734375,-2.046875 0,-1.1875 0.46875,-2.390625 1.25,-3.203125 C 3.515625,-6 4.140625,-6.28125 4.796875,-6.28125 c 0.921875,0 1.421875,0.546875 1.515625,1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1137" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-4"> + <path + d="M 1.453125,-6.34375 C 2.03125,-6.28125 2.15625,-6.1875 2.15625,-5.9375 2.15625,-5.796875 2.125,-5.578125 2,-5.140625 l -1.1875,4.25 C 0.640625,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.234375 0,-0.15625 V 0 H 2.4375 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.25 1.765625,-0.28125 1.765625,-0.625 c 0,-0.109375 0.015625,-0.21875 0.125,-0.578125 L 2.40625,-3.125 c 0.25,0.0625 0.515625,0.078125 0.921875,0.078125 0.8125,0 1.484375,-0.15625 1.921875,-0.46875 0.484375,-0.375 0.78125,-0.921875 0.78125,-1.515625 0,-0.953125 -0.75,-1.484375 -2.109375,-1.484375 h -2.46875 z m 1.75,0.40625 c 0.0625,-0.203125 0.1875,-0.265625 0.46875,-0.265625 0.390625,0 0.765625,0.09375 0.96875,0.234375 C 4.890625,-5.796875 5,-5.5 5,-5.03125 c 0,0.65625 -0.21875,1.109375 -0.65625,1.375 -0.3125,0.171875 -0.703125,0.25 -1.328125,0.25 -0.171875,0 -0.25,-0.015625 -0.515625,-0.046875 z m 0,0" + id="path1140" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-5"> + <path + d="M 7.625,-6.515625 H 5.640625 v 0.171875 c 0.328125,0.03125 0.421875,0.046875 0.546875,0.125 0.09375,0.0625 0.15625,0.203125 0.15625,0.328125 0,0.15625 -0.25,1.171875 -0.734375,2.859375 -0.03125,0.125 -0.078125,0.296875 -0.125,0.484375 C 5.296875,-1.890625 5.15625,-1.5 4.9375,-1.15625 4.546875,-0.53125 4,-0.234375 3.3125,-0.234375 c -0.828125,0 -1.40625,-0.46875 -1.40625,-1.171875 0,-0.34375 0.3125,-1.546875 0.984375,-3.84375 C 2.90625,-5.328125 2.9375,-5.390625 2.9375,-5.4375 3.15625,-6.140625 3.3125,-6.28125 3.984375,-6.34375 v -0.171875 h -2.71875 v 0.171875 c 0.671875,0.046875 0.78125,0.109375 0.78125,0.40625 0,0.109375 -0.03125,0.28125 -0.078125,0.4375 l -0.515625,1.921875 c -0.3125,1.078125 -0.4375,1.71875 -0.4375,2.109375 0,0.953125 0.921875,1.640625 2.171875,1.640625 1.3125,0 2.140625,-0.703125 2.578125,-2.203125 L 6.59375,-4.859375 C 6.96875,-6.15625 7.015625,-6.203125 7.625,-6.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1143" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-6"> + <path + d="m 4.625,-1.09375 c -0.15625,0.140625 -0.203125,0.203125 -0.28125,0.28125 -0.296875,0.296875 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.515625,0.40625 -0.078125,0 -0.140625,-0.0625 -0.140625,-0.125 0,-0.203125 0.421875,-1.90625 0.890625,-3.625 0.03125,-0.09375 0.03125,-0.125 0.0625,-0.203125 L 4.5625,-4.390625 3.953125,-4.328125 3.921875,-4.296875 3.8125,-3.8125 c -0.078125,-0.375 -0.359375,-0.578125 -0.796875,-0.578125 -1.3125,0 -2.84375,1.8125 -2.84375,3.390625 0,0.703125 0.375,1.109375 1.015625,1.109375 0.703125,0 1.125,-0.328125 2,-1.5625 -0.203125,0.78125 -0.234375,0.90625 -0.234375,1.140625 0,0.296875 0.125,0.40625 0.40625,0.40625 C 3.765625,0.09375 4,-0.09375 4.75,-1 Z M 3.078125,-4.171875 c 0.34375,0.015625 0.5625,0.25 0.5625,0.609375 0,0.828125 -0.5,2 -1.1875,2.75 C 2.21875,-0.546875 1.875,-0.375 1.578125,-0.375 1.234375,-0.375 1,-0.671875 1,-1.125 1,-1.671875 1.390625,-2.6875 1.8125,-3.3125 2.21875,-3.890625 2.6875,-4.203125 3.078125,-4.171875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1146" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-7"> + <path + d="M 4.578125,-1.171875 4.375,-0.90625 c -0.28125,0.375 -0.46875,0.53125 -0.609375,0.53125 -0.078125,0 -0.15625,-0.078125 -0.15625,-0.15625 0,-0.078125 0,-0.078125 0.140625,-0.640625 L 4.3125,-3.21875 c 0.046875,-0.203125 0.09375,-0.4375 0.09375,-0.5625 0,-0.359375 -0.265625,-0.609375 -0.65625,-0.609375 -0.640625,0 -1.265625,0.59375 -2.296875,2.1875 L 2.125,-4.375 2.09375,-4.390625 C 1.5625,-4.28125 1.34375,-4.25 0.484375,-4.09375 v 0.171875 c 0.5,0 0.625,0.0625 0.625,0.265625 0,0.0625 0,0.125 -0.015625,0.171875 L 0.140625,0 h 0.75 c 0.46875,-1.578125 0.5625,-1.796875 1,-2.46875 0.59375,-0.921875 1.09375,-1.421875 1.46875,-1.421875 0.15625,0 0.234375,0.109375 0.234375,0.296875 0,0.109375 -0.0625,0.4375 -0.140625,0.75 l -0.4375,1.640625 c -0.125,0.515625 -0.15625,0.65625 -0.15625,0.75 0,0.390625 0.140625,0.546875 0.46875,0.546875 0.453125,0 0.703125,-0.21875 1.390625,-1.125 z m 0,0" + id="path1149" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-8"> + <path + d="m 4.609375,-1.109375 c -0.53125,0.625 -0.640625,0.703125 -0.8125,0.703125 -0.09375,0 -0.171875,-0.078125 -0.171875,-0.1875 0,-0.140625 0.3125,-1.359375 0.640625,-2.453125 C 4.53125,-3.96875 4.75,-4.765625 5.25,-6.765625 L 5.203125,-6.8125 c -0.53125,0.109375 -0.890625,0.171875 -1.53125,0.234375 v 0.171875 c 0.5625,0.015625 0.625,0.046875 0.625,0.25 0,0.140625 -0.015625,0.1875 -0.15625,0.703125 L 3.703125,-3.8125 C 3.625,-4.234375 3.453125,-4.390625 3.0625,-4.390625 c -1.296875,0 -2.90625,1.875 -2.90625,3.359375 0,0.71875 0.390625,1.140625 1.046875,1.140625 0.671875,0 1.109375,-0.3125 1.78125,-1.3125 -0.109375,0.5 -0.125,0.65625 -0.125,0.890625 0,0.265625 0.171875,0.4375 0.421875,0.4375 0.421875,0 0.9375,-0.40625 1.453125,-1.125 z m -1.515625,-3.0625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.453125,0.21875 0.453125,0.578125 0,1.515625 -1.03125,3.21875 -1.953125,3.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,-0.265625 -0.578125,-0.65625 0,-0.828125 0.5,-1.984375 1.15625,-2.671875 C 2.453125,-4 2.828125,-4.1875 3.09375,-4.171875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1152" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-9"> + <path + d="M 7.0625,-6.59375 6.90625,-6.640625 c -0.171875,0.234375 -0.34375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.109375,0 -0.21875,-0.03125 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.5,-0.15625 -0.9375,-0.234375 -1.34375,-0.234375 -2.09375,0 -4.015625,2 -4.015625,4.1875 0,0.671875 0.296875,1.375 0.765625,1.859375 0.5,0.5 1.234375,0.765625 2.09375,0.765625 0.875,0 1.59375,-0.1875 2.359375,-0.609375 l 0.5,-1.859375 c 0.15625,-0.5625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.96875,-0.71875 V -3.1875 h -2.65625 v 0.171875 c 0.125,0 0.25,0.03125 0.28125,0.03125 0.328125,0.03125 0.5,0.125 0.5,0.296875 0,0.21875 -0.0625,0.5 -0.28125,1.234375 -0.21875,0.71875 -0.25,0.8125 -0.375,0.921875 -0.21875,0.21875 -0.59375,0.34375 -1.046875,0.34375 -1.28125,0 -2.015625,-0.734375 -2.015625,-2.046875 0,-1.21875 0.5,-2.484375 1.28125,-3.328125 0.453125,-0.46875 1.0625,-0.734375 1.71875,-0.734375 0.65625,0 1.203125,0.265625 1.5,0.71875 0.15625,0.265625 0.234375,0.46875 0.28125,0.90625 l 0.171875,0.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path1155" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-10"> + <path + d="M 2.265625,-1.21875 C 2.1875,-1.109375 2.09375,-1 2,-0.890625 1.6875,-0.46875 1.5,-0.3125 1.3125,-0.3125 c -0.09375,0 -0.140625,-0.078125 -0.140625,-0.1875 0,-0.0625 0.03125,-0.1875 0.078125,-0.390625 0,-0.03125 0.015625,-0.078125 0.03125,-0.09375 l 1.5,-5.78125 L 2.734375,-6.8125 c -0.59375,0.140625 -0.96875,0.203125 -1.5625,0.265625 V -6.375 c 0.484375,0 0.6875,0.0625 0.6875,0.21875 0,0.03125 -0.015625,0.09375 -0.046875,0.1875 L 0.453125,-0.703125 C 0.421875,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.5 0.40625,-0.453125 c 0,0.359375 0.15625,0.5625 0.484375,0.5625 0.515625,0 0.859375,-0.28125 1.515625,-1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1158" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-11"> + <path + d="M 2.953125,-4.265625 H 2.15625 l 0.28125,-1.03125 c 0,-0.015625 0,-0.03125 0,-0.046875 0,-0.0625 -0.03125,-0.09375 -0.078125,-0.09375 -0.0625,0 -0.09375,0 -0.140625,0.078125 C 1.828125,-4.84375 1.203125,-4.34375 0.890625,-4.25 0.640625,-4.171875 0.5625,-4.109375 0.5625,-4 c 0,0 0,0.015625 0.015625,0.046875 H 1.3125 l -0.71875,2.75 C 0.578125,-1.109375 0.5625,-1.09375 0.53125,-1 0.453125,-0.703125 0.375,-0.34375 0.375,-0.265625 c 0,0.21875 0.203125,0.375 0.46875,0.375 0.46875,0 0.796875,-0.28125 1.421875,-1.203125 l -0.125,-0.078125 c -0.5,0.640625 -0.65625,0.796875 -0.8125,0.796875 -0.09375,0 -0.15625,-0.078125 -0.15625,-0.203125 0,-0.015625 0,-0.015625 0.015625,-0.046875 l 0.875,-3.328125 h 0.84375 z m 0,0" + id="path1161" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-12"> + <path + d="M 0.34375,-3.953125 H 1.25 l -0.875,4.1875 c -0.21875,1.078125 -0.546875,1.625 -0.96875,1.625 -0.125,0 -0.203125,-0.078125 -0.203125,-0.171875 0,-0.015625 0.015625,-0.046875 0.046875,-0.109375 0.03125,-0.046875 0.046875,-0.09375 0.046875,-0.15625 0,-0.203125 -0.1875,-0.375 -0.390625,-0.375 -0.21875,0 -0.375,0.171875 -0.375,0.40625 0,0.34375 0.359375,0.609375 0.796875,0.609375 0.875,0 1.578125,-0.984375 1.984375,-2.8125 L 2.03125,-3.953125 H 3.125 l 0.0625,-0.3125 H 2.109375 c 0.28125,-1.5625 0.65625,-2.28125 1.203125,-2.28125 0.140625,0 0.21875,0.0625 0.21875,0.125 0,0.03125 0,0.046875 -0.03125,0.109375 -0.046875,0.078125 -0.0625,0.125 -0.0625,0.203125 0,0.234375 0.15625,0.390625 0.375,0.390625 0.21875,0 0.421875,-0.171875 0.421875,-0.390625 0,-0.375 -0.375,-0.65625 -0.859375,-0.65625 -0.5,0 -0.875,0.21875 -1.234375,0.6875 -0.3125,0.390625 -0.5,0.859375 -0.8125,1.8125 h -0.90625 z m 0,0" + id="path1164" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-13"> + <path + d="m 3.234375,-4.390625 c -1.484375,0 -2.96875,1.546875 -2.96875,3.109375 0,0.859375 0.5625,1.390625 1.46875,1.390625 0.65625,0 1.296875,-0.296875 1.875,-0.859375 0.65625,-0.65625 1.0625,-1.5 1.0625,-2.25 0,-0.828125 -0.578125,-1.390625 -1.4375,-1.390625 z M 3.125,-4.1875 c 0.421875,0 0.703125,0.375 0.703125,0.9375 0,0.734375 -0.328125,1.71875 -0.765625,2.375 -0.375,0.53125 -0.75,0.78125 -1.171875,0.78125 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,-0.359375 -0.78125,-0.90625 0,-0.75 0.28125,-1.625 0.78125,-2.328125 C 2.265625,-3.890625 2.6875,-4.1875 3.125,-4.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1167" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-14"> + <path + d="M 1.203125,0 C 1.71875,-1.6875 1.890625,-2.125 2.359375,-2.875 2.6875,-3.4375 2.953125,-3.75 3.125,-3.75 c 0.0625,0 0.109375,0.046875 0.171875,0.140625 0.078125,0.171875 0.15625,0.21875 0.359375,0.21875 0.28125,0 0.453125,-0.171875 0.453125,-0.484375 0,-0.3125 -0.1875,-0.515625 -0.46875,-0.515625 -0.234375,0 -0.5,0.140625 -0.765625,0.40625 C 2.46875,-3.5625 2.078125,-2.96875 1.90625,-2.578125 L 1.78125,-2.21875 2.296875,-4.375 2.265625,-4.390625 c -0.71875,0.125 -0.8125,0.140625 -1.53125,0.265625 v 0.171875 C 0.96875,-4 1,-4 1.0625,-4 c 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.359375,0.265625 0,0.140625 0,0.140625 -0.171875,0.828125 L 0.453125,0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1170" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-15"> + <path + d="m 6.875,-1.171875 c -0.109375,0.125 -0.1875,0.21875 -0.21875,0.265625 C 6.375,-0.546875 6.171875,-0.375 6.015625,-0.375 c -0.078125,0 -0.125,-0.0625 -0.125,-0.15625 0,-0.0625 0.046875,-0.21875 0.09375,-0.453125 l 0.6875,-2.5 c 0,-0.046875 0.03125,-0.21875 0.03125,-0.28125 0,-0.359375 -0.25,-0.625 -0.59375,-0.625 -0.1875,0 -0.390625,0.0625 -0.625,0.21875 C 5,-3.859375 4.578125,-3.375 3.890625,-2.28125 c 0.25,-0.765625 0.40625,-1.328125 0.40625,-1.515625 0,-0.34375 -0.234375,-0.59375 -0.5625,-0.59375 -0.609375,0 -1.3125,0.65625 -2.234375,2.09375 L 2.078125,-4.375 2.046875,-4.390625 C 1.5,-4.28125 1.28125,-4.234375 0.453125,-4.09375 v 0.171875 h 0.25 c 0.265625,0 0.390625,0.0625 0.390625,0.21875 0,0.109375 -0.21875,1.015625 -0.578125,2.28125 C 0.28125,-0.609375 0.25,-0.515625 0.125,0 h 0.75 c 0.46875,-1.578125 0.625,-1.953125 0.953125,-2.46875 0.5625,-0.84375 1.15625,-1.40625 1.5,-1.40625 0.125,0 0.203125,0.09375 0.203125,0.25 0,0.09375 -0.328125,1.296875 -0.953125,3.625 h 0.75 C 3.734375,-1.5625 3.921875,-2.046875 4.4375,-2.765625 4.921875,-3.4375 5.421875,-3.875 5.71875,-3.875 c 0.109375,0 0.1875,0.09375 0.1875,0.203125 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.171875 -0.0625,0.359375 l -0.578125,2.28125 c -0.09375,0.375 -0.125,0.5625 -0.125,0.65625 0,0.3125 0.140625,0.46875 0.390625,0.46875 0.46875,0 0.90625,-0.328125 1.4375,-1.078125 l 0.046875,-0.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1173" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-16"> + <path + d="M 0.359375,-1.453125 0.15625,0.125 H 0.3125 c 0.09375,-0.15625 0.140625,-0.203125 0.25,-0.203125 0.109375,0 0.28125,0.03125 0.484375,0.09375 0.21875,0.0625 0.390625,0.09375 0.546875,0.09375 0.84375,0 1.4375,-0.53125 1.4375,-1.296875 C 3.03125,-1.5625 2.828125,-2 2.359375,-2.578125 1.96875,-3.046875 1.8125,-3.359375 1.8125,-3.625 c 0,-0.328125 0.21875,-0.546875 0.5625,-0.546875 0.515625,0 0.8125,0.375 0.921875,1.15625 h 0.15625 L 3.65625,-4.40625 H 3.515625 c -0.09375,0.140625 -0.171875,0.171875 -0.3125,0.171875 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.359375,-0.0625 -0.234375,-0.078125 -0.390625,-0.09375 -0.546875,-0.09375 -0.734375,0 -1.203125,0.421875 -1.203125,1.09375 0,0.3125 0.203125,0.75 0.625,1.28125 C 2.109375,-1.5 2.265625,-1.15625 2.265625,-0.875 c 0,0.453125 -0.296875,0.78125 -0.734375,0.78125 -0.546875,0 -0.859375,-0.421875 -1.015625,-1.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path1176" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-17"> + <path + d="m -0.078125,0 h 2.8125 C 4.296875,0 5.375,-0.8125 5.375,-2 5.375,-2.359375 5.25,-2.71875 5.03125,-2.9375 4.828125,-3.15625 4.640625,-3.28125 4.109375,-3.5 c 0.71875,-0.171875 1,-0.28125 1.328125,-0.5625 0.28125,-0.25 0.421875,-0.578125 0.421875,-0.984375 0,-0.9375 -0.703125,-1.46875 -1.984375,-1.46875 H 1.296875 v 0.171875 c 0.609375,0.046875 0.765625,0.125 0.765625,0.40625 0,0.140625 -0.03125,0.390625 -0.109375,0.640625 l -1.21875,4.40625 c -0.1875,0.578125 -0.25,0.625 -0.8125,0.734375 z M 2.375,-3.296875 c 0.640625,0 1.0625,0.03125 1.265625,0.109375 0.40625,0.171875 0.65625,0.609375 0.65625,1.15625 0,1.078125 -0.734375,1.734375 -1.953125,1.734375 -0.421875,0 -0.640625,-0.15625 -0.640625,-0.421875 0,-0.125 0.125,-0.59375 0.34375,-1.390625 C 2.1875,-2.5625 2.25,-2.796875 2.375,-3.296875 Z M 3.125,-5.9375 c 0.0625,-0.21875 0.171875,-0.265625 0.5625,-0.265625 0.796875,0 1.171875,0.328125 1.171875,1.0625 0,0.578125 -0.25,1.015625 -0.671875,1.25 C 3.84375,-3.6875 3.375,-3.625 2.46875,-3.625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1179" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-18"> + <path + d="M 3.484375,-1.0625 C 2.9375,-0.46875 2.546875,-0.25 2.0625,-0.25 1.5,-0.25 1.15625,-0.671875 1.15625,-1.390625 1.15625,-2.234375 1.5,-3.125 2.0625,-3.703125 2.359375,-4 2.75,-4.1875 3.140625,-4.1875 c 0.234375,0 0.375,0.078125 0.375,0.203125 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.09375 -0.0625,0.1875 -0.0625,0.125 -0.078125,0.203125 -0.078125,0.28125 0,0.25 0.140625,0.390625 0.390625,0.390625 0.265625,0 0.46875,-0.203125 0.46875,-0.46875 0,-0.453125 -0.453125,-0.796875 -1.046875,-0.796875 -1.5,0 -2.890625,1.453125 -2.890625,3 0,0.953125 0.546875,1.5 1.46875,1.5 0.734375,0 1.28125,-0.3125 1.890625,-1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1182" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-12-19"> + <path + d="m 3.5625,-1.09375 c -0.71875,0.59375 -1.015625,0.75 -1.453125,0.75 -0.5625,0 -0.9375,-0.359375 -0.9375,-0.890625 0,-0.15625 0.03125,-0.296875 0.109375,-0.625 l 0.28125,-0.03125 c 1.484375,-0.21875 2.546875,-0.96875 2.546875,-1.828125 0,-0.421875 -0.296875,-0.671875 -0.796875,-0.671875 -1.4375,0 -3,1.640625 -3,3.140625 0,0.796875 0.53125,1.359375 1.3125,1.359375 0.703125,0 1.46875,-0.40625 2.0625,-1.078125 z M 1.515625,-2.515625 c 0.34375,-0.890625 1.078125,-1.65625 1.578125,-1.65625 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.171875 0.359375,0.390625 0,0.3125 -0.1875,0.671875 -0.5,0.96875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.75,0.53125 -1.609375,0.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path1185" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-13-1"> + <path + d="m 2.578125,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.125,0.96875 -0.953125,1.015625 V 0 H 4.578125 V -0.1875 C 3.75,-0.234375 3.609375,-0.359375 3.609375,-1.09375 V -6.1875 H 4.15625 c 1.15625,0 1.375,0.1875 1.609375,1.28125 H 6 L 5.9375,-6.59375 H 0.234375 l -0.0625,1.6875 h 0.25 C 0.65625,-5.984375 0.890625,-6.1875 2.03125,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1189" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-2"> + <path + d="m 1.59375,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.125,-0.625 0.5,0 0.75,0.359375 0.75,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.9375 V -0.15625 C 4.390625,-0.25 4.328125,-0.328125 4.328125,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.4375,-1.578125 -1.25,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.484375,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.53125,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.1875 V -0.15625 C 1.6875,-0.203125 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1192" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-3"> + <path + d="M 4.125,-1.640625 C 3.640625,-0.875 3.203125,-0.59375 2.5625,-0.59375 1.984375,-0.59375 1.546875,-0.875 1.25,-1.453125 1.078125,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.984375,-2.765625 H 4.09375 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.171875,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.25 -0.3125,-0.359375 -0.78125,-0.5625 -1.296875,-0.5625 -0.515625,0 -0.984375,0.171875 -1.375,0.515625 -0.46875,0.40625 -0.75,1.109375 -0.75,1.921875 0,1.390625 0.734375,2.234375 1.890625,2.234375 0.96875,0 1.734375,-0.578125 2.15625,-1.65625 z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.078125,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.859375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1195" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-4"> + <path + d="m 6.28125,-4.484375 -0.09375,-2.25 H 5.96875 C 5.90625,-6.53125 5.75,-6.40625 5.546875,-6.40625 5.453125,-6.40625 5.3125,-6.4375 5.15625,-6.5 c -0.5,-0.15625 -1,-0.234375 -1.484375,-0.234375 C 2.84375,-6.734375 2,-6.4375 1.375,-5.875 c -0.703125,0.609375 -1.09375,1.53125 -1.09375,2.640625 0,0.921875 0.3125,1.78125 0.828125,2.34375 0.609375,0.65625 1.53125,1.03125 2.53125,1.03125 1.15625,0 2.15625,-0.453125 2.765625,-1.265625 L 6.234375,-1.3125 c -0.75,0.71875 -1.421875,1.015625 -2.265625,1.015625 -0.640625,0 -1.203125,-0.203125 -1.640625,-0.578125 -0.5625,-0.484375 -0.875,-1.390625 -0.875,-2.5 0,-1.796875 0.953125,-2.96875 2.421875,-2.96875 0.5625,0 1.09375,0.21875 1.5,0.609375 0.328125,0.328125 0.484375,0.59375 0.671875,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1198" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-5"> + <path + d="m 3.65625,-6.734375 c -1.9375,0 -3.3125,1.4375 -3.3125,3.4375 0,0.9375 0.328125,1.84375 0.875,2.421875 0.578125,0.625 1.484375,1.015625 2.375,1.015625 2,0 3.375,-1.390625 3.375,-3.40625 C 6.96875,-4.25 6.671875,-5.09375 6.109375,-5.6875 5.484375,-6.375 4.625,-6.734375 3.65625,-6.734375 Z m 0,0.359375 c 0.46875,0 0.9375,0.171875 1.296875,0.5 C 5.5,-5.390625 5.8125,-4.453125 5.8125,-3.265625 5.8125,-2.6875 5.6875,-2 5.484375,-1.46875 c -0.09375,0.25 -0.265625,0.484375 -0.5,0.71875 -0.359375,0.34375 -0.8125,0.53125 -1.34375,0.53125 -0.46875,0 -0.921875,-0.1875 -1.28125,-0.484375 C 1.828125,-1.171875 1.5,-2.171875 1.5,-3.28125 1.5,-4.296875 1.78125,-5.265625 2.203125,-5.734375 2.609375,-6.15625 3.09375,-6.375 3.65625,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1201" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-6"> + <path + d="m 6.203125,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.09375,-0.953125 0.28125,-1.09375 C 6.625,-6.328125 6.78125,-6.375 7.15625,-6.40625 v -0.1875 h -2.375 v 0.1875 C 5.15625,-6.375 5.3125,-6.34375 5.453125,-6.25 5.65625,-6.109375 5.75,-5.75 5.75,-5.140625 V -1.78125 L 1.859375,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.4375,0 0.578125,0.078125 0.984375,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.109375,-0.4375 0.96875,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.1875 C 1.71875,-0.234375 1.546875,-0.453125 1.546875,-1.46875 V -5.375 L 6.03125,0.109375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1204" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-7"> + <path + d="M 7.0625,-6.59375 H 4.984375 v 0.1875 c 0.546875,0.03125 0.734375,0.140625 0.734375,0.421875 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.421875 -0.1875,0.71875 L 4.046875,-1.609375 2.515625,-4.96875 C 2.171875,-5.703125 2.09375,-5.9375 2.09375,-6.078125 c 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.296875 0.46875,-0.3125 0.046875,0 0.15625,-0.015625 0.296875,-0.015625 v -0.1875 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.5,0.015625 0.640625,0.15625 1.078125,1.046875 L 3.71875,0.109375 H 3.875 l 2.25,-5.59375 C 6.453125,-6.265625 6.578125,-6.375 7.0625,-6.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1207" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-8"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 C 0.359375,-6.21875 0.484375,-6.234375 0.5625,-6.234375 0.890625,-6.234375 1,-6.09375 1,-5.625 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.15625,0.671875 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 H 2.609375 V -0.15625 C 1.96875,-0.1875 1.84375,-0.296875 1.84375,-0.84375 v -5.9375 L 1.796875,-6.8125 C 1.28125,-6.640625 0.890625,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1210" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-9"> + <path + d="m 4.46875,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 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-0.640625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.421875,-0.953125 1.640625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1213" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-10"> + <path + d="m 4.8125,-4.484375 h -1.375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 0,0.109375 -0.03125,0.171875 l -0.984375,2.75 L 1.734375,-3.6875 c -0.046875,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.265625 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.15625,-0.25 0.59375,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.4375,0.140625 0.515625,0.3125 L 1.8125,-1.578125 1.84375,-1.5 2,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.25,-0.0625 -0.203125,-0.0625 -0.375,-0.109375 -0.546875,-0.109375 -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.75,0.578125 0.6875,0 1.171875,-0.5625 1.71875,-2 l 1.5625,-4.0625 C 4.453125,-4.203125 4.5625,-4.3125 4.8125,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1216" /> + 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-0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.296875,-6.8125 c -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.296875,0 0.53125,-0.21875 0.53125,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1222" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-13"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.1875 1.65625,-0.3125 1.65625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.484375,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.5625 1.046875,-0.5625 0.5,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.90625 V -0.15625 C 4.421875,-0.203125 4.296875,-0.3125 4.296875,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.203125,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.46875,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.84375,0.28125 -1.40625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1225" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-14"> + 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0.265625,0 0.484375,-0.1875 0.484375,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.703125,-1.015625 -1.5625,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1.015625,0.1875 -1.421875,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.796875,2.21875 1.921875,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.15625 1.234375,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.765625,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1231" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-16"> + <path + d="M 3.1875,-3.125 3.15625,-4.484375 h -0.125 L 3.015625,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.234375,-0.078125 -0.453125,-0.125 -0.71875,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.375,0.515625 -1.375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.1875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.125,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.53125 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.078125,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.734375,0.09375 0.78125,0 1.4375,-0.578125 1.4375,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.859375,-1.1875 L 1.578125,-3 c -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.4375,-0.40625 -0.4375,-0.671875 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1234" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-17"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-4.578125 c -1.3125,0 -2.234375,0.953125 -2.234375,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.9375,2.34375 2.21875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.25,-1.046875 2.25,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.9375,-2.25 -2.234375,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.84375,0 1.4375,0.96875 1.4375,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.21875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 C 1.359375,-1.328125 1.203125,-2.03125 1.203125,-2.734375 1.203125,-3.6875 1.6875,-4.3125 2.40625,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1237" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-18"> + <path + d="M 1.546875,-6.78125 1.5,-6.8125 C 1.078125,-6.65625 0.796875,-6.578125 0.328125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.40625,0 0.5,0.09375 0.5,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.859375,0.625 1.671875,0.625 1.328125,0 2.359375,-1.09375 2.359375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.78125,-2.15625 -0.609375,0 -1.203125,0.34375 -1.40625,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.484375,-0.75 1,-0.75 0.796875,0 1.296875,0.765625 1.296875,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.3125,1.75 -0.53125,0 -0.984375,-0.234375 -0.984375,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1240" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-19"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.328125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 0.78125,-4 0.875,-3.84375 0.875,-3.375 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.875,-0.171875 1.71875,-0.28125 1.71875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.6875,-0.390625 1.046875,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.65625,0.34375 0.65625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 H 5.15625 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 c 0.296875,-0.4375 0.640625,-0.609375 1.09375,-0.609375 0.578125,0 0.765625,0.265625 0.765625,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.671875,0.71875 V 0 H 7.84375 V -0.15625 L 7.578125,-0.171875 C 7.28125,-0.1875 7.140625,-0.375 7.140625,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.171875,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.640625,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.53125,-0.828125 -1.078125,-0.828125 -0.453125,0 -0.734375,0.125 -1.5625,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.609375,-4.578125 C 1.09375,-4.390625 0.75,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1243" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-20"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.421875,0.09375 0.421875,0.5625 V 1.3125 c 0,0.515625 -0.125,0.625 -0.71875,0.6875 V 2.15625 H 2.5 V 1.984375 c -0.765625,-0.015625 -0.890625,-0.125 -0.890625,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.96875,0 2.203125,0.09375 2.625,0.09375 c 1.203125,0 2.140625,-1.109375 2.140625,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.71875,-2.109375 -1.703125,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1,0.234375 -1.453125,0.78125 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.515625,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.03125,-0.65625 0.75,0 1.25,0.75 1.25,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.5,1.859375 -1.234375,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.046875,-0.359375 -1.046875,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1246" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-21"> + <path + d="M 3.484375,0.09375 4.96875,-0.421875 v -0.15625 C 4.796875,-0.5625 4.765625,-0.5625 4.734375,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.25,-6.8125 c -0.5,0.171875 -0.84375,0.265625 -1.5,0.4375 v 0.171875 C 2.828125,-6.21875 2.890625,-6.21875 2.984375,-6.21875 c 0.359375,0 0.453125,0.09375 0.453125,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.375,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.0625,-0.421875 -1.15625,0 -2.109375,1.125 -2.109375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.765625,2.140625 1.875,2.140625 0.578125,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.4375,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.0625,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.171875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.71875,0.296875 -0.84375,0 -1.40625,-0.796875 -1.40625,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.5,-1.875 1.265625,-1.875 0.546875,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1249" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-22"> + <path + d="M 2.578125,-4.484375 H 1.5625 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.078125,-0.125 C 1.421875,-5.6875 1.359375,-5.59375 1.28125,-5.5 0.90625,-4.9375 0.46875,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.3125,1.265625 0.90625,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.21875,-0.75 L 2.6875,-0.765625 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 C 1.71875,-0.421875 1.5625,-0.6875 1.5625,-1.3125 v -2.859375 h 1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path1252" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-13-23"> + <path + d="m 2.8125,0 h 2.03125 v -0.15625 c -0.3125,0 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0.046875,-0.234375 l 1.3125,-5.25 C 3.265625,-6.1875 3.265625,-6.15625 3.3125,-6.0625 l 2.484375,5.875 C 5.859375,-0.015625 5.890625,0 5.984375,0 6.09375,0 6.09375,-0.03125 6.140625,-0.203125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1259" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-14-2"> + <path + d="m 2.578125,-6.8125 c 0,0 0,-0.109375 -0.140625,-0.109375 -0.21875,0 -0.953125,0.078125 -1.21875,0.109375 -0.078125,0 -0.1875,0.015625 -0.1875,0.203125 0,0.109375 0.109375,0.109375 0.25,0.109375 0.484375,0 0.5,0.09375 0.5,0.171875 L 1.75,-6.125 0.484375,-1.140625 C 0.453125,-1.03125 0.4375,-0.96875 0.4375,-0.8125 c 0,0.578125 0.4375,0.921875 0.90625,0.921875 0.328125,0 0.578125,-0.203125 0.75,-0.5625 0.171875,-0.375 0.296875,-0.953125 0.296875,-0.96875 0,-0.109375 -0.09375,-0.109375 -0.125,-0.109375 -0.09375,0 -0.109375,0.046875 -0.125,0.1875 C 1.96875,-0.703125 1.78125,-0.109375 1.375,-0.109375 c -0.296875,0 -0.296875,-0.3125 -0.296875,-0.453125 0,-0.25 0.015625,-0.296875 0.0625,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1262" /> + </g> + 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3.015625,0.3125 2.890625,0.734375 2.890625,0.75 2.84375,0.84375 2.515625,1.828125 1.453125,1.828125 1.265625,1.828125 0.9375,1.8125 0.65625,1.71875 0.953125,1.640625 1.0625,1.375 1.0625,1.203125 c 0,-0.15625 -0.109375,-0.34375 -0.375,-0.34375 -0.21875,0 -0.53125,0.171875 -0.53125,0.578125 0,0.40625 0.359375,0.609375 1.3125,0.609375 1.25,0 1.96875,-0.78125 2.125,-1.375 z M 3.40625,-1.28125 C 3.34375,-1.015625 3.109375,-0.765625 2.890625,-0.578125 2.6875,-0.40625 2.375,-0.21875 2.078125,-0.21875 c -0.5,0 -0.640625,-0.515625 -0.640625,-0.921875 0,-0.46875 0.28125,-1.65625 0.5625,-2.15625 C 2.265625,-3.78125 2.6875,-4.1875 3.109375,-4.1875 c 0.65625,0 0.796875,0.8125 0.796875,0.859375 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.03125,0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1268" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-14-5"> + <path + d="m 2.296875,-3.5 c 0.0625,-0.203125 0.15625,-0.59375 0.15625,-0.640625 0,-0.171875 -0.125,-0.265625 -0.296875,-0.265625 -0.015625,0 -0.296875,0.015625 -0.390625,0.359375 l -1.4375,5.765625 c -0.03125,0.125 -0.03125,0.140625 -0.03125,0.171875 0,0.140625 0.109375,0.265625 0.28125,0.265625 0.203125,0 0.328125,-0.1875 0.34375,-0.21875 C 0.96875,1.859375 1.09375,1.328125 1.46875,-0.203125 1.796875,0.0625 2.25,0.109375 2.4375,0.109375 c 0.703125,0 1.09375,-0.453125 1.328125,-0.734375 0.09375,0.453125 0.46875,0.734375 0.90625,0.734375 0.34375,0 0.578125,-0.234375 0.734375,-0.546875 0.171875,-0.359375 0.296875,-0.96875 0.296875,-0.984375 0,-0.109375 -0.09375,-0.109375 -0.125,-0.109375 -0.09375,0 -0.109375,0.046875 -0.140625,0.1875 -0.15625,0.640625 -0.34375,1.234375 -0.75,1.234375 -0.265625,0 -0.296875,-0.265625 -0.296875,-0.453125 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.6875 0.1875,-1.046875 L 4.859375,-2.6875 C 4.890625,-2.828125 5,-3.203125 5.03125,-3.359375 5.078125,-3.59375 5.1875,-3.96875 5.1875,-4.03125 c 0,-0.171875 -0.140625,-0.265625 -0.296875,-0.265625 -0.046875,0 -0.3125,0.015625 -0.390625,0.34375 l -0.46875,1.875 c -0.109375,0.5 -0.21875,0.90625 -0.25,1.015625 -0.015625,0.046875 -0.484375,0.953125 -1.296875,0.953125 -0.5,0 -0.734375,-0.328125 -0.734375,-0.875 0,-0.28125 0.0625,-0.5625 0.140625,-0.84375 z m 0,0" + id="path1271" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-14-6"> + <path + d="m 0.875,-0.59375 c -0.03125,0.15625 -0.09375,0.390625 -0.09375,0.4375 0,0.171875 0.140625,0.265625 0.296875,0.265625 0.125,0 0.296875,-0.078125 0.375,-0.28125 0,-0.015625 0.125,-0.484375 0.1875,-0.734375 l 0.21875,-0.890625 C 1.90625,-2.03125 1.96875,-2.25 2.03125,-2.46875 c 0.03125,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.46875 0.125,-0.5 0.140625,-0.3125 0.671875,-1.21875 1.625,-1.21875 0.453125,0 0.53125,0.375 0.53125,0.703125 0,0.25 -0.0625,0.53125 -0.140625,0.828125 L 3.890625,-1.5 3.6875,-0.75 c -0.03125,0.203125 -0.125,0.546875 -0.125,0.59375 0,0.171875 0.140625,0.265625 0.28125,0.265625 0.3125,0 0.375,-0.25 0.453125,-0.5625 0.140625,-0.5625 0.515625,-2.015625 0.59375,-2.40625 0.03125,-0.125 0.5625,-1.328125 1.65625,-1.328125 0.421875,0 0.53125,0.34375 0.53125,0.703125 0,0.5625 -0.421875,1.703125 -0.625,2.234375 -0.078125,0.234375 -0.125,0.34375 -0.125,0.546875 0,0.46875 0.34375,0.8125 0.8125,0.8125 0.9375,0 1.3125,-1.453125 1.3125,-1.53125 0,-0.109375 -0.09375,-0.109375 -0.125,-0.109375 -0.09375,0 -0.09375,0.03125 -0.140625,0.1875 -0.15625,0.53125 -0.46875,1.234375 -1.015625,1.234375 -0.171875,0 -0.25,-0.09375 -0.25,-0.328125 0,-0.25 0.09375,-0.484375 0.1875,-0.703125 0.1875,-0.53125 0.609375,-1.625 0.609375,-2.203125 0,-0.640625 -0.40625,-1.0625 -1.15625,-1.0625 -0.734375,0 -1.25,0.4375 -1.625,0.96875 0,-0.125 -0.03125,-0.46875 -0.3125,-0.703125 -0.25,-0.21875 -0.5625,-0.265625 -0.8125,-0.265625 -0.90625,0 -1.390625,0.640625 -1.5625,0.875 -0.046875,-0.578125 -0.46875,-0.875 -0.921875,-0.875 -0.453125,0 -0.640625,0.390625 -0.734375,0.5625 -0.171875,0.359375 -0.296875,0.9375 -0.296875,0.96875 0,0.109375 0.09375,0.109375 0.109375,0.109375 0.109375,0 0.109375,-0.015625 0.171875,-0.234375 0.171875,-0.703125 0.375,-1.1875 0.734375,-1.1875 0.15625,0 0.296875,0.078125 0.296875,0.453125 0,0.21875 -0.03125,0.328125 -0.15625,0.84375 z m 0,0" + id="path1274" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-15-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-15-1"> + <path + d="M 3.515625,-1.265625 H 3.28125 c -0.015625,0.15625 -0.09375,0.5625 -0.1875,0.625 C 3.046875,-0.59375 2.515625,-0.59375 2.40625,-0.59375 H 1.125 c 0.734375,-0.640625 0.984375,-0.84375 1.390625,-1.171875 0.515625,-0.40625 1,-0.84375 1,-1.5 0,-0.84375 -0.734375,-1.359375 -1.625,-1.359375 -0.859375,0 -1.453125,0.609375 -1.453125,1.25 0,0.34375 0.296875,0.390625 0.375,0.390625 0.15625,0 0.359375,-0.125 0.359375,-0.375 0,-0.125 -0.046875,-0.375 -0.40625,-0.375 C 0.984375,-4.21875 1.453125,-4.375 1.78125,-4.375 c 0.703125,0 1.0625,0.546875 1.0625,1.109375 0,0.609375 -0.4375,1.078125 -0.65625,1.328125 L 0.515625,-0.265625 C 0.4375,-0.203125 0.4375,-0.1875 0.4375,0 h 2.875 z m 0,0" + id="path1278" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-15-2"> + <path + d="m 1.90625,-2.328125 c 0.546875,0 0.9375,0.375 0.9375,1.125 0,0.859375 -0.515625,1.125 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+ d="m 2.46875,-2.515625 c 0.546875,-0.265625 0.890625,-0.59375 0.890625,-1.078125 0,-0.671875 -0.703125,-1.03125 -1.375,-1.03125 -0.765625,0 -1.390625,0.5 -1.390625,1.15625 0,0.328125 0.15625,0.5625 0.28125,0.703125 0.125,0.15625 0.171875,0.1875 0.578125,0.421875 C 1.0625,-2.171875 0.375,-1.796875 0.375,-1.0625 c 0,0.765625 0.796875,1.203125 1.59375,1.203125 0.890625,0 1.609375,-0.5625 1.609375,-1.3125 0,-0.46875 -0.265625,-0.859375 -0.671875,-1.09375 -0.09375,-0.0625 -0.328125,-0.1875 -0.4375,-0.25 z m -1.125,-0.65625 c -0.1875,-0.109375 -0.375,-0.296875 -0.375,-0.5625 0,-0.4375 0.5,-0.6875 1,-0.6875 0.546875,0 1.03125,0.34375 1.03125,0.828125 0,0.625 -0.734375,0.9375 -0.734375,0.9375 -0.015625,0 -0.03125,0 -0.078125,-0.03125 z m 0.328125,0.96875 0.96875,0.546875 c 0.171875,0.109375 0.515625,0.3125 0.515625,0.71875 0,0.53125 -0.578125,0.859375 -1.171875,0.859375 -0.640625,0 -1.1875,-0.421875 -1.1875,-0.984375 0,-0.515625 0.375,-0.921875 0.875,-1.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1284" /> + 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0.046875,-0.03125 0.625,-0.03125 0.71875,-0.03125 H 3.15625 c -0.21875,0.28125 -0.578125,0.71875 -0.71875,0.921875 -0.90625,1.1875 -1,2.296875 -1,2.703125 0,0.078125 0,0.40625 0.328125,0.40625 0.34375,0 0.34375,-0.3125 0.34375,-0.40625 v -0.28125 c 0,-1.34375 0.28125,-1.96875 0.578125,-2.34375 z m 0,0" + id="path1290" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-16-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-16-1"> + <path + d="m 3.703125,-1.859375 c 0,-0.765625 -0.578125,-1.21875 -1.265625,-1.21875 -1.03125,0 -2,0.96875 -2,1.921875 0,0.703125 0.5,1.21875 1.265625,1.21875 1,0 2,-0.90625 2,-1.921875 z m -2,1.734375 c -0.34375,0 -0.6875,-0.21875 -0.6875,-0.78125 0,-0.28125 0.125,-0.96875 0.40625,-1.359375 C 1.71875,-2.703125 2.125,-2.875 2.4375,-2.875 c 0.375,0 0.6875,0.25 0.6875,0.765625 C 3.125,-1.9375 3.046875,-1.25 2.734375,-0.765625 2.46875,-0.34375 2.0625,-0.125 1.703125,-0.125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1294" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-16-2"> + <path + d="M 2.84375,-2.75 H 3.515625 C 3.65625,-2.75 3.75,-2.75 3.75,-2.90625 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-1,0 -1.765625,0.59375 -1.765625,1.359375 0,0.328125 0.21875,0.515625 0.515625,0.515625 0.296875,0 0.5,-0.21875 0.5,-0.515625 0,-0.484375 -0.46875,-0.484375 -0.609375,-0.484375 0.296875,-0.5 0.953125,-0.625 1.3125,-0.625 0.421875,0 0.96875,0.21875 0.96875,1.109375 0,0.125 -0.03125,0.703125 -0.28125,1.140625 C 2.796875,-3.65625 2.453125,-3.625 2.203125,-3.625 2.125,-3.609375 1.890625,-3.59375 1.8125,-3.59375 c -0.078125,0.015625 -0.140625,0.03125 -0.140625,0.125 0,0.109375 0.0625,0.109375 0.234375,0.109375 h 0.4375 c 0.8125,0 1.1875,0.671875 1.1875,1.65625 0,1.359375 -0.6875,1.640625 -1.125,1.640625 -0.4375,0 -1.1875,-0.171875 -1.53125,-0.75 0.34375,0.046875 0.65625,-0.171875 0.65625,-0.546875 0,-0.359375 -0.265625,-0.5625 -0.546875,-0.5625 -0.25,0 -0.5625,0.140625 -0.5625,0.578125 0,0.90625 0.921875,1.5625 2.015625,1.5625 1.21875,0 2.125,-0.90625 2.125,-1.921875 0,-0.8125 -0.640625,-1.59375 -1.671875,-1.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path1307" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-18-0" /> + <g + 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id="glyph-19-1"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-3.8125 h 1.40625 c 0.3125,0 0.550781,0.027344 0.71875,0.078125 0.226563,0.0625 0.421875,0.179687 0.578125,0.34375 0.15625,0.167969 0.273438,0.375 0.359375,0.625 0.082031,0.242187 0.125,0.539063 0.125,0.890625 0,0.3125 -0.039063,0.585938 -0.109375,0.8125 C 3.375,-0.78125 3.238281,-0.554688 3.0625,-0.390625 2.925781,-0.253906 2.742188,-0.148438 2.515625,-0.078125 2.347656,-0.0234375 2.117188,0 1.828125,0 h -1.4375 z m 0.765625,0.640625 v 2.53125 h 0.578125 c 0.207031,0 0.363281,-0.007813 0.46875,-0.03125 0.125,-0.03125 0.222656,-0.082031 0.296875,-0.15625 0.082031,-0.082031 0.148438,-0.207031 0.203125,-0.375 0.050781,-0.175781 0.078125,-0.410156 0.078125,-0.703125 0,-0.289062 -0.027344,-0.515625 -0.078125,-0.671875 C 2.648438,-2.734375 2.578125,-2.851562 2.484375,-2.9375 2.390625,-3.03125 2.273438,-3.09375 2.140625,-3.125 2.023438,-3.15625 1.8125,-3.171875 1.5,-3.171875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1317" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-2"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,0 v -3.8125 h 1.625 c 0.40625,0 0.695313,0.039062 0.875,0.109375 0.1875,0.0625 0.335937,0.183594 0.453125,0.359375 0.113281,0.179688 0.171875,0.375 0.171875,0.59375 0,0.292969 -0.089844,0.53125 -0.265625,0.71875 -0.167969,0.1875 -0.417969,0.304688 -0.75,0.34375 0.164062,0.105469 0.300781,0.214844 0.40625,0.328125 0.113281,0.117187 0.265625,0.320313 0.453125,0.609375 L 3.8125,0 H 2.890625 L 2.34375,-0.828125 C 2.144531,-1.128906 2.007812,-1.316406 1.9375,-1.390625 1.863281,-1.460938 1.785156,-1.515625 1.703125,-1.546875 1.617188,-1.578125 1.488281,-1.59375 1.3125,-1.59375 H 1.15625 V 0 Z M 1.15625,-2.203125 h 0.578125 c 0.363281,0 0.59375,-0.015625 0.6875,-0.046875 0.09375,-0.03125 0.164063,-0.082031 0.21875,-0.15625 0.050781,-0.082031 0.078125,-0.175781 0.078125,-0.28125 0,-0.132812 -0.039062,-0.238281 -0.109375,-0.3125 -0.0625,-0.082031 -0.15625,-0.132812 -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.0625,-0.00781 -0.25,-0.015625 -0.5625,-0.015625 H 1.15625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1320" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-3"> + <path + d="M 3.828125,0 H 2.984375 L 2.65625,-0.859375 H 1.125 L 0.8125,0 H 0 l 1.484375,-3.8125 h 0.8125 z M 2.40625,-1.515625 1.890625,-2.921875 1.375,-1.515625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1323" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-4"> + <path + d="m 0.375,0 v -3.8125 h 1.15625 l 0.6875,2.59375 0.6875,-2.59375 H 4.0625 V 0 H 3.34375 v -3 l -0.75,3 h -0.75 l -0.75,-3 v 3 z m 0,0" + id="path1326" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-5" /> + <g + id="glyph-19-6"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-3.8125 h 1.53125 c 0.300781,0 0.523437,0.015625 0.671875,0.046875 0.144531,0.023437 0.273438,0.074219 0.390625,0.15625 0.113281,0.074219 0.207031,0.179687 0.28125,0.3125 0.082031,0.136719 0.125,0.28125 0.125,0.4375 0,0.179687 -0.046875,0.34375 -0.140625,0.5 -0.09375,0.148437 -0.226562,0.257813 -0.390625,0.328125 0.226563,0.074219 0.40625,0.195312 0.53125,0.359375 0.125,0.15625 0.1875,0.34375 0.1875,0.5625 0,0.179687 -0.042969,0.351563 -0.125,0.515625 C 3.378906,-0.4375 3.269531,-0.304688 3.125,-0.203125 2.988281,-0.109375 2.820312,-0.0507812 2.625,-0.03125 2.488281,-0.0078125 2.175781,0 1.6875,0 H 0.390625 Z m 0.765625,0.640625 v 0.875 h 0.515625 c 0.289063,0 0.472656,-0.00391 0.546875,-0.015625 0.132812,-0.00781 0.238281,-0.050781 0.3125,-0.125 0.082031,-0.082031 0.125,-0.1875 0.125,-0.3125 0,-0.113281 -0.039062,-0.207031 -0.109375,-0.28125 -0.0625,-0.070312 -0.15625,-0.117188 -0.28125,-0.140625 -0.085937,0 -0.304687,0 -0.65625,0 z m 0,1.515625 v 1.015625 H 1.875 c 0.28125,0 0.457031,-0.007813 0.53125,-0.03125 0.113281,-0.019531 0.203125,-0.066406 0.265625,-0.140625 0.070313,-0.082031 0.109375,-0.191406 0.109375,-0.328125 0,-0.113281 -0.027344,-0.207031 -0.078125,-0.28125 C 2.648438,-1.503906 2.570312,-1.5625 2.46875,-1.59375 2.363281,-1.632812 2.132812,-1.65625 1.78125,-1.65625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1330" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-7"> + <path + d="m 2.203125,0 v -0.40625 c -0.105469,0.148438 -0.242187,0.261719 -0.40625,0.34375 -0.15625,0.0820312 -0.328125,0.125 -0.515625,0.125 -0.1875,0 -0.355469,-0.0429688 -0.5,-0.125 -0.148438,-0.082031 -0.257812,-0.195312 -0.328125,-0.34375 -0.0625,-0.144531 -0.09375,-0.347656 -0.09375,-0.609375 v -1.75 H 1.09375 V -1.5 c 0,0.398438 0.00781,0.640625 0.03125,0.734375 0.03125,0.085937 0.082031,0.152344 0.15625,0.203125 0.070312,0.042969 0.164062,0.0625 0.28125,0.0625 0.125,0 0.234375,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.09375 0.101563,-0.070312 0.171875,-0.15625 0.203125,-0.25 0.039062,-0.101562 0.0625,-0.351562 0.0625,-0.75 V -2.765625 H 2.875 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1333" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-8"> + <path + d="M 0.0625,-2.765625 H 0.46875 V -2.96875 c 0,-0.226562 0.019531,-0.398438 0.0625,-0.515625 0.050781,-0.113281 0.144531,-0.207031 0.28125,-0.28125 0.132812,-0.070313 0.300781,-0.109375 0.5,-0.109375 0.207031,0 0.414062,0.03125 0.625,0.09375 l -0.109375,0.5 C 1.710938,-3.300781 1.601562,-3.3125 1.5,-3.3125 c -0.105469,0 -0.183594,0.027344 -0.234375,0.078125 -0.042969,0.042969 -0.0625,0.136719 -0.0625,0.28125 v 0.1875 H 1.75 V -2.1875 H 1.203125 V 0 H 0.46875 V -2.1875 H 0.0625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1336" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-9"> + <path + d="m 1.984375,-0.875 0.71875,0.125 c -0.085937,0.261719 -0.230469,0.464844 -0.4375,0.609375 -0.199219,0.13671875 -0.449219,0.203125 -0.75,0.203125 -0.492187,0 -0.851563,-0.15625 -1.078125,-0.46875 -0.179688,-0.25 -0.265625,-0.566406 -0.265625,-0.953125 0,-0.457031 0.117187,-0.816406 0.359375,-1.078125 0.238281,-0.257812 0.539062,-0.390625 0.90625,-0.390625 0.40625,0 0.726562,0.136719 0.96875,0.40625 0.238281,0.273437 0.351562,0.6875 0.34375,1.25 H 0.921875 c 0,0.21875 0.054687,0.390625 0.171875,0.515625 0.113281,0.117188 0.253906,0.171875 0.421875,0.171875 0.113281,0 0.207031,-0.03125 0.28125,-0.09375 0.082031,-0.0625 0.144531,-0.160156 0.1875,-0.296875 z M 2.03125,-1.625 C 2.019531,-1.832031 1.960938,-1.988281 1.859375,-2.09375 c -0.105469,-0.113281 -0.230469,-0.171875 -0.375,-0.171875 -0.167969,0 -0.304687,0.058594 -0.40625,0.171875 C 0.972656,-1.976562 0.925781,-1.820312 0.9375,-1.625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1339" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-10"> + <path + d="M 1.078125,0 H 0.34375 v -2.765625 h 0.6875 V -2.375 c 0.113281,-0.1875 0.21875,-0.304688 0.3125,-0.359375 0.09375,-0.0625 0.195312,-0.09375 0.3125,-0.09375 0.164062,0 0.328125,0.046875 0.484375,0.140625 l -0.21875,0.640625 c -0.125,-0.082031 -0.242187,-0.125 -0.34375,-0.125 -0.105469,0 -0.195313,0.03125 -0.265625,0.09375 -0.074219,0.054687 -0.132812,0.152344 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.042969,0.148438 -0.0625,0.453125 -0.0625,0.921875 z m 0,0" + id="path1342" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-11"> + <path + d="M 0.390625,0 V -3.8125 H 1.625 c 0.46875,0 0.773438,0.023438 0.921875,0.0625 0.207031,0.054688 0.382813,0.179688 0.53125,0.375 0.15625,0.1875 0.234375,0.433594 0.234375,0.734375 0,0.230469 -0.046875,0.429687 -0.140625,0.59375 -0.085937,0.15625 -0.195313,0.28125 -0.328125,0.375 C 2.71875,-1.578125 2.585938,-1.519531 2.453125,-1.5 2.273438,-1.457031 2.007812,-1.4375 1.65625,-1.4375 h -0.5 V 0 Z M 1.15625,-3.171875 v 1.078125 h 0.421875 c 0.300781,0 0.503906,-0.015625 0.609375,-0.046875 0.101562,-0.039063 0.179688,-0.101563 0.234375,-0.1875 0.0625,-0.09375 0.09375,-0.191406 0.09375,-0.296875 0,-0.144531 -0.042969,-0.257812 -0.125,-0.34375 C 2.304688,-3.0625 2.203125,-3.117188 2.078125,-3.140625 1.992188,-3.160156 1.8125,-3.171875 1.53125,-3.171875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1345" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-12"> + <path + d="M 0.390625,0 V -3.8125 H 3.21875 v 0.640625 h -2.0625 v 0.84375 H 3.078125 V -1.6875 H 1.15625 v 1.046875 h 2.125 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1348" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-13"> + <path + d="m 0.234375,-1.890625 c 0,-0.382813 0.054687,-0.707031 0.171875,-0.96875 C 0.488281,-3.054688 0.601562,-3.226562 0.75,-3.375 0.90625,-3.53125 1.070312,-3.648438 1.25,-3.734375 1.488281,-3.828125 1.765625,-3.875 2.078125,-3.875 c 0.5625,0 1.007813,0.179688 1.34375,0.53125 C 3.765625,-3 3.9375,-2.519531 3.9375,-1.90625 c 0,0.617188 -0.171875,1.101562 -0.515625,1.453125 C 3.085938,-0.109375 2.644531,0.0625 2.09375,0.0625 c -0.574219,0 -1.027344,-0.171875 -1.359375,-0.515625 -0.335937,-0.34375 -0.5,-0.820313 -0.5,-1.4375 z M 1.03125,-1.90625 c 0,0.429688 0.097656,0.757812 0.296875,0.984375 0.195313,0.21875 0.445313,0.328125 0.75,0.328125 0.3125,0 0.566406,-0.109375 0.765625,-0.328125 0.195312,-0.21875 0.296875,-0.550781 0.296875,-1 0,-0.4375 -0.101563,-0.757813 -0.296875,-0.96875 -0.1875,-0.21875 -0.445312,-0.328125 -0.765625,-0.328125 -0.3125,0 -0.570313,0.109375 -0.765625,0.328125 -0.1875,0.21875 -0.28125,0.546875 -0.28125,0.984375 z m 0,0" + id="path1351" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-14"> + <path + d="M 0.296875,-1.015625 V -1.75 h 1.4375 v 0.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path1354" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-15"> + <path + d="m 2.828125,-1.40625 0.75,0.234375 C 3.460938,-0.753906 3.269531,-0.441406 3,-0.234375 2.738281,-0.0351562 2.398438,0.0625 1.984375,0.0625 c -0.5,0 -0.917969,-0.171875 -1.25,-0.515625 C 0.410156,-0.796875 0.25,-1.269531 0.25,-1.875 0.25,-2.507812 0.410156,-3 0.734375,-3.34375 1.066406,-3.695312 1.5,-3.875 2.03125,-3.875 c 0.46875,0 0.847656,0.136719 1.140625,0.40625 0.175781,0.167969 0.304687,0.402344 0.390625,0.703125 l -0.765625,0.1875 C 2.753906,-2.773438 2.660156,-2.929688 2.515625,-3.046875 2.378906,-3.160156 2.207031,-3.21875 2,-3.21875 c -0.28125,0 -0.511719,0.105469 -0.6875,0.3125 -0.179688,0.199219 -0.265625,0.523438 -0.265625,0.96875 0,0.492188 0.082031,0.839844 0.25,1.046875 0.175781,0.199219 0.40625,0.296875 0.6875,0.296875 0.207031,0 0.382813,-0.0625 0.53125,-0.1875 0.144531,-0.132812 0.25,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path1357" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-16"> + <path + d="m 1.109375,-3.8125 v 1.40625 c 0.238281,-0.28125 0.519531,-0.421875 0.84375,-0.421875 0.164063,0 0.316406,0.03125 0.453125,0.09375 0.132812,0.0625 0.234375,0.148437 0.296875,0.25 0.070313,0.09375 0.117187,0.199219 0.140625,0.3125 C 2.875,-2.054688 2.890625,-1.875 2.890625,-1.625 V 0 H 2.171875 V -1.453125 C 2.171875,-1.742188 2.15625,-1.925781 2.125,-2 2.09375,-2.082031 2.039062,-2.144531 1.96875,-2.1875 c -0.0625,-0.050781 -0.148438,-0.078125 -0.25,-0.078125 -0.125,0 -0.234375,0.03125 -0.328125,0.09375 -0.09375,0.054687 -0.167969,0.140625 -0.21875,0.265625 -0.042969,0.117188 -0.0625,0.289062 -0.0625,0.515625 V 0 H 0.375 v -3.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path1360" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-17"> + <path + d="M 0.375,-3.140625 V -3.8125 h 0.734375 v 0.671875 z M 0.375,0 V -2.765625 H 1.109375 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1363" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-18"> + <path + d="m 0.359375,-2.765625 h 0.6875 v 0.40625 c 0.082031,-0.132813 0.195313,-0.242187 0.34375,-0.328125 0.15625,-0.09375 0.328125,-0.140625 0.515625,-0.140625 0.320312,0 0.59375,0.125 0.8125,0.375 0.226562,0.25 0.34375,0.605469 0.34375,1.0625 0,0.460937 -0.117188,0.820313 -0.34375,1.078125 -0.230469,0.25 -0.5,0.375 -0.8125,0.375 -0.15625,0 -0.296875,-0.03125 -0.421875,-0.09375 -0.125,-0.0625 -0.257813,-0.164062 -0.390625,-0.3125 V 1.046875 H 0.359375 Z m 0.71875,1.34375 c 0,0.304687 0.0625,0.53125 0.1875,0.6875 0.125,0.148437 0.273437,0.21875 0.453125,0.21875 0.164062,0 0.304688,-0.066406 0.421875,-0.203125 C 2.253906,-0.851562 2.3125,-1.078125 2.3125,-1.390625 2.3125,-1.679688 2.253906,-1.894531 2.140625,-2.03125 2.023438,-2.175781 1.878906,-2.25 1.703125,-2.25 1.523438,-2.25 1.375,-2.175781 1.25,-2.03125 1.132812,-1.894531 1.078125,-1.691406 1.078125,-1.421875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1366" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-19"> + <path + d="M 2.15625,-1.40625 V -2.046875 H 3.828125 V -0.53125 C 3.660156,-0.375 3.421875,-0.234375 3.109375,-0.109375 2.804688,0.00390625 2.5,0.0625 2.1875,0.0625 1.789062,0.0625 1.441406,-0.0195312 1.140625,-0.1875 0.847656,-0.351562 0.625,-0.59375 0.46875,-0.90625 0.320312,-1.21875 0.25,-1.554688 0.25,-1.921875 c 0,-0.394531 0.082031,-0.742187 0.25,-1.046875 0.164062,-0.3125 0.410156,-0.550781 0.734375,-0.71875 0.25,-0.125 0.554687,-0.1875 0.921875,-0.1875 0.46875,0 0.832031,0.101562 1.09375,0.296875 0.269531,0.199219 0.441406,0.476563 0.515625,0.828125 L 3,-2.609375 C 2.945312,-2.796875 2.847656,-2.941406 2.703125,-3.046875 2.554688,-3.160156 2.375,-3.21875 2.15625,-3.21875 c -0.34375,0 -0.617188,0.109375 -0.8125,0.328125 -0.199219,0.210937 -0.296875,0.523437 -0.296875,0.9375 0,0.460937 0.097656,0.804687 0.296875,1.03125 0.207031,0.21875 0.472656,0.328125 0.796875,0.328125 C 2.304688,-0.59375 2.46875,-0.625 2.625,-0.6875 2.789062,-0.75 2.929688,-0.828125 3.046875,-0.921875 V -1.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1369" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-20"> + <path + d="M 0.375,0 V -3.8125 H 1.109375 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1372" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-21"> + <path + d="m 0.21875,-1.421875 c 0,-0.238281 0.054688,-0.472656 0.171875,-0.703125 0.125,-0.226562 0.296875,-0.398438 0.515625,-0.515625 0.21875,-0.125 0.460938,-0.1875 0.734375,-0.1875 0.414063,0 0.753906,0.136719 1.015625,0.40625 0.269531,0.273437 0.40625,0.617187 0.40625,1.03125 0,0.417969 -0.136719,0.765625 -0.40625,1.046875 -0.273438,0.2734375 -0.609375,0.40625 -1.015625,0.40625 -0.25,0 -0.492187,-0.05859375 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.230469,-0.113281 -0.40625,-0.28125 -0.53125,-0.5 -0.117187,-0.21875 -0.171875,-0.488281 -0.171875,-0.8125 z m 0.75,0.046875 c 0,0.273438 0.0625,0.480469 0.1875,0.625 0.132812,0.148438 0.296875,0.21875 0.484375,0.21875 0.1875,0 0.34375,-0.070312 0.46875,-0.21875 0.132813,-0.144531 0.203125,-0.359375 0.203125,-0.640625 0,-0.269531 -0.070312,-0.476563 -0.203125,-0.625 -0.125,-0.144531 -0.28125,-0.21875 -0.46875,-0.21875 -0.1875,0 -0.351563,0.074219 -0.484375,0.21875 -0.125,0.148437 -0.1875,0.359375 -0.1875,0.640625 z m 0,0" + id="path1375" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-22"> + <path + d="m 0.34375,0 v -3.8125 h 0.734375 v 1.375 c 0.226563,-0.257812 0.5,-0.390625 0.8125,-0.390625 0.332031,0 0.609375,0.125 0.828125,0.375 0.21875,0.242187 0.328125,0.589844 0.328125,1.046875 0,0.46875 -0.117187,0.835938 -0.34375,1.09375 -0.21875,0.25 -0.492187,0.375 -0.8125,0.375 -0.15625,0 -0.3125,-0.0390625 -0.46875,-0.109375 C 1.273438,-0.128906 1.144531,-0.25 1.03125,-0.40625 V 0 Z m 0.734375,-1.4375 c 0,0.28125 0.046875,0.492188 0.140625,0.625 0.125,0.199219 0.289062,0.296875 0.5,0.296875 0.15625,0 0.289062,-0.066406 0.40625,-0.203125 0.113281,-0.132812 0.171875,-0.351562 0.171875,-0.65625 0,-0.3125 -0.058594,-0.535156 -0.171875,-0.671875 -0.117188,-0.144531 -0.261719,-0.21875 -0.4375,-0.21875 -0.179688,0 -0.324219,0.070313 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.117188,0.136719 -0.171875,0.34375 -0.171875,0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path1378" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-19-23"> + <path + d="m 0.921875,-1.921875 -0.65625,-0.125 C 0.335938,-2.304688 0.460938,-2.5 0.640625,-2.625 c 0.1875,-0.132812 0.460937,-0.203125 0.828125,-0.203125 0.320312,0 0.5625,0.042969 0.71875,0.125 0.164062,0.074219 0.28125,0.171875 0.34375,0.296875 0.0625,0.117188 0.09375,0.328125 0.09375,0.640625 v 0.859375 c 0,0.242188 0.00781,0.417969 0.03125,0.53125 0.019531,0.117188 0.0625,0.242188 0.125,0.375 H 2.0625 C 2.039062,-0.0507812 2.015625,-0.125 1.984375,-0.21875 1.972656,-0.257812 1.96875,-0.285156 1.96875,-0.296875 1.84375,-0.179688 1.707031,-0.09375 1.5625,-0.03125 1.414062,0.03125 1.265625,0.0625 1.109375,0.0625 0.828125,0.0625 0.601562,-0.015625 0.4375,-0.171875 0.269531,-0.328125 0.1875,-0.519531 0.1875,-0.75 c 0,-0.15625 0.035156,-0.296875 0.109375,-0.421875 0.070313,-0.125 0.175781,-0.21875 0.3125,-0.28125 0.132813,-0.0625 0.332031,-0.117187 0.59375,-0.171875 0.332031,-0.0625 0.566406,-0.117188 0.703125,-0.171875 V -1.875 c 0,-0.144531 -0.039062,-0.242188 -0.109375,-0.296875 -0.0625,-0.0625 -0.195313,-0.09375 -0.390625,-0.09375 -0.125,0 -0.226562,0.027344 -0.296875,0.078125 -0.074219,0.054688 -0.136719,0.140625 -0.1875,0.265625 z m 0.984375,0.59375 C 1.8125,-1.296875 1.660156,-1.257812 1.453125,-1.21875 1.253906,-1.175781 1.125,-1.132812 1.0625,-1.09375 c -0.09375,0.074219 -0.140625,0.164062 -0.140625,0.265625 0,0.105469 0.035156,0.195313 0.109375,0.265625 0.082031,0.074219 0.179688,0.109375 0.296875,0.109375 0.132813,0 0.257813,-0.039063 0.375,-0.125 0.09375,-0.070313 0.148437,-0.15625 0.171875,-0.25 0.019531,-0.0625 0.03125,-0.179687 0.03125,-0.359375 z m 0,0" + id="path1381" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-0"> + <path + d="M 0.578125,0 V -2.90625 H 2.90625 V 0 Z M 0.65625,-0.078125 h 2.1875 V -2.84375 h -2.1875 z m 0,0" + id="path1384" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-1"> + <path + d="M 3.34375,0 H 2.609375 L 2.328125,-0.75 H 0.984375 L 0.71875,0 H 0 l 1.296875,-3.328125 h 0.71875 z m -1.234375,-1.3125 -0.46875,-1.25 -0.4375,1.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1387" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-2"> + <path + d="M 0.359375,0 V -3.3125 H 1.03125 v 2.75 H 2.703125 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1390" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-3"> + <path + d="M 0.328125,-3.328125 H 1 v 1.796875 c 0,0.292969 0.00781,0.480469 0.03125,0.5625 0.03125,0.136719 0.097656,0.246094 0.203125,0.328125 0.113281,0.085937 0.265625,0.125 0.453125,0.125 0.1875,0 0.328125,-0.035156 0.421875,-0.109375 0.101563,-0.082031 0.160156,-0.179688 0.171875,-0.296875 0.019531,-0.113281 0.03125,-0.300781 0.03125,-0.5625 v -1.84375 h 0.671875 v 1.75 c 0,0.398437 -0.015625,0.679687 -0.046875,0.84375 C 2.90625,-0.566406 2.835938,-0.425781 2.734375,-0.3125 2.640625,-0.195312 2.507812,-0.101562 2.34375,-0.03125 2.175781,0.03125 1.960938,0.0625 1.703125,0.0625 1.378906,0.0625 1.132812,0.0234375 0.96875,-0.046875 0.8125,-0.117188 0.6875,-0.210938 0.59375,-0.328125 0.5,-0.453125 0.4375,-0.578125 0.40625,-0.703125 0.351562,-0.898438 0.328125,-1.1875 0.328125,-1.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1393" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-4" /> + <g + id="glyph-20-5"> + <path + d="M 0.34375,0 V -3.328125 H 1.75 c 0.363281,0 0.625,0.03125 0.78125,0.09375 0.164062,0.054687 0.296875,0.15625 0.390625,0.3125 0.09375,0.15625 0.140625,0.328125 0.140625,0.515625 0,0.25 -0.074219,0.460938 -0.21875,0.625 -0.148438,0.167969 -0.367188,0.273438 -0.65625,0.3125 0.144531,0.085938 0.265625,0.179688 0.359375,0.28125 0.09375,0.105469 0.222656,0.28125 0.390625,0.53125 L 3.34375,0 H 2.53125 L 2.046875,-0.71875 C 1.867188,-0.976562 1.75,-1.140625 1.6875,-1.203125 1.625,-1.273438 1.554688,-1.320312 1.484375,-1.34375 1.410156,-1.375 1.300781,-1.390625 1.15625,-1.390625 H 1.015625 V 0 Z m 0.671875,-1.921875 h 0.5 c 0.320313,0 0.519531,-0.00781 0.59375,-0.03125 0.082031,-0.03125 0.144531,-0.078125 0.1875,-0.140625 C 2.347656,-2.164062 2.375,-2.253906 2.375,-2.359375 2.375,-2.472656 2.34375,-2.5625 2.28125,-2.625 c -0.0625,-0.070312 -0.148438,-0.117188 -0.25,-0.140625 -0.054688,0 -0.214844,0 -0.484375,0 h -0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1397" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-20-6"> + <path + d="M 0.34375,0 V -3.328125 H 2.625 v 0.5625 H 1.015625 v 0.78125 H 2.40625 v 0.5625 H 1.015625 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1400" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-0"> + <path + d="M 0.75,0 V -3.734375 H 3.734375 V 0 Z M 0.84375,-0.09375 H 3.640625 V -3.640625 H 0.84375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1403" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-1"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,-4.28125 h 1.578125 c 0.351563,0 0.625,0.027344 0.8125,0.078125 C 3.078125,-4.128906 3.289062,-4 3.46875,-3.8125 3.65625,-3.625 3.796875,-3.390625 3.890625,-3.109375 3.984375,-2.835938 4.03125,-2.5 4.03125,-2.09375 4.03125,-1.75 3.984375,-1.445312 3.890625,-1.1875 3.785156,-0.875 3.632812,-0.625 3.4375,-0.4375 3.28125,-0.289062 3.078125,-0.175781 2.828125,-0.09375 2.640625,-0.03125 2.382812,0 2.0625,0 h -1.625 z m 0.859375,0.71875 v 2.84375 H 1.9375 c 0.25,0 0.425781,-0.015625 0.53125,-0.046875 0.132812,-0.03125 0.25,-0.085937 0.34375,-0.171875 C 2.90625,-1.019531 2.976562,-1.15625 3.03125,-1.34375 3.09375,-1.539062 3.125,-1.804688 3.125,-2.140625 3.125,-2.472656 3.09375,-2.726562 3.03125,-2.90625 2.976562,-3.082031 2.898438,-3.21875 2.796875,-3.3125 2.691406,-3.414062 2.554688,-3.484375 2.390625,-3.515625 2.273438,-3.546875 2.039062,-3.5625 1.6875,-3.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1406" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-2"> + <path + d="m 1.046875,-2.15625 -0.75,-0.140625 c 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-0.4375,-0.109375 -0.148437,0 -0.261719,0.03125 -0.34375,0.09375 -0.074219,0.054687 -0.136719,0.152344 -0.1875,0.296875 z m 1.09375,0.671875 c -0.105469,0.03125 -0.273437,0.074219 -0.5,0.125 -0.230469,0.042969 -0.382813,0.089844 -0.453125,0.140625 -0.105469,0.074219 -0.15625,0.167969 -0.15625,0.28125 0,0.117188 0.039062,0.214844 0.125,0.296875 0.09375,0.085937 0.203125,0.125 0.328125,0.125 0.15625,0 0.296875,-0.046875 0.421875,-0.140625 0.101562,-0.070312 0.171875,-0.160156 0.203125,-0.265625 0.019531,-0.070313 0.03125,-0.207031 0.03125,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path1409" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-3"> + <path + d="m 1.859375,-3.109375 v 0.65625 h -0.5625 v 1.25 c 0,0.261719 0.00391,0.414063 0.015625,0.453125 0.00781,0.042969 0.03125,0.078125 0.0625,0.109375 0.039062,0.023437 0.085938,0.03125 0.140625,0.03125 0.082031,0 0.191406,-0.023437 0.328125,-0.078125 l 0.078125,0.640625 C 1.734375,0.0234375 1.515625,0.0625 1.265625,0.0625 1.117188,0.0625 0.984375,0.0390625 0.859375,0 0.742188,-0.0507812 0.660156,-0.113281 0.609375,-0.1875 0.554688,-0.269531 0.519531,-0.378906 0.5,-0.515625 0.476562,-0.609375 0.46875,-0.800781 0.46875,-1.09375 v -1.359375 h -0.375 v -0.65625 h 0.375 V -3.71875 l 0.828125,-0.484375 v 1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1412" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-4" /> + <g + id="glyph-21-5"> + <path + d="M 0.421875,0 V -4.28125 H 1.71875 L 2.5,-1.359375 3.265625,-4.28125 H 4.5625 V 0 H 3.75 V -3.375 L 2.90625,0 H 2.078125 L 1.234375,-3.375 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1416" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-6"> + <path + d="M 0.234375,-1.59375 C 0.234375,-1.863281 0.300781,-2.125 0.4375,-2.375 0.570312,-2.632812 0.757812,-2.832031 1,-2.96875 c 0.25,-0.132812 0.53125,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.203125 0.46875,0 0.847656,0.152344 1.140625,0.453125 0.300781,0.304688 0.453125,0.6875 0.453125,1.15625 0,0.46875 -0.152344,0.859375 -0.453125,1.171875 C 2.679688,-0.0859375 2.300781,0.0625 1.84375,0.0625 1.5625,0.0625 1.289062,0 1.03125,-0.125 0.769531,-0.25 0.570312,-0.4375 0.4375,-0.6875 0.300781,-0.9375 0.234375,-1.238281 0.234375,-1.59375 Z m 0.84375,0.046875 c 0,0.304687 0.070313,0.539063 0.21875,0.703125 0.144531,0.167969 0.328125,0.25 0.546875,0.25 0.207031,0 0.382812,-0.082031 0.53125,-0.25 C 2.519531,-1.007812 2.59375,-1.25 2.59375,-1.5625 2.59375,-1.863281 2.519531,-2.09375 2.375,-2.25 2.226562,-2.414062 2.050781,-2.5 1.84375,-2.5 c -0.21875,0 -0.402344,0.085938 -0.546875,0.25 -0.148437,0.15625 -0.21875,0.390625 -0.21875,0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path1419" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-7"> + <path + d="m 1.28125,0 -1.25,-3.109375 h 0.859375 l 0.59375,1.59375 0.15625,0.53125 C 1.691406,-1.117188 1.722656,-1.207031 1.734375,-1.25 c 0.03125,-0.09375 0.0625,-0.179688 0.09375,-0.265625 L 2.40625,-3.109375 H 3.25 L 2.015625,0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1422" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-8"> + <path + d="m 2.234375,-0.984375 0.8125,0.140625 c -0.105469,0.292969 -0.273437,0.515625 -0.5,0.671875 C 2.316406,-0.015625 2.03125,0.0625 1.6875,0.0625 1.15625,0.0625 0.757812,-0.109375 0.5,-0.453125 0.289062,-0.734375 0.1875,-1.09375 0.1875,-1.53125 c 0,-0.507812 0.132812,-0.910156 0.40625,-1.203125 0.269531,-0.289063 0.609375,-0.4375 1.015625,-0.4375 0.46875,0 0.832031,0.152344 1.09375,0.453125 0.269531,0.304688 0.398437,0.773438 0.390625,1.40625 h -2.0625 c 0.00781,0.242188 0.078125,0.429688 0.203125,0.5625 0.125,0.136719 0.28125,0.203125 0.46875,0.203125 0.125,0 0.226563,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.09375 0.09375,-0.070313 0.164063,-0.1875 0.21875,-0.34375 z M 2.265625,-1.8125 c 0,-0.238281 -0.0625,-0.421875 -0.1875,-0.546875 -0.117187,-0.125 -0.257813,-0.1875 -0.421875,-0.1875 -0.179688,0 -0.324219,0.070313 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.117188,0.125 -0.171875,0.304688 -0.171875,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1425" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-9"> + <path + d="m 0.375,-3.109375 h 0.75 v 0.4375 c 0.269531,-0.332031 0.59375,-0.5 0.96875,-0.5 0.195312,0 0.367188,0.042969 0.515625,0.125 0.144531,0.085937 0.265625,0.210937 0.359375,0.375 0.132812,-0.164063 0.28125,-0.289063 0.4375,-0.375 0.15625,-0.082031 0.328125,-0.125 0.515625,-0.125 0.21875,0 0.40625,0.046875 0.5625,0.140625 0.164063,0.09375 0.285156,0.230469 0.359375,0.40625 0.0625,0.136719 0.09375,0.351562 0.09375,0.640625 V 0 H 4.109375 v -1.78125 c 0,-0.300781 -0.027344,-0.5 -0.078125,-0.59375 -0.085938,-0.113281 -0.203125,-0.171875 -0.359375,-0.171875 -0.117187,0 -0.226563,0.039063 -0.328125,0.109375 C 3.25,-2.363281 3.175781,-2.257812 3.125,-2.125 3.082031,-1.988281 3.0625,-1.773438 3.0625,-1.484375 V 0 H 2.25 V -1.703125 C 2.25,-2.003906 2.234375,-2.195312 2.203125,-2.28125 2.171875,-2.375 2.125,-2.441406 2.0625,-2.484375 2,-2.523438 1.914062,-2.546875 1.8125,-2.546875 c -0.125,0 -0.242188,0.039063 -0.34375,0.109375 C 1.375,-2.375 1.300781,-2.273438 1.25,-2.140625 1.207031,-2.015625 1.1875,-1.800781 1.1875,-1.5 V 0 H 0.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1428" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-10"> + <path + d="M 3.25,0 H 2.4375 v -1.578125 c 0,-0.34375 -0.023438,-0.5625 -0.0625,-0.65625 -0.03125,-0.09375 -0.089844,-0.164063 -0.171875,-0.21875 -0.074219,-0.0625 -0.167969,-0.09375 -0.28125,-0.09375 -0.148437,0 -0.277344,0.042969 -0.390625,0.125 -0.105469,0.074219 -0.179688,0.179687 -0.21875,0.3125 C 1.269531,-1.984375 1.25,-1.75 1.25,-1.40625 V 0 H 0.421875 V -3.109375 H 1.1875 v 0.46875 c 0.269531,-0.351563 0.609375,-0.53125 1.015625,-0.53125 0.1875,0 0.351563,0.03125 0.5,0.09375 0.15625,0.0625 0.269531,0.148437 0.34375,0.25 0.070313,0.105469 0.125,0.226563 0.15625,0.359375 0.03125,0.125 0.046875,0.308594 0.046875,0.546875 z m 0,0" + id="path1431" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-11"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,0 v -4.28125 h 3.171875 v 0.71875 h -2.3125 v 0.953125 h 2.15625 v 0.71875 H 1.296875 V -0.71875 H 3.6875 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1434" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-12"> + <path + d="M 1.21875,0 H 0.390625 V -3.109375 H 1.15625 V -2.65625 C 1.289062,-2.863281 1.410156,-3 1.515625,-3.0625 c 0.101563,-0.070312 0.21875,-0.109375 0.34375,-0.109375 0.1875,0 0.367187,0.054687 0.546875,0.15625 l -0.25,0.71875 C 2.007812,-2.390625 1.878906,-2.4375 1.765625,-2.4375 c -0.117187,0 -0.214844,0.03125 -0.296875,0.09375 -0.074219,0.0625 -0.136719,0.179688 -0.1875,0.34375 -0.042969,0.167969 -0.0625,0.515625 -0.0625,1.046875 z m 0,0" + id="path1437" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-13"> + <path + d="M 0.359375,0.203125 1.296875,0.3125 C 1.304688,0.425781 1.34375,0.503906 1.40625,0.546875 1.476562,0.597656 1.597656,0.625 1.765625,0.625 1.984375,0.625 2.144531,0.59375 2.25,0.53125 2.320312,0.488281 2.375,0.421875 2.40625,0.328125 2.4375,0.253906 2.453125,0.128906 2.453125,-0.046875 V -0.5 C 2.203125,-0.164062 1.890625,0 1.515625,0 1.097656,0 0.769531,-0.175781 0.53125,-0.53125 0.34375,-0.8125 0.25,-1.15625 0.25,-1.5625 c 0,-0.519531 0.125,-0.914062 0.375,-1.1875 0.25,-0.28125 0.554688,-0.421875 0.921875,-0.421875 0.382813,0 0.703125,0.167969 0.953125,0.5 v -0.4375 H 3.265625 V -0.3125 c 0,0.3632812 -0.03125,0.632812 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.054687,0.1875 -0.136719,0.328125 -0.25,0.421875 -0.105469,0.101563 -0.25,0.1875 -0.4375,0.25 -0.179687,0.0625 -0.40625,0.09375 -0.6875,0.09375 -0.523437,0 -0.898437,-0.09375 -1.125,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.179687 -0.328125,-0.40625 -0.328125,-0.6875 0,-0.023437 0.003906,-0.054687 0.015625,-0.09375 z m 0.734375,-1.8125 c 0,0.324219 0.0625,0.5625 0.1875,0.71875 0.125,0.15625 0.28125,0.234375 0.46875,0.234375 0.195312,0 0.363281,-0.078125 0.5,-0.234375 0.144531,-0.164063 0.21875,-0.398437 0.21875,-0.703125 0,-0.320312 -0.070312,-0.5625 -0.203125,-0.71875 -0.136719,-0.15625 -0.304687,-0.234375 -0.5,-0.234375 -0.199219,0 -0.359375,0.078125 -0.484375,0.234375 -0.125,0.148438 -0.1875,0.382812 -0.1875,0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path1440" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-14"> + <path + d="m 0.046875,-3.109375 h 0.875 L 1.65625,-0.90625 2.375,-3.109375 h 0.859375 l -1.09375,3 L 1.9375,0.421875 C 1.863281,0.609375 1.796875,0.75 1.734375,0.84375 1.671875,0.9375 1.59375,1.007812 1.5,1.0625 1.414062,1.125 1.3125,1.171875 1.1875,1.203125 c -0.117188,0.039063 -0.25,0.0625 -0.40625,0.0625 -0.15625,0 -0.3125,-0.023437 -0.46875,-0.0625 L 0.234375,0.5625 C 0.367188,0.59375 0.488281,0.609375 0.59375,0.609375 0.78125,0.609375 0.914062,0.550781 1,0.4375 1.09375,0.320312 1.164062,0.179688 1.21875,0.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1443" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-15"> + <path + d="M 3.171875,-1.578125 4.015625,-1.3125 C 3.890625,-0.84375 3.675781,-0.492188 3.375,-0.265625 3.070312,-0.0351562 2.691406,0.078125 2.234375,0.078125 1.660156,0.078125 1.191406,-0.113281 0.828125,-0.5 0.460938,-0.894531 0.28125,-1.429688 0.28125,-2.109375 c 0,-0.707031 0.179688,-1.257813 0.546875,-1.65625 0.375,-0.394531 0.859375,-0.59375 1.453125,-0.59375 0.53125,0 0.957031,0.15625 1.28125,0.46875 0.195312,0.179687 0.34375,0.4375 0.4375,0.78125 L 3.140625,-2.90625 C 3.097656,-3.125 2.992188,-3.296875 2.828125,-3.421875 2.671875,-3.554688 2.476562,-3.625 2.25,-3.625 c -0.324219,0 -0.585938,0.117188 -0.78125,0.34375 -0.199219,0.230469 -0.296875,0.601562 -0.296875,1.109375 0,0.542969 0.097656,0.929687 0.296875,1.15625 0.195312,0.230469 0.453125,0.34375 0.765625,0.34375 0.226563,0 0.421875,-0.070313 0.578125,-0.21875 0.164062,-0.144531 0.285156,-0.375 0.359375,-0.6875 z m 0,0" + id="path1446" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-16"> + <path + d="m 0.140625,-0.890625 0.828125,-0.125 c 0.03125,0.167969 0.097656,0.292969 0.203125,0.375 0.113281,0.085937 0.265625,0.125 0.453125,0.125 0.21875,0 0.378906,-0.039063 0.484375,-0.125 0.070313,-0.050781 0.109375,-0.125 0.109375,-0.21875 0,-0.0625 -0.023438,-0.113281 -0.0625,-0.15625 C 2.113281,-1.054688 2.019531,-1.09375 1.875,-1.125 1.21875,-1.269531 0.800781,-1.398438 0.625,-1.515625 0.375,-1.691406 0.25,-1.925781 0.25,-2.21875 c 0,-0.269531 0.101562,-0.492188 0.3125,-0.671875 0.21875,-0.1875 0.550781,-0.28125 1,-0.28125 0.425781,0 0.738281,0.070313 0.9375,0.203125 0.207031,0.136719 0.351562,0.339844 0.4375,0.609375 l -0.78125,0.15625 c -0.03125,-0.125 -0.09375,-0.21875 -0.1875,-0.28125 -0.09375,-0.0625 -0.226562,-0.09375 -0.390625,-0.09375 -0.21875,0 -0.375,0.027344 -0.46875,0.078125 -0.0625,0.054688 -0.09375,0.109375 -0.09375,0.171875 0,0.0625 0.023437,0.117187 0.078125,0.15625 0.070312,0.054687 0.328125,0.132813 0.765625,0.234375 0.4375,0.09375 0.742187,0.214844 0.921875,0.359375 0.164062,0.148437 0.25,0.351563 0.25,0.609375 0,0.28125 -0.121094,0.527344 -0.359375,0.734375 C 2.441406,-0.0351562 2.09375,0.0625 1.625,0.0625 c -0.417969,0 -0.75,-0.0820312 -1,-0.25 -0.25,-0.164062 -0.414062,-0.398438 -0.484375,-0.703125 z m 0,0" + id="path1449" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-17"> + <path + d="m 0.4375,0 v -4.28125 h 1.390625 c 0.519531,0 0.863281,0.023438 1.03125,0.0625 0.238281,0.0625 0.441406,0.203125 0.609375,0.421875 0.164062,0.210937 0.25,0.484375 0.25,0.828125 0,0.261719 -0.046875,0.484375 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.09375,0.179687 -0.21875,0.320313 -0.375,0.421875 -0.148437,0.09375 -0.292969,0.164062 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.210937,0.042969 -0.511719,0.0625 -0.90625,0.0625 h -0.5625 V 0 Z m 0.859375,-3.5625 v 1.21875 H 1.78125 c 0.332031,0 0.554688,-0.019531 0.671875,-0.0625 0.113281,-0.050781 0.203125,-0.125 0.265625,-0.21875 0.070312,-0.09375 0.109375,-0.203125 0.109375,-0.328125 0,-0.15625 -0.046875,-0.28125 -0.140625,-0.375 C 2.59375,-3.429688 2.476562,-3.5 2.34375,-3.53125 2.238281,-3.550781 2.03125,-3.5625 1.71875,-3.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1452" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-18"> + <path + d="m 3.140625,-2.1875 -0.8125,0.140625 c -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.09375,-0.273437 -0.1875,-0.359375 -0.09375,-0.082031 -0.21875,-0.125 -0.375,-0.125 -0.210937,0 -0.375,0.074219 -0.5,0.21875 -0.117187,0.136719 -0.171875,0.371094 -0.171875,0.703125 0,0.367187 0.0625,0.625 0.1875,0.78125 0.125,0.15625 0.289062,0.234375 0.5,0.234375 0.15625,0 0.28125,-0.039062 0.375,-0.125 0.101562,-0.09375 0.175781,-0.25 0.21875,-0.46875 l 0.796875,0.140625 C 3.085938,-0.679688 2.925781,-0.40625 2.6875,-0.21875 2.457031,-0.03125 2.140625,0.0625 1.734375,0.0625 1.285156,0.0625 0.925781,-0.078125 0.65625,-0.359375 0.382812,-0.640625 0.25,-1.035156 0.25,-1.546875 c 0,-0.507813 0.132812,-0.90625 0.40625,-1.1875 0.269531,-0.289063 0.632812,-0.4375 1.09375,-0.4375 0.375,0 0.671875,0.085937 0.890625,0.25 0.226563,0.15625 0.394531,0.402344 0.5,0.734375 z m 0,0" + id="path1455" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-19"> + <path + d="m 0.421875,-3.53125 v -0.75 H 1.25 v 0.75 z m 0,3.53125 V -3.109375 H 1.25 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1458" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-20"> + <path + d="m 4.296875,0 h -0.9375 l -0.375,-0.96875 H 1.265625 L 0.921875,0 H 0 l 1.671875,-4.28125 h 0.90625 z M 2.703125,-1.6875 2.109375,-3.28125 1.53125,-1.6875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1461" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-21-21"> + <path + d="M 0.421875,0 V -4.28125 H 1.25 V 0 Z m 0,0" + id="path1464" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-0"> + <path + d="M 0.828125,0 V -4.15625 H 4.15625 V 0 Z M 0.9375,-0.109375 h 3.125 V -4.0625 h -3.125 z m 0,0" + id="path1467" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-1"> + <path + d="M 3.359375,-0.84375 V 0 h -3.1875 C 0.203125,-0.320312 0.300781,-0.625 0.46875,-0.90625 0.644531,-1.195312 0.988281,-1.578125 1.5,-2.046875 c 0.414062,-0.382813 0.671875,-0.644531 0.765625,-0.78125 0.125,-0.1875 0.1875,-0.375 0.1875,-0.5625 0,-0.207031 -0.058594,-0.363281 -0.171875,-0.46875 C 2.175781,-3.972656 2.023438,-4.03125 1.828125,-4.03125 c -0.1875,0 -0.339844,0.058594 -0.453125,0.171875 -0.117188,0.117187 -0.179688,0.308594 -0.1875,0.578125 L 0.265625,-3.375 C 0.328125,-3.875 0.5,-4.234375 0.78125,-4.453125 1.070312,-4.671875 1.429688,-4.78125 1.859375,-4.78125 c 0.46875,0 0.832031,0.125 1.09375,0.375 0.269531,0.25 0.40625,0.570312 0.40625,0.953125 0,0.210937 -0.039063,0.414063 -0.109375,0.609375 C 3.175781,-2.644531 3.054688,-2.441406 2.890625,-2.234375 2.773438,-2.097656 2.570312,-1.894531 2.28125,-1.625 2,-1.363281 1.816406,-1.1875 1.734375,-1.09375 c -0.074219,0.085938 -0.136719,0.167969 -0.1875,0.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1470" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-2"> + <path + d="m 1.828125,-4.78125 c 0.457031,0 0.816406,0.164062 1.078125,0.484375 C 3.21875,-3.898438 3.375,-3.25 3.375,-2.34375 c 0,0.898438 -0.15625,1.542969 -0.46875,1.9375 -0.261719,0.3242188 -0.621094,0.484375 -1.078125,0.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.84375,-0.1757812 -1.125,-0.53125 -0.28125,-0.351563 -0.421875,-0.988281 -0.421875,-1.90625 0,-0.894531 0.15625,-1.539063 0.46875,-1.9375 0.257812,-0.320313 0.617188,-0.484375 1.078125,-0.484375 z m 0,0.75 c -0.117187,0 -0.214844,0.039062 -0.296875,0.109375 -0.085938,0.074219 -0.152344,0.199219 -0.203125,0.375 -0.0625,0.242187 -0.09375,0.640625 -0.09375,1.203125 0,0.554688 0.023437,0.933594 0.078125,1.140625 0.0625,0.210937 0.132812,0.351563 0.21875,0.421875 0.082031,0.074219 0.179688,0.109375 0.296875,0.109375 0.113281,0 0.210937,-0.035156 0.296875,-0.109375 0.082031,-0.070312 0.148438,-0.195312 0.203125,-0.375 0.0625,-0.238281 0.09375,-0.632812 0.09375,-1.1875 0,-0.5625 -0.03125,-0.945312 -0.09375,-1.15625 C 2.273438,-3.707031 2.207031,-3.847656 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0.203125,0.703125 0.132813,0.15625 0.289063,0.234375 0.46875,0.234375 0.164063,0 0.304687,-0.066406 0.421875,-0.203125 0.113281,-0.132812 0.171875,-0.351562 0.171875,-0.65625 0,-0.300781 -0.0625,-0.523438 -0.1875,-0.671875 -0.125,-0.144531 -0.277344,-0.21875 -0.453125,-0.21875 -0.179688,0 -0.328125,0.070313 -0.453125,0.203125 C 1.367188,-2.082031 1.3125,-1.878906 1.3125,-1.609375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1477" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-5"> + <path + d="M 2.625,0 H 1.703125 V -3.4375 C 1.367188,-3.125 0.976562,-2.894531 0.53125,-2.75 v -0.828125 c 0.238281,-0.082031 0.492188,-0.226563 0.765625,-0.4375 0.28125,-0.21875 0.472656,-0.472656 0.578125,-0.765625 h 0.75 z m 0,0" + id="path1480" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-6"> + <path + d="M 2,1.40625 H 1.359375 c -0.324219,-0.5 -0.574219,-1.023438 -0.75,-1.5625 C 0.429688,-0.695312 0.34375,-1.21875 0.34375,-1.71875 0.34375,-2.351562 0.453125,-2.945312 0.671875,-3.5 0.859375,-3.988281 1.09375,-4.4375 1.375,-4.84375 H 2 c -0.292969,0.65625 -0.496094,1.214844 -0.609375,1.671875 -0.117187,0.460937 -0.171875,0.949219 -0.171875,1.46875 0,0.355469 0.03125,0.71875 0.09375,1.09375 0.070312,0.367187 0.164062,0.71875 0.28125,1.0625 C 1.664062,0.671875 1.800781,0.988281 2,1.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1483" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-7"> + <path + d="m 0.484375,0 v -4.765625 h 2.03125 c 0.507813,0 0.878906,0.042969 1.109375,0.125 0.226562,0.085937 0.410156,0.242187 0.546875,0.46875 0.144531,0.21875 0.21875,0.46875 0.21875,0.75 0,0.355469 -0.109375,0.652344 -0.328125,0.890625 -0.210938,0.230469 -0.523438,0.371094 -0.9375,0.421875 0.207031,0.125 0.378906,0.261719 0.515625,0.40625 0.132813,0.148437 0.316406,0.40625 0.546875,0.78125 L 4.765625,0 H 3.625 L 2.921875,-1.03125 C 2.671875,-1.40625 2.5,-1.640625 2.40625,-1.734375 2.320312,-1.828125 2.226562,-1.890625 2.125,-1.921875 2.019531,-1.960938 1.859375,-1.984375 1.640625,-1.984375 h -0.1875 V 0 Z m 0.96875,-2.75 H 2.15625 c 0.46875,0 0.757812,-0.015625 0.875,-0.046875 C 3.144531,-2.835938 3.234375,-2.90625 3.296875,-3 c 0.0625,-0.101562 0.09375,-0.222656 0.09375,-0.359375 0,-0.164063 -0.042969,-0.296875 -0.125,-0.390625 C 3.179688,-3.851562 3.0625,-3.914062 2.90625,-3.9375 2.820312,-3.945312 2.585938,-3.953125 2.203125,-3.953125 h -0.75 z m 0,0" + id="path1486" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-8"> + <path + d="m 2.484375,-1.09375 0.90625,0.140625 c -0.117187,0.34375 -0.304687,0.605469 -0.5625,0.78125 -0.25,0.16796875 -0.5625,0.25 -0.9375,0.25 -0.605469,0 -1.054687,-0.195313 -1.34375,-0.59375 -0.21875,-0.3125 -0.328125,-0.707031 -0.328125,-1.1875 0,-0.570313 0.144531,-1.019531 0.4375,-1.34375 0.300781,-0.320313 0.679688,-0.484375 1.140625,-0.484375 0.507813,0 0.910156,0.171875 1.203125,0.515625 0.300781,0.335937 0.445312,0.851563 0.4375,1.546875 H 1.140625 c 0.00781,0.273438 0.082031,0.484375 0.21875,0.640625 0.144531,0.148437 0.320313,0.21875 0.53125,0.21875 0.144531,0 0.265625,-0.035156 0.359375,-0.109375 0.101562,-0.082031 0.179688,-0.207031 0.234375,-0.375 z M 2.53125,-2.015625 C 2.519531,-2.285156 2.445312,-2.488281 2.3125,-2.625 2.1875,-2.757812 2.03125,-2.828125 1.84375,-2.828125 c -0.199219,0 -0.359375,0.074219 -0.484375,0.21875 -0.136719,0.148437 -0.203125,0.34375 -0.203125,0.59375 z m 0,0" + id="path1489" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-9"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.453125 h 0.5 V -3.71875 c 0,-0.28125 0.03125,-0.492188 0.09375,-0.640625 0.0625,-0.144531 0.175781,-0.257813 0.34375,-0.34375 0.164063,-0.09375 0.375,-0.140625 0.625,-0.140625 0.257813,0 0.515625,0.039062 0.765625,0.109375 l -0.125,0.640625 C 2.144531,-4.125 2.007812,-4.140625 1.875,-4.140625 c -0.136719,0 -0.234375,0.03125 -0.296875,0.09375 C 1.523438,-3.984375 1.5,-3.867188 1.5,-3.703125 v 0.25 h 0.6875 v 0.71875 H 1.5 V 0 H 0.578125 v -2.734375 h -0.5 z m 0,0" + id="path1492" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-10"> + <path + d="M 1.359375,0 H 0.4375 v -3.453125 h 0.84375 v 0.5 c 0.144531,-0.238281 0.273438,-0.394531 0.390625,-0.46875 0.125,-0.070313 0.257813,-0.109375 0.40625,-0.109375 0.207031,0 0.40625,0.058594 0.59375,0.171875 L 2.390625,-2.5625 C 2.234375,-2.65625 2.09375,-2.703125 1.96875,-2.703125 c -0.136719,0 -0.25,0.039063 -0.34375,0.109375 -0.085938,0.0625 -0.152344,0.1875 -0.203125,0.375 -0.042969,0.179688 -0.0625,0.5625 -0.0625,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1495" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-11"> + <path + d="M 3.625,0 H 2.703125 v -1.765625 c 0,-0.375 -0.023437,-0.613281 -0.0625,-0.71875 -0.03125,-0.113281 -0.09375,-0.195313 -0.1875,-0.25 -0.085937,-0.0625 -0.1875,-0.09375 -0.3125,-0.09375 -0.15625,0 -0.296875,0.042969 -0.421875,0.125 -0.125,0.085937 -0.214844,0.199219 -0.265625,0.34375 -0.042969,0.148437 -0.0625,0.414063 -0.0625,0.796875 V 0 H 0.46875 V -3.453125 H 1.3125 V -2.9375 c 0.300781,-0.394531 0.679688,-0.59375 1.140625,-0.59375 0.207031,0 0.394531,0.039062 0.5625,0.109375 0.164063,0.074219 0.289063,0.167969 0.375,0.28125 C 3.472656,-3.023438 3.53125,-2.894531 3.5625,-2.75 3.601562,-2.613281 3.625,-2.410156 3.625,-2.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1498" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-12"> + <path + d="M 3.484375,-2.4375 2.59375,-2.265625 C 2.5625,-2.441406 2.488281,-2.578125 2.375,-2.671875 2.269531,-2.765625 2.132812,-2.8125 1.96875,-2.8125 c -0.230469,0 -0.414062,0.078125 -0.546875,0.234375 -0.136719,0.15625 -0.203125,0.421875 -0.203125,0.796875 0,0.40625 0.066406,0.695312 0.203125,0.859375 0.132813,0.167969 0.316406,0.25 0.546875,0.25 0.175781,0 0.316406,-0.046875 0.421875,-0.140625 0.113281,-0.101562 0.195313,-0.273438 0.25,-0.515625 l 0.890625,0.15625 c -0.09375,0.417969 -0.277344,0.730469 -0.546875,0.9375 -0.261719,0.2109375 -0.609375,0.3125 -1.046875,0.3125 -0.511719,0 -0.917969,-0.15625 -1.21875,-0.46875 -0.292969,-0.320313 -0.4375,-0.765625 -0.4375,-1.328125 0,-0.570312 0.148438,-1.015625 0.453125,-1.328125 0.300781,-0.320313 0.707031,-0.484375 1.21875,-0.484375 0.414063,0 0.75,0.09375 1,0.28125 0.25,0.179688 0.425781,0.449219 0.53125,0.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path1501" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-13"> + <path + d="M 0.21875,1.40625 C 0.40625,1.019531 0.535156,0.722656 0.609375,0.515625 0.679688,0.304688 0.75,0.0703125 0.8125,-0.1875 0.875,-0.457031 0.921875,-0.710938 0.953125,-0.953125 0.984375,-1.203125 1,-1.453125 1,-1.703125 1,-2.222656 0.941406,-2.710938 0.828125,-3.171875 0.710938,-3.628906 0.507812,-4.1875 0.21875,-4.84375 h 0.625 c 0.320312,0.46875 0.570312,0.964844 0.75,1.484375 0.1875,0.523437 0.28125,1.046875 0.28125,1.578125 0,0.460938 -0.074219,0.949219 -0.21875,1.46875 C 1.488281,0.257812 1.222656,0.832031 0.859375,1.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1504" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-22-14"> + <path + d="m 0.28125,-2.65625 v -0.828125 h 3.328125 v 0.828125 z m 0,1.453125 v -0.84375 h 3.328125 v 0.84375 z m 0,0" + id="path1507" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-23-0"> + <path + d="M 0.828125,0 V -4.15625 H 4.15625 V 0 Z M 0.9375,-0.109375 h 3.125 V -4.0625 h -3.125 z m 0,0" + id="path1510" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-23-1"> + <path + d="M 0.359375,-1.359375 1.34375,-2.34375 0.359375,-3.328125 0.953125,-3.9375 l 1,0.984375 0.96875,-0.984375 0.59375,0.59375 -0.984375,0.984375 1,0.984375 L 2.921875,-0.765625 1.9375,-1.75 0.953125,-0.78125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1513" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-24-1"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.390625,-4 0.5,-4 c 0.265625,0 0.359375,0.15625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.359375 V -0.15625 C 1.828125,-0.171875 1.6875,-0.28125 1.6875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 C 1.6875,-3.5 1.765625,-3.59375 1.828125,-3.671875 2.078125,-3.890625 2.5,-4.0625 2.859375,-4.0625 3.28125,-4.0625 3.5,-3.71875 3.5,-3.015625 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.671875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.21875 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.703125,-0.171875 -0.703125,-0.796875 v -2.5 c 0.296875,-0.4375 0.625,-0.609375 1.078125,-0.609375 0.5625,0 0.734375,0.265625 0.734375,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.640625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.15625 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.125,-0.1875 7,-0.375 7,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.609375,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.515625,-0.828125 -1.046875,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.515625,0.1875 -0.84375,0.296875 -1.390625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1517" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-2"> + <path + d="M 2.484375,-4.578125 C 1.1875,-4.578125 0.28125,-3.625 0.28125,-2.25 c 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.171875,2.34375 1.25,0 2.203125,-1.046875 2.203125,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.171875,-2.25 z M 2.34375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.421875,0.96875 1.421875,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 -0.265625,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.171875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1520" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-3"> + <path + d="m 4.71875,-4.484375 h -1.375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.015625,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 L 2.78125,-1.140625 1.765625,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.28125 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.453125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.03125 0.453125,0.125 0.90625,1.15625 l 1.1875,2.859375 c 0.015625,0.0625 0.046875,0.125 0.078125,0.203125 0.0625,0.1875 0.125,0.265625 0.171875,0.265625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 L 4.078125,-3.5625 C 4.375,-4.234375 4.421875,-4.3125 4.71875,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1523" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-4"> + <path + d="M 4.046875,-1.640625 C 3.5625,-0.875 3.140625,-0.59375 2.5,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,-0.28125 -1.265625,-0.859375 -0.1875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.28125,-1.3125 h 3.0625 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.1875,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.25 -0.3125,-0.359375 -0.765625,-0.5625 -1.28125,-0.5625 -0.484375,0 -0.953125,0.171875 -1.328125,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.09375,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.6875,-0.578125 2.109375,-1.65625 z m -3.0625,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.4375,-1.15625 1.046875,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1526" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-5"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 H 2.28125 V -0.15625 C 1.765625,-0.1875 1.625,-0.3125 1.625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.6875,-0.5625 1.015625,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.796875 V -0.15625 C 4.3125,-0.203125 4.203125,-0.3125 4.203125,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.171875,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.4375,0.796875 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.828125,0.28125 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1529" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-6"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-4.484375 h -1 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.078125,-0.125 C 1.390625,-5.6875 1.328125,-5.59375 1.265625,-5.5 0.875,-4.9375 0.453125,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 H 0.6875 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.1875,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.21875,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1 z m 0,0" + id="path1532" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-7"> + <path + d="M 2.921875,-6.734375 C 2.1875,-6.265625 1.890625,-6 1.53125,-5.546875 c -0.703125,0.875 -1.0625,1.875 -1.0625,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.375,2.25 1.25,3.265625 C 2.125,1.21875 2.375,1.453125 2.890625,1.765625 l 0.125,-0.15625 C 2.21875,0.984375 1.9375,0.625 1.671875,-0.125 1.4375,-0.78125 1.328125,-1.546875 1.328125,-2.546875 c 0,-1.046875 0.125,-1.859375 0.390625,-2.484375 C 2,-5.640625 2.296875,-6 3.015625,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1535" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-8"> + <path + d="m 1.734375,-4.578125 -1.53125,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.15625 C 1.859375,-0.203125 1.765625,-0.296875 1.765625,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.265625,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.296875,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1538" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-9"> + <path + d="M 1.234375,-1 C 0.9375,-1 0.6875,-0.734375 0.6875,-0.421875 c 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.546875,0.53125 0.296875,0 0.5625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.53125 C 1.796875,-0.734375 1.53125,-1 1.234375,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1541" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-10"> + <path + d="M 0.828125,1.40625 C 1.484375,1.078125 1.9375,0.46875 1.9375,-0.125 c 0,-0.5 -0.359375,-0.890625 -0.796875,-0.890625 -0.34375,0 -0.578125,0.234375 -0.578125,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.21875,0.515625 0.578125,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.0625,-0.03125 0.0625,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.8125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1544" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-11"> + <path + d="m 3.40625,0.09375 1.453125,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.6875,-0.5625 4.671875,-0.5625 4.640625,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.15625,-6.8125 C 3.671875,-6.640625 3.328125,-6.546875 2.6875,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.78125,-6.21875 2.828125,-6.21875 2.90625,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.390625,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.046875,-0.421875 -1.140625,0 -2.0625,1.125 -2.0625,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.75,2.140625 1.828125,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.9375,-0.1875 1.28125,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.375,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.296875 -0.71875,0.296875 -0.8125,0 -1.359375,-0.796875 -1.359375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.234375,-1.875 0.515625,0 1.015625,0.46875 1.015625,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1547" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-12"> + <path + d="m 4.375,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.28125,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.21875,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.1875,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.234375,-0.546875 -0.9375,0 -1.65625,0.484375 -1.65625,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.1875,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.4375,-0.1875 0.4375,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 C 1.390625,-3.703125 1.375,-3.78125 1.375,-3.859375 1.375,-4.125 1.6875,-4.34375 2.09375,-4.34375 c 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.53125,0.609375 -1.6875,0.6875 -2.125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.453125,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.21875,0.71875 0.625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.53125,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.234375,0.140625 -0.5,0.21875 -0.71875,0.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.625,-0.328125 -0.625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.609375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1550" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-13"> + <path + d="M 0.3125,-4.171875 H 1 v 3.125 C 1,-0.59375 0.9375,-0.34375 0.796875,-0.265625 0.703125,-0.1875 0.609375,-0.171875 0.3125,-0.15625 V 0 H 2.53125 V -0.15625 C 1.96875,-0.203125 1.828125,-0.328125 1.828125,-0.78125 V -4.171875 H 3.6875 v 3.328125 c 0,0.5 -0.140625,0.65625 -0.65625,0.6875 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 4.625,-0.1875 4.53125,-0.296875 4.53125,-0.8125 V -6.78125 L 4.484375,-6.8125 c -0.09375,0.015625 -0.1875,0.046875 -0.3125,0.109375 C 3.984375,-6.609375 3.84375,-6.5625 3.75,-6.5625 3.703125,-6.5625 3.609375,-6.59375 3.453125,-6.640625 3.1875,-6.75 2.890625,-6.8125 2.65625,-6.8125 c -0.46875,0 -0.921875,0.25 -1.203125,0.625 C 1.15625,-5.75 1.0625,-5.359375 1.015625,-4.484375 H 0.3125 Z m 3.375,-0.3125 H 1.828125 V -5 c 0,-1.046875 0.21875,-1.546875 0.65625,-1.546875 0.203125,0 0.328125,0.09375 0.5,0.359375 0.203125,0.28125 0.328125,0.359375 0.546875,0.359375 0.078125,0 0.109375,-0.015625 0.15625,-0.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1553" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-14"> + <path + d="m 5.65625,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.171875,0.65625 L 5.03125,-1.15625 4.203125,-3.390625 C 4.03125,-3.84375 4.03125,-3.84375 4.03125,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.59375 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.484375,0.15625 0.6875,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.203125,0.5625 L 2.578125,-1.109375 1.59375,-3.703125 C 1.5625,-3.8125 1.53125,-3.90625 1.53125,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 v -0.140625 h -1.78125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.34375,3.40625 c 0.109375,0.296875 0.1875,0.4375 0.25,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.109375,-2.390625 0.90625,2.34375 c 0.125,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.46875,-3.796875 C 6.640625,-4.21875 6.671875,-4.265625 6.875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1556" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-15"> + <path + d="M 0.375,1.765625 C 1.109375,1.28125 1.40625,1.03125 1.765625,0.5625 c 0.71875,-0.859375 1.0625,-1.859375 1.0625,-3.03125 0,-1.265625 -0.375,-2.234375 -1.25,-3.25 -0.40625,-0.484375 -0.65625,-0.703125 -1.171875,-1.015625 l -0.125,0.15625 c 0.796875,0.625 1.0625,0.96875 1.34375,1.71875 0.234375,0.671875 0.34375,1.4375 0.34375,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.125,1.875 -0.390625,2.484375 C 1.296875,0.671875 1,1.03125 0.28125,1.609375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1559" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-16"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 h 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.75,-0.171875 1.578125,-0.328125 1.578125,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.140625,0.046875 0.25,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.40625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.375,-0.171875 0.375,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 c -0.515625,0.21875 -0.875,0.34375 -1.46875,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1562" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-17"> + <path + d="M 4.140625,-1.34375 3.96875,-1.390625 c -0.109375,0.5 -0.171875,0.65625 -0.296875,0.828125 C 3.53125,-0.390625 3.203125,-0.296875 2.6875,-0.296875 H 1.328125 L 4,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.5625 L 0.53125,-3.3125 h 0.171875 c 0.09375,-0.71875 0.234375,-0.875 0.828125,-0.875 h 1.375 L 0.265625,-0.15625 V 0 H 4 Z m 0,0" + id="path1565" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-18"> + <path + d="m 3.9375,-1.5625 c -0.46875,0.703125 -0.828125,0.9375 -1.390625,0.9375 -0.90625,0 -1.53125,-0.796875 -1.53125,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.34375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 L 3,-3.59375 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.515625,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -1,0.1875 -1.40625,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.875,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.203125,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1568" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-19"> + <path + d="M 3.125,-3.125 3.078125,-4.484375 H 2.96875 L 2.953125,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.171875,1.4375 l 0.5625,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.8125,0.71875 -0.34375,0 -0.65625,-0.125 -0.84375,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.421875,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 C 0.71875,-0.0625 0.75,-0.078125 0.875,-0.078125 0.953125,-0.078125 1.09375,-0.0625 1.328125,0 1.609375,0.0625 1.875,0.09375 2.046875,0.09375 c 0.765625,0 1.40625,-0.578125 1.40625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.546875,-3 C 1.265625,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.296875,-0.6875 0.75,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.09375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1571" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-24-20"> + <path + d="M 3.0625,-4.484375 H 1.84375 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.265625,0.359375 0.4375,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.03125,-0.625 -0.609375,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.40625,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.328125,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 h -0.8125 v 0.3125 h 0.8125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.8125,0.875 V 0 H 2.78125 V -0.15625 C 1.96875,-0.171875 1.859375,-0.296875 1.859375,-1.03125 V -4.171875 H 3.0625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1574" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-25-1"> + <path + d="m 1.15625,-1.09375 c 0,0.75 -0.125,0.875 -0.96875,0.90625 V 0 H 3.171875 V -0.1875 C 2.359375,-0.21875 2.1875,-0.359375 2.1875,-1.09375 v -4.421875 c 0,-0.71875 0.140625,-0.859375 0.984375,-0.890625 v -0.1875 H 0.1875 v 0.1875 c 0.859375,0.046875 0.96875,0.15625 0.96875,0.890625 z m 0,0" + id="path1578" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-2"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.625,0.734375 V 0 H 2.328125 V -0.15625 C 1.8125,-0.1875 1.65625,-0.3125 1.65625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.484375,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.5625 1.03125,-0.5625 0.5,0 0.75,0.296875 0.75,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 h 2.09375 V -0.15625 C 4.40625,-0.203125 4.28125,-0.3125 4.28125,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.46875,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 C 1.0625,-4.40625 0.71875,-4.296875 0.15625,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1581" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-3"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.75,1.828125 0.640625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.5 V 1.984375 c -0.765625,-0.015625 -0.890625,-0.125 -0.890625,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.953125,0 2.203125,0.09375 2.625,0.09375 c 1.1875,0 2.125,-1.109375 2.125,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.71875,-2.109375 -1.6875,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.453125,0.78125 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.515625,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.03125,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.234375,0.75 1.234375,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.5,1.859375 -1.21875,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.046875,-0.359375 -1.046875,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1584" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-4"> + <path + d="m 4.46875,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.453125,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.0625,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.953125,0 -1.703125,0.484375 -1.703125,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 C 1.453125,-3.5 1.4375,-3.546875 1.4375,-3.625 1.40625,-3.703125 1.40625,-3.78125 1.40625,-3.859375 c 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.5,0 0.765625,0.28125 0.765625,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.546875,0.609375 -1.71875,0.6875 -2.15625,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.0625,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.859375,-0.203125 1.46875,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.5625,-0.109375 0.921875,-0.5 z m -1.578125,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.75,0.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.625,-0.328125 -0.625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1587" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-5"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.46875 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.171875 1.609375,-0.328125 1.609375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.71875,-0.8125 0.046875,0 0.140625,0.046875 0.25,0.140625 0.171875,0.140625 0.28125,0.203125 0.40625,0.203125 0.25,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.21875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.890625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1590" /> + 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0,0.28125 0.234375,0.5 0.515625,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1596" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-8"> + <path + d="M 4.015625,-1.5625 C 3.53125,-0.859375 3.171875,-0.625 2.59375,-0.625 c -0.921875,0 -1.5625,-0.796875 -1.5625,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.265625,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.265625,0 0.484375,-0.1875 0.484375,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.703125,-1.015625 -1.546875,-1.015625 -0.5,0 -1.015625,0.1875 -1.421875,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.796875,2.21875 1.921875,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.15625 1.21875,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.765625,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1599" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-9"> + <path + d="M 4.828125,-0.5 H 4.78125 C 4.3125,-0.5 4.203125,-0.609375 4.203125,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.609375 V -4.3125 c 0.625,0.03125 0.75,0.125 0.75,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.28125,0.21875 -0.59375,0.328125 -0.890625,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.71875,-0.328125 -0.71875,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.484375,0.03125 0.625,0.171875 0.625,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.21875,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.046875,-0.421875 L 3.40625,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.046875,0.03125 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1602" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-10"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.328125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.765625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.375 v -0.15625 c -0.640625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.796875,-6.8125 C 1.265625,-6.640625 0.890625,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1605" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-11"> + <path + d="m 0.84375,1.40625 c 0.671875,-0.328125 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+ </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-13"> + <path + d="m 2.515625,-4.578125 c -1.296875,0 -2.21875,0.953125 -2.21875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.9375,2.34375 2.203125,2.34375 1.28125,0 2.25,-1.046875 2.25,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.9375,-2.25 -2.234375,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.84375,0 1.4375,0.96875 1.4375,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.203125,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.984375,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.1875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1614" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-14"> + <path + d="m 1.046875,-1.09375 c 0,0.71875 -0.125,0.859375 -0.890625,0.90625 V 0 h 2.875 c 1.171875,0 2.234375,-0.328125 2.859375,-0.890625 0.65625,-0.578125 1.03125,-1.46875 1.03125,-2.4375 C 6.921875,-4.234375 6.609375,-5 6.0625,-5.546875 5.375,-6.234375 4.265625,-6.59375 2.890625,-6.59375 H 0.15625 v 0.1875 c 0.796875,0.0625 0.890625,0.15625 0.890625,0.890625 z m 1.03125,-4.75 c 0,-0.3125 0.109375,-0.390625 0.53125,-0.390625 0.859375,0 1.515625,0.15625 2,0.5 C 5.40625,-5.1875 5.8125,-4.34375 5.8125,-3.265625 5.8125,-2.078125 5.40625,-1.25 4.578125,-0.78125 4.0625,-0.484375 3.484375,-0.375 2.609375,-0.375 c -0.40625,0 -0.53125,-0.078125 -0.53125,-0.40625 z m 0,0" + id="path1617" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-15"> + <path + d="m 6.171875,0.109375 v -5.25 c 0,-0.59375 0.109375,-0.953125 0.296875,-1.09375 C 6.609375,-6.328125 6.75,-6.375 7.140625,-6.40625 v -0.1875 h -2.375 v 0.1875 c 0.375,0.03125 0.53125,0.0625 0.671875,0.15625 0.203125,0.140625 0.296875,0.5 0.296875,1.109375 V -1.78125 L 1.84375,-6.59375 H 0.125 v 0.1875 c 0.4375,0 0.578125,0.078125 0.96875,0.546875 V -1.46875 C 1.09375,-0.4375 0.953125,-0.25 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.1875 C 1.71875,-0.234375 1.546875,-0.453125 1.546875,-1.46875 V -5.375 L 6,0.109375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1620" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-16"> + <path + d="M 3.171875,-3.125 3.140625,-4.484375 H 3.03125 L 3.015625,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.15625,0.078125 -0.046875,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.375,0.515625 -1.375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.1875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.125,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.53125 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.078125,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.734375,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.421875,-0.578125 1.421875,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.25,-0.828125 -0.84375,-1.1875 L 1.578125,-3 c -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.4375,-0.40625 -0.4375,-0.671875 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.78125,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1623" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-17"> + <path + d="m 5.765625,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.171875,0.65625 L 5.125,-1.15625 4.28125,-3.390625 C 4.109375,-3.84375 4.109375,-3.84375 4.109375,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.640625 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.5,0.15625 0.703125,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.203125,0.5625 L 2.625,-1.109375 l -1,-2.59375 C 1.578125,-3.8125 1.5625,-3.90625 1.5625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.46875,-0.34375 v -0.140625 h -1.8125 v 0.140625 c 0.21875,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.359375,3.40625 C 2.234375,0 2.3125,0.140625 2.375,0.140625 c 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.125,-2.390625 0.921875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.1875,0.4375 0.25,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.59375,-3.796875 C 6.765625,-4.21875 6.796875,-4.265625 7,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1626" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-18"> + <path + d="M 4.125,-1.640625 C 3.640625,-0.875 3.203125,-0.59375 2.546875,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -1,-0.28125 -1.296875,-0.859375 C 1.0625,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.984375,-2.765625 H 4.09375 C 4,-3.40625 3.90625,-3.703125 3.65625,-4.015625 3.34375,-4.375 2.890625,-4.578125 2.359375,-4.578125 c -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.359375,0.515625 -0.46875,0.40625 -0.75,1.109375 -0.75,1.921875 0,1.390625 0.734375,2.234375 1.890625,2.234375 0.953125,0 1.71875,-0.578125 2.140625,-1.65625 z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.625,0 0.859375,0.28125 1,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1629" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-19"> + <path + d="M 4.8125,-4.484375 H 3.40625 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0.03125 0.484375,0.140625 0.484375,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.03125,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 l -1,2.578125 -1.03125,-2.546875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.28125 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.46875,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.390625,0.03125 0.453125,0.125 0.921875,1.15625 l 1.21875,2.859375 c 0.015625,0.0625 0.046875,0.125 0.078125,0.203125 0.0625,0.1875 0.109375,0.265625 0.171875,0.265625 0.0625,0 0.140625,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 L 4.15625,-3.5625 c 0.296875,-0.671875 0.359375,-0.75 0.65625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path1632" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-20"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.96875 c -0.203125,0 -0.359375,-0.03125 -0.5625,-0.109375 L 3.1875,-4.4375 C 2.921875,-4.53125 2.640625,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.703125 -1.671875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.203125,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.46875,0.484375 -0.46875,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 C 0.5625,0.515625 0.28125,0.84375 0.28125,1.203125 c 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.75,0.96875 0.75,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.0625,-0.671875 0.390625,-0.3125 0.5625,-0.625 0.5625,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.484375,-1.03125 -1.21875,-1.0625 L 2.125,-0.640625 C 1.59375,-0.65625 1.34375,-0.75 1.34375,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.609375,-0.625 0.078125,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.328125,0.03125 0.375,0.03125 0.375,0 0.78125,-0.15625 1.09375,-0.421875 0.34375,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.625 0.484375,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.484375,0.015625 C 1.8125,0.09375 2.625,0.15625 3.125,0.15625 c 0.90625,0 1.25,0.125 1.25,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.765625,0.96875 -1.90625,0.96875 -0.890625,0 -1.484375,-0.296875 -1.484375,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.078125,-0.359375 0.5,-0.859375 z M 1.53125,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.75,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.765625,0.90625 -0.609375,0 -1.03125,-0.640625 -1.03125,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1635" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-21"> + <path + d="m 3.46875,0.09375 1.484375,-0.515625 v -0.15625 C 4.78125,-0.5625 4.75,-0.5625 4.71875,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.234375,-6.8125 C 3.75,-6.640625 3.390625,-6.546875 2.75,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.828125,-6.21875 2.890625,-6.21875 2.96875,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 C 3.046875,-4.46875 2.78125,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 c -1.15625,0 -2.109375,1.125 -2.109375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.765625,2.140625 1.875,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z M 3.4375,-1.015625 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.734375,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.390625,-0.796875 -1.390625,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.5,-1.875 1.265625,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1638" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-22"> + <path + d="m 0.328125,-4.171875 h 0.6875 v 3.125 c 0,0.453125 -0.0625,0.703125 -0.203125,0.78125 C 0.71875,-0.1875 0.609375,-0.171875 0.328125,-0.15625 V 0 h 2.25 V -0.15625 C 2.015625,-0.203125 1.875,-0.328125 1.875,-0.78125 v -3.390625 h 1.890625 v 3.328125 c 0,0.5 -0.15625,0.65625 -0.671875,0.6875 V 0 H 5.265625 V -0.15625 C 4.71875,-0.1875 4.609375,-0.296875 4.609375,-0.8125 V -6.78125 L 4.5625,-6.8125 C 4.484375,-6.796875 4.375,-6.765625 4.25,-6.703125 4.0625,-6.609375 3.921875,-6.5625 3.828125,-6.5625 c -0.046875,0 -0.15625,-0.03125 -0.3125,-0.078125 C 3.234375,-6.75 2.953125,-6.8125 2.703125,-6.8125 c -0.46875,0 -0.9375,0.25 -1.21875,0.625 -0.296875,0.4375 -0.40625,0.828125 -0.4375,1.703125 h -0.71875 z m 3.4375,-0.3125 H 1.875 V -5 c 0,-1.046875 0.203125,-1.546875 0.640625,-1.546875 0.234375,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.53125,0.359375 0.1875,0.28125 0.328125,0.359375 0.5625,0.359375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.015625 0.15625,-0.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1641" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-23"> + <path + d="m 1.578125,-3.421875 c 0.4375,-0.453125 0.734375,-0.625 1.125,-0.625 0.5,0 0.765625,0.359375 0.765625,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.921875 V -0.15625 C 4.375,-0.25 4.3125,-0.328125 4.3125,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.25,-1.578125 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,0.234375 -1.484375,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.53125,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.265625 V -0.15625 C 1.6875,-0.203125 1.578125,-0.328125 1.578125,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1644" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-24"> + <path + d="M 2.8125,0 H 4.828125 V -0.15625 C 4.515625,-0.15625 4.3125,-0.3125 4,-0.75 l -1.28125,-1.953125 0.828125,-1.1875 C 3.75,-4.171875 4.046875,-4.328125 4.375,-4.34375 V -4.484375 H 2.78125 V -4.34375 C 3.078125,-4.3125 3.171875,-4.25 3.171875,-4.109375 3.171875,-4 3.0625,-3.78125 2.8125,-3.46875 2.75,-3.40625 2.640625,-3.234375 2.5,-3.03125 L 2.359375,-3.234375 c -0.28125,-0.421875 -0.46875,-0.75 -0.46875,-0.875 0,-0.140625 0.140625,-0.21875 0.4375,-0.234375 V -4.484375 H 0.25 v 0.140625 h 0.078125 c 0.3125,0 0.46875,0.140625 0.78125,0.609375 L 2.0625,-2.296875 0.90625,-0.65625 C 0.609375,-0.25 0.5,-0.171875 0.171875,-0.15625 V 0 h 1.46875 v -0.15625 c -0.28125,0 -0.40625,-0.046875 -0.40625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.0625,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 L 2.234375,-1.96875 3.15625,-0.5625 c 0.03125,0.046875 0.046875,0.109375 0.046875,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.0625,0.21875 -0.390625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1647" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-25"> + <path + d="M 4.796875,-4.484375 H 3.4375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.984375,2.75 -1.15625,-2.515625 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.265625 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.140625 v 0.140625 c 0.265625,0.03125 0.4375,0.140625 0.515625,0.3125 L 1.8125,-1.578125 1.84375,-1.5 1.984375,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.453125,0.859375 0.453125,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.1875,-0.0625 -0.359375,-0.109375 -0.53125,-0.109375 -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.75,0.578125 0.671875,0 1.15625,-0.5625 1.703125,-2 l 1.5625,-4.0625 c 0.125,-0.3125 0.234375,-0.421875 0.484375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1650" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-26"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.328125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 0.78125,-4 0.875,-3.84375 0.875,-3.375 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.875,-0.171875 1.71875,-0.28125 1.71875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.671875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.671875,0.34375 0.671875,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.25 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.71875,-3.890625 5.0625,-4.0625 5.515625,-4.0625 c 0.578125,0 0.765625,0.265625 0.765625,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.671875,0.71875 V 0 h 2.21875 V -0.15625 L 7.5625,-0.171875 C 7.25,-0.1875 7.125,-0.375 7.125,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.171875,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.640625,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.53125,-0.828125 -1.078125,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.5625,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 C 1.09375,-4.390625 0.75,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1653" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-27"> + <path + d="m 4.21875,-1.34375 -0.1875,-0.046875 c -0.09375,0.5 -0.15625,0.65625 -0.28125,0.828125 -0.140625,0.171875 -0.484375,0.265625 -1,0.265625 H 1.359375 L 4.0625,-4.34375 v -0.140625 h -3.5 L 0.53125,-3.3125 h 0.1875 c 0.09375,-0.71875 0.234375,-0.875 0.84375,-0.875 h 1.390625 l -2.6875,4.03125 V 0 h 3.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path1656" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-28"> + <path + d="m 0.390625,-2.5625 v 0.625 H 2.875 v -0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path1659" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-25-29"> + <path + d="M 1.546875,-6.78125 1.5,-6.8125 C 1.0625,-6.65625 0.796875,-6.578125 0.328125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.40625,0 0.5,0.09375 0.5,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.84375,0.625 1.65625,0.625 1.328125,0 2.359375,-1.09375 2.359375,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.765625,-2.15625 -0.625,0 -1.203125,0.34375 -1.40625,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.46875,-0.75 1,-0.75 0.78125,0 1.28125,0.765625 1.28125,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.3125,1.75 -0.515625,0 -0.96875,-0.234375 -0.96875,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1662" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-26-1"> + <path + d="M 4.734375,-0.5 H 4.6875 C 4.234375,-0.5 4.125,-0.609375 4.125,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.5625 V -4.3125 c 0.609375,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.875,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 h -1.4375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.46875,1.296875 1.203125,1.296875 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.015625,-0.421875 L 3.34375,-0.75 V 0.0625 L 3.375,0.09375 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.359375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1666" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-2"> + <path + d="M 3.109375,-3.125 3.078125,-4.484375 H 2.96875 L 2.953125,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.328125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 C 2.578125,-1.390625 2.75,-1.140625 2.75,-0.84375 2.75,-0.40625 2.4375,-0.125 1.921875,-0.125 1.59375,-0.125 1.28125,-0.25 1.09375,-0.46875 0.890625,-0.71875 0.796875,-0.953125 0.671875,-1.515625 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 C 0.71875,-0.0625 0.75,-0.078125 0.875,-0.078125 0.953125,-0.078125 1.09375,-0.0625 1.328125,0 1.609375,0.0625 1.875,0.09375 2.046875,0.09375 c 0.765625,0 1.390625,-0.578125 1.390625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.546875,-3 C 1.265625,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.296875,-0.6875 0.75,-0.6875 0.5625,0 0.859375,0.34375 1.09375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1669" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-3"> + <path + d="M 4.03125,-1.640625 C 3.5625,-0.875 3.140625,-0.59375 2.5,-0.59375 c -0.5625,0 -0.984375,-0.28125 -1.28125,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.234375,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 H 4 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.171875,-0.9375 -0.421875,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.75,-0.5625 -1.265625,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.953125,0.171875 -1.328125,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.09375,0.09375 c 0.9375,0 1.6875,-0.578125 2.09375,-1.65625 z m -3.046875,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.4375,-1.15625 1.046875,-1.15625 0.59375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1672" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-4"> + <path + d="m 4.375,-0.65625 c -0.171875,0.140625 -0.296875,0.1875 -0.4375,0.1875 -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.640625,-0.546875 -1.21875,-0.546875 -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.484375 -1.671875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.4375,-0.1875 0.4375,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 C 1.390625,-3.703125 1.375,-3.78125 1.375,-3.859375 1.375,-4.125 1.6875,-4.34375 2.09375,-4.34375 c 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.53125,0.609375 -1.703125,0.6875 -2.125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.4375,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.328125,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.53125,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.234375,0.140625 -0.515625,0.21875 -0.71875,0.21875 -0.34375,0 -0.625,-0.328125 -0.625,-0.765625 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.609375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1675" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-5"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.078125,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.328125,0 0.390625,0.09375 0.390625,0.5625 V 1.3125 c 0,0.515625 -0.09375,0.625 -0.6875,0.6875 V 2.15625 H 2.4375 V 1.984375 c -0.734375,-0.015625 -0.859375,-0.125 -0.859375,-0.75 v -1.5625 c 0.34375,0.328125 0.578125,0.421875 1,0.421875 1.15625,0 2.078125,-1.109375 2.078125,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.65625,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1,0.234375 -1.421875,0.78125 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.53125,0.203125 -0.875,0.328125 -1.421875,0.5 z m 1.484375,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.546875,-0.65625 1,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.21875,0.75 1.21875,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.203125,1.859375 -0.453125,0 -1.015625,-0.359375 -1.015625,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1678" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-6"> + <path + d="m 2.515625,-4.484375 h -1 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.390625,-5.6875 1.328125,-5.59375 1.25,-5.5 0.875,-4.9375 0.453125,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 H 0.6875 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.1875,-0.75 L 2.625,-0.765625 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.359375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1 z m 0,0" + id="path1681" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-7"> + <path + d="m 1.734375,-4.578125 -1.53125,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.5 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.203125 1.765625,-0.296875 1.765625,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.265625,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1684" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-8"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.21875,-0.03125 0.296875,-0.03125 0.328125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.765625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.34375 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.765625,-6.8125 C 1.25,-6.640625 0.875,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1687" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-9"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.0625,0.578125 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 h 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.75,-0.171875 1.578125,-0.328125 1.578125,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.421875,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.046875,0 0.140625,0.046875 0.25,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.25,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.40625,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.1875,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 c -0.515625,0.21875 -0.875,0.34375 -1.46875,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1690" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-10"> + <path + d="m 3.9375,-1.5625 c -0.46875,0.703125 -0.828125,0.9375 -1.390625,0.9375 -0.90625,0 -1.53125,-0.796875 -1.53125,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.53125,-1.734375 1.34375,-1.734375 0.34375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 L 3,-3.59375 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.25,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.53125,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -0.984375,0.1875 -1.390625,0.546875 C 0.53125,-3.59375 0.25,-2.90625 0.25,-2.125 c 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.875,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.203125,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1693" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-11"> + <path + d="m 1.546875,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.109375,-0.625 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.359375 0.734375,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.671875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.8125 V -0.15625 C 4.28125,-0.25 4.21875,-0.328125 4.21875,-1.015625 V -3 C 4.21875,-4.046875 3.8125,-4.578125 3,-4.578125 2.421875,-4.578125 2,-4.34375 1.546875,-3.75 V -6.78125 L 1.5,-6.8125 c -0.328125,0.125 -0.578125,0.203125 -1.140625,0.359375 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.5,0.078125 0.5,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.65625,-0.203125 1.546875,-0.328125 1.546875,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1696" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-12"> + <path + d="M 2.921875,-6.734375 C 2.1875,-6.265625 1.890625,-6 1.515625,-5.546875 c -0.6875,0.875 -1.046875,1.875 -1.046875,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.375,2.25 1.25,3.265625 C 2.109375,1.21875 2.375,1.453125 2.890625,1.765625 L 3,1.609375 C 2.21875,0.984375 1.9375,0.625 1.671875,-0.125 1.4375,-0.78125 1.328125,-1.546875 1.328125,-2.546875 c 0,-1.046875 0.125,-1.859375 0.390625,-2.484375 C 2,-5.640625 2.296875,-6 3,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1699" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-13"> + <path + d="m 4.734375,-2.296875 v -2.3125 h -0.21875 c -0.125,0.796875 -0.296875,0.9375 -1.09375,0.9375 h -1.4375 V -5.875 c 0,-0.28125 0.046875,-0.34375 0.3125,-0.34375 H 3.65625 c 1.109375,0 1.328125,0.140625 1.5,1.046875 h 0.25 L 5.375,-6.59375 h -5.25 v 0.1875 c 0.71875,0.0625 0.859375,0.203125 0.859375,0.890625 v 4.3125 C 0.984375,-0.375 0.875,-0.234375 0.125,-0.1875 V 0 H 2.890625 V -0.1875 C 2.125,-0.234375 1.984375,-0.375 1.984375,-1.09375 v -2.171875 h 1.4375 c 0.796875,0 0.96875,0.15625 1.09375,0.96875 z m 0,0" + id="path1702" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-14"> + <path + d="M 4.65625,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.890625 C 3.6875,-4.25 3.546875,-4.28125 3.34375,-4.359375 L 3.125,-4.4375 C 2.859375,-4.53125 2.59375,-4.578125 2.328125,-4.578125 c -0.90625,0 -1.640625,0.703125 -1.640625,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.921875,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.453125,0.484375 -0.453125,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 -0.703125,0.53125 -0.96875,0.859375 -0.96875,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.765625,0.96875 1.703125,0.96875 C 2.734375,2.171875 3.5,1.90625 4.015625,1.5 4.390625,1.1875 4.5625,0.875 4.5625,0.484375 c 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.203125,-1.0625 L 2.09375,-0.640625 C 1.5625,-0.65625 1.3125,-0.75 1.3125,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.3125,0.03125 0.375,0.03125 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.078125,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.46875,-0.625 0.46875,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.453125,0.015625 C 1.78125,0.09375 2.578125,0.15625 3.0625,0.15625 c 0.890625,0 1.21875,0.125 1.21875,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.875,0.96875 -0.859375,0 -1.4375,-0.296875 -1.4375,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.5,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.5625,0.171875 0.71875,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.28125,0.90625 -0.734375,0.90625 C 1.921875,-1.734375 1.5,-2.375 1.5,-3.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1705" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-15"> + <path + d="M 1.234375,-1 C 0.9375,-1 0.6875,-0.734375 0.6875,-0.421875 c 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.578125,-0.25 0.578125,-0.53125 C 1.796875,-0.734375 1.53125,-1 1.234375,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1708" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-16"> + <path + d="m 4.40625,-6.8125 c -1.125,0.09375 -1.703125,0.28125 -2.421875,0.796875 -1.0625,0.765625 -1.640625,1.90625 -1.640625,3.234375 0,0.875 0.265625,1.75 0.6875,2.25 0.375,0.4375 0.90625,0.671875 1.515625,0.671875 1.234375,0 2.078125,-0.953125 2.078125,-2.328125 0,-1.265625 -0.71875,-2.078125 -1.859375,-2.078125 -0.4375,0 -0.640625,0.0625 -1.265625,0.453125 0.265625,-1.515625 1.375,-2.59375 2.9375,-2.84375 z m -2.015625,3 c 0.859375,0 1.34375,0.71875 1.34375,1.96875 0,1.09375 -0.375,1.703125 -1.078125,1.703125 -0.859375,0 -1.40625,-0.9375 -1.40625,-2.484375 0,-0.5 0.078125,-0.78125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.203125,-0.15625 0.515625,-0.25 0.859375,-0.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1711" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-17"> + <path + d="M 0.375,1.765625 C 1.109375,1.28125 1.40625,1.03125 1.765625,0.5625 2.46875,-0.296875 2.8125,-1.296875 2.8125,-2.46875 c 0,-1.265625 -0.359375,-2.234375 -1.234375,-3.25 -0.40625,-0.484375 -0.65625,-0.703125 -1.171875,-1.015625 l -0.125,0.15625 c 0.796875,0.625 1.0625,0.96875 1.34375,1.71875 0.234375,0.671875 0.34375,1.4375 0.34375,2.421875 0,1.046875 -0.125,1.875 -0.390625,2.484375 C 1.296875,0.671875 1,1.03125 0.28125,1.609375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1714" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-18"> + <path + d="m 5.640625,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.15625,0.65625 L 5.03125,-1.15625 4.1875,-3.390625 C 4.03125,-3.84375 4.03125,-3.84375 4.03125,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.5625,-0.359375 v -0.140625 h -2 v 0.140625 c 0.359375,0.046875 0.484375,0.15625 0.6875,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.125,0.390625 0.1875,0.5625 L 2.578125,-1.109375 1.59375,-3.703125 C 1.546875,-3.8125 1.53125,-3.90625 1.53125,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.125,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 v -0.140625 h -1.78125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.328125,3.40625 c 0.125,0.296875 0.203125,0.4375 0.265625,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.09375,-2.390625 0.90625,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.078125,0 0.125,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 l 1.359375,-3.453125 c 0.1875,-0.421875 0.21875,-0.46875 0.40625,-0.546875 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1717" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-19"> + <path + d="m 2.46875,-4.578125 c -1.28125,0 -2.1875,0.953125 -2.1875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.171875,2.34375 1.25,0 2.203125,-1.046875 2.203125,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.1875,-2.25 z m -0.125,0.265625 c 0.828125,0 1.421875,0.96875 1.421875,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.1875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.171875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1720" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-20"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.390625,-4 0.5,-4 c 0.265625,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.125,0.6875 -0.6875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.359375 V -0.15625 C 1.828125,-0.171875 1.6875,-0.28125 1.6875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 C 1.6875,-3.5 1.765625,-3.59375 1.828125,-3.671875 2.078125,-3.890625 2.5,-4.0625 2.84375,-4.0625 3.28125,-4.0625 3.5,-3.71875 3.5,-3.015625 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.671875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.21875 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.625,-3.890625 4.953125,-4.0625 5.40625,-4.0625 c 0.5625,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 H 7.671875 V -0.15625 L 7.40625,-0.171875 C 7.109375,-0.1875 6.984375,-0.375 6.984375,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.5625,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.609375,0.828125 -0.171875,-0.5625 -0.515625,-0.828125 -1.046875,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.703125,0.125 -1.53125,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.515625,0.1875 -0.84375,0.296875 -1.390625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1723" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-26-21"> + <path + d="m 4.703125,-4.484375 h -1.34375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.953125,2.75 L 1.703125,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.265625 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2.03125 v 0.140625 c 0.25,0.03125 0.421875,0.140625 0.5,0.3125 l 1.125,2.453125 0.03125,0.078125 0.15625,0.296875 c 0.265625,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 C 1.84375,1.140625 1.625,1.328125 1.5,1.328125 1.4375,1.328125 1.34375,1.3125 1.25,1.265625 1.0625,1.203125 0.890625,1.15625 0.71875,1.15625 c -0.21875,0 -0.421875,0.203125 -0.421875,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.3125,0.578125 0.734375,0.578125 0.65625,0 1.140625,-0.5625 1.671875,-2 l 1.515625,-4.0625 C 4.359375,-4.203125 4.453125,-4.3125 4.703125,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1726" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-27-1"> + <path + d="M 4.40625,-0.65625 C 4.25,-0.515625 4.125,-0.46875 3.96875,-0.46875 3.75,-0.46875 3.671875,-0.609375 3.671875,-1.046875 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.046875,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 C 3.25,-4.390625 2.828125,-4.578125 2.234375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.484375 -1.671875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.421875,0.421875 0.25,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 0,-0.046875 -0.015625,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.171875 -0.03125,-0.078125 -0.03125,-0.15625 -0.03125,-0.234375 0,-0.265625 0.3125,-0.484375 0.71875,-0.484375 0.484375,0 0.75,0.28125 0.75,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.53125,0.609375 -1.703125,0.6875 -2.125,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.4375,0 0.84375,-0.203125 1.453125,-0.71875 0.046875,0.515625 0.234375,0.71875 0.640625,0.71875 0.34375,0 0.546875,-0.109375 0.890625,-0.5 z m -1.546875,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.25,0.515625 C 2.359375,-0.5625 2.09375,-0.484375 1.875,-0.484375 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.40625,-0.953125 1.609375,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1730" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-2"> + <path + d="M 3.96875,-1.5625 C 3.5,-0.859375 3.140625,-0.625 2.5625,-0.625 c -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.796875 -1.546875,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.359375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.25,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.53125,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -1,0.1875 -1.40625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.78125,1.125 -0.78125,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.890625,2.21875 C 2.59375,0.09375 3,-0.0625 3.359375,-0.375 3.625,-0.609375 3.8125,-0.875 4.109375,-1.46875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1733" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-3"> + <path + d="M 4.078125,-1.640625 C 3.59375,-0.875 3.171875,-0.59375 2.53125,-0.59375 c -0.578125,0 -1,-0.28125 -1.296875,-0.859375 -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 h 3.078125 c -0.078125,-0.640625 -0.1875,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.25 -0.296875,-0.359375 -0.75,-0.5625 -1.265625,-0.5625 -0.5,0 -0.96875,0.171875 -1.359375,0.515625 C 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.109375,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.703125,-0.578125 2.125,-1.65625 z m -3.09375,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1736" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-4"> + <path + d="M 3.140625,-3.125 3.109375,-4.484375 H 3 L 2.96875,-4.46875 c -0.078125,0.078125 -0.09375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.046875,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.78125,0 -1.34375,0.515625 -1.34375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 L 2.25,-1.578125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.828125,0.71875 -0.34375,0 -0.65625,-0.125 -0.84375,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.4375,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 H 0.65625 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.21875,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.46875,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.71875,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.40625,-0.578125 1.40625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.125,-3.40625 1.125,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1739" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-5"> + <path + d="M 2.546875,-4.484375 H 1.53125 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 0,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.390625,-5.6875 1.34375,-5.59375 1.265625,-5.5 c -0.375,0.5625 -0.8125,1.03125 -0.96875,1.078125 C 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.484375,0 0.859375,-0.234375 1.1875,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.59375,0.34375 -0.375,0 -0.53125,-0.265625 -0.53125,-0.890625 v -2.859375 h 1.015625 z m 0,0" + id="path1742" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-6"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-4.578125 c -1.296875,0 -2.203125,0.953125 -2.203125,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.171875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.21875,-1.046875 2.21875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.1875,-2.25 z M 2.359375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.4375,0.96875 1.4375,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.203125,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 C 1.34375,-1.328125 1.1875,-2.03125 1.1875,-2.734375 1.1875,-3.6875 1.65625,-4.3125 2.359375,-4.3125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1745" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-7"> + <path + d="m 1.5625,-3.421875 c 0.421875,-0.453125 0.71875,-0.625 1.109375,-0.625 0.5,0 0.75,0.359375 0.75,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.09375,0.8125 -0.671875,0.859375 V 0 H 4.859375 V -0.15625 C 4.328125,-0.25 4.265625,-0.328125 4.265625,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.234375,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -1,0.234375 -1.46875,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.515625,-6.8125 C 1.171875,-6.6875 0.921875,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 H 2.25 V -0.15625 C 1.671875,-0.203125 1.5625,-0.328125 1.5625,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1748" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-8"> + <path + d="M 4.6875,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.921875 C 3.71875,-4.25 3.578125,-4.28125 3.375,-4.359375 L 3.15625,-4.4375 C 2.890625,-4.53125 2.609375,-4.578125 2.359375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.671875,0.703125 -1.671875,1.625 0,0.625 0.265625,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.203125,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.4375,0.40625 -0.328125,0.28125 -0.453125,0.484375 -0.453125,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.109375,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -0.984375,0.859375 -0.984375,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.71875,0.96875 0.75,0 1.53125,-0.265625 2.046875,-0.671875 0.390625,-0.3125 0.5625,-0.625 0.5625,-1.015625 0,-0.609375 -0.46875,-1.03125 -1.21875,-1.0625 l -1.28125,-0.0625 C 1.578125,-0.65625 1.328125,-0.75 1.328125,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.171875,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 C 2.3125,-1.5 2.4375,-1.484375 2.5,-1.484375 c 0.359375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.078125,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.46875,-0.625 0.46875,-1.125 C 4.046875,-3.3125 4,-3.546875 3.859375,-3.875 Z M 1.46875,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.609375,0.140625 0.921875,0 1.25,0.125 1.25,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.765625,0.96875 -1.890625,0.96875 -0.875,0 -1.453125,-0.296875 -1.453125,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.0625,-0.359375 0.484375,-0.859375 z M 1.515625,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.296875,0.8125 0.296875,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.28125,0.90625 -0.75,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1751" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-9"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.3125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.78125,0.71875 V 0 H 2.5625 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.78125,-6.8125 C 1.265625,-6.640625 0.875,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1754" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-10"> + <path + d="M 1.53125,-6.78125 1.484375,-6.8125 C 1.0625,-6.65625 0.78125,-6.578125 0.3125,-6.453125 L 0.03125,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 0.09375,-6.21875 0.125,-6.21875 0.203125,-6.21875 c 0.390625,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.5 v 5.1875 c 0,0.296875 0.84375,0.625 1.65625,0.625 1.3125,0 2.328125,-1.09375 2.328125,-2.515625 0,-1.234375 -0.765625,-2.15625 -1.75,-2.15625 -0.609375,0 -1.1875,0.34375 -1.390625,0.84375 z m 0,3.578125 c 0,-0.390625 0.46875,-0.75 0.984375,-0.75 0.78125,0 1.28125,0.765625 1.28125,1.984375 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.75 -1.296875,1.75 -0.515625,0 -0.96875,-0.234375 -0.96875,-0.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1757" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-11"> + <path + d="M 4.78125,-0.5 H 4.734375 C 4.265625,-0.5 4.15625,-0.609375 4.15625,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.59375 V -4.3125 c 0.609375,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 C 2.859375,-0.59375 2.5625,-0.484375 2.25,-0.484375 c -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.46875,0.03125 0.609375,0.171875 0.609375,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.21875,1.296875 0.359375,0 0.75,-0.15625 1.03125,-0.421875 L 3.375,-0.75 v 0.8125 l 0.046875,0.03125 c 0.484375,-0.203125 0.84375,-0.3125 1.359375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1760" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-12"> + <path + d="m 3.078125,-4.484375 h -1.21875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 0.15625,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.453125,0.359375 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.046875,-0.625 -0.609375,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.40625,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 H 0.203125 v 0.3125 H 1.03125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.828125,0.875 V 0 h 2.59375 v -0.15625 c -0.8125,-0.015625 -0.9375,-0.140625 -0.9375,-0.875 v -3.140625 h 1.21875 z m 0,0" + id="path1763" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-13"> + <path + d="m 0.0625,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.359375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.40625 V -0.15625 C 1.765625,-0.171875 1.59375,-0.328125 1.59375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.234375,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.890625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1766" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-14"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 H 2.296875 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.1875 1.640625,-0.3125 1.640625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 c 0.46875,-0.453125 0.703125,-0.5625 1.03125,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.71875,0.296875 0.71875,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.84375 V -0.15625 C 4.359375,-0.203125 4.234375,-0.3125 4.234375,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.171875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.453125,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.828125,0.28125 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1769" /> + </g> + 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+ d="M 1.75,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.375 v -0.15625 c -0.671875,-0.046875 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.515625,-0.21875 0.515625,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.515625,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1778" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-18"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.328125,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.75,1.828125 0.640625,1.9375 0.046875,2 V 2.15625 H 2.46875 V 1.984375 c -0.75,-0.015625 -0.875,-0.125 -0.875,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.9375,0 2.171875,0.09375 2.59375,0.09375 c 1.1875,0 2.09375,-1.109375 2.09375,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.6875,-2.109375 -1.65625,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1,0.234375 -1.4375,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 C 0.984375,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.5,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.546875,-0.65625 1.015625,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.21875,0.75 1.21875,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.484375,1.859375 -1.203125,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.03125,-0.359375 -1.03125,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1781" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-19"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 c 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 H 2.375 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.171875 1.703125,-0.28125 1.703125,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.140625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.6875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.65625,0.34375 0.65625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.671875,0.703125 V 0 H 5.09375 v -0.15625 c -0.578125,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.671875,-3.890625 5,-4.0625 5.46875,-4.0625 c 0.5625,0 0.734375,0.265625 0.734375,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.1875 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.171875,-0.1875 7.046875,-0.375 7.046875,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.15625,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.625,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.515625,-0.828125 -1.0625,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.515625,0.1875 -0.859375,0.296875 -1.40625,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1784" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-20"> + <path + d="M 4.75,-4.484375 H 3.390625 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0 0.484375,0.09375 0.484375,0.25 0,0.046875 -0.015625,0.109375 -0.046875,0.171875 l -0.96875,2.75 L 1.71875,-3.6875 C 1.65625,-3.828125 1.625,-3.953125 1.625,-4.0625 c 0,-0.1875 0.140625,-0.25 0.578125,-0.28125 v -0.140625 h -2.0625 V -4.34375 C 0.40625,-4.3125 0.5625,-4.203125 0.65625,-4.03125 l 1.125,2.453125 L 1.8125,-1.5 1.96875,-1.203125 c 0.28125,0.5 0.4375,0.859375 0.4375,1.015625 0,0.140625 -0.234375,0.78125 -0.40625,1.078125 -0.140625,0.25 -0.359375,0.4375 -0.5,0.4375 -0.046875,0 -0.140625,-0.015625 -0.234375,-0.0625 C 1.0625,1.203125 0.90625,1.15625 0.734375,1.15625 c -0.234375,0 -0.4375,0.203125 -0.4375,0.4375 0,0.328125 0.328125,0.578125 0.734375,0.578125 0.671875,0 1.15625,-0.5625 1.6875,-2 l 1.546875,-4.0625 C 4.390625,-4.203125 4.5,-4.3125 4.75,-4.34375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1787" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-21"> + <path + d="m 1.25,-1 c -0.296875,0 -0.546875,0.265625 -0.546875,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.53125,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.578125,-0.25 0.578125,-0.53125 C 1.8125,-0.734375 1.546875,-1 1.25,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1790" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-27-22"> + <path + d="m 2.53125,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.9375,1.015625 V 0 H 4.515625 V -0.1875 C 3.6875,-0.234375 3.546875,-0.359375 3.546875,-1.09375 V -6.1875 H 4.09375 c 1.140625,0 1.359375,0.1875 1.59375,1.28125 h 0.234375 l -0.0625,-1.6875 h -5.625 l -0.0625,1.6875 H 0.40625 C 0.65625,-5.984375 0.875,-6.1875 2,-6.1875 Z m 0,0" + id="path1793" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-28-1"> + <path + d="m 0.09375,-3.921875 c 0.09375,0 0.15625,0 0.25,0 0.34375,0 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.5625 V 1.3125 C 0.75,1.828125 0.640625,1.9375 0.046875,2 v 0.15625 h 2.4375 V 1.984375 c -0.75,-0.015625 -0.890625,-0.125 -0.890625,-0.75 v -1.5625 C 1.953125,0 2.1875,0.09375 2.609375,0.09375 c 1.1875,0 2.109375,-1.109375 2.109375,-2.5625 0,-1.234375 -0.703125,-2.109375 -1.671875,-2.109375 -0.5625,0 -1,0.234375 -1.453125,0.78125 V -4.5625 L 1.53125,-4.578125 C 1,-4.375 0.640625,-4.25 0.09375,-4.078125 Z m 1.5,0.59375 c 0,-0.296875 0.5625,-0.65625 1.03125,-0.65625 0.734375,0 1.234375,0.75 1.234375,1.90625 0,1.109375 -0.5,1.859375 -1.21875,1.859375 -0.46875,0 -1.046875,-0.359375 -1.046875,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1797" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-2"> + <path + d="M 4.4375,-0.65625 C 4.265625,-0.515625 4.15625,-0.46875 4,-0.46875 c -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.0625,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.484375 -1.6875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 C 1.453125,-3.5 1.4375,-3.546875 1.421875,-3.625 1.40625,-3.703125 1.390625,-3.78125 1.390625,-3.859375 1.390625,-4.125 1.71875,-4.34375 2.125,-4.34375 c 0.484375,0 0.765625,0.28125 0.765625,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.546875,0.609375 -1.71875,0.6875 -2.15625,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.203125 1.46875,-0.71875 C 2.9375,-0.109375 3.125,0.09375 3.53125,0.09375 c 0.34375,0 0.5625,-0.109375 0.90625,-0.5 z m -1.546875,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.734375,0.21875 C 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.421875,-0.953125 1.640625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1800" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-3"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.46875 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.171875 1.609375,-0.328125 1.609375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.25,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.90625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1803" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-4"> + <path + d="M 2.5625,-4.484375 H 1.546875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.40625,-5.6875 1.34375,-5.59375 1.28125,-5.5 0.890625,-4.9375 0.46875,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.203125,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 -0.359375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 V -4.171875 H 2.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1806" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-5"> + <path + d="m 1.765625,-4.578125 -1.5625,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.390625 v -0.15625 c -0.671875,-0.046875 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.296875,0 0.53125,-0.21875 0.53125,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1809" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-6"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-6.203125 H 0.25 c 0.109375,-0.015625 0.234375,-0.03125 0.3125,-0.03125 0.328125,0 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.609375 v 4.75 c 0,0.546875 -0.140625,0.671875 -0.765625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.359375 v -0.15625 c -0.625,-0.03125 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.6875 v -5.9375 L 1.78125,-6.8125 C 1.265625,-6.640625 0.890625,-6.546875 0.1875,-6.375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1812" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-7"> + <path + d="M 3.171875,-3.125 3.125,-4.484375 H 3.015625 L 3,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.171875,-0.015625 -0.28125,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.359375,0.515625 -1.359375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.171875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.109375,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.515625 v 1.5625 H 0.65625 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 C 0.96875,-0.078125 1.109375,-0.0625 1.34375,0 1.625,0.0625 1.90625,0.09375 2.078125,0.09375 2.859375,0.09375 3.5,-0.484375 3.5,-1.171875 3.5,-1.671875 3.25,-2 2.65625,-2.359375 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.140625,-3.40625 1.140625,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1815" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-8"> + <path + d="M 4.8125,-0.5 H 4.765625 C 4.296875,-0.5 4.1875,-0.609375 4.1875,-1.0625 V -4.484375 H 2.609375 V -4.3125 c 0.609375,0.03125 0.734375,0.125 0.734375,0.625 v 2.34375 c 0,0.28125 -0.046875,0.421875 -0.1875,0.53125 -0.265625,0.21875 -0.578125,0.328125 -0.890625,0.328125 -0.390625,0 -0.703125,-0.328125 -0.703125,-0.75 v -3.25 H 0.09375 v 0.140625 c 0.484375,0.03125 0.625,0.171875 0.625,0.640625 v 2.5 c 0,0.796875 0.484375,1.296875 1.203125,1.296875 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.046875,-0.421875 L 3.390625,-0.75 V 0.0625 L 3.4375,0.09375 c 0.5,-0.203125 0.859375,-0.3125 1.375,-0.453125 z m 0,0" + id="path1818" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-9"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.328125,-4 0.40625,-4 0.515625,-4 c 0.265625,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.703125,0.6875 V 0 h 2.234375 v -0.15625 c -0.53125,-0.015625 -0.6875,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.515625 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.25,-0.21875 0.6875,-0.390625 1.03125,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.671875,0.34375 0.671875,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.6875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.25 v -0.15625 c -0.578125,0 -0.71875,-0.171875 -0.71875,-0.796875 v -2.5 C 4.703125,-3.890625 5.03125,-4.0625 5.5,-4.0625 c 0.5625,0 0.75,0.265625 0.75,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 h 2.1875 v -0.15625 l -0.25,-0.015625 C 7.21875,-0.1875 7.09375,-0.375 7.09375,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.171875,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.09375,0.25 -1.625,0.828125 -0.1875,-0.5625 -0.53125,-0.828125 -1.078125,-0.828125 -0.4375,0 -0.71875,0.125 -1.546875,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.59375,-4.578125 C 1.078125,-4.390625 0.75,-4.28125 0.1875,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1821" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-10"> + <path + d="m 2.96875,-6.734375 c -0.75,0.46875 -1.046875,0.734375 -1.421875,1.1875 -0.71875,0.875 -1.0625,1.875 -1.0625,3.03125 0,1.265625 0.375,2.25 1.25,3.265625 C 2.15625,1.21875 2.40625,1.453125 2.9375,1.765625 L 3.046875,1.609375 C 2.25,0.984375 1.96875,0.625 1.703125,-0.125 1.453125,-0.78125 1.34375,-1.546875 1.34375,-2.546875 1.34375,-3.59375 1.484375,-4.40625 1.75,-5.03125 2.03125,-5.640625 2.328125,-6 3.046875,-6.578125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1824" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-11"> + <path + d="m 1.25,-1 c -0.296875,0 -0.546875,0.265625 -0.546875,0.578125 0,0.28125 0.25,0.53125 0.546875,0.53125 0.3125,0 0.5625,-0.25 0.5625,-0.53125 C 1.8125,-0.734375 1.5625,-1 1.25,-1 Z m 0,0" + id="path1827" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-12"> + <path + d="M 4.09375,-1.640625 C 3.609375,-0.875 3.1875,-0.59375 2.546875,-0.59375 1.96875,-0.59375 1.53125,-0.875 1.25,-1.453125 1.0625,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.96875,-2.765625 H 4.0625 C 3.984375,-3.40625 3.890625,-3.703125 3.640625,-4.015625 3.328125,-4.375 2.875,-4.578125 2.34375,-4.578125 1.84375,-4.578125 1.375,-4.40625 1,-4.0625 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.125,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.71875,-0.578125 2.140625,-1.65625 z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1830" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-13"> + <path + d="m 0.828125,1.40625 c 0.671875,-0.328125 1.125,-0.9375 1.125,-1.53125 0,-0.5 -0.34375,-0.890625 -0.796875,-0.890625 -0.359375,0 -0.59375,0.234375 -0.59375,0.5625 0,0.328125 0.234375,0.515625 0.59375,0.515625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.015625 0.1875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,-0.03125 0.078125,0 0.140625,0.0625 0.140625,0.140625 0,0.328125 -0.28125,0.6875 -0.8125,1.0625 z m 0,0" + id="path1833" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-14"> + <path + d="M 1.578125,-3.421875 C 2,-3.875 2.296875,-4.046875 2.6875,-4.046875 c 0.5,0 0.765625,0.359375 0.765625,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 4.34375,-0.25 4.296875,-0.328125 4.296875,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.25,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -1,0.234375 -1.46875,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.53125,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.171875 v -0.15625 c -0.59375,-0.046875 -0.6875,-0.171875 -0.6875,-0.859375 z m 0,0" + id="path1836" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-15"> + <path + d="m 2.515625,-4.578125 c -1.3125,0 -2.21875,0.953125 -2.21875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.1875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.234375,-1.046875 2.234375,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.203125,-2.25 z M 2.375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.4375,0.96875 1.4375,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.203125,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.171875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1839" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-16"> + <path + d="M 3.453125,0.09375 4.9375,-0.421875 v -0.15625 C 4.75,-0.5625 4.734375,-0.5625 4.703125,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.203125,-6.8125 C 3.734375,-6.640625 3.375,-6.546875 2.734375,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.8125,-6.21875 2.875,-6.21875 2.953125,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.390625,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.0625,-0.421875 -1.15625,0 -2.09375,1.125 -2.09375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.765625,2.140625 1.859375,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z m -0.03125,-1.109375 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.734375,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.375,-0.796875 -1.375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.25,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1842" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-17"> + <path + d="m 4,-1.5625 c -0.484375,0.703125 -0.84375,0.9375 -1.421875,0.9375 -0.90625,0 -1.546875,-0.796875 -1.546875,-1.9375 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.359375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.5,0.109375 0.59375,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 C 3.125,-3.3125 3.3125,-3.140625 3.515625,-3.140625 3.78125,-3.140625 4,-3.328125 4,-3.5625 4,-4.109375 3.296875,-4.578125 2.453125,-4.578125 c -0.5,0 -1,0.1875 -1.421875,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.78125,1.125 -0.78125,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.796875,2.21875 1.90625,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.15625 1.21875,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.46875,-0.5 0.765625,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path1845" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-18"> + <path + d="M 3.109375,-4.484375 H 1.875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.09375 0.53125,0.390625 C 3.140625,-5.875 3.25,-5.78125 3.421875,-5.78125 c 0.234375,0 0.421875,-0.1875 0.421875,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.4375,-0.625 -1.046875,-0.625 -0.609375,0 -1.15625,0.265625 -1.40625,0.734375 -0.265625,0.4375 -0.34375,0.796875 -0.359375,1.59375 h -0.8125 v 0.3125 h 0.8125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.828125,0.875 V 0 H 2.8125 V -0.15625 C 1.984375,-0.171875 1.875,-0.296875 1.875,-1.03125 v -3.140625 h 1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1848" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-19"> + <path + d="M 2.796875,0 H 4.8125 V -0.15625 C 4.5,-0.15625 4.296875,-0.3125 3.984375,-0.75 l -1.28125,-1.953125 0.828125,-1.1875 c 0.203125,-0.28125 0.5,-0.4375 0.8125,-0.453125 V -4.484375 H 2.765625 v 0.140625 c 0.296875,0.03125 0.40625,0.09375 0.40625,0.234375 0,0.109375 -0.125,0.328125 -0.375,0.640625 C 2.75,-3.40625 2.625,-3.234375 2.484375,-3.03125 L 2.34375,-3.234375 c -0.28125,-0.421875 -0.453125,-0.75 -0.453125,-0.875 0,-0.140625 0.125,-0.21875 0.4375,-0.234375 v -0.140625 h -2.09375 v 0.140625 h 0.09375 c 0.3125,0 0.46875,0.140625 0.78125,0.609375 l 0.9375,1.4375 L 0.90625,-0.65625 C 0.609375,-0.25 0.5,-0.171875 0.171875,-0.15625 V 0 H 1.625 v -0.15625 c -0.28125,0 -0.40625,-0.046875 -0.40625,-0.171875 0,-0.0625 0.078125,-0.203125 0.203125,-0.40625 L 2.21875,-1.96875 3.140625,-0.5625 c 0.03125,0.046875 0.046875,0.109375 0.046875,0.171875 0,0.1875 -0.0625,0.21875 -0.390625,0.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1851" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-20"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.796875,-0.1875 1.640625,-0.3125 1.640625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 C 2.125,-3.921875 2.34375,-4.03125 2.6875,-4.03125 c 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.875 V -0.15625 C 4.375,-0.203125 4.265625,-0.3125 4.265625,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.453125,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 C 1.0625,-4.40625 0.71875,-4.296875 0.15625,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1854" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-21"> + <path + d="m 5.734375,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.15625,0.65625 l -0.90625,2.21875 -0.84375,-2.234375 C 4.09375,-3.84375 4.09375,-3.84375 4.09375,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.625 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.5,0.15625 0.703125,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.203125,0.5625 L 2.609375,-1.109375 1.625,-3.703125 C 1.578125,-3.8125 1.5625,-3.90625 1.5625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.21875 v 0.140625 c 0.21875,0.03125 0.296875,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.34375,3.40625 c 0.125,0.296875 0.203125,0.4375 0.265625,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.125,-2.390625 0.921875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.078125,0 0.125,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.5625,-3.796875 C 6.734375,-4.21875 6.765625,-4.265625 6.96875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1857" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-22"> + <path + d="M 4.71875,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.953125 C 3.75,-4.25 3.59375,-4.28125 3.390625,-4.359375 L 3.171875,-4.4375 C 2.90625,-4.53125 2.625,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.703125 -1.6875,1.625 0,0.625 0.28125,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.34375,0.28125 -0.46875,0.484375 -0.46875,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -0.984375,0.859375 -0.984375,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.734375,0.96875 0.75,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.0625,-0.671875 C 4.453125,1.1875 4.625,0.875 4.625,0.484375 4.625,-0.125 4.15625,-0.546875 3.421875,-0.578125 L 2.125,-0.640625 C 1.59375,-0.65625 1.34375,-0.75 1.34375,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.203125,0.015625 0.328125,0.03125 0.390625,0.03125 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.078125,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.625 0.484375,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.484375,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.625,0.140625 0.90625,0 1.234375,0.125 1.234375,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.890625,0.96875 -0.890625,0 -1.46875,-0.296875 -1.46875,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.078125,-0.359375 0.5,-0.859375 z M 1.53125,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.765625,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1860" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-28-23"> + <path + d="M 0.375,1.765625 C 1.125,1.28125 1.421875,1.03125 1.796875,0.5625 c 0.71875,-0.859375 1.0625,-1.859375 1.0625,-3.03125 0,-1.265625 -0.375,-2.234375 -1.25,-3.25 C 1.203125,-6.203125 0.9375,-6.421875 0.40625,-6.734375 l -0.109375,0.15625 c 0.796875,0.625 1.0625,0.96875 1.34375,1.71875 C 1.890625,-4.1875 2,-3.421875 2,-2.4375 2,-1.390625 1.875,-0.5625 1.59375,0.046875 1.3125,0.671875 1.015625,1.03125 0.296875,1.609375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1863" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-29-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-29-1"> + <path + d="m 3.53125,-1.734375 c 0,-0.84375 -0.671875,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5 -0.828125,0 -1.5,0.671875 -1.5,1.484375 0,0.84375 0.6875,1.5 1.5,1.5 0.84375,0 1.5,-0.671875 1.5,-1.484375 z m 0,0" + id="path1867" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-30-1"> + <path + d="m 9.78125,-6.734375 h -1.8125 v 0.25 c 0.53125,0.03125 0.6875,0.125 0.6875,0.4375 0,0.125 -0.015625,0.28125 -0.078125,0.421875 L 7.46875,-2.21875 6.390625,-5.5625 C 6.296875,-5.875 6.25,-6.03125 6.25,-6.125 c 0,-0.234375 0.15625,-0.328125 0.59375,-0.359375 0.015625,0 0.0625,0 0.125,0 v -0.25 H 3.859375 v 0.25 c 0.40625,0.015625 0.609375,0.109375 0.71875,0.34375 L 4.921875,-5.1875 3.75,-2.109375 l -1.203125,-3.625 c -0.046875,-0.171875 -0.0625,-0.25 -0.0625,-0.34375 0,-0.28125 0.125,-0.375 0.640625,-0.40625 v -0.25 H 0.1875 v 0.25 c 0.421875,0.046875 0.515625,0.140625 0.6875,0.625 L 2.984375,0.15625 h 0.28125 L 5.125,-4.609375 6.828125,0.15625 H 7.09375 l 2,-6.015625 c 0.125,-0.390625 0.359375,-0.59375 0.6875,-0.625 z m 0,0" + id="path1871" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-2"> + <path + d="m 4,-1.25 c -0.390625,0.5 -0.703125,0.671875 -1.125,0.671875 -0.390625,0 -0.6875,-0.171875 -0.890625,-0.53125 C 1.796875,-1.421875 1.71875,-1.75 1.6875,-2.4375 H 4.203125 C 4.140625,-3.28125 3.984375,-3.75 3.671875,-4.125 3.34375,-4.515625 2.875,-4.71875 2.328125,-4.71875 1.09375,-4.71875 0.25,-3.734375 0.25,-2.265625 c 0,1.453125 0.8125,2.40625 2.046875,2.40625 0.8125,0 1.296875,-0.3125 1.953125,-1.25 z M 1.640625,-2.8125 C 1.671875,-4 1.84375,-4.40625 2.328125,-4.40625 c 0.28125,0 0.46875,0.15625 0.546875,0.46875 0.0625,0.1875 0.078125,0.46875 0.09375,0.984375 V -2.8125 Z m 0,0" + id="path1874" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-3"> + <path + d="M 2.078125,-4.59375 H 0.15625 v 0.234375 c 0.4375,0.09375 0.53125,0.1875 0.53125,0.59375 v 2.921875 c 0,0.421875 -0.0625,0.5 -0.53125,0.609375 V 0 H 2.546875 V -0.234375 C 2.1875,-0.296875 2.078125,-0.421875 2.078125,-0.8125 Z M 1.375,-6.890625 c -0.421875,0 -0.78125,0.34375 -0.78125,0.765625 0,0.453125 0.328125,0.78125 0.765625,0.78125 0.4375,0 0.78125,-0.328125 0.78125,-0.765625 0,-0.4375 -0.34375,-0.78125 -0.765625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path1877" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-4"> + <path + d="M 4.8125,-3.96875 V -4.5 H 3.515625 c -0.4375,-0.15625 -0.71875,-0.21875 -1.125,-0.21875 -1.1875,0 -2.015625,0.65625 -2.015625,1.609375 0,0.34375 0.125,0.671875 0.359375,0.953125 0.21875,0.234375 0.40625,0.359375 0.875,0.5625 -0.796875,0.265625 -1.1875,0.640625 -1.1875,1.171875 0,0.40625 0.171875,0.578125 0.8125,0.8125 -0.625,0.09375 -0.953125,0.34375 -0.953125,0.75 0,0.578125 0.75,0.90625 2,0.90625 1.65625,0 2.53125,-0.515625 2.53125,-1.5 0,-0.765625 -0.609375,-1.21875 -1.625,-1.21875 H 2.53125 c -0.796875,0 -1,-0.078125 -1,-0.359375 0,-0.296875 0.28125,-0.515625 0.6875,-0.515625 l 0.4375,0.015625 c 0.46875,0 0.71875,-0.0625 1.0625,-0.265625 0.453125,-0.25 0.671875,-0.671875 0.671875,-1.1875 C 4.390625,-3.390625 4.28125,-3.6875 4,-3.96875 Z M 3.234375,0.515625 c 0.53125,0 0.796875,0.171875 0.796875,0.5 0,0.453125 -0.546875,0.71875 -1.53125,0.71875 C 1.609375,1.734375 1.15625,1.5 1.15625,1.0625 1.15625,0.859375 1.21875,0.75 1.5,0.515625 Z M 2.390625,-4.40625 c 0.46875,0 0.65625,0.375 0.65625,1.3125 0,0.921875 -0.1875,1.28125 -0.65625,1.28125 -0.484375,0 -0.65625,-0.359375 -0.65625,-1.28125 0,-0.9375 0.1875,-1.3125 0.65625,-1.3125 z m 0,0" + id="path1880" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-5"> + <path + d="M 2.078125,-6.734375 H 0.15625 V -6.5 C 0.625,-6.40625 0.6875,-6.328125 0.6875,-5.921875 v 5.078125 c 0,0.421875 -0.078125,0.515625 -0.53125,0.609375 V 0 H 2.5625 V -0.234375 C 2.1875,-0.296875 2.078125,-0.4375 2.078125,-0.8125 v -2.65625 c 0,-0.046875 0.0625,-0.140625 0.171875,-0.234375 0.21875,-0.21875 0.453125,-0.34375 0.6875,-0.34375 0.34375,0 0.515625,0.265625 0.515625,0.828125 v 2.40625 c 0,0.375 -0.140625,0.53125 -0.46875,0.578125 V 0 h 2.34375 v -0.234375 c -0.359375,-0.03125 -0.5,-0.1875 -0.5,-0.609375 V -3.3125 c 0,-0.859375 -0.515625,-1.40625 -1.34375,-1.40625 -0.53125,0 -0.890625,0.203125 -1.40625,0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path1883" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-6"> + <path + d="m 3.046875,-4.59375 h -0.9375 v -1.6875 h -0.25 C 1.25,-5.421875 0.84375,-4.96875 0.203125,-4.421875 V -4.15625 H 0.71875 v 3.234375 C 0.71875,-0.28125 1.140625,0.125 1.828125,0.125 2.5,0.125 2.90625,-0.171875 3.3125,-1 l -0.25,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.375 -0.359375,0.515625 -0.5625,0.515625 -0.28125,0 -0.390625,-0.15625 -0.390625,-0.5625 v -3 h 0.9375 z m 0,0" + id="path1886" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-7"> + <path + d="M 3.390625,-3.25 V -4.6875 H 3.171875 C 3.109375,-4.546875 3.046875,-4.5 2.9375,-4.5 2.875,-4.5 2.765625,-4.515625 2.609375,-4.5625 2.28125,-4.671875 2.046875,-4.71875 1.828125,-4.71875 c -0.90625,0 -1.5625,0.625 -1.5625,1.453125 0,0.65625 0.40625,1.125 1.421875,1.546875 0.671875,0.296875 0.953125,0.546875 0.953125,0.875 0,0.390625 -0.296875,0.640625 -0.75,0.640625 -0.6875,0 -1.15625,-0.4375 -1.359375,-1.3125 H 0.25 V 0.125 H 0.5 c 0.109375,-0.203125 0.171875,-0.28125 0.25,-0.28125 0.0625,0 0.140625,0.03125 0.234375,0.0625 C 1.25,0.03125 1.78125,0.140625 2.0625,0.140625 c 0.90625,0 1.53125,-0.625 1.53125,-1.515625 0,-0.703125 -0.390625,-1.140625 -1.375,-1.5625 -0.671875,-0.28125 -0.953125,-0.53125 -0.953125,-0.875 0,-0.328125 0.28125,-0.578125 0.65625,-0.578125 0.265625,0 0.53125,0.109375 0.75,0.328125 0.203125,0.1875 0.3125,0.375 0.46875,0.8125 z m 0,0" + id="path1889" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-8"> + <path + d="M 4.71875,-0.640625 4.609375,-0.53125 C 4.578125,-0.515625 4.5625,-0.5 4.5,-0.5 4.359375,-0.5 4.296875,-0.59375 4.296875,-0.75 v -2.59375 c 0,-0.84375 -0.765625,-1.375 -1.96875,-1.375 -1.125,0 -1.890625,0.515625 -1.890625,1.265625 0,0.40625 0.234375,0.65625 0.65625,0.65625 0.390625,0 0.671875,-0.25 0.671875,-0.578125 0,-0.140625 -0.0625,-0.28125 -0.1875,-0.4375 C 1.5,-3.90625 1.46875,-3.96875 1.46875,-4.03125 c 0,-0.203125 0.28125,-0.359375 0.625,-0.359375 0.578125,0 0.84375,0.265625 0.84375,0.875 v 0.71875 C 1.75,-2.4375 1.25,-2.234375 0.890625,-1.984375 0.453125,-1.6875 0.25,-1.34375 0.25,-0.921875 c 0,0.609375 0.46875,1.0625 1.109375,1.0625 0.5625,0 1.015625,-0.203125 1.578125,-0.703125 0.109375,0.515625 0.328125,0.703125 0.8125,0.703125 0.421875,0 0.734375,-0.15625 1.109375,-0.5625 z M 2.921875,-1 c -0.265625,0.3125 -0.46875,0.4375 -0.703125,0.4375 -0.3125,0 -0.515625,-0.28125 -0.515625,-0.671875 0,-0.578125 0.421875,-1 1.21875,-1.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path1892" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-9"> + <path + d="m 2.5,-4.71875 c -1.265625,0 -2.25,1.046875 -2.25,2.40625 0,1.421875 0.953125,2.453125 2.25,2.453125 1.28125,0 2.25,-1.03125 2.25,-2.421875 0,-1.390625 -0.96875,-2.4375 -2.25,-2.4375 z m 0.015625,0.3125 c 0.578125,0 0.765625,0.546875 0.765625,2.1875 0,1.53125 -0.203125,2.046875 -0.78125,2.046875 -0.59375,0 -0.78125,-0.5 -0.78125,-1.96875 0,-1.75 0.171875,-2.265625 0.796875,-2.265625 z m 0,0" + id="path1895" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-10"> + <path + d="m 2.109375,-4.59375 h -1.90625 v 0.234375 c 0.4375,0.078125 0.53125,0.171875 0.53125,0.59375 v 2.921875 c 0,0.421875 -0.078125,0.515625 -0.53125,0.609375 V 0 h 2.40625 V -0.234375 C 2.25,-0.296875 2.125,-0.4375 2.125,-0.8125 v -2.65625 c 0,-0.046875 0.0625,-0.140625 0.171875,-0.234375 0.21875,-0.21875 0.453125,-0.34375 0.6875,-0.34375 0.34375,0 0.515625,0.265625 0.515625,0.828125 v 2.40625 c 0,0.375 -0.125,0.53125 -0.46875,0.578125 V 0 H 5.375 V -0.234375 C 4.984375,-0.265625 4.890625,-0.390625 4.890625,-0.8125 v -2.5 c 0,-0.859375 -0.53125,-1.40625 -1.359375,-1.40625 -0.59375,0 -1.046875,0.28125 -1.421875,0.875 z m 0,0" + id="path1898" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-11"> + <path + d="m 2.171875,-4.59375 h -1.875 v 0.234375 c 0.421875,0.0625 0.53125,0.1875 0.53125,0.59375 v 2.921875 c 0,0.421875 -0.09375,0.53125 -0.53125,0.609375 V 0 H 2.9375 V -0.234375 C 2.328125,-0.28125 2.21875,-0.40625 2.21875,-1.03125 v -1.875 c 0,-0.515625 0.28125,-0.953125 0.609375,-0.953125 0.078125,0 0.15625,0.078125 0.265625,0.234375 0.203125,0.265625 0.34375,0.359375 0.609375,0.359375 0.359375,0 0.625,-0.28125 0.625,-0.671875 0,-0.453125 -0.34375,-0.78125 -0.8125,-0.78125 -0.5,0 -0.875,0.265625 -1.34375,0.9375 z m 0,0" + id="path1901" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-12"> + <path + d="m 4.78125,-4.59375 h -1.5 v 0.234375 c 0.421875,0.015625 0.546875,0.09375 0.546875,0.328125 0,0.109375 -0.015625,0.203125 -0.109375,0.453125 l -0.671875,1.90625 -0.71875,-1.84375 C 2.125,-4.015625 2.125,-4.015625 2.125,-4.09375 c 0,-0.140625 0.125,-0.234375 0.375,-0.25 L 2.65625,-4.359375 V -4.59375 h -2.5 v 0.234375 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.296875,0.0625 0.359375,0.15625 0.015625,0 0.46875,0.96875 0.640625,1.390625 L 2.359375,0.125 2.171875,0.65625 C 2,1.15625 1.75,1.46875 1.515625,1.46875 1.421875,1.46875 1.34375,1.390625 1.34375,1.3125 c 0,-0.015625 0,-0.03125 0.015625,-0.0625 C 1.359375,1.203125 1.375,1.140625 1.375,1.109375 1.375,0.8125 1.140625,0.625 0.796875,0.625 c -0.375,0 -0.640625,0.25 -0.640625,0.625 0,0.46875 0.40625,0.796875 0.96875,0.796875 0.34375,0 0.625,-0.125 0.84375,-0.328125 0.203125,-0.234375 0.40625,-0.625 0.75,-1.5625 L 4.203125,-3.8125 C 4.375,-4.234375 4.46875,-4.328125 4.78125,-4.359375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1904" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-13"> + <path + d="M 3.046875,-6.921875 C 2.4375,-6.59375 2.15625,-6.375 1.765625,-5.96875 c -0.84375,0.921875 -1.3125,2.09375 -1.3125,3.390625 0,0.90625 0.25,1.796875 0.734375,2.546875 0.453125,0.71875 0.890625,1.125 1.859375,1.703125 V 1.390625 C 2.484375,1.03125 2.234375,0.78125 2.03125,0.328125 c -0.3125,-0.625 -0.453125,-1.53125 -0.453125,-2.90625 0,-1.375 0.140625,-2.375 0.421875,-2.96875 C 2.21875,-5.984375 2.453125,-6.25 3.046875,-6.65625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1907" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-14"> + <path + d="m 4.828125,-4.734375 v -2.15625 H 4.53125 C 4.453125,-6.640625 4.375,-6.5625 4.203125,-6.5625 4.109375,-6.5625 4,-6.59375 3.78125,-6.671875 3.3125,-6.828125 3,-6.890625 2.625,-6.890625 c -1.359375,0 -2.1875,0.765625 -2.1875,2.03125 0,0.875 0.515625,1.5 1.703125,2.0625 L 2.8125,-2.46875 c 0.875,0.421875 1.109375,0.671875 1.109375,1.1875 0,0.6875 -0.484375,1.140625 -1.25,1.140625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,-0.25 -1.453125,-0.734375 C 0.953125,-1.25 0.8125,-1.578125 0.640625,-2.265625 H 0.34375 V 0.1875 h 0.296875 c 0.0625,-0.25 0.140625,-0.34375 0.296875,-0.34375 0.078125,0 0.1875,0.03125 0.40625,0.109375 0.5,0.171875 0.875,0.234375 1.296875,0.234375 1.46875,0 2.46875,-0.84375 2.46875,-2.09375 0,-0.75 -0.453125,-1.5 -1.09375,-1.828125 l -1.46875,-0.71875 C 1.75,-4.859375 1.53125,-5.109375 1.53125,-5.578125 c 0,-0.625 0.40625,-1 1.09375,-1 0.453125,0 0.859375,0.1875 1.21875,0.5625 0.34375,0.34375 0.5,0.625 0.703125,1.28125 z m 0,0" + id="path1910" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-15"> + <path + d="m 0.265625,1.671875 c 0.625,-0.328125 0.90625,-0.53125 1.28125,-0.9375 0.859375,-0.921875 1.3125,-2.109375 1.3125,-3.390625 0,-0.90625 -0.25,-1.796875 -0.71875,-2.5625 C 1.671875,-5.9375 1.25,-6.328125 0.265625,-6.921875 v 0.28125 c 0.578125,0.375 0.828125,0.625 1.03125,1.0625 0.296875,0.625 0.4375,1.546875 0.4375,2.90625 0,1.375 -0.140625,2.375 -0.421875,2.984375 C 1.109375,0.75 0.875,1 0.265625,1.40625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1913" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-16"> + <path + d="m 1.65625,-1.5625 c -0.453125,0 -0.84375,0.390625 -0.84375,0.84375 0,0.484375 0.359375,0.84375 0.828125,0.84375 C 2.125,0.125 2.5,-0.234375 2.5,-0.703125 2.5,-1.171875 2.125,-1.5625 1.65625,-1.5625 Z m 0,-3.140625 c -0.453125,0 -0.84375,0.375 -0.84375,0.828125 0,0.484375 0.359375,0.859375 0.84375,0.859375 0.46875,0 0.84375,-0.390625 0.84375,-0.84375 0,-0.46875 -0.375,-0.84375 -0.84375,-0.84375 z m 0,0" + id="path1916" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-17"> + <path + d="m 3.921875,-6.890625 c -2.09375,0 -3.578125,1.484375 -3.578125,3.546875 0,2.0625 1.46875,3.53125 3.53125,3.53125 2.0625,0 3.53125,-1.46875 3.53125,-3.53125 0,-2.046875 -1.484375,-3.546875 -3.484375,-3.546875 z M 3.90625,-6.5625 c 1.09375,0 1.734375,1.203125 1.734375,3.28125 0,2.046875 -0.609375,3.140625 -1.765625,3.140625 -1.140625,0 -1.765625,-1.09375 -1.765625,-3.109375 0,-2.15625 0.625,-3.3125 1.796875,-3.3125 z m 0,0" + id="path1919" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-18"> + <path + d="m 3.421875,0.125 c 0.421875,-0.140625 0.671875,-0.1875 1.3125,-0.25 l 0.625,-0.078125 v -0.21875 C 4.921875,-0.453125 4.796875,-0.578125 4.796875,-1 v -3.59375 h -2 v 0.234375 c 0.5,0.046875 0.609375,0.15625 0.609375,0.59375 v 2.8125 c -0.328125,0.328125 -0.53125,0.4375 -0.8125,0.4375 -0.40625,0 -0.5625,-0.1875 -0.5625,-0.703125 v -3.375 h -1.875 v 0.234375 C 0.5625,-4.28125 0.640625,-4.1875 0.640625,-3.765625 V -1.25 c 0,0.875 0.5,1.390625 1.328125,1.390625 0.53125,0 0.875,-0.15625 1.453125,-0.65625 z m 0,0" + id="path1922" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-19"> + <path + d="m 2.109375,-4.59375 h -1.90625 v 0.234375 C 0.640625,-4.28125 0.75,-4.1875 0.75,-3.765625 V 1.21875 c 0,0.421875 -0.078125,0.5 -0.5625,0.578125 v 0.25 H 2.90625 V 1.828125 C 2.296875,1.796875 2.140625,1.609375 2.140625,0.9375 V -0.46875 C 2.609375,0 2.875,0.125 3.3125,0.125 c 1.109375,0 1.90625,-1.03125 1.90625,-2.5 0,-1.390625 -0.75,-2.34375 -1.84375,-2.34375 -0.59375,0 -0.953125,0.234375 -1.265625,0.8125 z m 0.03125,1.140625 c 0,-0.0625 0.078125,-0.21875 0.203125,-0.359375 0.203125,-0.21875 0.421875,-0.328125 0.640625,-0.328125 0.53125,0 0.765625,0.59375 0.765625,1.890625 0,1.25 -0.28125,1.828125 -0.84375,1.828125 -0.328125,0 -0.625,-0.21875 -0.765625,-0.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1925" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-20"> + <path + d="M 2.296875,-6.734375 H 0.1875 v 0.25 c 0.203125,0 0.375,0.140625 0.84375,0.71875 v 4.71875 c 0,0.5625 -0.140625,0.703125 -0.875,0.796875 V 0 H 2.421875 V -0.25 C 1.65625,-0.34375 1.46875,-0.53125 1.46875,-1.234375 V -5.25 L 5.9375,0.171875 H 6.203125 V -5.6875 c 0,-0.578125 0.140625,-0.703125 0.78125,-0.796875 v -0.25 H 4.84375 v 0.25 c 0.734375,0.0625 0.921875,0.28125 0.921875,0.984375 v 3.03125 z m 0,0" + id="path1928" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-21"> + <path + d="M 2.046875,-6.734375 H 0.15625 V -6.5 c 0.359375,0.03125 0.515625,0.203125 0.515625,0.578125 v 5.078125 c 0,0.375 -0.171875,0.578125 -0.515625,0.609375 V 0 H 2.546875 V -0.234375 C 2.21875,-0.25 2.046875,-0.4375 2.046875,-0.84375 Z m 0,0" + id="path1931" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-22"> + <path + d="m 4.109375,-1.09375 c -0.375,0.421875 -0.625,0.5625 -1.03125,0.5625 -0.875,0 -1.421875,-0.859375 -1.421875,-2.21875 0,-1.03125 0.3125,-1.65625 0.84375,-1.65625 0.15625,0 0.296875,0.078125 0.359375,0.1875 0.046875,0.09375 0.046875,0.09375 0.046875,0.515625 0.015625,0.484375 0.1875,0.71875 0.5625,0.71875 0.421875,0 0.671875,-0.25 0.671875,-0.640625 0,-0.609375 -0.65625,-1.09375 -1.53125,-1.09375 -1.359375,0 -2.359375,1.0625 -2.359375,2.5 0,1.375 0.890625,2.359375 2.125,2.359375 0.78125,0 1.328125,-0.3125 1.90625,-1.046875 z m 0,0" + id="path1934" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-23"> + <path + d="m 6.359375,-2.265625 h -0.28125 c -0.34375,0.78125 -0.53125,1.09375 -0.890625,1.40625 -0.40625,0.375 -0.953125,0.546875 -1.734375,0.546875 -0.609375,0 -0.796875,-0.125 -0.796875,-0.5625 v -4.703125 c 0,-0.734375 0.140625,-0.875 1.015625,-0.90625 v -0.25 H 0.1875 v 0.25 c 0.6875,0.03125 0.859375,0.1875 0.859375,0.703125 v 4.828125 c 0,0.5 -0.125,0.609375 -0.859375,0.703125 V 0 h 5.765625 z m 0,0" + id="path1937" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-30-24"> + <path + d="m 7.125,-0.25 c -0.171875,0 -0.3125,-0.0625 -0.40625,-0.1875 l -2,-2.84375 c 0.578125,-0.1875 0.828125,-0.3125 1.109375,-0.5625 0.296875,-0.265625 0.453125,-0.671875 0.453125,-1.125 0,-1.140625 -0.984375,-1.765625 -2.8125,-1.765625 H 0.265625 v 0.25 c 0.734375,0.046875 0.875,0.1875 0.875,0.90625 v 4.40625 c 0,0.734375 -0.109375,0.828125 -0.875,0.921875 V 0 H 3.625 V -0.25 C 2.84375,-0.34375 2.75,-0.453125 2.75,-1.171875 V -3.125 H 3.015625 L 5.078125,0 H 7.125 Z M 2.75,-5.984375 c 0,-0.0625 0.046875,-0.203125 0.078125,-0.265625 0.046875,-0.09375 0.21875,-0.15625 0.46875,-0.15625 0.90625,0 1.28125,0.4375 1.28125,1.484375 0,0.640625 -0.15625,1.03125 -0.46875,1.234375 -0.265625,0.171875 -0.59375,0.234375 -1.359375,0.25 z m 0,0" + id="path1940" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-0" /> + <g + id="glyph-31-1"> + <path + d="m 2.546875,-6.1875 v 4.984375 c 0,0.859375 -0.109375,0.96875 -0.9375,1.015625 V 0 h 2.9375 V -0.1875 C 3.71875,-0.234375 3.578125,-0.359375 3.578125,-1.09375 V -6.1875 H 4.125 c 1.140625,0 1.359375,0.1875 1.59375,1.28125 h 0.234375 l -0.0625,-1.6875 h -5.65625 l -0.0625,1.6875 H 0.40625 c 0.25,-1.078125 0.484375,-1.28125 1.609375,-1.28125 z m 0,0" + id="path1944" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-2"> + <path + d="M 1.578125,-3.421875 C 2,-3.875 2.296875,-4.046875 2.6875,-4.046875 c 0.5,0 0.765625,0.359375 0.765625,1.0625 v 1.96875 c 0,0.671875 -0.109375,0.8125 -0.6875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 4.34375,-0.25 4.296875,-0.328125 4.296875,-1.015625 V -3 c 0,-1.046875 -0.421875,-1.578125 -1.25,-1.578125 -0.578125,0 -1,0.234375 -1.46875,0.828125 V -6.78125 L 1.53125,-6.8125 C 1.1875,-6.6875 0.9375,-6.609375 0.375,-6.453125 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.4375,0 0.515625,0.078125 0.515625,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.640625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.171875 v -0.15625 c -0.59375,-0.046875 -0.6875,-0.171875 -0.6875,-0.859375 z m 0,0" + id="path1947" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-3"> + <path + d="M 4.09375,-1.640625 C 3.609375,-0.875 3.1875,-0.59375 2.546875,-0.59375 1.96875,-0.59375 1.53125,-0.875 1.25,-1.453125 1.0625,-1.828125 1,-2.15625 0.96875,-2.765625 H 4.0625 C 3.984375,-3.40625 3.890625,-3.703125 3.640625,-4.015625 3.328125,-4.375 2.875,-4.578125 2.34375,-4.578125 1.84375,-4.578125 1.375,-4.40625 1,-4.0625 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.96875,0.09375 2.125,0.09375 c 0.953125,0 1.71875,-0.578125 2.140625,-1.65625 z M 1,-3.078125 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.0625,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.984375,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1950" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-4"> + <path + d="m 5.734375,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.34375,0.078125 0.4375,0.140625 0.4375,0.3125 0,0.15625 -0.046875,0.390625 -0.15625,0.65625 l -0.90625,2.21875 -0.84375,-2.234375 C 4.09375,-3.84375 4.09375,-3.84375 4.09375,-3.984375 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.28125 0.578125,-0.359375 V -4.484375 H 2.625 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.046875 0.5,0.15625 0.703125,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.140625,0.390625 0.203125,0.5625 L 2.609375,-1.109375 1.625,-3.703125 C 1.578125,-3.8125 1.5625,-3.90625 1.5625,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 V -4.484375 H 0.21875 v 0.140625 c 0.21875,0.03125 0.296875,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 l 1.34375,3.40625 c 0.125,0.296875 0.203125,0.4375 0.265625,0.4375 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.125,-2.390625 0.921875,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.078125,0 0.125,-0.09375 0.28125,-0.484375 L 6.5625,-3.796875 C 6.734375,-4.21875 6.765625,-4.265625 6.96875,-4.34375 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path1953" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-5"> + <path + d="m 1.765625,-4.578125 -1.5625,0.546875 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.125,-0.03125 0.25,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.796875,0.859375 V 0 h 2.390625 v -0.15625 c -0.671875,-0.046875 -0.75,-0.140625 -0.75,-0.859375 V -4.5625 Z M 1.28125,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.296875,0 0.53125,-0.21875 0.53125,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.234375,-0.515625 -0.53125,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path1956" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-6"> + <path + d="M 4.71875,-3.875 V -4.25 H 3.953125 C 3.75,-4.25 3.59375,-4.28125 3.390625,-4.359375 L 3.171875,-4.4375 C 2.90625,-4.53125 2.625,-4.578125 2.375,-4.578125 c -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.703125 -1.6875,1.625 0,0.625 0.28125,1 0.9375,1.328125 -0.1875,0.171875 -0.375,0.34375 -0.421875,0.40625 -0.34375,0.28125 -0.46875,0.484375 -0.46875,0.6875 0,0.203125 0.125,0.328125 0.53125,0.515625 -0.71875,0.53125 -0.984375,0.859375 -0.984375,1.21875 0,0.53125 0.78125,0.96875 1.734375,0.96875 0.75,0 1.546875,-0.265625 2.0625,-0.671875 C 4.453125,1.1875 4.625,0.875 4.625,0.484375 4.625,-0.125 4.15625,-0.546875 3.421875,-0.578125 L 2.125,-0.640625 C 1.59375,-0.65625 1.34375,-0.75 1.34375,-0.90625 c 0,-0.203125 0.328125,-0.546875 0.59375,-0.625 0.09375,0 0.15625,0.015625 0.1875,0.015625 0.203125,0.015625 0.328125,0.03125 0.390625,0.03125 0.375,0 0.765625,-0.15625 1.078125,-0.421875 0.328125,-0.28125 0.484375,-0.625 0.484375,-1.125 0,-0.28125 -0.046875,-0.515625 -0.1875,-0.84375 z M 1.484375,0.015625 c 0.328125,0.078125 1.125,0.140625 1.625,0.140625 0.90625,0 1.234375,0.125 1.234375,0.484375 0,0.578125 -0.75,0.96875 -1.890625,0.96875 -0.890625,0 -1.46875,-0.296875 -1.46875,-0.734375 0,-0.234375 0.078125,-0.359375 0.5,-0.859375 z M 1.53125,-3.375 c 0,-0.578125 0.28125,-0.9375 0.734375,-0.9375 0.3125,0 0.578125,0.171875 0.734375,0.46875 0.1875,0.359375 0.3125,0.8125 0.3125,1.203125 0,0.5625 -0.296875,0.90625 -0.765625,0.90625 -0.59375,0 -1.015625,-0.640625 -1.015625,-1.609375 z m 0,0" + id="path1959" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-7"> + <path + d="M 2.5625,-4.484375 H 1.546875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.09375 -0.015625,-0.125 -0.0625,-0.125 C 1.40625,-5.6875 1.34375,-5.59375 1.28125,-5.5 0.890625,-4.9375 0.46875,-4.46875 0.296875,-4.421875 0.1875,-4.359375 0.125,-4.28125 0.125,-4.234375 c 0,0.03125 0.015625,0.046875 0.046875,0.0625 h 0.53125 v 3 c 0,0.84375 0.296875,1.265625 0.890625,1.265625 0.5,0 0.875,-0.234375 1.203125,-0.75 l -0.125,-0.109375 c -0.203125,0.25 -0.375,0.34375 -0.609375,0.34375 -0.359375,0 -0.515625,-0.265625 -0.515625,-0.890625 V -4.171875 H 2.5625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1962" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-8"> + <path + d="M 3.171875,-3.125 3.125,-4.484375 H 3.015625 L 3,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.171875,-0.015625 -0.28125,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.703125,-0.125 -0.796875,0 -1.359375,0.515625 -1.359375,1.234375 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.171875,1.4375 l 0.578125,0.328125 c 0.359375,0.1875 0.53125,0.4375 0.53125,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.328125,0.71875 -0.84375,0.71875 C 1.625,-0.125 1.3125,-0.25 1.109375,-0.46875 0.90625,-0.71875 0.8125,-0.953125 0.6875,-1.515625 H 0.515625 v 1.5625 H 0.65625 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.234375,-0.125 C 0.96875,-0.078125 1.109375,-0.0625 1.34375,0 1.625,0.0625 1.90625,0.09375 2.078125,0.09375 2.859375,0.09375 3.5,-0.484375 3.5,-1.171875 3.5,-1.671875 3.25,-2 2.65625,-2.359375 L 1.5625,-3 C 1.28125,-3.15625 1.140625,-3.40625 1.140625,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.578125,0 0.875,0.34375 1.109375,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path1965" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-9"> + <path + d="M 4.4375,-0.65625 C 4.265625,-0.515625 4.15625,-0.46875 4,-0.46875 c -0.234375,0 -0.296875,-0.140625 -0.296875,-0.578125 v -1.9375 c 0,-0.53125 -0.0625,-0.8125 -0.203125,-1.046875 -0.21875,-0.359375 -0.65625,-0.546875 -1.25,-0.546875 -0.9375,0 -1.6875,0.484375 -1.6875,1.109375 0,0.234375 0.203125,0.421875 0.4375,0.421875 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.1875 0.453125,-0.40625 C 1.453125,-3.5 1.4375,-3.546875 1.421875,-3.625 1.40625,-3.703125 1.390625,-3.78125 1.390625,-3.859375 1.390625,-4.125 1.71875,-4.34375 2.125,-4.34375 c 0.484375,0 0.765625,0.28125 0.765625,0.828125 v 0.609375 c -1.546875,0.609375 -1.71875,0.6875 -2.15625,1.078125 -0.21875,0.1875 -0.359375,0.53125 -0.359375,0.859375 0,0.625 0.4375,1.0625 1.046875,1.0625 0.453125,0 0.859375,-0.203125 1.46875,-0.71875 C 2.9375,-0.109375 3.125,0.09375 3.53125,0.09375 c 0.34375,0 0.5625,-0.109375 0.90625,-0.5 z m -1.546875,-0.5625 c 0,0.296875 -0.0625,0.390625 -0.265625,0.515625 -0.25,0.140625 -0.53125,0.21875 -0.734375,0.21875 C 1.53125,-0.484375 1.25,-0.8125 1.25,-1.25 v -0.03125 c 0,-0.59375 0.421875,-0.953125 1.640625,-1.390625 z m 0,0" + id="path1968" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-10"> + <path + d="m 0.078125,-3.890625 c 0.140625,-0.03125 0.21875,-0.03125 0.34375,-0.03125 0.25,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.59375 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5 -0.078125,0.578125 -0.71875,0.6875 V 0 H 2.46875 V -0.15625 C 1.78125,-0.171875 1.609375,-0.328125 1.609375,-0.890625 v -2.25 c 0,-0.3125 0.4375,-0.8125 0.703125,-0.8125 0.0625,0 0.15625,0.046875 0.265625,0.140625 0.15625,0.140625 0.265625,0.203125 0.390625,0.203125 0.25,0 0.390625,-0.171875 0.390625,-0.453125 0,-0.328125 -0.203125,-0.515625 -0.546875,-0.515625 -0.421875,0 -0.71875,0.21875 -1.203125,0.921875 V -4.5625 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.53125,0.21875 -0.90625,0.34375 -1.484375,0.53125 z m 0,0" + id="path1971" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-11"> + <path + d="m 2.515625,-4.578125 c -1.3125,0 -2.21875,0.953125 -2.21875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.1875,2.34375 1.265625,0 2.234375,-1.046875 2.234375,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.921875,-2.25 -2.203125,-2.25 z M 2.375,-4.3125 c 0.84375,0 1.4375,0.96875 1.4375,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.453125,1.8125 -1.203125,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.765625,-0.25 -0.96875,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.171875,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1974" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-12"> + <path + d="M 3.453125,0.09375 4.9375,-0.421875 v -0.15625 C 4.75,-0.5625 4.734375,-0.5625 4.703125,-0.5625 c -0.359375,0 -0.4375,-0.109375 -0.4375,-0.578125 V -6.78125 L 4.203125,-6.8125 C 3.734375,-6.640625 3.375,-6.546875 2.734375,-6.375 v 0.171875 C 2.8125,-6.21875 2.875,-6.21875 2.953125,-6.21875 c 0.375,0 0.46875,0.09375 0.46875,0.5 v 1.5625 c -0.390625,-0.3125 -0.65625,-0.421875 -1.0625,-0.421875 -1.15625,0 -2.09375,1.125 -2.09375,2.53125 0,1.28125 0.765625,2.140625 1.859375,2.140625 0.5625,0 0.953125,-0.1875 1.296875,-0.65625 v 0.625 z m -0.03125,-1.109375 c 0,0.0625 -0.078125,0.1875 -0.171875,0.296875 -0.1875,0.203125 -0.4375,0.296875 -0.734375,0.296875 -0.828125,0 -1.375,-0.796875 -1.375,-2.015625 0,-1.125 0.484375,-1.875 1.25,-1.875 0.53125,0 1.03125,0.46875 1.03125,1 z m 0,0" + id="path1977" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-31-13"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.328125,-4 0.4375,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.796875,-0.1875 1.640625,-0.3125 1.640625,-0.671875 V -3.46875 C 2.125,-3.921875 2.34375,-4.03125 2.6875,-4.03125 c 0.484375,0 0.734375,0.296875 0.734375,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.140625,0.796875 -0.640625,0.828125 V 0 H 4.875 V -0.15625 C 4.375,-0.203125 4.265625,-0.3125 4.265625,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.453125,-1.484375 -1.1875,-1.484375 -0.46875,0 -0.78125,0.15625 -1.453125,0.796875 V -4.5625 L 1.546875,-4.578125 C 1.0625,-4.40625 0.71875,-4.296875 0.15625,-4.140625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1980" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-0" /> + 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-0.34375,0.125 -0.578125,0.203125 -1.140625,0.359375 L 0.09375,-6.375 v 0.171875 c 0.046875,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.015625 0.125,-0.015625 0.421875,0 0.5,0.078125 0.5,0.5 v 4.703125 c 0,0.703125 -0.0625,0.78125 -0.625,0.859375 V 0 h 2.125 V -0.15625 C 1.640625,-0.203125 1.546875,-0.328125 1.546875,-1.015625 Z m 0,0" + id="path1987" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-3"> + <path + d="M 4.015625,-1.640625 C 3.546875,-0.875 3.125,-0.59375 2.484375,-0.59375 1.921875,-0.59375 1.5,-0.875 1.21875,-1.453125 c -0.171875,-0.375 -0.25,-0.703125 -0.265625,-1.3125 h 3.03125 C 3.90625,-3.40625 3.8125,-3.703125 3.5625,-4.015625 3.265625,-4.375 2.8125,-4.578125 2.296875,-4.578125 1.8125,-4.578125 1.34375,-4.40625 0.96875,-4.0625 0.515625,-3.65625 0.25,-2.953125 0.25,-2.140625 0.25,-0.75 0.953125,0.09375 2.09375,0.09375 c 0.921875,0 1.671875,-0.578125 2.078125,-1.65625 z m -3.046875,-1.4375 c 0.109375,-0.78125 0.453125,-1.15625 1.046875,-1.15625 0.609375,0 0.84375,0.28125 0.96875,1.15625 z m 0,0" + id="path1990" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-4"> + <path + d="M 0.1875,-3.96875 C 0.3125,-4 0.390625,-4 0.5,-4 c 0.265625,0 0.34375,0.15625 0.34375,0.625 v 2.53125 c 0,0.53125 -0.140625,0.6875 -0.6875,0.6875 V 0 h 2.1875 V -0.15625 C 1.828125,-0.171875 1.671875,-0.28125 1.671875,-0.671875 v -2.8125 c 0,-0.015625 0.078125,-0.109375 0.15625,-0.1875 0.234375,-0.21875 0.65625,-0.390625 1,-0.390625 0.4375,0 0.65625,0.34375 0.65625,1.046875 v 2.15625 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.671875 -0.671875,0.703125 V 0 h 2.203125 v -0.15625 c -0.5625,0 -0.703125,-0.171875 -0.703125,-0.796875 v -2.5 c 0.296875,-0.4375 0.625,-0.609375 1.078125,-0.609375 0.5625,0 0.734375,0.265625 0.734375,1.09375 V -0.875 c 0,0.578125 -0.078125,0.65625 -0.65625,0.71875 V 0 H 7.625 V -0.15625 L 7.375,-0.171875 C 7.078125,-0.1875 6.953125,-0.375 6.953125,-0.75 v -2.0625 c 0,-1.171875 -0.390625,-1.765625 -1.140625,-1.765625 -0.578125,0 -1.078125,0.25 -1.609375,0.828125 C 4.03125,-4.3125 3.6875,-4.578125 3.15625,-4.578125 c -0.421875,0 -0.703125,0.125 -1.515625,0.765625 v -0.75 L 1.5625,-4.578125 c -0.5,0.1875 -0.828125,0.296875 -1.375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path1993" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-5"> + <path + d="m 2.46875,-4.578125 c -1.28125,0 -2.1875,0.953125 -2.1875,2.328125 0,1.34375 0.921875,2.34375 2.15625,2.34375 1.25,0 2.1875,-1.046875 2.1875,-2.421875 0,-1.3125 -0.90625,-2.25 -2.15625,-2.25 z M 2.328125,-4.3125 c 0.828125,0 1.40625,0.96875 1.40625,2.328125 0,1.125 -0.4375,1.8125 -1.171875,1.8125 -0.390625,0 -0.75,-0.25 -0.953125,-0.640625 -0.28125,-0.515625 -0.4375,-1.21875 -0.4375,-1.921875 0,-0.953125 0.46875,-1.578125 1.15625,-1.578125 z m 0,0" + id="path1996" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-6"> + <path + d="m 4.703125,-4.484375 h -1.375 v 0.140625 c 0.3125,0.03125 0.46875,0.140625 0.46875,0.328125 0,0.09375 -0.03125,0.203125 -0.0625,0.296875 L 2.75,-1.140625 1.75,-3.6875 c -0.0625,-0.140625 -0.09375,-0.28125 -0.09375,-0.375 0,-0.171875 0.109375,-0.25 0.453125,-0.28125 V -4.484375 H 0.1875 v 0.140625 c 0.375,0.03125 0.4375,0.125 0.890625,1.15625 l 1.1875,2.859375 c 0.015625,0.0625 0.046875,0.125 0.078125,0.203125 0.0625,0.1875 0.125,0.265625 0.171875,0.265625 0.0625,0 0.125,-0.125 0.28125,-0.5 L 4.0625,-3.5625 c 0.28125,-0.671875 0.34375,-0.75 0.640625,-0.78125 z m 0,0" + id="path1999" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-7"> + <path + d="M 0.15625,-3.96875 C 0.21875,-4 0.3125,-4 0.421875,-4 c 0.28125,0 0.359375,0.140625 0.359375,0.625 v 2.484375 c 0,0.5625 -0.109375,0.703125 -0.609375,0.734375 V 0 h 2.09375 v -0.15625 c -0.5,-0.03125 -0.65625,-0.15625 -0.65625,-0.515625 V -3.46875 c 0.484375,-0.453125 0.6875,-0.5625 1.015625,-0.5625 0.484375,0 0.71875,0.296875 0.71875,0.953125 v 2.09375 c 0,0.625 -0.125,0.796875 -0.609375,0.828125 V 0 H 4.78125 V -0.15625 C 4.296875,-0.203125 4.171875,-0.3125 4.171875,-0.8125 v -2.28125 c 0,-0.9375 -0.4375,-1.484375 -1.15625,-1.484375 -0.453125,0 -0.765625,0.15625 -1.4375,0.796875 V -4.5625 l -0.0625,-0.015625 c -0.484375,0.171875 -0.8125,0.28125 -1.359375,0.4375 z m 0,0" + id="path2002" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-8"> + <path + d="M 3.921875,-1.5625 C 3.453125,-0.859375 3.09375,-0.625 2.53125,-0.625 1.640625,-0.625 1,-1.421875 1,-2.5625 c 0,-1.03125 0.546875,-1.734375 1.34375,-1.734375 0.359375,0 0.484375,0.109375 0.578125,0.484375 l 0.0625,0.21875 c 0.078125,0.28125 0.25,0.453125 0.46875,0.453125 0.25,0 0.46875,-0.1875 0.46875,-0.421875 0,-0.546875 -0.6875,-1.015625 -1.515625,-1.015625 -0.484375,0 -0.984375,0.1875 -1.390625,0.546875 -0.5,0.4375 -0.765625,1.125 -0.765625,1.90625 0,1.296875 0.78125,2.21875 1.859375,2.21875 0.453125,0 0.84375,-0.15625 1.203125,-0.46875 0.265625,-0.234375 0.453125,-0.5 0.75,-1.09375 z m 0,0" + id="path2005" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-9"> + <path + d="M 3.09375,-3.125 3.0625,-4.484375 H 2.953125 L 2.9375,-4.46875 c -0.09375,0.078125 -0.109375,0.078125 -0.140625,0.078125 -0.0625,0 -0.15625,-0.015625 -0.265625,-0.0625 -0.21875,-0.078125 -0.4375,-0.125 -0.6875,-0.125 C 1.0625,-4.578125 0.5,-4.0625 0.5,-3.34375 c 0,0.546875 0.3125,0.953125 1.15625,1.4375 l 0.5625,0.328125 c 0.34375,0.1875 0.515625,0.4375 0.515625,0.734375 0,0.4375 -0.3125,0.71875 -0.8125,0.71875 -0.34375,0 -0.640625,-0.125 -0.828125,-0.34375 -0.203125,-0.25 -0.296875,-0.484375 -0.421875,-1.046875 h -0.15625 v 1.5625 h 0.125 c 0.0625,-0.109375 0.109375,-0.125 0.21875,-0.125 0.09375,0 0.234375,0.015625 0.453125,0.078125 0.28125,0.0625 0.546875,0.09375 0.71875,0.09375 0.765625,0 1.390625,-0.578125 1.390625,-1.265625 0,-0.5 -0.234375,-0.828125 -0.828125,-1.1875 L 1.53125,-3 C 1.265625,-3.15625 1.109375,-3.40625 1.109375,-3.671875 c 0,-0.40625 0.3125,-0.6875 0.765625,-0.6875 0.5625,0 0.859375,0.34375 1.078125,1.234375 z m 0,0" + id="path2008" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-10"> + <path + d="m 3.046875,-4.484375 h -1.21875 v -1.15625 c 0,-0.578125 0.1875,-0.890625 0.5625,-0.890625 0.203125,0 0.34375,0.09375 0.515625,0.390625 0.171875,0.265625 0.28125,0.359375 0.453125,0.359375 0.21875,0 0.40625,-0.1875 0.40625,-0.40625 0,-0.359375 -0.421875,-0.625 -1.015625,-0.625 -0.609375,0 -1.140625,0.265625 -1.390625,0.734375 -0.25,0.4375 -0.328125,0.796875 -0.34375,1.59375 h -0.8125 v 0.3125 h 0.8125 v 3.140625 c 0,0.71875 -0.109375,0.84375 -0.8125,0.875 V 0 H 2.75 V -0.15625 C 1.953125,-0.171875 1.84375,-0.296875 1.84375,-1.03125 v -3.140625 h 1.203125 z m 0,0" + id="path2011" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-11"> + <path + d="m 5.625,-4.484375 v 0.140625 c 0.328125,0.078125 0.421875,0.140625 0.421875,0.3125 C 6.046875,-3.875 6,-3.640625 5.890625,-3.375 L 5,-1.15625 4.171875,-3.390625 C 4,-3.84375 4,-3.84375 4,-3.984375 4,-4.203125 4.109375,-4.265625 4.578125,-4.34375 v -0.140625 h -2 v 0.140625 c 0.359375,0.046875 0.484375,0.15625 0.6875,0.6875 0.0625,0.203125 0.125,0.390625 0.1875,0.5625 L 2.5625,-1.109375 1.578125,-3.703125 C 1.546875,-3.8125 1.53125,-3.90625 1.53125,-4 c 0,-0.21875 0.109375,-0.296875 0.453125,-0.34375 v -0.140625 h -1.78125 v 0.140625 c 0.234375,0.03125 0.3125,0.125 0.53125,0.640625 L 2.0625,-0.296875 C 2.171875,0 2.25,0.140625 2.3125,0.140625 c 0.046875,0 0.125,-0.125 0.25,-0.390625 l 1.09375,-2.390625 0.90625,2.34375 c 0.140625,0.375 0.171875,0.4375 0.234375,0.4375 0.0625,0 0.109375,-0.09375 0.265625,-0.484375 l 1.359375,-3.453125 c 0.1875,-0.421875 0.21875,-0.46875 0.40625,-0.546875 v -0.140625 z m 0,0" + id="path2014" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-12"> + <path + d="M 1.71875,-4.578125 0.203125,-4.03125 v 0.140625 H 0.28125 c 0.109375,-0.03125 0.234375,-0.03125 0.328125,-0.03125 0.234375,0 0.328125,0.15625 0.328125,0.59375 v 2.3125 c 0,0.71875 -0.09375,0.828125 -0.78125,0.859375 V 0 H 2.484375 V -0.15625 C 1.84375,-0.203125 1.765625,-0.296875 1.765625,-1.015625 V -4.5625 Z M 1.265625,-6.8125 c -0.265625,0 -0.5,0.234375 -0.5,0.515625 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.5,-0.21875 0.5,-0.5 0,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.515625 -0.5,-0.515625 z m 0,0" + id="path2017" /> + </g> + <g + id="glyph-32-13"> + <path + d="M 4.625,-3.875 V -4.25 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